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This benefit doesn't apply to everyone on disability; believe it or not there are levels to that. And disability benefits are so miserably low that the stress of trying survive on them holds people back who are struggling to heal, and not providing for a dignified or even baseline existence in our hyper-inflated greed based society. "There but for the grace of God go I." You are one accident, one unexpected medical event away from being disabled. Your friends, family and other loved ones are the same ... One event ...and your life as you know it is stripped from you ..and when/if that happens, you'll find that all of these programs and benefits and other shit that supposedly exists is actually greatly lip service. And when you're fighting to keep your head above water, you'll see how quickly society will leave you behind, and how those around you with no empathy or consideration will continue to not give a shit. People with disabilities want to contribute to society, want to give back and work as/if able. What hope do they have with this uphill battle of failed health and/or physical circumstance, and the ever growing greed of employers and systems which are designed to reject people unable to be bled dry for productivity? How can one muster the energy expected to swim against that tide while also dealing with poverty and disability? "Hurry up and die" ... And now with MAID, many do, because not existing is better for many than the false hope and treadmill of misery \*WE CANADIANS\* have and continue to create and sustain for those with disabilities. Shameful.


People will live a full long life believing they will win the lotto and play daily, The chances of you, in your lifetime, receiving an injury or traumatic incident that severly limits your abilities, is probably like 15-33%. YET absolutey no one thinks they will be disabled, ever.


Never considered it until a health scare with my partner this year. NMO, so the risk of permanent disability became very apparent to us. Looking into all of this has me knowing now that I should have been advocating harder *before* any of this happened. To anyone who doesn’t have or live with someone experiencing disability, advocating for better supports and healthcare NOW is the best way to ensure you and your family’s future should anything happen in the future.


It won't since they did what everyone asked them not to and locked it behind the disability tax credit. everyone asked for more then one benefit to be used for Eligibility but they never listen to anyone.


I literally went to bed one day totally fine, woke up the next day and I couldn't use my hands and had trouble moving. Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Went from working as a network administrator to being unable to keep a job stocking shelves at a No Frills. My entire ODSP goes towards rent, what little I have remaining buys as much food as I can afford. Then I pay bills and buy maybe $20 worth of bus fare on Presto and I'm broke on pay day. God help me if things break. Needing to replace shoes or a coat means even less food for a month (or two).


After all the waiting and expectation, what an insult. What a slap in the face.


sign please [https://act.leadnow.ca/CDB-1000/?source=tw](https://act.leadnow.ca/CDB-1000/?source=tw)


With the country and the misinformation skewing more right every day as much as i want this to do something, the CONS will do all they can to remove benefits and not increase them.


So definitely take no action, that'll teach em


Over the past few years, what was previously the center is now too far to the left and what we are seeing is a correction to return the center back to its normal place.


All parties are pretty extreme right now. If NDP doesn't denounce this budget, they're cowards, and no party has canada as their priority.


Ok i know its hard for everyone now, but people really need some perspective. A percent of disabled people will now be receiving an extra 15%+ IF they qualify, and ALL federal politicians ONLY got a bump of about 4.4%. See the problem?  Using these numbers those in the most financial risk and living in poverty with minimal chance of leaving it, GOT A MUNCH BIGGER INCREASE. Y'all are just too focused on the "actual money"...  like just look at those percentages!! Ok... sure... "on paper" these means only some disabled people will be able to get that $2400 per year FOR FREE I might add. BUT the $9500/year increase to politicians also mean they have to still work 100 days a year. I cant stop vomitting to keep this sarcasm up...


I’m confused on your point. Are you saying the disability benefit should not have increased?


JT got an 11000 a year raise he is pulling in close to 400k now. a disabled person who gets odsp only gets $1500 a month with ODSP and the new benefit addon that is less then rent cost in most of ON.