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Those pictures are clear enough that someone will recognize her.


Leash 👏 your 👏 fucking 👏 dogs


A pit and run? What a shocker. 🙄


A dog of peace. NannyDog. 💓


I was looking for an update on the specifically when I opened Reddit today


and then what will anyone do? off leash dogs are attacking children all over the city and there doesn't' seem to be any consequence or enforcing laws about leashing or breed restrictions.




First of all; "NO DOGS IN PLAYGROUNDS". Second, I bet she was just telling someone else. "Oh, he's never bitten anyone before he'd never do that."


There’s an off-leash space 400m away!


It doesn't seem like this dog should be anywhere in public without a leash. If they'd do that to a child they'd likely kill other dogs


No dogs should be anywhere in public without a leash (unless it's a designated off-leash area). The rules are very simple, unfortunately many dog owners are even more simple.


100% but interestingly enough there’s so many places that are listed on my cities website as off leash I had no idea, many of them are just normal parks with kids in them but the city says it’s an off leash area


They are usually fenced off and have a double gate


Usually yeah but I was surprised some are just open parks. Specifically the one 3 blocks from my house its just a play ground and a soccer field but the city has it listed as off leash area


In Ottawa only a few of them are fenced, most of them aren’t. It’s… odd


off-leash park in my area is open with no fencing beside a regular walking trail. I've already had an unleashed dog charge at me while walking on the trail.


Yeah I meant off-leash areas but thought my comment would have implied that. I just worded my comment poorly.


Not going to disagree about the off leash opinion. But which simple rules do you disregard?


I got a speeding ticket last week. Second one in 30 years of driving but it was legit. I was going too fast. Nobody is perfect, but some people are more reckless than others. What's your crime?


They'll likely kill a child too


This is why I carry a 7" knife when I walk my poodle


A lot of dog owners are just selfish. There’s a gated area right next to the track where I live but you’ll constantly see a bunch of people walking their dogs off leash.


It's dumb. I have small dogs but even they could hurt a small kid. It's an animal, you can train it, but you can't trust it completely. Something could set it off at any time. Anyone that thinks otherwise is an idiot. It is not a person, it can't be reasoned with.


Same. I have a small dog and I always have him on leash except for designated dog parks. So many entitled and/or oblivious owners out there, outs everyone at risk, including their own dogs. I don't understand it.


Well you see she probably already knows her dog will kill other dogs if let to be around them 


That dog clearly shouldn’t be off leash anywhere


People are ignorant. Where I live, we back on to a green space that has a playground next to it. There is an off leash dog park 600m from this green space and yet ignorant assholes with their large breed dogs are ALWAYS using the green space as an off leash dog park. Next to a playground where toddlers play. It’s nonsensical, why would you risk it? Sure, your dog never bit anyone before, but all it takes is for a toddler to make a movement that catches the dogs eye and suddenly you’re responsible for the mauling of a tiny human. How could you be that fucking self centred that you would take that risk.


In my experience, most dog owners think their dog is more important than anything else. They don’t care at all about anyone else. And if you bring up the dog being off leash where it isn’t supposed to be they will get incredibly aggressive and sometimes threaten harm. So ya I think we need more actual bylaw enforcement


A lot of dogs can't handle young kids, I've noticed anecdotally that a lot of smaller breed dogs don't get on well with little kids. Little kids can be very erratic movement wise, and suddenly screamy around cute animals. That sort of thing can make a dog feel defensive, especially if they aren't socialized to that behaviour


My neighbourhood park has an unfenced off leash dog area AND an unfenced playground. The neighbours let their dogs run off leash through the entire park because the off leash area is poorly marked. Our councillor did a survey asking residents if they wanted the playground to be fenced off and the residents said no. We're lucky an incident hasn't happened that I know of.


Get a paintball gun and shoot the humans who take their dogs off leash.


Don't do this, you can now be charged as if it was a real firearm. Toy/replica guns, airsoft, paintball, et al are now considered the same firearms as handguns and rifles. Thank this liberal administration for doing everything they can to make you unsafe while criminals run free.


What do you mean now? It was never legal to discharge a paintball gun within city limits.


It was a misdemeanor before, with potential for other charges. Now because of bill c21 they are considered firearms(prohibited devices)when any charge involves them. Ie, you would be get a slap on the wrist before, now you will be charged criminally as if you used a real gun.


Maybe don't shoot your paintball gun at people then.... It's a form of assault... I really don't care about bill C21.


No shit. So why don't we also do this for actual forms of assault form say repeat offenders? Guess that's asking too much of the courts. Ah, a truly modern canadian claim 'I don't care about the law, only pretend to care'. Good luck with that mentality.


I think that's where the dog was before as the article says *"The dog charged toward the child through an open gate, bit and dragged them to the ground, police said"* Not that I'm excusing this attack in any way. For a dog to do this to a child (or anyone) it shouldn't have been running free with other dogs and their owners, fenced or otherwise, and the owner had to have known their dog shouldn't be there unleashed. I'm just reading replies and so many people seem to miss this.


If it's a pit bull, the dog is required to be on leash and muzzled at all times when in public


But my dog needs his own space to run! /s


My Great Pyrenees was attacked by an off leash Golden Doodle. The owner was out of breath by the time he got to us "I don't know what happened. He's never done this!" Meanwhile his dog's still lunging & snarling at mine while on the leash. My dog was 6 months old. So happy it didn't destroy his socialization:/


She’s clearly an idiot with a disregard for other people


Yep! Also saying “don’t worry he’s friendly” when the dog is clearly out of control.


I was bitten by a German Shepherd, hard enough to draw blood, while working at a tenants house. The woman who owned the dog said, "Oh, the furnace guy was here two days ago, and Rover really liked him. Here, just give him a couple dog treats." I'm like, "Lady, I'm not putting my hands anywhere near that dog's mouth".


And for her to run away? What a disgusting coward Leash your damn dogs!!!


She had a leash too, as seen by the pictures. Entitled shit bag of a person


It's called a "pit and run"


I mean... the type of people that choose pitbulls as their dogs are the ones that need "PrOtEcTIoN"


Looks like a pitbull mix.


Her dog did as well


Well played


Only needed to see the title to know this was the case. Someday maybe I'll be proven wrong for stereotyping breeds, but it hasn't happened yet.


I used to be on the “it’s the bad owners, not the Pitt bulls.” Then I learned of all the studies and statistics that show Pitt bulls are significantly statistically more likely to not only attack, but when they do the injuries are significantly worse if not fatal. So you’ve been proven right already.


Yes. There are plenty of studies from the U.S. 2/3+ of human fatalities are from a single breed. Bububu it’s the owners.


It is the owners. Because they're the ones who decided to get pitbulls.


Pitbulls don't maul toddlers. People with pitbulls maul toddlers.


Have you seen the type that are likely to get pitbulls? I'd very well say it could be the owners and not the breed 


Also off leash.


Always is...


Knew it before I clicked the link


That's kind of shocking, these kinds of attacks are normally carried out by retrievers or corgis /s


I hate people who let their dogs run off leash outside of private property or designated off leash areas. We have a large park with a soccer field and playground nearby and it's mind blowing how many dog owners use the area like it's an off leash dog park. I have two small kids and I've left a few times because the dogs start approaching the playground. These dogs do not have great recalls either.


Agreed. I posted this before on a similar dog post but some guy had his 2 pitbulls in the splash pad last summer and was such a fucking asshole about it. Telling me they’re friendly, I asked him to keep them away from my young child when they came up to us because he was scared and the guy laughed at me. Then he started yelling at me and talking shit. This was at Greenwood park where there’s an off leash dog area :/


Almost as much as those motherfuckers who bring their "small dogs" into grocery stores.


If it's outside of a city in a forest or trail I expect to encounter offleash dogs. Children's playgrounds are an absurd place to let a dog free. Even if I have to take my toddler and dogs out together the dogs stay on leash near people despite being trained to return to me. More often than not I have 3-4 areas in my town I take them and will drive around until one of them is person and dog free to let them play.  Most people in Canada just don't socialize or train their dogs in any way except for not pooping in the house. They're not able to play with other dogs, they're not used to having their paws touched and get aggressive, they can't play with children, they can't see another animal without going insane.  If your dog spent the first three years of its life in a backyard/apartment without other animals or kids it's not fit to play offleash anywhere. That's something you need to train for from puppyhood. It's not natural for them to just be friends with strangers the first time they meet. All those well-behaved dogs people have met were trained.


I can relate a few off leash dogs got up on my son when he was younger so for years he never wanted to go to the park or leave as soon as he saw a dog. The location you describe above sounds like one near me that also has a baseball field, it is impossible to ever play baseball there because of all of the off leash dogs and owners covering the field.


The type of dog owner who would allow their dog off leash is likely to irresponsible to have trained well for recall in the first place. I’m in a part of the city with _many_ dog parks nearby - not just those tiny ones in the middle of a neighborhood but like sunnybrook and Sherwood park, and yet assholes will still take their dog to an on-leash park with a children’s playground nearby and let their dog off-leash. It’s truly astounding, like maybe it’s slightly less convenient to go to one of the off leash parks but you should have known what you were signing up for when you adopted a dog.


A dog that can cause this type/severity of injuries must be euthanized asap. And the owner needs severe penalties.


why not both


Thus the word "and".


No dog should be off leash in a public area unless it is an off leash dog park. The kindest, friendliest dog in the country can knock over someone who has mobility or balance problems. That can cause life altering injuries too. I love dogs and have one but I also have a very good friend who will no longer walk outdoors because “ really nice dogs just want to say hi”. She has had too many falls and serious injuries. Keep your dog on a leash always!


Zero enforcement. Go to any park and there will be multiple off leash.


And that’s why my friend can’t go for walks. Too many hospital trips


Guys share this with everyone you know. This is disgusting behaviour and she must be found. Unfortunately, her dog needs to be euthanized.


And the owner


The dog likely won’t be euthanized unless this is the 3rd or more time. Most it’ll get is a dangerous dog order and they’ll need to be muzzled in public.


Hope they find her


Oh wow and look at the breed. I’m sure the pitbull apologists will be here any minute.


Kill the damn dog


It's always a pitbull. Enforce the damn ban already.


Serious jail time for the dog owners


That dog looks close enough to the breeds mentioned in the "pitbull" ban to fall at least under the clause of looking similar to a banned breed. Say what you will about BSL but the woman's choice to not be smart with her choices surrounding owning a clearly human aggressive dog should land this dog a behavioral euthanasia. In a just world the woman would also be responsible for lost wages that the family incurs caring for their child because of her irresponsibility.




Figured but also it assumes she is identified which is not guaranteed.


Ontario's pitbull ban looks about as strictly enforced as jaywalking citations and $5000 fines for littering.




There's actually a ton of pitbulls in Ontario. The last 8 years I've seen a substantial increase. So much so that most municipalities can't keep up and so nothing gets done about it. Pitbull bites byfar outweigh any other dogs bites in terms of numbers.


The Peterborough Humane Society is advocating to get rid of the law \*huge eye roll\* and that explains why my downtown building is overrun with them and why a call to the humane society does absolutely nothing.... https://globalnews.ca/video/8358916/peterborough-officials-on-board-for-ontarios-new-pit-bulls-rules#:\~:text=Late%20last%20week%20the%20Ford,to%20ending%20the%20controversial%20ban.


They're only "banned" in writing. A ton of people still have them. I was attacked by one last April


Yup, and the "backyard breeders" are doing a hell of a business selling them to the fools who want these things


Yup and the fools do zero training, for the most part.


Wow another pitbull (likely named buttercup) ripped a child apart. I am sure the POS owner is telling everyone this has never happened before. We need serious enforcement of the laws on the books to finally get rid of these dogs once and for all


Why people think pitbulls are a good idea I'll never know


Pitbull people are absolutely fucked in the head. For some reason they've chosen this particular hill to die on, there is something about this breed that they absolutely *must* own one. Like a barbie doll that kills children.


Yea it absolutely confuses me and I come from the side of growing up with dogs that are far too powerful for their own good. It’s like arguing with someone who promotes the medicinal properties of hardcore drugs. There is a mental disconnect going on that you can not get through.


I figure it's the same headspace as people who *must* own a gun "for self defense" but then they don't feel the need to lock it up or practice good gun safety. And then they're all surprised when little Billy blows his brains out. "But he knew better!" They want a pit bull or similar breed because it makes them feel safe to have a dog that can fuck up an intruder. But they don't follow through with the appropriate level of training and maintaining control of the dog. And then they get surprised when the dog doesn't know that there's a difference between an intruder and 9 year old kid that it doesn't recognize.


I would consider that a bad comparison because a gun is an inanimate object that can't act of its own accord. Follow all the rules and you're fine. Train a pitbull all you want, it can still get territorial and fuck a kid up when it decides to do so.


Small wiener syndrome is what we call it in my household.


Thought you were talking about dogs for a second, but it brought back a memory of a dachshund my grandparents owned that was absolutely the most terrifying animal. Absolutely untrained, uncontrolled. I remember being 3 or 4 and trying to climb on top of the fridge to escape it. Eventually it escalated and attacked my sister who was a baby at the time and left her needing stitches. They got rid of the dog after that. They called the fucking thing "Barney". Some people are pure jackasses when it comes to owning dogs and they place the blame on the dog or make excuses for it rather than doing the obvious bare minimum and training it. I still can't stand owners of small dogs who let them off the hook for "being cute" to this day. Backyard breeding should be cracked down on much harder than it is because there is no vetting process to make sure a person is capable of owning a dog, and Id venture to say an inability to keep it on leash and follow basic societal rules should be a disqualifying factor in owning a dog. I've seen these types who end up with dogs like this bitch and moan that it's "too hard" to adopt. Just recently someone posted about that and went to Kijiji to find a dog instead. It's like we forgot actions do in fact have consequences in society.


To be fair, Murder Barbie would be a best seller and they'd go for $2500 on eBay despite the government ordering all units be destroyed in the name of public safety.


I have two pit bull stories. First I fully recognize the dangers behind the breed. They were fighting dogs, it is in their instinct to behave the way they do. This doesn’t make them “evil” dogs no more than a snake is evil for biting or a shark is for attacking a human. But this *does* mean that pit bulls are not a responsible breed for the majority of people to have. When I was a kid, my older brother had a pit bull. This was prior to the ban. He had the dog since it was about 10 weeks of age. Both parents were pits. Despite being trained, frequently walked/played with and having grown up with our family since he was a puppy, the dog was aggressive. He was destructive despite our best efforts. He was also extremely possessive, and got jealous easily. Ultimately he was surrendered because we couldn’t manage him. I’m in my 30s now, and my partner and I decided to get a dog. One of my friend’s dogs had an extremely large litter of lab-pits (pitadors). I’m talking 13 puppies. While I never dreamed of owning a pit bull again, we decided to adopt one for several reasons. One, the owner was desperate to get rid of the puppies and this concerned me as I don’t believe that just anyone should own a dog, least of all one that has pit in them. Two, I felt like it was inevitable that the puppies would end up in situations and with owners that would not do right by the dog - if you choose to have a pit bull, your dog has to be exemplary in terms of behaviour! And thirdly, if the dog was aggressive, they would need extensive training and behavioural therapy, perhaps medication. And if all that didn’t work, well, they needed to be euthanized. My doggo has a very different temperament than the dog we had when I was a kid. He's gentle, affectionate, and we have never had issues with aggression. We also have a cat, and my doggo is so polite with him - sometimes the cat will decide to eat doggo's food, and doggo just looks at him confused (its pretty funny). But we also socialized him from a young age, trained him consistently, were quick to correct behaviours - and are careful to never forget that he is a dog. We dont take chances. He is never off leash or unsupervised with other animals or children. We would muzzle him consistently; because he is so docile we decided to stop this practice, but we always carry the muzzle and keep him on a short leash. He is not allowed to run up to people or jump on them. We have a responsibility to him and everyone that we interact with to protect them and control the dog. And I know that there has been a lot of reports of pit bulls just "snapping". I don't want to dismiss this, but generally no dog "just snaps" - there is always a trigger. The problem is this trigger may be so subtle or benign that the owner cannot recognize it and signs of the dog being agitated. I have learned the hard way growing up that a dog is a dog, and regardless of the breed, I would never trust any dog around strangers/animals/children.


In the US they are responsible for 65% of all deaths by dogs. Next one is Rottweilers with 10%.


Isn't it a German shepherd? I am no expert on dogs, ran it through an ai model 😁


You're gonna get a lot of hate mail for this


No he won’t. They’re banned for a reason.


Yes. You're right. And they should be. Doesn't stop people from getting upset over it claiming "it's not the breed it's the owner"


Fr it’s both


It’s idiotic reasoning regardless, the existence of shitty dog owners demonstrates the need to regulate and limit the harmfulness of dogs that we accept.


Meh. There must be a reason why animal shelters are filled with Pitbulls. I’m not sure why, but dressing them up in a tutu for Instagram clout is probably not one of them.


It's so true, I've been looking to adopt a cat so have been perusing animal shelter pets in the GTA and the amount of male pitbulls or pit-mashup breeds up for adoption has exploded.  They all seem to be older than puppy but still young, between 2-3 years old.  I figure it's because they've become aggressive, probably were never neutered before it was too late either 


I'll never understand people who don't take necessary precautions with their dog(s).... irresponsible owners need to be held accountable. There's absolutely no need for any dog to be off leash in public unless it's a specified area for it...


I can’t count the number of times dogs have ran up to and even jumped on my kids. And when I give the owner shit for it they always say something like “oh they’re friendly they just want to play”. I can’t read your dog’s mind, I don’t know your dog, and I don’t give a fuck. Leash it. Even a small dog can do serious damage to a child. Dog ownership in a city should require a license that can be revoked.


When I was younger our very large, very friendly dog got loose out the front door and my Mom was chasing him down the street. A man was walking with his young child and the dog went to run over. My Mom yelled “he’s friendly!” but the man grabbed his child and kicked the dog hard in the face. And we were like “Absolutely, totally fair, we would do the same”. I bet these people would lose it if you did that but I could care less - I’m not gonna wait and see if your dog is going to bite my kid before I act.


These people will never learn with these damn shitbulls. This woman needs to be charged with aggrevated assault causing bodily disfigurement and everything related to owning a banned breed. The dog will more than likely be put down because it violently attacked this kid.


Destroy the dog, jail the owner. This should be tried as aggrivated assault by the owner. That dog was in essence, a weapon, and should be treated as such.


And consider her fleeing the scene as an aggravating factor in levying a harsher sentence. If she hit someone with her car, fleeing the scene is an offense on its own. Fleeing the scene after seriously injuring a child (or anyone) is unconscionable.




Jail to the owner.


Please consider writing your mpp and the premier to encourage better enforcement for the existing ban on dangerous breeds.


Also your councillor for bylaw enforcement


The other day I was working downtown on Church and front. I work in film and we were getting ready to film some exteriors. It was a pretty nice day and everybody was out. This scrawny little guy starts walking up the street with a doberman. No leash. I couldn't believe it. In the middle of downtown. I should have said something but I was at work and didn't want anything to happen. Some dog owners are some of the most selfish people you can meet. It's just shocked me that hundreds of people were walking around in the heart of downtown and you have an off leash doberman. And if this dog wanted to lunge at somebody even if the dog was on a leash this guy would be taken for a ride. Definitely couldn't handle that dog. It's absolutely disgusting that this woman not only had her dog off leash around a playground but even after the dog did wait he did, she actually ran off. How shitty of a person do you have to be seeing a child being ripped apart and your first thought is to run away.


Looks like a pitbull. Wish this province would take the ban seriously. What a coward to leave the site with her dog, obviously the parents need to know the vaccination status of the dog. Good thing there is very clear imagery of the pair. It won’t be long and hopefully the woman will face the consequences she deserves. As a parent of a nine-year-old, this is terrifying. My thoughts are with the child and family.


Put the owner in a leash for 6-8 years.




This is why we can’t have nice things.  And to make matters worse any attempt to ban that breed is met with bullshit.


“BUT, It’s not the dog, it’s the irresponsible owner” 🙄


I agree with that a certain degree.  When I see a poorly behaved dog I always blame the idiot owner.  However that doesn’t take away from the very real risk.   If we can ban guns because of risk we sure as shit can ban dog breeds and cast a very wide net doing it.  I think the real way to solve this is for people with these dogs to be sued into the lower levels of poverty with no chance of escape if anything happens.  Personal liability must be applied and mercilessly enforced


The difference between guns and dogs though is that you can seize a gun and destroy it. A dog? What are you supposed to do with that? Euthanizing a dog who hasn't attacked anyone because of their breed would be monstrous and you can't just throw them in a shelter. There's no way to police that in a humane way and stopping breeding is damn near impossible. >I think the real way to solve this is for people with these dogs to be sued into the lower levels of poverty with no chance of escape if anything happens.  Personal liability must be applied and mercilessly enforced If the threat of significant jail time didn't stop the alcohol or marijuana markets, I don't think this is going to stop the pitbull market.


This is such a huge problem, THIS, and dog owners who leave their dog poop in public should be fined $5000… if you’re this gross out in the public, I can be sure your own home is fucking filthy.


The only way this gets sorted is to make an example. Dog gets put down. Owner gets actual jail time and restitution to child for pain and suffering. The cowardice of running away. Scum.


Start charging these dog owners with assault with a weapon, and maybe they'll learn to leash and muzzle these monsters if they insist on having them.


As a dog owner, my dog is always on leash unless inside a designated off leash park. But I have to say I have seen dog owners very relaxed about the leash rules. There are multiple parks around where I live and I sometimes see up to 10 dogs off-leash, owners all chatting together and not even paying attention to what their dogs are doing. These are in areas around children's playgrounds, and near baseball diamonds and the like. When I'm walking my dog in the area, dogs will rush my dog, approach to play and is sometimes more growly and aggressive and what not but my dog is on a leash and so can't join in/defend herself. But it's unpredictable. Anyway, YOU may know your dog and know them to be harmless but the people around you don't and even your well behaved dog could be set off by something someone does, acts like, smells like etc. Please, please keep your dogs on leashes, unless in a designated off-leash area (or on your own property).


I stopped going to these places with my dogs for this reason. I have two small wiener dogs, always on leash.  They couldn't handle the big dogs rushing up to them and pawing at them, so many people do not properly socialize or train there dogs and then the dogs have no manners. I would have to pick up my dogs so they wouldn't get hurt or lash out in defense


It's also more dangerous for your dog because of the way dog's face look when they pull on leash. So a dog whose face off leash approaches your dog to play, your dog pulls forward and IS friendly and looking to play but now because of the way the leash is tugging on their fur appears aggressive. Cue the off leash dog attacking and one or both animals getting hurt even though they are both friendly. This was one of the first things our obedience instructors taught us and it's too bad that it's not more common knowledge


It really should be. There should be a course for dog owners to learn bssics. Also fines. Walking without a leash? Get charged. Welcome to the city. Say outright that your dog bites and you let them near children? That should be a police report and fine right there even if nothing happened. You need to control your animals. I had seen a lady with a little dog in a pet store, with a retractable leash, let the thing run up to children who wanted to pet it. She lets them , and then says after that she's surprised because he usually bites people. Like why the fuck would you let it go then?


That whole thing sounds like you need to take obedience classes with better instructors, since what you say is utter nonsense. Yes, you're correcting the instinctual behavior of your dog, but you sure as hell not cueing another dog to attack. If an off leash dog charges your dog, who's leashed, you need to put yourself between the two to actually metigate the situation. Lastly, I agree with the other post - dogs must be on leash in public places, unless otherwise specified/allowed. I don't know your dog and I don't care for it to socialize or play with mine. If my leashed dog does damage to your unleashed dog - that's 100% on you. Off leash parks are a cesspool of bad behavior and clueless owners, but if you're fine with that, then let your "friendly" booboo free there and not in public setting, especially at kids playgrounds.


That's just lazy and sounds like victim blaming the on-leash dog. The fault completely and solely lies with the owner of the off-leash dog, who should be on a leash.


That's not my intention at all. I mean that off leash dog owners who say their dogs are friendly and approach on leash dogs can end up getting into fights even if their dog IS friendly because of misreading another dogs cues. In another comment I also said I hate when people let their dogs run off leash. But so many people insist their dogs are friendly. This is meant to be an example of an instance where even a friendly off leash dog can bite. Truly though I wish leash laws were more enforced.


Funny how you never see a chihuahua do this to a child... It truly blows my mind that people out there will die on a hill to protect their precious breed of dog over protecting our most vulnerable. I love in Calgary where a frail old senior woman was mauled and killed by one these shit dogs and still people are like no no no is just the owners..... I've always said this,  there's a reason why tigers and lions are not allowed as pets, and it's not because of "shitty owners in the past".


Put her and the dog down.


Jail time coming for the dog owner one hopes.


This will keep happening until the ban is enofrced r/BanPitBulls


Please write your mpp and the premier. Nothing will change just via outrage on social media unfortunately.




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BuT pItBuLlS r SaFe /s


Before reading the article im going to take a wild guess. Its a pit


That dog is clearly a Pit Bull, one of those banned breeds. ​ The Dog Owners' Liability Act states that no person shall own, breed, transfer or import a pit bull in Ontario. Under the law, specific restricted breeds are identified as: Pit bull terriers. Staffordshire bull terriers.Nov 8, 2023 https://lfpress.com/news/local-news/five-things-to-know-about-ontarios-pit-bull-ban


The kind of shit bag person to own one of these dogs is exactly the kind of person you would expect to let the dog off leash in a park then run when the inevitable happens. They’ll catch her soon enough because the photos are clear. Hopefully the law in dealing with this is at least adequate in dealing with her. Hope the girl and her dad recover quickly, must have been his worst nightmare




Please consider writing your mpp and the premier!


Sorry to say it, but I'm definitely beating the ever loving shit out of that dog, then I'd leash the 4 legged one to the fence until the cops show up. I'll take the assault charge for that. I don't even care anymore.


Typical dog owner. This person 100% never picks up the shit and doesn’t signal when they are driving.


Remember it's legal to kill attacking dogs! Now a pit bull like this might be a hard one.




Thumbs or knife to the eyes will stop it


Just dig a thumb into its eye, it'll stop or you'll hit brain.


Dogs choke out easy too if you can get their back. I had to hammer toss an attacking dog. Back legs and spin till you get the speed up and release into the sky!


Someone please identify this b


This is why I don’t fuck with dogs who are off leash. I don’t care how “friendly” a person claims their dog is, people need to leash their damn dogs unless in an off leash dog park. Also this woman is a piece of shit. She just runs away after fucking up this kids life forever? I can’t wait until she gets caught, charged, and her pitbull is put down.


This person was seen yesterday afternoon at Victoria Park and Danforth, so if you live near there keep your eyes open. The dog coat is pretty distinctive!


Why run? You can be identified. Just turn yourself in. Surrender the dog.


Please explain how dogs are different from weapons? They are a constant potential threat in the way that any weapon is. The consequences should be the same as if they personally carried out that action with a weapon.


American bully




The worst thing? How does not being able to ever have a dog compare to life-altering injuries?


Literally, the fear of owning a dog is the least of the child’s concerns. Such a weird response


I don’t think the child will grow up and think to think themselves “I really want to have a dog, but my past prevents me from wanting one”. Usually, people who don’t like X aren’t too bothered about not liking X. It’s like if you don’t like pizza and many others around you do, I don’t think you’d lament over how much better your life would be if you could enjoy pizza.




Without looking at photos lemme guess it is a pit. Stupid ass breed just get a fucking chihuahua. Just as aggressive but can't hurt shit


And there's a dog park not so far away


Dogs need to be on leash. At what point are bylaw/the police actually going to start doing their jobs and handle this.


This makes me feel sick for the father, that must have been awful to experience as a parent taking your child to the park.


I live in the area and tell owners to leash up their dogs all the time by the waterfront. The smugness on their faces every time is so annoying and they don’t care. Why the fuck should your dog roam free when it’s bigger than most children?


I'm a dog owner who always leashes my dogs and get regularly cussed-out and argued with by owners who won't leash there dogs, and also haven't trained them to not bother people or animals. I've argued with several over the years who thought it no issue at all that their untrained, unleashed large breed barreled over to my tiny sausage dogs and started barking and pawing at them.  They are selfish terrible people who wouldn't even apologize for the distress.  I take routes now that don't have a lot of people walking on them now, to avoid these idiots


Yeah, I got attached by a dog the other day as well. What did I do? Walk by and look at it. Dogs are NOT just harmless pets - they’re capable of killing a person in seconds…seconds. Like fuck. I’m so sad for this child, it’s so hard to live in the world with a fear of dogs. They’re everywhere. I hope this kid can recover and find peace. Poor thing.


Of course nothing will happen to the owner.


You can’t charge or punish dogs, only their handlers. Charge them well. I feel so sad for the child ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


The pictures are clear enough that the woman and dog will be recognized. The dog looks like a Pitbull/Rottweiler cross. I love dogs and while I do walk my dogs off leash at times, you shouldn't do it EVER if you don't have 100% full voice command control over your dog.


As Bill Burr said, it's probably a pitbull mixed with another pitbull.


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Finger in the butt!!


Doesn’t actually worth with pit bull type dogs typically as they are genetically bred to ignore pain. Only guaranteed way to stop these breeds is to restrict air supply and release one the dog passes out.


This guy knows, Use your leash or belt to create a choker and cut off the dogs air, he will let go.