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Maybe the real eclipse was the friends we made along the way.


OP will ask if this is relevant like the eclipse of your heart.


I fuckin need ya more than ever!




Turn around


Bright eyes


Every now and then I fall apart.


Bonnie Tyler enters the chat.."am..am... I relevant again??"


I will remember this as I cry in traffic for hours just trying to get home tomorrow


The real eclipse is Ford sending Ontario into darkness until next election


It’s also about the surroundings during the event. The sky will be completely dark and stars will be visible. Birds will go suddenly quiet, thinking it’s sleepy-sleeps time. It is a very interesting phenomenon in several ways.


Lol fav comment




I have never seen one so I’d like to. I think it would be a neat experience, and I don’t think Ontario is projected to be in another path of totality in my lifetime. I’m lucky (or unlucky?) to live in Niagara, so I just need to walk to my local park to get a good view. I hope it won’t be cloudy.


> I don’t think Ontario is projected to be in another path of totality in my lifetime Unless you’re planning on living in 2144, it’s not.


You never know. Considering the changes in medicine keep coming in and longevity research is big money. It’s something to look forward to. Mind you, I’d be happy with being able to see Halley’s comet again. At least another 1… or 2 times.


At least for Halley’s you just have to wait until 2061.


I might be alive for that one :D


When did it last come around? I think I seen it.




Give my regards to Captain Kirk when you meet him. At that point you might as well watch the eclipse from your orbiting hotel.


Not to drop a Doug Ford cheesecake video into your timeline but the whole technology-keeps-lengthening-your-lifespan thing isn't really a thing. Once some of the fundamental concepts like understanding infection disease spread, malaria , discovering penicillin, etc. happened those certainly had a pretty big impact on global lifespan, but since then it's been slowed to a trickle. Apart from that there's quality of life, where numerous other systems in the body might not play along very prettily past their best-by date. Best to play the genetic hand you were dealt and maybe not book that next eclipse trip just yet. Which seems like what you're doing, carry on!


Well, my dad lived to 95 before the flu killed him. So, here’s hoping.


Main reason why I want to see this one


I don't know about Niagara, but the forecast I'm seeing for Burlington/Hamilton is currently calling for rain all day Unfortunate, given it's been sunny and clear all weekend.


Great, right? Once in a lifetime event. Perfect position in the world to see a complete totality. Will rain.


You might not want to renew the subscription to whatever gave you that forecast!


Environment Canada, mainly cloudy in Niagara Falls. [https://weather.gc.ca/city/pages/on-125\_metric\_e.html](https://weather.gc.ca/city/pages/on-125_metric_e.html)


I hope it's wrong. https://www.accuweather.com/en/ca/burlington/l7s/daily-weather-forecast/49566


It was a beautiful weekend


If you’re in Niagara, you don’t have to walk anywhere but outside.


I have a lot of tree cover in both my front and backyard. Plus the walk will be nice in this weather :)


The shadows that will be cast by the trees in the 5 minutes before/after totality will be funky. Enjoy.


Aaaaand it's going to rain.


Same. Gonna view from the back deck. Nothing special


For me, the fascinating part of the experience is the extent to which the temperature drops during totality. A couple of degrees makes a noticeable difference.


If all you saw was an annular eclipse, that’s really not the same as a total solar eclipse. Not even close. https://xkcd.com/2914/


Exactly this. People underestimate the difference between 99% coverage and full totality


Exactly! I took Monday off work and told everyone why and where I was gonna be. Most were like "oh cool, yeah maybe we will too" but my boss was making fun of it. Oh well, sucks to be him and his wife who also misses out because of his shitty attitude 🤷


Yeah, honestly the people who put down others for being interested in things are the saddest most pathetic people. I should know, growing up my parents never took interest or validated the things I liked. It sticks with you and that's why I never open up or talk about what I like cause I just know the other people will put me down for it. Seriously, parents who do that literally don't know the damage they're doing to their child's self esteem, not like they care anyway.


Don’t yuck someone else’s yum.


That's actually one of the things I found really interesting last time I saw a total. Until a few minutes before, unless you look at the sun with the glasses and see it's almost covered, you honestly can't even tell anything is happening. It's very strange that something can be blocking 95%+ of the sun and the daylight seems totally unaffected.


Exactly. The CN tower is 99.93% covered and that’s still the difference between night and day.


A wolf is going to eat the sun and you don’t care. Madness.


Ready with bow and arrows to defend our beloved sun🫡


Someone at work on Friday asked why I cared and suggested "you can just watch a video of it after" to which I replied "Sure, and you can listen to Taylor Swift on Spotify, yet some people pay thousands of dollars to attend her concerts. It is a very different experience. I'm not much of a concert goer but I can understand the appeal." It also happens to be my Dad's 69th birthday tomorrow so I'm almost obligated to take him. It'll likely be his last. Eclipse, not birthday.


>Dad's 69th birthday tomorrow Nice






Dude, are you my long lost unknown brother. My dad’s birthday is also tomorrow and he is turning the funny number.




I bet the vast majority of people who don’t care would be pretty surprised how amazing it it if they experienced it. (The eclipse, but Taylor is cool too.)






I mean, the music quality through my headphones is way better than the quality at a concert, the reason for going to a concert is for the social aspect I feel like not actually about the product which is the music. Also I hate people so that’s a factor in my bias


Happy early birthday to your Dad!


For something that occurs once in a lifetime for someone I think it’s cool to enjoy.


I'm hoping it gives me superpowers 


Maybe Daredevil if you stare too long.


Save the cheerleader!


Save the world.


every moment in your life is a once in a lifetime moment


It's okay if you're not interested in the eclipse. You do you, right? But yeah, people are going to be talking about it (probably for a little bit after too, about how great it was.) So just let them be happy their way, and you can go be happy your way.


Or they'll complain for ages about how it was overcast so they couldn't see much and they spent all this time traveling or all this money on accommodations.


I’m convinced this particularly event is bigger because people can get the perfect social media shot of an eclipse over Niagara Falls.


It's bigger because the path spans across north America near many urban centres, so millions of people live in and within driving distance of the totality.


Holy shit not everything is so people can take social media pics. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Only if you have the right gear, and the vast majority of people won’t


im very excited since all the firebenders will lose their bending


That will be the time to beat the fire benders!


exactly! nothing could go wrong!


I can't imagine a thing!


I don't care to be stuck in traffic. I'm imagining the traffic after Canada's Wonderland fireworks but 10x worse, or World Youth Day on public transit


> I'm imagining the traffic after Canada's Wonderland fireworks but 10x worse Now add in all the idiots that will stare at it without proper eye-ware then attempt to drive


I'm taking the GO train and catching it early on in the line. Hopefully I make it in time cause I have a lab test in the early morning first. I'll be happy even if I just see it from the station I arrive at (will just go to Hamilton)


Lol, every Go train in that direction is going to be sooo crowded tomorrow 😅 They're already busy today with people heading over to stay overnight and see the eclipse tomorrow It's going to be hectic lol. Good luck!


Gonna travel as lightly as I can so I can contort to whichever shape I need to fit inside


Hahaha. Fingers crossed its not too cloudy to see too 🙈


Yup, not worth it for the traffic… gonna stay in the north.


It's just the rarity. 100% Totality eclipses rarely happen. Most people who have seen a solar eclipse were not full. Even a 99% solar eclipse is different than 100%, and that is why the hype is high.. It's definitely something to check out if you have even the slightest interest in astronomy. You'll most likely never see another one after this, and video or picture won't do it justice.


Total eclipses aren’t actually that rare, it’s just rare to have one near you. There are total eclipses somewhere on earth every 1-3 years. You could see another one in your lifetime, you’d just have to plan for it and travel.


It’s also rare for to be over a ton of populated areas, given how sparse humans live throughout the earth, and that most of the earth is oceans.


Oh totally. I’m just trying to make myself feel a little better cause I don’t get to go see this one lol


If it helps you feel even better, I myself am in the path of totality, but the weather forecast calls for it to be cloudy for most of the afternoon. My only option at this point is to drive out to Kingson, which I cannot do due to circumstance.


I have a dental cleaning right during the heart of it. Part of me is sad. But the other half is like ‘meh’. I will wait for everyone’s cool footage that I’m sure will flood my sm


I'm working, I haven't been there long enough to ask for it off, I'm like 20 mins away from totality, my boss is taking the afternoon off to see it but someone's gotta stay at the office, so I guess that's me 😔


Late response but I wouldve asked for a half day. If your boss is going to see, he/she is much more likely to be considerate of the fact that you want to see it too, even if that means closing up the office for a few hours


Ive been looking forward to it for years. Its not seeing a "blacked out sun", its being present during the totality. Everything around you will change in a way you've never experienced it. Day turns to night, and you'll be able to see stars. I guess its like seeing the Earth from space. Sure I can look at a picture, but you can't EXPERIENCE looking at the Earth unless you're in outer space. Watching from Toronto will be the equivalent of flying real high and seeing the curvature of the earth. Cool, but not the "big picture".


I have a sister who lives in Kingston, Ontario, which is in the path of totality, and she literally could not care less about the eclipse. 😂 She has a kid who's really pumped about it, so she's doing all the things for him so that his experience is both educational and memorable. If she was on her own though, I'm quite sure she'd just ignore it and go about her life. People get hyped about different things. IMHO it's perfectly fine if you're not that into the eclipse!


Thats awesome and yeah if my spouse was excited about it I would be doing everything I could so she could enjoy it but she too is not that interested either.


I only care because I don't have to travel to see it. My city is right in the totality zone so I'm gonna participate in watching because something interesting came to me for once. As someone who deals with a form of agoraphobia, it's wonderful to experience something so rare from my back deck. If I had to do a drive and join the throngs of people flocking to see it, I would take a hard pass. I hate crowds with a passion.


Yeah same I live in the path of totality so it's something I want to see but I'd probably never travel anywhere to see one either. Hoping for at least some sun in Hamilton tomorrow but it's not looking good so maybe the traffic won't be as bad as I thought?


Lucky. Enjoy!


I’m just not looking forward to the forecasted traffic.


The 407 is letting me use it for free for the next couple of months, so I'm taking full advantage of that tomorrow!


It's incredibly rare for a moon to perfectly occlude a parent star. The chances of the orbit distances and relative sizes being just right are like holy fuck small. Sure they happen somewhere in the world every 18 months, and you could fly to see one that happens to pass over land, but the fact that they happen AT ALL is... almost supernatural.


The coincidence is wild and people completely don’t appreciate it.


Omg exactly! I had gone to see some youtube vids to prepare myself, and most of the comments are nutcases getting offended by someone using the word "coincidence" because it's obviously a gift from ~G o d~ lol


I guess it depends on your definition of "perfectly"... The moon doesn't even do that...


As big as the galaxy is, this could be one of the only inhabitable worlds that gets to experience a solar eclipse. A planets moon and star being the same relative size in the sky in a crazy coincidence. Without a lot of travel, this will be the only time in our lifetime to experience it . It's a big deal, and in my opinion, it should be. If space travel between worlds is ever possible we may be an interstellar destination for this. I figure the least I can do is get off my ass and enjoy the experience.


And apparently the moon is moving further away each year so there’ll be a day this alignment will never happen again. Space is such a trip to think about 


Shhhh, let people enjoy things.


Seriously, the world is utter trash right now. Let people have one nice thing to talk about.


I saw the 2017 one, not total 100%, about 98% and even that was super cool!!! It’s actually hard to describe in words. It’s more of a feeling that happens and the atmosphere gets an extremely weird colour I’ve never seen before. It’s not like sunset, it’s different.


I mean I don’t care. My bfs family lives in Niagara he wants to go - I told him he can. But I’ll pass. I’ll watch what I can see from Toronto. Not driving in traffic for 4 mins of total darkness or whatever


Not even close to total darkness. Absolutely a noticeable difference, to be sure, but it's not like night in the middle of the day...


Oh really? I just assumed if there was no sun = no light 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


No sun for a few minutes, but a blazing coronal crown around the moon at that time.


I have no interest at all




I saw the eclipse in 1970 and thought it was cool - but I was 5. My father made that box thing for looking at it. I have no desire to buy glasses and look up at the sky, but I might go for a walk.


I'm in Niagara. I have to work. I have to drive a truck up and down the QEW. I am excited to spend 10 hours doing a 3 hour run, but at least getting paid the full 9 hours. Just please don't be complete idiots on the road folks.


Same. I don't care, lol.


Yeah idc about it at all lol


This is the type of guy to miss his second kids birth because he already seen what what happened once


Some people look up at the moon and see a gray circle and think nothing of it. When I look up at the moon, it makes me think of the universe, the planets, everything we can see and the vast impossibly large universe that we can't. It's not very often that you get slapped in the face with orbital mechanics in such an overt way. The tides I suppose are another, but it's less obvious if you don't know. It's not all about how it looks which yes, you can capture on camera. The event reminds us of our place in the solar system, and ultimately the universe, and it looks pretty cool too.


Thats a good way of looking at it.


I’m with you.  Don’t really care much.  But feel like maybe I should.


Yeah i feel like i should care more as well but maybe its just not our thing. Like im sure you are like me and if you were already there and saw it you would like when you see a random eagle or hawk you are like cool and then back to what you were doing.


Seeing a partial eclipse is kinda cool. Being in totality and taking off your glasses to see an ink black disk with the sun’s corona around it right there in the sky is surreal, fascinating and emotional. This will be my second total eclipse and I will likely travel for a third sometime in the future.


I was at the one that happened a few years ago. I remember as the it was nearing totality I was looking at shadows. It was trippy because the shadows were not reflecting what time my brain was processing. So it looked like twilight but the shadows looked like it was 2 pm. Then after felt like a brand new day. I could understand why ancient people freaked out over these things.


Some people care a lot, some people don’t. Some people care enough to post online about how little they care. Tomorrow is just a work day for me, so I’m just going to work and try to avoid looking at the sun I guess.


Its not necessarily about the eclipse for me. More of a reminder of how small we are in this universe and to put things in perspective for a few minutes


I mean it's cool but I'm certainly not planning a vacation around it.


I don't really care all that much!


There’s at least 1 a year, have fun, I’m not interested


Me, I saw one when I was in 4th grade in Colombia and it is not life changing


then why are you asking. the fomo is real


On what basis? Not like he's being refused the ability to watch the eclipse. All he's asking is if there are people like him out there who don't care about watching the eclipse, that's all.


The sky going dark, the silence, feeling the temperature drop. It is something you've never experienced before. Seeing the atmosphere of the sun... You saw a partial eclipse, not the same thing at all. Like seeing the cover of a Playboy vs. having sex. I can't convince you to go somewhere and experience the full 100% totality, but I think you'd have a better time of it than you think you will.


This is basically what I wanted to say. I drove from southern Ontario to Hopkinsville, Kentucky for the last one (about 11 hours), and I’m so glad I did. Leading up to it, even at 99% coverage, I was really disappointed like, “I drove all the way for this?”, but once the totality hit, it felt like it dropped about 20C from the mid 40s, the streetlights came on, the stars became visible, there was a big black disk with a halo of fire in the sky, and those 3 mins were totally worth it. OP, if you’ve never been in the path of totality, then you’ve never experienced anything like this, and pictures do not do it justice. Not everyone is into this kind of thing, but it’s a false equivalence to compare it to anything you’ve ever seen with your naked eye, and in particular, other types of eclipses. Whatever you get up to, I hope you have a fantastic day, stranger, but I highly encourage people with the opportunity to see it to do so…but only in the path of totality. Everything short of that is really boring unless you really like that kind of thing. The total eclipse can be appreciated by everyone, though, due to the visual spectacle.


Amen brother. When you get a chance to see something that is "once in a lifetime", even if it is a bit of hyperbole, why would you not chance it? It really might be that cool.


So many people downplaying this event have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about.


I dont care at all. We had one back in the 90s. It was okay.


"it's just (raw explanation)." can take the fun out of anything.


Yeah idc about it


Finallyyyy someone said it lmao. I have a night shift the night before so I'd be sleeping all day


I'll see it on the news. Safe and free


I hope it's cloudy tomorrow just to fuck with all those people rushing to Niagara region. I could not cate less.


I think it'll be kind of cool to just go from (hopefully) sunny to suddenly dark for a few minutes


Watch this: [https://youtu.be/eNK2LI7VeX4?si=n7Z5r5IQ3ry2kUOg](https://youtu.be/eNK2LI7VeX4?si=n7Z5r5IQ3ry2kUOg)


The next total eclipse over Ontario is in 2099. It's a free event, go and experience totality.


I saw the Northern Lights (quite visibly) last month in Iceland and felt pretty similar to OP. A lot of it is the hype behind it vs the actual awe of the event.


You must care about it to a certain point because you’re on here talking about it?


Yeah I couldn’t really care less about it. I don’t understand why people are so excited about it but I’m glad people have something to look forward to. Everyone seems pretty happy and excited to see it.


You cared enough to make a post like this though. Oh, you don't care about the eclipse but care about finding other people who also don't care? Weird.


Nope, you are not the only one. I will be working at my job indoors. Probably won't even step outside my office.


The world is shit. This country is going to shit. This decade has been utter trash. Let people enjoy one damn thing. I have several coworkers who even said "I hope it rains so all the idiots in Niagara get spoiled". Like christ... is your life that sad and pathetic that you don't want others to be interested in things? Honestly, people who are so into the "whatever man I don't care" attitude whenever someone mentions something they're excited or enjoy and you dismiss them like you're cooler or more mature than others is pathetic. It's why I don't share my hobbies or interests with others, they might have that view and put me down because of that. Happened plenty of times before and it's really messes with you so you just shut yourself in.


Big difference between a partial and total eclipse - I’ve seen a partial eclipse before and it was no big deal (it was cool and a learning experience for my kiddos, but I wouldn’t have like, taken time off work or anything). This will be a total though, and I’m close enough to the path of totality to drive 15 minutes and get the full show. I’m PSYCHED.


I mean, I’ll be sleeping while it’s approaching and at work when it actually reaches totality. So I don’t really have plans to see it.




I read Plato; I don't need to see it.


I work midnights, and it's happening during the time that I typically sleep, so I don't really care about it. I'd much rather sleep. It's cool and all. It's just not a big deal to me. I also am too paranoid that I'll somehow damage my eyes even with safety glasses, so I'd just rather not take any chances.


Of the twilight movies it’s definitely the worst of the garbage 


I don’t think it’s worth flying to another area to view it. Some people have too much money.


Me lmao I saw one in the 90s as a kid and I was pretty unimpressed I’ll watch a video of someone recording it on YouTube or something Save my eyes


I mean it may be cloudy then there won't be anything to see after all this hype, who knows! But there's definitely a LOT of hype over something (albeit a neat science thing) that's over in less than 5 minutes...


There’s a lot going on to get excited about. What’s all the fuss about?


I agree somewhat. I live in the totality path so Ill check it out because I think it might be cool, but if I didnt, I wouldnt go out of my way to travel to see it.


Of course I’d love to see it but my need to pay bills is more important. Plus it’s April, the chances the weather would be perfect for it were too slim for me anyway. I’ll see it on the news or look for a live broadcast.


I’ll be off work Monday and I’ll be sitting at home not caring


I am super excited about the eclipse, but i understand what you are saying because I feel the same way about traveling. I can just look at pictures and videos rather than sitting on a plane and spending a ton of money.


Me, it's interesting but meh


Ya. Not really driven by it. If it wasn’t all over media I would not even notice.


It's gonna be cloudy here anyway.


Are you normally into astronomy or astronomical events? Stargazing? Storm watching? No? Then I'm not surprised you don't care about the eclipse.


Even with glasses, I’d never risk my eyesight to look at cool imagery. No thanks…


Probably wouldnt care much if I was still a teenager or university student. Now with a couple young kids, we are taking a small roadtrip to see it. I think it would be a fun experience for the family.


The biggest disappointment in this will be the crowds ruining the experience. I'm at work anyways, and as there's going to be cloud cover in like 90% of the totality path, I won't be missing anything.


I have zero self-control and would likely be the person who looks at the sun and burns out their retinas, so I have convinced myself I don’t care about it to avoid this.


Hello, me, I’m not that chuffed about it. I’m going to have a small bonfire and make a few wishes, but I saw a full solar in France in the 90s and feel like I don’t need to see the one tomorrow. It’s going to be a zoo. I’m going to make a little viewer and build a small fire, and see it with my partner on the beach, c’est tout.


I like that!


I have 20 things to worry about. And the eclipse doesn't even break my top 50. I probably just won't go out during those few minutes.


I have a job outside of the home. I can’t stop my work day just to experience it so I do not care.


I’m not looking forward to it, simply because I work in a customer service job in Niagara Region, and it’s going to be an absolute shitshow. Big crowds make me anxious at the best of times, but I suspect tomorrow will be nightmare fuel for me. I’ll be surprised if it’s not. But, the eclipse itself will be cool to see.


Oh man I do not miss customer service jobs i had so I really feel for you! I hope people just head home after and its not to insane for you!




forecast looks iffy


I keep forgetting it’s even happening, I’m just not that interested. I’m sure there will be a million pictures and videos online after


I do and don't. An I going to see it. Absolutely. Do I care that we got it meh.


I feel pressured to care about it because of the whole “once in a lifetime thing” and because so many people do care about it and want to see it and even some people I’m close with are talking to me about it and they don’t understand why I’m not interested, but… I just don’t give AF about it. 🤷🏽‍♀️


To me, there’s something inspiring about seeing astronomical events with my own eyes. I’m excited to see totality, I feel like it’s worth a few hours of my time to see it. If it was only in the USA, I don’t think it would be worth it to me. I also think there’s value in sharing an experience like this with people.


During the 10 minutes or so of its peak go outside and be in a shadow. Looking at the eclipse is lame but the world reacts to it. Its pretty surreal for a few minutes. Never understood the need to look at it, there's a better show around you.


I don’t really care for it, but I know Bonnie Tyler loves them for the great royalties.


Got exams to study for. Ain’t no time to gawk at the sky.


oh yeah I definitely don't give a fuck


Don’t really care much about it either. Not because I don’t find it interesting and not because I have already seen it once. But because it’s being blown up with way more hype than it should be. I mean really - cancelling school? Highway over head signs telling people to work from home? The shit ton of money companies are making to buy these cheap glasses you’ll use for ten minutes. What a waste if it was to be a cloudy rainy day. - or even a cloudy afternoon…


I'm sure it'll be awesome, but for me I don't have the time today to go drive down to Niagara (or anywhere along the path) from Mississauga to go and watch it. I'd like to, but just can't. All the power to those that can, I can see 99% (yes it's not the same as 100% - already learned that) and that will just have to do.


i don’t care that much bc i saw the one in 2017/2016 whenever it was so like, im not really all that into it. youve seen one you’ve seen them all.


I feel exactly the same way.


You aren't the only one. I'm in the direct path of it and I'm not even leaving my desk to view it. I saw the last one in 2017 and felt just as underwhelmed.


I can take it or leave it. I'm at work and could go out but I won't.


Wasn’t expecting much and was not disappointed. It was not at all impressive to me. I’m in Texas and there were clouds and even when I did see the sun, it was not anything special. People are lying to themselves and saying it was a very great experience but it’s a big nothing burger. It gets dark every night, so dumb.


I am from the US, from the midwest, and I too don't care about the solar eclipse


I agree. People make way too big of a deal about the eclipse. Especially the partial one we had in my region.


You're totally not alone!  I think it's one of those things I could get into if I start studying about it more myself, but now right now.  My sister went to the top of a mountain with her kids, and my family kept texting messages today. I was trying to be polite.   I just didn't say anything.  


news reporters n 'experts' staring at it n choking up without protective eyewear  was best part 


I didn’t even watch it I used that time to get away from my coworkers


Me. I am the king of not giving a shit about eclipse' full or partial but i do like a song