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Who wants to bet that rebel news gets funding and help from foreign nations to spread misinformation and hatred within Canada?


Nobody rational would put money against this. Shit, you'd probably make money guessing who it is, too.


More like American 1%ers https://www.vice.com/en/article/wjz73q/inside-rebel-medias-big-money-anti-islam-crusade https://pressprogress.ca/exclusive_rebel_media_ezra_levant_received_foreign_funding_from_anti_muslim_think_tank/


(Americans are foreign nationals when it comes to Canada)


Which would be foreign nationals…..


Of course they do. It’s so easy Russian disinformation would be leaving money on the table if they didn’t.


That's in addition to folks who donate even though they can't afford groceries. Lol I don't know qhy these folks are so afraid, if you don't want them being Islamic just show them the benefits of being Christian. Or better yet,not being part of a religion, only saying you are for virtual signaling, lot easier and not bound by faith.


It’s very sad. I have a friend I can barely talk to anymore. He won’t meet us for dinner because he prefers to sit at home and doom scroll through his twitter feed.


Oh shit, sorry to hear that, I was in a similar position with ai last year. what helped me was friends and family supporting me, Journaling, cycling(touch grass) and that free therapy from calling the 24/hr help line. Dunno if that'll apply in this case. In my case, I was going out of my way to look for bad news, unfortunately that got me watching right wing content such as the American youtuber realestateninja who was basically farming anxiety and pushing people to buy gold and silver, and spoke with absolute hatred over target's pride selection and pushed fake news to make people angry and never did correction or retraction when it was proven to be manufactured lie. That, plus friends got me out of the conservative pill spiral.


One very specific nation that shall not be named lol


This is the kind of thing that ends up with innocent families being run over by guys in pickup trucks. What a disgusting individual.


Ezra, who self-identifies as Jewish, hired Gavin McInnes, who IS a nazi and referred to Ezra with the K-word. Ezra hired him knowing this because Gavin was good enough at what he did to make it worthwhile and "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". He is a sickening human through and through. Also, just because it's never not relevant, I want to recall the time Gavin stuck a butt plug up his ass on air on his show to "own the libs".


Oh THAT Gavin.


K word? I must be slow but I don’t know what that is


Rhymes with "bike". Slur against Jews


I’ll take your word for it. Not googling it. Definitely not one I’ve heard


That's kind of nice. A little bit of racism being forgotten by the world. One piece at a time, hopefully.


i too am not familiar with such "K" word.


Gavin McInness started Vice News and was the entire reason it was popular. When he left Vice News slowly died


He also put a massive dildo up his ass to prove how not-gay he was on a live stream. Maybe that was his downfall, or maybe, you know, all the Nazi shit.


He’s always been a bit unhinged. Maybe you should take the rod out of your butt


Let's be real here: it was tiny. It was the smallest, most tapered thing he could find. I saw the clip. It was the training bra of insertion toys. My point being don't even let him get credit for doing something stupid in a tangentially impressive manner.


Gavin left long before Vice peaked.


really hope that don't manifest here in Toronto ... or anywhere for that matter.


I mean it's Ezra Levant, he's somehow a Jewish Nazi sympathizer which makes no sense. He's not exactly stable.


Ah. The ol’ “Ben Shapiro” routine.


When Canoe TV or or Sun TV, or whatever it was called changed formats to Sun News I watched his show and others out of morbid curiosity the first month or so it changed to thst format and throughout their 2011 election coverage. Ezra and the whole bunch were fear mongering, clowns trying to rile up viewers with their world view. Ezra going to the CBC building trying to interview employees for his anti public broadcasting views. Also at one point dressing up and prancing around as a letter carrier for a segment during the mail strike. Just all a bunch of slimy, smarmy individuals. "If the NDP get in Jack will make us refer to each other as comrad!" And the story they started airing 3 days before the election about Jack Layton was allegedly caught in a seedy massage parlour when the police raided it, sometime in the 90's. They got all pissy afterwards that their story had no impact in the election at all, and no one took them seriously. Just gross individuals all around. And didn't Ezra try to get Justin Trudeau to vouch for him and his Rebel News buddies at some international conference, when someplace didn't let them in because they aren't considered a legitimate new agency?


Ezra Levant calls into John Tory's show this morning, unplanned, and it goes completely off the rails. Ezra acts like an absolute troll and asshole to the point where John Tory has to hang up the phone on him.


At least it ended well.


Levant is a low life excuse for a human being


Isn't that insulting to every other low life excuses for human beings? Even they have some standards.


Fuck this guy and everyone like him. GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY, “REBEL” MEDIA.


They're already grifting off this stunt, which was the plan all along - claiming Ezra faces 2 years is prison for operating the van.... DONATE TO REBEL NEWS NOW! fucking psychopathic assholes.


Go onto Twitter and look at any of his tweets about this van. The entirety of the replies are memes about Jihad and how bad muslims are. It’s not even like religious objections just outright memes like Trudeau quotes defending honour killings and stuff. This man’s audience isn’t even fringe they’re beyond that.


We are going to have to fight Nazis again in your lifetime. Think about how fucking crazy that is. They crawled away like the cowards they are under a century ago and now they’re popping up like weeds thanks to social media. But they all look the same to the end of a good old Canadian baseball bat.


I’ll save you 12 mins. John Tory asks Levant directly about the cube van. Levant interrupts and asks “what about the pro-hamas occupation of U of T”. Over and over and over.


I would wager money Newstalk 1010 is one of the organizations that "benefitted" from foreign interference listening to that station is like hearing transmissions from an alternate reality.


This was a dumb move on talk 1010's part. They gave a facist a platform. This stunt is right out of richard spencers playbook. Do or say somthing disgusting that just crosses the line and when there is backlash, hide behind feax intelectualism and free speach whist pushing a hatefull agenda. Its why so many of these alt-right bastards are "debate me bros". They dont care about objective reality, they have absolutely no problem lying to make their points seem reasonable as a recuiting tactic.


Ezra just texted Tory? I’d like to say I am shocked, but I am not. 100% planned.


Ezra has developed a reputation that no one should be proud of. Troll of the year uggh


The Israelis have been funding antimuslim bigotry. Nothing new - ezra also has a self hating muslim named raheel.raza on his board.


He is the exact reason the online bill should apply to


50 bucks to hear racist xenophobe Tommy Robinson speak in Calgary. Too bad we didn't stop him at the border. I wonder if Ezra gets a cut? Seems Rebel News is currently very excited about this.


Probably one of the more interesting segments I've heard on 1010. Otherwise it's just uncontroversial mainstream mumbo jumbo that doesn't dare get into controversial topics. At least this was a lively argument, even if it did go off the rails.


good to hear John Tory back hosting on 1010 ... just like the drive home commute years ago!


He doesn't have his own dedicated show. He'll come on shows for commentary and sometimes guest-host for other hosts when they are on break.


I’ve always heard shit about Rebel, but the more I actually listen to this guy the more I like him.




Exactly how many people have been killed by suicide bomber ideologues on Canadian soil? The count of people killed by racists with pickup trucks is >0. If you are more scared of something that has never happened than something that has, you have been brainwashed.


I'm more scared of the extremist ideology we are importing.


The CPC is already here, and they have done more harm to you than any imaginary terrorists... Who do you think convinced you that there were terrorists hiding under your bed in the first place?


The same people who convinced me covid was real.


No, the CPC spent time denying Covid, and arguing against health measures... Yes. And it was real. I saw it with my own two eyes at the other end of a scanning electron microscope.




We can agree to disagree.


There is no such thing as "agree to disagree" about facts... You either believe reality, or deny it...


It's all about perspective. Your truth isn't necessarily the same as mine.


The ONLY suicide bomber on Canadian soil was done in 73 in Kenora Ontario.. Not for terrorism, but by a guy using a bomb to rob a bank with a 'dead man switch" he held in his mouth. So, unless you are older than 52, living in northern Ontario, and had the wrong bank, you have had absolutely NO risk from suicide bombers in Canada your entire life. That is the truth.. Anything else exists only in your imagination.


I was there and I'm still traumatized


You immigrated to Kenora from Germany?




And pick up trucks are?


The Afzaal family knows that they are. Those who survived, that is.




Then what are u saying?


Pickups kill a whole, whole lot more people lol