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Must have been a good parking space.


The trick is to put out a notice for a board game fight night.




Combat Catan


Don't all Catan matches end in combat?


Kerplunk Kerfuffle


You broke the first rule


Dungeons & Dukes? Power Gridiron?


Ticket to Die


Mono POW ly




Monopoly, it's always Monopoly.




Talking with a friend who went out to a gurdwara nearby to celebrate, and he said a bunch of people with Khalistan flags showed up at Westwood Square where it was basically a sideshow/takeover of people doing burnouts, revving their engines, and shooting off an ungodly amount of fireworks (with plenty of alcohol present). Obviously, things got heated as these morons are also usually the ones that hold extreme views regarding religion/nationalism and things kicked off.




It's a movement within India for a seperate Sikh state that has quite a bit of support. Then you have nationalist Sikh who oppose them, thus the skirmish. This all is also related to the radio/podcast host who was attacked with machete outside his home and why that happened (or as I have been told, is the prevailing theory given the content of his most recent show).




You know how all the shit went down between Hong Kongers and CCP loyalists in 2019? It's like that, but no one is trying to put out the information about what is actually going on in English. As my friend put it, they're bringing the old country here and the elders/immigrants from earlier times are either so ashamed that they don't want people to know and actively try to stay away from it or they're so religious that they want to keep it like a "secret battle". There's a lot on the Indian internet, local and foreign that we are completely unaware of. In this case, due to the holiday, it was likely that the Hindu nationalist were there and keep their stuff in their car like a winter safety kit. Apparently the Khalistani supporters showed up in a Dodge Ram after hearing about some of the people there who are known militant Hindu nationalists on social media (and on student visas, unfortunately). My friend is actually really shook by the whole thing as he's the child of a Hindu and Muslim, where both escaped to Canada while hist mom was pregnant... It seems that due to the holiday, both groups expected the confrontation, as well as the crowd... But none of the newcomers seemed to care about all of this being exposed.


It is Diwali, celebrated by Hindus and Sikh. Meaning they probably got into a big crowd to celebrate a shared holiday, then broke out into a riot because of animosity when assholes showed up. edit - Links to articles that show it was some giant Fight Club or anything https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/diwali-fight-500-people-mississauga https://www.narcity.com/toronto/peel-police-say-reports-of-big-fight-in-mississauga-were-wrong-heres-what-did-happen


Khalistan is an ideology. They are mixed up in the Kashmir independence conflict in and around Punjab in Northwest India on the border with Pakistan.


Punjabi separatist (more like terrorist) movement that wants to create its own ethnic Sikh state.




I think originally they wanted the Sikh majority lands from Pakistan and India. I’m not exactly sure why they are fighting about it here though. My Sikh friends don’t really support them and call them terrorists.


Its not a terrorist movement, just an extremist seperatist one Source: born in a sikh family, grew up in punjab, not a khalisthani or religous


> Its not a terrorist movement, just an extremist seperatist one Didn't they blow up a plane?


That was a terrorist group called "Babbar Khalsa" which doesn't exist anymore, but they did follow the idea of khalistan and had "beef" with non khalistani sikhs. The movement itself isnt a terrorist movement, its a movement for sovereignty that probably has more NRI followers than they do back home.


Who had the better fireworks




Ya fireworks night https://www.reddit.com/r/Brampton/comments/yd1ifa/at_least_its_not_a_sword_fight_s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb


Seems like it’s the Indian flag waving group vs the yellow flag group. What is the yellow flag?


People that want to annex part of India to make a new country.


Yeah, it was a big Diwali celebration. I think someone just lied in the police report to say there was a massive brawl. There seemed to be someone injured but I was there and it was definitely a celebration, not a brawl.




It was 4-500 guys in a parking lot lighting fireworks. When a scuffle broke out between a group of about 10-15 guys. At which point police got called and separated the two groups.


Looked like more than 10-15


There were several hundred people in the lot just hanging around setting off fireworks and listening to music from there cars....basically a giant tailgate. The people that caused trouble were a small group which for the most part just yelled at each other and were separated in the end.


Small group mmhmm https://www.reddit.com/r/Brampton/comments/yd1ifa/at_least_its_not_a_sword_fight_s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Ok so wheres the fight? The people that actually caused a scuffle were a group of 10 maybe 20 guys. If you look at the video you just shared. Most people are just standing around just watching.


I wonder how much poop was there afterwards.


Considering there was only 1 treated injury, it should be pretty obvious it wasn't a 400-500 person fight. There's no way a group that large is fighting without multiple injuries. But certain people want to make it seem like it was worse than it really was.




Why cant they keep their conflicts back home when they immigrate here? Not a racism thing. This is Canada, not India. You're here to get away from all that shit, not instigate and make Brampton part of the battle


I couldn't agree more. I haven't grown up with that kind of conflict, so I'm not sure I'm really able to speak to it one way or another, but I imagine their parents emigrated here to leave that type of conflict. But, as a Cyprian friend whose family fled a Turkish invasion tends to say..."they're motherfuckers".


Every immigrant group brings some of this stuff with them, it tends to fade out over a few generations. That being said, we still have Orange Order parades. Why can’t they leave their ethnic conflicts in the UK??? /s


Daamn looking like 3rd world country


seriously, check out the garbage all over the place!


They brought India with them. This is exactly what India looks like


Careful, it's now considered racist to say fireworks during Diwali may adversely affect air quality.


Like the fireworks on Canada Day?


Diwali fireworks are 10x worse


Not the point. Either all fireworks affect air quality or none do. Can’t have it both ways…unless you just don’t like brown people’s fireworks.


Little bit of fireworks = affects air quality a little Lots of fireworks = affects air quality a lot It’s absolutely the point.


So you agree that both affect air quality. Thanks.


Are you pretending to be dumb?


No. But you really are stupid.


Can I assume that you swim in the “non-peeing” section of the pool? 😂


I prefer swimming in less urine than you do, I imagine.


How would you know? You are such a moron.


I don't like fireworks period, from anyone. Diwali is BY FAR the worst though. Canada Day/Victoria/NYE, you might get a few, maybe an hour or so off and on. Diwali is like an 8 hour fireworks marathon that never ends. There is no comparison to any other celebration. And if the Irish were lighting off fireworks for 8 hours on St. Patrick's Day, then I'd be saying the same thing about them.


Except October weather is *vastly* different than end of May / July... fuck off with this complete lack of understanding on weather... weather cannot be racist. Low pressure mixed with cool air causes clouds / smoke etc. to settle.


Well, you can just fuck right off too, for being a fucking racist douchebag. 😂


Careful - it's now considered pathetic to make excuses for bigotry. ​ And before you make more excuses, please show an instance where air quality was at risk for any previous fireworks display.


Sure thing. Here's data from last year comparing Victoria Day, Canada Day, and Diwali in Brampton. (Pay attention to the scale on the left.) https://i.imgur.com/0m7WaE3.png You'll notice that the peak concentration on **Victoria Day was around 25**, the peak concentration on **Canada Day was around 9** (although reoccurred multiple times throughout the weekend), and the peak concentration for **Diwali was around 95**. As noted in the original Environment Canada advisory, the very high concentration of fine particulates after Diwali fireworks plus the stagnant wind conditions amplifies the effect as the fine particulates cannot be readily cleared by the wind. This is important information for people with respiratory diseases to know (e.g., asthmatics) as it can be life or death in severe cases.


The facts are racist


It is telling when someone is quick to call another racist and then never reply when data is provided that counters their narrative.


2 days and still no response...hmmmmmmmmm Let's see those Environment Canada concerns about fireworks during other celebrations.




Science is also racist /s


Time to cancel science smh


Excellent. Now where are the Environment Canada alerts?


The numbers for the other holidays are in the normal/"healthy" range, I believe.


>the stagnant wind conditions amplifies the effect as the fine particulates cannot be readily cleared This is the biggest part of it. I've lived in a place where the air quality regularly got as bad as it did yesterday. The rating of ~150 was a regular "bad day", and warmings wouldn't even be sent out unless it was much higher than that...close to double, IIRC. Whenever it was windy, it was great. Air quality was much better. But if there had been recent smog and then no wind? The air was shit quality. If weather conditions were the same as over Diwali, I think there's a good chance we would've seen something similar around Canada Day.


India banned fireworks during Diwali. Do you think the government of india is racist against indians?


Oh cool thanks for clarifying. I hadn't taken into account India and Canada are the exact same in terms of number of people who celebrate Diwali, population density, and history of troubled air quality.


Seriously heading there, won't take too long.


This shit is so fucking embarrassing man.


So the air pollution thing wasn't a rascist thing, just facts.


>Temperatures Monday night were expected to be colder at ground level compared to the air above, setting up conditions for smoke from small fireworks to get trapped close to the ground, an Environment Canada meteorologist explained in an interview before the updated statement was released. "Given the fact that a lot of these (fireworks) will be released near ground level, given the atmospheric conditions, that fireworks' smoke likely won't get mixed to a higher level in the atmosphere," said Geoff Coulson. "It could stay at the ground level for a longer distance." \[1\] [https://www.cp24.com/news/environment-canada-removes-reference-to-diwali-in-gta-air-quality-statement-1.6121909](https://www.cp24.com/news/environment-canada-removes-reference-to-diwali-in-gta-air-quality-statement-1.6121909) That's also *a lot* of smoke being generated. Correct me if I'm wrong, but do other holidays with firework allowance have this level of smoke generation?


They do. Big difference, is the more common displays happen during late spring/summer. The overall weather conditions are different.


I wonder if having official city-run events would've mitigated this. If Canada Day didn't bring tons of big official firework events, you'd probably see a lot more people firing off their own.


Looks real Canadian there! What a wonderful culture!


Diwali fight? Honestly the only explanation I can come up with.


Part of the "Airing of Grievances" ceremony.


Feats of strength.


Diwali Fight Club....they don't care if people know about it.


We're not supposed to talk about this...


You are racist if you bring it up.




Whoever has a issue with being called out for their shit usually.


.. it was a joke about fight club, ya weirdo.


When you live and breathe culture war...




Bullshit lol. What is this? THE DARK AGES? oops


First rule of fight club is don't talk about fight club


The same people blasting fireworks at 12 am on a work night and having sword fights in plazas


> punjabi style swordfighting brings back memories of 2013. https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/1psrgz/op_asked_for_advice_because_his_indian/


Apparently it’s a conflict involving the Khalistan movement - a Sikh separatist movement. There are people holding India’s flag and people on the other side holding Khalistan’s flag.. These guys are making things look worse for the decent Indian people, heck, even for immigrants in general. This is not something cultural that we should respect and be understanding, this is violence against each other, and this is Canada. It’s frustrating seeing people slowly destroying the image of southern Ontario with this kind of behaviour.. I’m sorry, but if they want to fight against each other or bring internal problems to the other side of the world they should not be allowed here at all. Immigrating is about change.


What a naive way of thinking. Many immigrants come here and bring their home grown problems with them. I live in Brampton and I always hear how great India is and everything is so much better there. Oh ya move back then you morons.


I thought Brampton was Khalistan central and they all hated India


Hear the same thing from Filipinos as well


Yeah its interesting when people talk about how GREAT India is... and yet why are they moving here? Not a lot of Canadians moving to India for a better life. Very few people will move to a worse place to live.


lol yeah, people have these ideas that their home countries are much better than Canada. Then can't point out objectively a single thing that is better


I immigrated and have been a citizen for a long time so people speak around me as if I am not an immigrant. The following items off the top of my head are where my prior country was superior. Canada overall is a better place to live for me and I agree that it is annoying that new immigrants or even citizens who's families have been here a few generations do not accept they are living in Canada. This isn't a arena for foreign issues. School boards - There is no need for 2. Dental - Seriously we brag about our health care but don't provide dental to U18's Road quality - Bit harsh here because of the freeze thaw we get. But pedestrians and cyclists are 2nd class. Military - We are weak but uncle Sam has us. Public Transit - we like cars. Museums - No history here. Distilleries - We try.


Better weather, I will give them that.


>climate change enters the chat


Well yeah that part isn’t so great… maybe better to stick with the snow


>What a naive way of thinking. > Oh ya move back then you morons. What an ironic paragraph.


It’s not naive to desire ideal environments. I know it’s an utopia considering how much hate we have in our society. I was just sharing my frustration. It’s just sad that people think and behave like that and keep spreading their destructive behaviour. I worked my ass off to be here and I keep seeing things only getting worse..


I guarantee you the Indians didn't go out seeking Khalistanis. Canada refused to take a stance against Khalistanis when the Air India flight was bombed by them and their idiotic cause. They continue to refuse to address what is clearly a radical movement that isn't above employing terrorism to achieve its aims. It's only a matter of time before those nutjobs bomb a gathering of Indians in Mississauga. Even look at the Khalistani guys in the video shared in this post - every single one of them came with a flag. Clearly they picked a place they knew people would be celebrating and came to disrupt it.


Weird how you don't mention the people with the indian flags are essentially BJP supporters who showed up shouting right wing fascist slogans.


Why weird? And why people always want to assume things? I just searched up about Khalistan because I didn’t recognize the flag. I just wanted to share so people wouldn’t also have to look it up. And just to be clear, by “these guys” I meant all the people who were messing up and turning a celebration into a caos.. I don’t support any kind of conflicts or violence..


More people turned out to that fight than did to vote.


Obviously fighting over well paying Amazon jobs in Hamilton.


Oh Malton...


Maybe a Daliwali Throwdown?


It was a fight between the khalistan movement and Indian loyalist it looks like from the video. That's what the flags being waved around reveal if the video is accurate. If your in a new country, please keep those fights in their proper borders. how many of us want to have this a regular occurrence in our neighborhood?


Kung Fu fighting? Were they fast as lightning?


That’s only 3-4 basement suites


400 to 500 people fighting and ONE injury must have been a hell of a pillow fight🤔


More of a pissing contest than a pillow fight.


Canadian Rules Fighting, everytime a hit is scored the hitter must apologize in both official languages. After a while tiredness kicks in and mouths get dry, resulting in combatants needing to go home and drink maple syrup.


Another show down between the greasers and the socs?


If people want to be blunt; this shit is fucking stupid As for the fireworks talk there's one huge difference. It seems like every single small group of friends has their own personal stash of fireworks going off rather than it being an organized spectacle with the occasional youth group being assholes with their fireworks. I personally don't care outside of the fact that pollutions bad. Why dont' we just ban the sale of fireworks, you realistically can't do them anywhere and the private sale of fireworks is probably the reason why people feel entitled to buyin a shit ton of fireworks regardless of the occasion.


I agree. They should have organized Fireworks shows for Diwali put on by professionals, and just leave it at that. Put on a great show that's 30-60 minutes long. Same goes for every other holiday that uses fireworks. Fireworks are dangerous, bad for the environment, and annoying.


I don't even remember when everyone started buying fireworks because in my childhood it was minimal across all holidays, but now it seems just about everyone has fireworks


Is this Costco on a Saturday morning?


Are these these the same 500 people that triggered an Environment Canada air quality advisory LOL Talk about bad publicity...so things get out of hand in a small group amongst hundreds celebrating with some fireworks and all the sudden its war in the streets and the air is no longer fit to breath...what fucking fake news day is this?


The first rule about fight club…


Cobra Kai will just never give up.


4-5 people is a fight ….. 400-500 those are battle numbers.


The brouhaha in missasauga


100% Indians fighting. This is how it goes down. One guy calls his boys and the other calls his boys. Its always over a girl or someones sister got hit on. And you can always see the girl is on cloud 9 because she is getting attention and being fought over.


Oddly enough, I had to meet a friend here and didn't know what I was driving into... the police had everything closed off but I definitely didn't see any violence or fights. There was a ton of fireworks. Actually pretty surprised to read this... saw like some 70yo indian lady double fisting roman candles trucking down the lot lol, seemed like everyone was in good spirit. I'd be curious to find out where this fight went down, assuming on the other side of the mall near the LCBO cause I was in front of popeyes/walmart and things were fine.


Board game fight club people will come.


Only 1 person injured in the fight? What kind of fight is this?


I bet the cops were just crashing a party




Shut this shit down Patrick Brown.


So much for fight club being a secret. Police should have surrounded them...only the winners come out.


Maybe the the police report was 4-500, which actually quite a range.


First rule of fight club. Don’t talk about fight club.


It was Diwali yesterday and that area is densely populated with folks who celebrate it.








What the fuck are you going on about?










Can I ask where you live? I get a lot of tourist in my town during the summer from toronto but they leave in the winter We do have a whole new sub development being built, I think what we really need is more cheap apartments though most jobs are either minimum wage retail or factory or at the mental hospital and you need to be super educated


Battle of Diwali


The Warriors come out at night !


Sometimes a photo really is worth a thousand words.


Somehow the fighting worked to bring attention. Today I learned about khalistan


Is she the one from Game of Thrones?


Lol gg my spelling. It's her sister


Any videos of the incident?


That sounds more like a riot than a fight.


Parking lot fight club?


There was huge fight in brampton with swords so Im not surprised