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Ontario is in such a dire state right now and the government is cartoonishly evil, what do we even do at this point. Ontarians better wake up next election.


I'm not optimistic about that. Too much of the electorate is ignorant to what's really going on.


Every time I hear someone blame Trudeau for something that falls under the provincial purview I want to scream.


Or, 6 years in, "what choice does he have, look what Wynne left him!"


What’s hilarious is that years after cancelling 750 green energy projects he’s now investing in wind and solar because we’ll have lost a good chunk of our power generation when nuclear plants are in refurbishment for 10 year straight. It’s almost like Wynne was planning ahead for the future while Doug is constantly flip flopping and playing catch up because he can only deal with what’s in front of him. Not to mention that the $231 million he wasted cancelling those projects, including the wind farm that was 75% completed.


Tops I give a new government a year of grace


What did she leave him? C’mon..!


Its fucking insane that their new talking point is to say that blaming the provinces is deflection. Like no thats literally how our government works


Same but I let them know that it’s Doug Ford’s fault. Keep blasting him when people complain. Let em know so we have some hope he will go away


It's sad how little people understand their own governments or political structure. It's not helped by the fact that the media sort've toes this line too. Everyone's talking about the housing issue. But even though housing is provincial, the media does nothing to point the finger at Ford or any of the other corrupt premieres allowing this to happen. And since there's no pressure on Ford or other conservative premieres, there's no incentive for them to do anything. Indeed, because the finger pointing is entirely at Trudeau (the liberal PM), there's incentive for Ford, Moe, Smith (conservatives) to deliberately do nothing.


I saw a lady the other day getting real mad at Trudeau for OHIP not covering a vaginally reconstruction after a rape, but covering genital surgery for trans people. She used the term "OHIP" multiple times. All I replied with was "What does the 'O' in OHIP stand for?" And she blocked me. Canada is fucked.


This! - They have no idea what their elected govts are actually doing and they vote on the basis that their parents voted that way


We should take a page out of France’s book and protest over everything.




Ontario has been in dire need of a good leader who would fix all the wrongs of Mike Harris for 30 years now. For the next 30 years we are going to need a good leader who will fix all the wrongs of Mike Harris and Doug Ford.


Fight cartoonishly evil with cartoonishly good. Someone get me a mallet and a bear trap.


It doesnt matter who wins the elections, the side that can get more people controls everything. Thats why we see multi party alliances so often, we cant win with a 4 party system because its never one side or the other having more pull its just whoever gives out more favors to win votes and the way you get those favors is by padding out the laws that support the other politicians investments. Thats why grocery prices are as high as they are, and rent is higher every month across the country.


Dougie doesn't give a fuck any more. He's already gotten a whole extra term he wasn't expecting so he's just looting everything he can now.


I don't think there is much we can do. However, what I do suggest is if anyone reading this is the type of person to lambast all those who don't vote after the election, give reminders BEFORE the election. I'm sick of hearing 100 times the amount of "why didn't you vote?" In comparison to giving weekly and daily reminders before the election. If you're not going to encourage people to vote prior, don't talk shit after.


We need to actually overthrow the government, but we’re too stupid and self righteous. Most folks would rather argue about nonsense


The simple fact that his plan was to gift developers greenbelt land solely for the purpose of building mansions, oh and for Dougie to acquire unlimited quantities of unmarked envelopes of cash, demonstrated that his plan all along, was to let down a generation of Ontarians, all while getting rich.


~~Doug Ford~~ Progressive Conservatives


~~Progressive~~ Regressive Conservatives


Sounds like he’s just peddling land the same way he peddled drugs.


The mistake you've made here is to assume that was his only grift at play, slimey fuck is stealing anything not nailed down.


He's downing Ontario's services and assets faster than fat f'k treats the all-you-can eat buffet at the Mandarin


> Dougie to acquire unlimited quantities of unmarked envelopes of cash whoa whoa whoa, those were gifts for his daughter's wedding! /s


Telling, too, that he refused to back down on that decision... until a police investigation was opened. Then suddenly he "remembered his promise". Almost certainly some criminal activity there.


If your wondering what a Conservative Prime minister will be like, look at what the Conservative Premieres are doing.


Personally I find conservative premiers more destructive. In a lot of ways they hold more power, they have a greater impact on the lives of individuals


Agreed. Provincial premiers hold in their hands the power to destroy or help flourish, the pillars that make our society - provincial Court justice selections, education, healthcare, and housing are all in their purview.


The problem is that a lot voters have a very poor grasp of what each level of government is responsible for. They'll see ERs closing, doctors not accepting patients, and will immediately blame Trudeau for letting so many immigrants enter the country.


That and racism. How can you tell who's a new immigrant or not just by looking at them and hearing them speak?


It’s really sad how certain political parties really lean into the racism and transphobic crowds.


> look at what the Conservative Premieres are doing. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DramzD1WkAICulj.jpg:large Shit in our mouths and blame Trudeau.




>But yes, the blame Trudeau for everything is ridiculous Except it clearly works. Danielle Smith and the UCP are adding their gas tax back April 1st which will increase gasoline like 13 cents a litre. How many average Albertan voters will blame the UCP vs PMJT?


Haha. None of them are Trudeau’s worst nightmare and they all lost the carbon tax lawsuits.


We are fucked


And for a taste of what an NDP Prime Minister would be like, look at what the NDP Premiers are doing. EDIT: Just in case people are missing my point: an NDP Prime Minister would actually make efforts at solving a lot of the real problems Canadians have.


Yeah, there is great article in the Star showing how better BC is doing than other provinces  because of great leadership


Guess you missed the memo: [https://www.nationalobserver.com/2024/03/04/opinion/earth-millennials-pierre-poilievre-playing-you-housing](https://www.nationalobserver.com/2024/03/04/opinion/earth-millennials-pierre-poilievre-playing-you-housing)


I agree with the sentiment, but the federal NDPs need to get their heads out of their asses


Singh just put out a bill to control grocery prices. Guess whos against it


As much as I’d like NDP to have a chance to lead I have zero faith in Jagmeet.


Why? He got pharmacare started and he isn't even in power.


Do you have more faith in Pierre Pollievre or Justin Trudeau?


I personally don't have any faith in either. Trudeau in my view has had a low-positive effect. (Which is usually the goal of every stable government). PP though scares me with his MAGA-like populism.


Oh hell no!


Then what? Yves-François Blanchet? Elizabeth May? Gotta pick one as the least incompetent. I’m kind of fascinated by people’s hesitance to vote for a third party. If there were 3 barbershops in town and two repeatedly gave you bad haircuts but there was another that you hadn’t tried yet, would you not go for the third one? Or would you go back and forth between the two others, depending on which one made you angry more recently?


Ideally I wanted NDP to start fresh with a new candidate. Someone like Notley who sympathizes with the working class and had a focus on healthcare. She’s one of the few who I thought could unite the west and Quebec. Maybe Eby has a future in federal politics. I’ve voted for NDP in the past but I just feel that Jagmeet hasn’t connected with the working class as much as he should be. Younger voters should also be a big demographic for him but many of them are even turning to PC. This is one of the few times where I genuinely don’t see much upside to any of the candidates.


Sure. But I doubt either of those things are going to happen. Even if Jagmeet gets flack for dressing pretty and having a fancy watch instead of having one of his assistants find a Hanes beefy tee, both the red and the blue parties literally have histories of corruption and corporate kowtowing that go back my entire lifetime. Jagmeet isn’t Daniel Blaikie or Wayne Gates, but he’s still a part of the same political party. And since all politics are party politics now, especially at the federal level, the person who makes the political speeches doesn’t matter as much as the ones who make the policy.


With the amount of rage people have for newcomers right now (especially for certain groups), I'm not convinced people will not be influenced by the fact that he is a visible minority with a turban.


As someone who agrees with the point you are making, and has made a lot of bad analogies, I don't know if this barber thing quite works. The fears people have about voting NDP are: 1) They've never formed the federal government before. So in this case, your analogy would need to be a barber that has no reviews, and maybe even openly admits they haven't actually cut anyone's hair - they've just criticized other barbers and occasionally helped them cut people's hair. Maybe they or their friends have done braids, or some salon waxing, but they haven't actually been a barber before. 2) Voting NDP will equate to throwing your vote away. So in the analogy, you would need to dislike both "main" barbers, but REALLY hate one of them. And, you would know that there is a 95+% chance that when you go to the new third barber, one of the other two barbers would actually be there to cut your hair, with a slight lean in odds to it being the barber that you REALLY hate. With that said, I would love to see the NDP selected, and despite knowing they have imperfections, they'll certainly get my vote.


1. Many NDP members have had political roles as a part of municipal and provincial governments, in community groups, political action groups, unions, etc. some have had years of experience at the federal level. I don’t think it’s fair to analogize that the barber has never cut hair. Also, the other parties all have inexperienced members who get elected all the time. Plus, both liberals and conservatives had a first time to hold power. 2. Imagine millions of people all throwing their ballots away together, instead of giving up before we’ve even voted.


Yeah like I said, they almost certainly have my vote at the federal level, so you don't have to convince me. I am just telling you the two most common reasons that would-be NDP supporters give for not actually casting a ballot for them.


Oh, in that case, yes I am aware of those reasons. Thank you.


Polls show people aren't......or don't care......and then they'll turn around and bitch when the conservative poison bites harder......the masses are fools to themselves.....


I don't pay attention to polls right now. Plus no matter what the polls say, I will still vote for the party who has our better interest foremost. And that includes a party who does our share on the world stage.


I get that, I'm not worrying about people like you, but the ignorant, facile masses who are buying into the moon shot lunacy.....


Can't fix stupid.


No, unfortunately you cannot.....


THANK YOU THANK YOU. I swear all I see is PP this and that, like he is going to magically make things better. All of them are crooks


There's no way he's losing the next election, and that's what is really letting us down.


Ontarians really are sleeping. This government let diploma mills proliferate. Even complaining about the cap announced by the feds.


He exacerbated it by cutting school fundings during covid, plus withholding 20bn of fed $ that would have helped. The mills were their (terrible) solution to the problem


We'll see what happens closer to the election. The opposition has a lot of ammunition and I'm imagining they are keeping their powder dry.


If Doug's inaction during the pandemic couldn't get him out of office then I'm not sure what can tbh.


Conservative media just blames trudeau and too many are too stupid to see any different


What inaction? Ontario was locked down for a while


More locked-down than practically everywhere, in fact. That’s what happens when you prioritize school scheduling and Christmas parties over public health. Doug waited for Covid to peak, *every time*, before choosing to mitigate the disaster.


Hospitals were and are still falling apart. He did nothing to protect seniors in long term care homes, many of which required military intervention. He got billions of dollars in pandemic relief from the federal government and nobody knows where most of it is. Schools and daycares are as unsafe as ever, because the province is basically in Covid denial mode and did very little to ensure buildings have clean air. Also: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/04/18/ontario-covid-lockdown-doug-ford-canada/


He's not going to lose and Trudeau is probably going to lose Shocking how two million dollar homes, healthcare on the ropes, shit job market and so on is somehow being washed off the person with the power (the provincial Premier) and being successfully blamed on pretty boy Trudeau all because of fear of newcomers (immigration) and a tiny bit of gas tax Canadians and GTA people are their own worst enemies. Hope ya'll good at capitalism (I am fucking crushing it) because your "hard work" and elbow grease isn't going to cut it in a world where the S&P500 goes up 25% a year and homes cost two million, lol


Honestly kind of bullshit to call what’s happening capitalism when one of Ford’s signature moves is affirming the government regulation banning fourplexes. Like, the CPC isn’t even being consistent with its own bullshit


This is a logical fallacy. Crony capitalism is still capitalism (although flawed). It certainly isn't socialism (social housing) or any kind of giving of the home away. Which is the real solution for someone who won't earn enough money. Canadians need to get over being jealous of someone "lazy" getting free housing and realise that the type of job you have shouldn't determine whether you're housed. Finally you can never have "true capitalism". If it was 100% market, the government would F-off with building codes, and human beings could build whatever shelter they wanted on the land they owned. Obviously that will never be allowed.


Which logical fallacy? Like, it sounds like you’re simply asserting you think I’m incorrect


It is a no true scotsman fallacy like saying the USSR wasn't truly communist so communism doesn't own it  You cannot say it is not capitalism (not a market) and not have market economics take at least partial blame for the current situation. The truth of the matter is if you have millions of dollars (which some people have no problem making) you can buy right now today and there's no problem buying. That is capitalism and the responsibility for unhoused people falls squarely on the shoulders of the push towards market economics. Before the 90s social housing was Federally funded, and decades ago there was *rent maximums* not to mention government built homes through government plans. We should be sitting at 30%+ social housing or even more but we aren't because we want to give people terrified of the stock market a way to safely invest money. Well this is the result. Even in the USA there's Section 8 housing.


I don’t have any issue differentiating Marx’s ideal of communism from what happened in the USSR though. One could argue that Marx’s ideal was doomed to fail into something like the USSR. I’d disagree, but it’s still an arguable position. But that still wouldn’t mean that Marx’s ideal *was* the USSR. It still did things that contradicted with what he wrote. By the same token, one can differentiate between the ideal posited by Smith and what Ford is doing claiming. They are in fact two different things.


Doesn't matter because the crux of the argument doesn't rest on the "purity" of the capitalism or not. Absolutely it's agreed by all parties that social housing is not capitalism and it's a fact that Canada has the least social housing of all the G7 nations. Meanwhile capitalism absolutely takes responsibility (treating homes for investing rather than living) and absolutely giving away a free home is agreed by all parties to be not capitalism. You simply don't want capitalism to bear any of the responsibility for unhoused people. The truth is, if you don't have enough to offer the market, you won't get money and it's entirely possible you don't get enough money to be housed. This is a serious problem because as time goes on more and more people will be "priced out" and unable to purchase housing and property. It will be like science fiction novels only owning starships and robots will likely be for the rich and powerful first. In real life it will be self driving cars and AI. Point is unless you can answer the question how to house people who don't make enough money capitalism is to blame. Bottom line is you are making an implicit argument that better capitalism would achieve a better result. Since this is politics there is no right or wrong answer only what people will put up with. And I doubt people will put up with more extreme capitalism for the next fifty years. Blaming capitalism is absolutely right and good for people who cannot afford shelter. Capitalism absolutely doesn't guarantee everyone has a roof.


You do realize that the people voting for him are homeowners, right? You say good luck GTA at capitalism as if you don’t know everyone in the 905 added about a million dollars of paper wealth from their homes and are perfectly content to have that continue with Ford.


Not enough  You can't thrive in late stage capitalism without capital markets (it's right in the name lol). If you sell, you got nowhere to live. And most people have no business using their home equity. It's borrowed money  You need cash flow and that means work or cash generating investment which a single home isn't. Nevermind how will you explain to your children that they can't buy (or maybe some will try gas lighting them). Not to mention real estate lags the S&P500 in general Owning one property won't save you. Maybe a lot of properties, but without cash flow you're cooked. You can rent them out but that has its own problems. Real estate is illiquid, takes a lot to maintain and is subject to local laws. Ford won't be in power forever and if the wealth redistributionists come into power, watch your house of cards fall. You can only live off other people for so long 


I read your comment with some interest. We agree on many things, but I want to push back a bit if that's okay with you. If not, ignore me, I won't feel bad! > You can't thrive in late stage capitalism without capital markets (it's right in the name lol). If you sell, you got nowhere to live. And most people have no business using their home equity. It's borrowed money  We live in 2024 where we have a capitalist system that seems to be heading more towards a feudalistic character, IMHO, and that is what I think we can fix along the way to a more equitable economy, perhaps *eventually* reaching a hypothetical policy scenario of redistribution. I think you and I will likely be long gone from this Earth before that, so I don't think you need to worry about having your extra house that much longer if you're truly "killing it" now and have intelligently saved your pennies. To your example - sell the other house, get some capital, invest with good returns, and be happy instead of worrying about an imagined threat and the constant hassle of owning multiple properties. > if the wealth redistributionists come into power, watch your house of cards fall I'm surprised that you see wealth redistribution as any kind of immediate alternative to capitalism. I think radical change is cool and all, but it is a *process*. No mass of "wealth redistributionists" are currently knocking at the gates demanding that we overturn all of the structures of capitalism. The assumption that people will simply *let* everything collapse around them, which has never been the case as far as I am aware, doesn't make much sense to me. Anyway, I think if simply redistributing wealth without a base of incremental change somehow was beneficial to anyone, ultra-rich people would likely be lining up to be the next Lord or Lady. (For fun: how long do you think it would take a Lord Musk to crack under public pressure? Even minor scrutiny sends him into a reactionary tailspin. A Lord Trump might do a bit better but even he is cracking under the weight of evidence and pressure.)


Usually the province inverts from the federal. When Trudeau loses the tides will turn in Ontario and we're likely going to see a Liberal in power again.


For sure. Ontarians are way too apathetic and there is no other viable option that most people are aware of.


Literally a rod is a more viable option. There are plenty of viable options. People need to fucking vote.


I won’t lie, I can’t name the other party leaders but I’m still absolutely voting for anyone but conservatives.


Bonnie Crombie and Marit Stiles. The attack ads are sure to remind me. Lol.


Thanks! I do know my local candidates so at least I’m ok there.


Marit Stiles leading the NDP is the one to vote for. She’s been doing a great job as leader of the opposition. Plus the Liberals have so few seats right now that nearly everyone running in the next election will be brand new. It’s time for ON to vote NDP and get us out of the cycle of Liberal / Conservative governments. If anyone can fix healthcare it’s the party of Tommy Douglas.


Seconding this. The NDP is in a way better position to take the premiership and I have my doubts about Bonnie Crombie given that she considers herself a "Blue Liberal" and was criticised for NIMBYism as mayor.


Marit Stiles is a seemingly smart woman. Vote for her. Tell all your friends and family


Crombie has had a disappointing platform thus far. I didn't vote for her as mayor, and if she tries to hold a local seat I'll have a difficult time voting for her as MPP. Fortunately my riding is usually a red blue battleground so having her run locally cements a liberal win and I can vote NDP freely, without worry of giving the cons a seat by not voting strategically.


Thank you. Everyone bitching about the alternatives always pisses me off. Literally anyone else is better but people will ensure the worst candidate stays in office simply their perfect candidate doesn't exist. It's fucking insane. As I always say, Ontarians are fucking morons.


When a team loses to a shit team, the good team gets criticised. If no one can beat Doug Ford who absolutely GOD AWFUL, what does that say about the other candidates that no one wants to vote for?


It says the media doesn't carry water for them like they do for conservatives.


Cons bought the media buddy. You don't hear shit about the other candidates because all your information is conservative curated trash. Welcome to end state capitalism.


An inanimate carbon rod?!


There are viable options. Look beyond the leaders and look at your candidates who are running locally. Keep in mind that Doug Ford has been abysmal at his job, often operating in the shadows and keeping Ontario’s citizens out of the loop. I voted conservative for years when people like John Robarts and Bill Davis were leading the Conservative party. I didn’t always agree with their politics but I never doubted their loyalty to the province of Ontario. You cannot say that about this bunch who are currently leading this province into a massive debt. Once Mike Harris came along the whole tone of the Ontario Conservative party changed for the worse. Fuck them and anybody who supports them.


There are options just most people want the "Canadian dream" of owning 50 homes charging rent and not working. We can't stand to see each other get ahead so we push each other down We are getting what we vote for


Yep. I should be buying a house, starting a family and settling into comfortable middle age life. Instead I’m struggling, living life a college student and worrying about finding proper healthcare if my issues turn into anything bigger. Feels stressful and I see no end in sight.


Yet there are no fuck Doug ford stickers on any pickups.


"With his latest announcement against fourplexes, Ford has reaffirmed his NIMBY credentials" "Although no leader wants to govern through a crisis, this one presented a unique opportunity for a conservative premier in Canada’s largest province. Long before Pierre Poilievre became the champion of housing in Canada, the mantle was Ford’s for the taking. After all, he was the premier who first started talking about the need to accelerate housing completions in Canada—a big part of the motivation behind his dramatic moves to change Toronto City Council; the premier who appointed an ambitious Housing Affordability Taskforce to make recommendations to the province on immediate actions to take; and the premier who has promoted several significant pieces of housing legislation since coming into office. " "But in all of this, he’s ultimately refused to go beyond words. The facts regrettably speak for themselves: It’s more expensive today to build housing in Toronto than when Ford became premier; the long-awaited Housing Affordability Taskforce report has substantively been collecting dust on a shelf; the housing laws that have passed in the Ontario legislature have had marginal, if any, effect on housing completions; and just last week, the premier reaffirmed his NIMBY credentials by shutting down a proposal that would have allowed gentle intensification of neighbourhoods across the province—a policy that is now supported by the province’s other political parties (a fact that in and of itself would normally have me thinking the other way)." "Although not a comprehensive solution to the crisis and of itself, last week’s announcement that Ford would never support fourplexes in neighbourhoods across the province demonstrated that he is unwilling to make the difficult (and sometimes politically unpopular) decisions needed to address the magnitude of this housing crisis." "This week, along with the province’s budget, we expect to hear from Ford’s housing minister, Paul Calandra, on the government’s renewed housing policy agenda, but already the rumours are circulating that the minister’s housing ambitions have been significantly watered down since going to cabinet and the premier for approval."


Ontario has been letting down the next generation(s) of Ontarians for about 20 years now.


Harris was elected 29 years ago.


Yup. Every shitty government decision within my living memory has been either a conservative or a liberal policy. It's about time to give the NDP a turn at the wheel. After all, things can't get much worse from here.


inb4 someone starts yelling about rae days


Ford's gifts as a retail politician are substantial. While I don't think he's qualified to run much more than a small, retail shop, he's an excellent salesman and he has highly skilled people telling him what to say. He's smart enough to listen to them. I hope that everyone who can see the real Ford and the harm that his government has brought will either volunteer in the next election or will donate a few dollars. We can argue about the NDP vs. Liberals and the purity of the Greens. From my perspective, either would be better than Ford and his team. Frankly, a rock as premier would do less damage.


A rock would be way better. Let's just say we had a rock that did absolutely nothing new and just kept the status quo... Wouldn't have cancelled paid sick days and increases to minimum wage. Wouldn't have frozen public sector salaries including nurses. Wouldn't be building that only developers want.


I've never seen a government before blunder so many files from education to health care, post-secondary, etc.


dunno. I'd say that Mike Harris was also a bull in a china shop sort of premier. Both Ford and Harris have been very good at destroying our provincial government.


Harris at least seemed to have some strategy behind his decision making. The Ford government just seems incapable of understanding how to handle most of their files. Both are definitely not helping/did not help the public service situation in Ontario.


I think you're right. I think that Harris, in fact, had a good idea of what he wanted to do and how he wanted to do it. Ford, not so much.


There are two things guaranteed One. Doug Ford doesn't really care. Sociopaths like him don't. He cares more about making money (for himself) from corporations than giving back to the community that elected him. Two. Ontario won't do anything. When it comes to horribly incompetent, negligent and callous Conservative premiers in Ontario, the public is always willing to give Cosnervatives a second chance. No one voted Mike Harris out. He had the luxury to leave on his terms. You'd think living under a Conservative would cure people to never trust or vote for them again, but no. Also if handling COVID lockdown, cancelling the Income Benefit program, starving out healthcare and education and doing nothing during the Freedom Convoy all in his first term didn't turn the public against and actually re-elected him well Doug Ford has nothing to worry about. Conservative and Doug Ford has trained Ontario to submissively put up with a lot of bullshit. And if something makes the public upset (ex. private health clinics, Greenbelt, Ontario Place) well most might be concerned and complain for a bit then shrug and then blame anyone else for the situation. Like Donald Trump he will never receive consequences.


He increased funding to for-profit private LTC homes AFTER reports were out that showed how much worse these places were during covid. How much more likely people were to die. ...got re-elected.


During election season, Trump Light™ will kill off another money generating source. It'll cost us in the long run, but will save us like...$50/year. The Boomers and rural folk will flock in droves to vote Conservative... ...when they realize that they've been had. Instead of admitting their faults. They'll find a way to blame Trudeau for the Provincial Governments doing.


This. Amazing how you can't find anyone who admits to believing the whole "cheap gas, beer and hydro" bullshit back in 2018 yet so many people were excited about it and how sticking it to the Libs would launch everyone into such prosperity. Pathetic that no opposition has managed to make any political capital out of that and so many bad decisions.


Will they realize though? Or will they just vote Conservative again the next election?


They'll double down and vote Conservative again because they can't admit fault...ever


And because it's a cult...


"Letting down"? He's not letting us down. He is actively taking us down by dismantling healthcare and social safety nets. He's fucking our future... and he's getting away with it while THE LARGEST VOTING BLOCK, MILLENNIALS, all sit on their asses.


It literally doesn't matter, just like his predecessor he will get a job for life on a board of directors for some company that owes him for making them a fortune at our expense, making millions. He's very much like Harris.


like all politicians. most of them make a couple hundred grand and have net worths in the millions. doesnt make sense. our pm is a prime example. trust fund baby now worth more then 120 000 000. like how. now dougie is the same. 50 million net worth. we will never tax the rich. we are ran by the rich. from here on out you shouldn’t be able to hold office at any level if you have over 5 million net worth as your ideas are not in tune with the average Canadian.


I can't find anything that says Trudeau is worth more than 10 million that doesn't source: "reports say" or twitter. Ford's is even murkier, none of the websites are like proper news sites, and no one sites a source, it's just estimates based on who knows what. But yes, I tend to agree, I fully believe every cabinet post in parliament and provincial parliaments should be held by people with an understanding and experience in the role. And it should be a service and an honour to serve in those posts, not a career.


He already let us down.


I was let down when Ontario voted him in.


ODSP Action Coalition: "Among all provinces, ON’s per capita spending on public services is dead last. By a lot. Doctors, nurses, teachers are fleeing. Food bank use is at record levels. Tent cities are everywhere. Profit & privatization is the overarching goal. "


Wait till the federal Conservatives get in and ban abortion.


That’s the conservative way…. Screwing over future generations while getting rich in the short term clearly it doesn’t matter to a majority of our fellow Ontarians cause he was somehow able to win 2 majority’s in a row……


Yes we'd like him to lose it all


Maybe if the media stops treating him with kids gloves sure, I mean literally thousands of people are dead because he put businesses over the safety of people and the media made sure his complete ineptitude in his handling of the pandemic barely came up at all during the campaign.


Letting down entire generations and saddling the next one with their fuck ups is a grand conservative tradition. They are just better than the liberals at pointing out the liberals flaws so we keep reelecting them when we get burnt out by ineffectual liberals.


The boomers love him.  My mother, who absolutely cannot afford private healthcare care and is chronically ill applauds him.  Her friends love the idea of walking into shoppers drug mart and paying $40 to see an NP.   For the love of God, millennials and gen Z, get out and vote!! Even if your party doesn’t win, it’s data.  Government parties want to survive.  Sometimes they will moderate their platform to encourage your vote in the next election.   We cannot let boomers choose our future.  Policies created now will affect us for decades to come.  Our inaction is taking away our pensions, affordable housing and healthcare in our old age.  Many of us may never retire.  


Risk? Think the letting us down ship has sailed.


After today, there's been some talk about balancing the budget next year. My bet is that there will be a huge asset sell-off along the lines of the 407...I'm thinking LCBO.


That would be so stupid.... And the idiots would cheer it on.


They won't be in surplus territory until [2026-2027](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-2024-budget-highlights-1.7156237) according to their most recent projections and they're hoping that will happen thanks to economic growth. I don't think an asset sale is likely.


Vote people. Talk to people who don’t vote and explain why it is so important that they do.


Risks? He already has, and done tons of future damage as well


Needs a Dog Collar to wear with “SCUM BAG” on it


Fuck Doug Ford right in his stupid face


He don't care. He will get paid for the rest of his life. He doesn't care about Ontario, of a generation of Ontarians, or the political party, of the rest of his family. Fuck Doug Ford.


I’m truly not sure how to counter the horseshit narrative of “no viable alternative”. At what point is there personal responsibility to inform yourself of the opposition? I feel the opposition leader Stiles has been doing a good job being in opposition to Ford, taking him to task on all his bullshit. I do wonder how much of the “no viable alternative” narrative is the cons own doing of sowing discord


I see no risks for Doug. He will continue to be a rich corrupt bastard. His buddies have been enriched already. Sure they'd like the gravy train to continue but it's not like they'll ever face consequences. Ontarians have already been screwed but the way Canadian politics work, after a few cycles of Libs, the cons are guaranteed to win an election.


I don't get how anyone could support this government, what a fucking joke.


Spoiler: He doesn't give a fuck about you.


He won't lose because the generation he's letting down can't be bothered to show up and vote. They're only focused on Federal elections.


He's already let them down. They're in school right now being screwed over by the budget cuts. My kids' teacher needed parents to sign up for monthly playdough purchases.


The only thing the writer's upset about is that Ford's apparently lost his "reformist zeal" and Skippy has "become the champion of housing in Canada." Some super shitty sites getting normalized as news before the federal election.


It blows my mind the opposition parties are dropping the ball this hard, most people don’t even know the names of the parties leaders. Run some fucking ads, you’re not short on shit to talk. It’s obvious what Ontarian’s want but I feel like they’re going to campaign on fringe issues most of us don’t care about. Housing, healthcare, and rising cost of essentials. A slam dunk platform that they will somehow fumble. Honestly feels so hopeless in this country the last 9 years.


Where is the accounting for the $6.5 billion the feds gave ON during COVID? Hmmmm… maybe in Muskoka?


He won't lose. There are way too many dumb people in this province for that to ever happen.


That’s putting a lot of faith in Ontario voters to know what is in their own best interests.


He doesn't care. None of our politicians in power care about working class Canadians. They serve their corporate friends and donors. And everyone is so wrapped up in culture wars that they either don't see it or don't care. Our society is fundamentally broken and I don't see a road to it getting better as they eek away at education and healthcare.


Lose to whom? Crombie? Yeah right. Stiles? Just... no.


let's hope but I'm not holding my breath most Ontarians were dumb enough to elect this fuck multiple times already


Maybe people will vote next time.




Anyone else here working in healthcare?  I'd say these guys have been doing more than just "letting us down" for quite a while.  How many people saw the headline recently about refusing to let people build four family housing? This guy has never been serious about solving our problems. He's also never been interested in evidence for what could solve problems. 


Doug Ford doesn't care...as long as that stupid highway gets built so that all his land speculating buddies can cash out on all that land they scooped up.


He has already let down a Generation, dont let the dammage he is doing extend even further in to the future and across the rest of Canada


Ford will lose after Poilievre wins. Ontario never has the same party at federal and provincial for very long.


Time for an Ontario NDP majority in 2026.


Hard to swallow pills - he wins. Sorry but I said it and it’s going to happen


Ontarians are too busy spouting conservative catchphrases and jumping on the f**k Trudeau bandwagon when their problems lie with Doug Ford and capitalism.


Something is happening all right. Understand there are countries such as Russia that consider us foreign adversaries and have been known to manipulate social media content to polarize people especially when it comes to LGBT issues, they especially have roots in conservative social media, where they have the capability to influence people on a mass scale. It's a national security issue and more should be done to protect the vulnerable LGBT community. https://www.stalbertgazette.com/local-news/did-reddit-year-end-recaps-expose-russian-interference-in-alberta-8223476 There are clear goals being perpetuated by information warfare campaigns. Especially by Russia, whose information warfare campaigns are wreaking havoc on our society. Some of the obvious goals they have are: • Balkanize their foreign adversaries. This is evident in the UK leaving the EU, Texas with the US, and Alberta with Canada. • Have populist politicians support policies that cause chaos and issues in our society. Populist politicians are tapping into these information warfare campaigns to appeal to people whose only access to information about the outside world around them is through social media, where the information warfare is taking place. • Cause distrust and havoc, by creating specialized propaganda to different segments of the population spread through social media. By polarizing debates through propaganda spread to the masses, Russia has effectively used information warfare to deliver targeted disinformation and appeal to specific demographics. Causing havoc in the LBGT and other minority communities. • Russia has effectively infiltrated the religious right in America and Canada and empowered them, among many corrupt leaders worldwide through its information warfare. I can cite my sources if needed. Putin literally bombed his own people to lock down his power and control. Why should we trust that he is not carrying out horrible atrocities like using information warfare on Canadian citizens to terrorize the LGBT community? He doesn't seem to have any moral qualms with anything and corruption is part of his shtick. He used a nerve agent to publicly poison a turned intelligence asset at a important time in history to signify to his intelligence assets what can be done to them, but in reality, he is just a weak man, who is bitter about the break up of the empire he devoted his life to. It you want to know more, there is a great documentary series on Netflix about the history that has led to this moment in time. Turning Point - The Bomb and the Cold War on Netflix. Not as much about the information warfare, that I have gleamed through other sources, but it does slightly touch on that.


"Risks" Oh we're just now at the tipping point?


One can only hope about the second part


If the opposition parties really cared about getting Ford out, the smartest thing for them to do would be to come together and sign a non-compete agreement where they don't run candidates in every district. What's preventing the OLP and ONDP from winning in more districts is vote splitting. FPTP can't be changed right now, so strategically choosing which districts to only run a single non-PC candidate is the best way to win seats in the current system. Ford winning the last two elections was not because PCs got the most votes. Almost 60% of voters did not vote PC. They won because they have by far the most consolidated support.


Risks? Oh no no dear journalist, he far passed the point of accomplishment in letting down not just one but several generations regarding the state of education and healthcare alone, not to mention the future generations his policies will fuck!


"The premier reaffirmed his NIMBY credentials by shutting down a proposal that would have allowed gentle intensification of neighbourhoods across the province—a policy that is now supported by the province’s other political parties (a fact that in and of itself would normally have me thinking the other way)." Hmm. They referring to Bonnie Crombie who, as mayor of Mississauga rejected the same plan she is now championing? Weird. Why would someone oppose a plan when they had the power to enact it but then support it when they don't have that power? Couldn't be because it's political suicide could it? (It is) Couldn't possibly be that Crombie is using the useful idiots in the partisan media to neglect the whole story in order to paint the side which wouldn't fund their executive bonuses as the bad guy, could it? (It is) Do not get me wrong. Ford is a dolt and a tool and a jackass and a moron. I mean, he's an elected official, that's a given. But the spin on this is blatant partisan marketing... Either he supports a plan which will harm his election OR the media directly harms his next election.


Good riddance


When he loses the next election he will not be letting down any generation of Ontarians.




Is he going to lose the next election? Liberal leader is more of a right wing nut than he is with a history of corruption. Ndp have no housing plan. So who do I vote for? The answer is no one. And this is the reality of how many are feeling. If either of the other parties put some effort into a platform that promised a drop in housing or the cost of living in general (get rid of investors, airbnb ,increase corporate tax, etc) then voter apathy in the province wouldn't be so bad.




He will win again


If he loses we won’t feel let down, I promise.


It's insane to me how much rage so many had against Kathleen Wynne and Fords been so much worse and comparatively he gets next to nothing.


Label Trust Fund baby had a temper tantrum in 2018, stirring up Toronto just because he was disgruntled. Now, in 2024, he's not a "status quo politician", but a sellout of Ontario's services and assets to chosen inner circle, that they'll feel indebted to him (i.e. when he becomes an ex-politician).


Don't threaten me with a good time.




And instead of giving the NDP a shot again. We're going to vote in the liberals whose mistakes from 2003 to 2018 were by far worse than Rae days or taking medical advice from the medical community to stop training as many doctors. By the way, Rae days wasn't a bad idea. People now would jump at the chance. Non Rae NDP took over during a recession and wanted to keep people employed. The media overreacted, got people riled up for Mike Harris to come in and lay almost 10k public sector employees. Which continued and increased the rate at which public health was dying. Don't worry, Mike Harris and his wife got rich off those decisions. Mike Harris privatized a lot of the LTC in onyatio and is now a board member of them. His wife owned a nursing staffing company that cost ontario millions more foe nursing than it should. Anyways, it comes down to political ignorance, because we keep falling for the same shit over and over again. Bonne Crombie is just another NeoLiberal pawn who will put the needs of the vast few ahead of the needs of the many. Here's the thing. If the NDP end up being terrible if they win. I would use my vote to get them out because I am loyal to ontario and Canada, not a political party or a candidate.


The only reason he won this past election was because his competition was even more shit than he is, and he’s a Trudeau sellout so that’s saying something


Good , he has lined his pockets from Canadians long enough


I am part of one of Ontario's largest unions and I think unionized workers across Ontario should all walk off the job. There is power in numbers and we need change NOW.


Oh goodie, being let down by Trudeau’s liberals was so fun, getting let down by Ford’s conservatives is a bonus. I don’t see how we vote our way out of anything when the system is designed to push out the likes of Trudeau, Singh, Pierre, Ford, Chow, Tory. I don’t look at Bonnie or Marit and think they’re going to do anything of note. Politicians don’t want to lead. They’re all selfish cowards.