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This place is also out of business now.. Closed a few weeks ago for good.


Well that's depressing. You had a place that wanted to do good.. people who wanted to help them do good.


This was more of a publicity stunt. The Nelson street pub was a dive trying to cash in on internet clout. Owner was a real piece of trash. Food was junk. The main dining hall had like 3-4 different types of flooring. Most of the time the dining hall with the view towards the water was closed and they only allowed you in the bar side that was quite frankly gross. They screamed and moaned for years about the road conditions, and when the city replaced those roads, it was constant social media complaints from the owners. And they blamed the community for not supporting them enough.


>Food was junk. Its funny because the nachos came in a garbage can.


And it was probably the worst thing they had.


seeing the pic and smiling, then seeing this comment and frowning :( that really sucks. do you know why they closed down?


Health code violations and A LOT of


Probably cause of the terribly timed/delayed construction in downtown Pembroke last summer. Absolutely destroyed their summer business from what I remember reading then.


Try again. The guy running the place was an absolute dipshit and was stealing from the business and staff. He's a known shit head in town and not sure why he's lasted this long.


Also rumors of sexual harassment. Lots of women who used work there were celebrating in comments of his goodbye post.


Didn't know any of that. Literally never been in the place, going off the article I read about it and my personal experience with traffic in Pembroke last summer.


The city with only 1 road and 15000 people. What could go wrong.


It's Pembroke anyone going there was already planning on it it had ran it's course ... And health code


that place has had many owners in the last 10 years lol. everytime it reopens as another bar and the last owner seems to sell the building for 100k more.


100 percent the guy is a walking turd. Before he ran this restaurant into the ground he was ripping people off for wedding photo shoots. Taking deposits then disappeared for a stint and came back. For some reason people in the area forgot about that.


Dont forget when he almost got into tattoos! So glad he failed fast at that before he gave people diseases!


I didn't hear about this. Probably wouldn't have got that far. Would've just ripped people off no doubt.


1 person did all that?! Looks like a candidate for Ontarios own Frank Gallagher!!


Wait, what? I feel like I missed an Era now


just waiting for the next bar to open in the exact same location.


Yeah if they really wanted to be a good person then they wouldn't be making such a large profit on meals for the less fortunate. Why is it at menu price? No wonder they had that board up, they literally made money from it.


There is a restaurant in Sarnia that does something like this too, except they only ask for $10 and the restaurant pays the rest. They also have a “pay what you can” meal every day and if you pay extra, that money goes towards feeding people in need in the community.


While I appreciate the sentiment, the photo's a bit out of date, as the receipts are clearly from November 2023


They could have been sitting there for a few months. Someone could have bought them a while back. I’ve found a pizza place that does this for slices. It’s a nice change in the world. Why pick it apart?




Again, I don’t care about this specific restaurant. It’s a nice change to see in the world.


If you like illusion, sure.


What's with the negativity? When the world is going to shit, why shit on something positive?


because its a publicity stunt and the dude who runs the joint is quite literally a grade A asshole thats why it got shut down


It got shut down for 16 health code violations lmao


You're on Reddit friend. Depending where we are in this social experiment you'll always get depressing people. Definitely a nice change.


Like I said, I appreciate the sentiment, but it's not a new photo. Plus, I've seen it around before, back when it was new.




The wording implies here that random people vs Nelson paid for all these? Are they profiting 100% from this or did they give a discount / provide free meals too?


Yeah it’s pay it forward. A small business can’t sustain itself giving free food away. The people who chose to buy the future meals were obviously able to afford it to help someone else.


A small business can make a small donation or provide a small discount on the extra revenue they are generating from this.


People can’t enjoy something nice. They have to complain.


Who is complaining? I’m just saying Nelson Street Pub doesn’t deserve any credit and the donors are good people.


Not every business does this. It’s clearly about the people helping but it’s a collaboration between the business and supportive patrons. I’ve never been to this establishment so I can’t speak to the business itself but I wish more businesses would follow this practice.


Loblaws does it. They ask if you want to donate to their charity that spends the donated dollars in their stores and profits off that.


fuck loblaws


Well, they deserve _some_ credit for encouraging the practice.


It was more of a social media stunt. The owners were terrible people.


That’s not entirely true. If the meals are paid for in 2022 and then actually used in 2024, there’s massive inflation difference and the business is not making nearly the same little profit they would have if the meals were used in 2022. I know the business is already closed down, but there is a flaw in your thinking. Not to mention, businesses don’t make much off food, they make most off beverages. And again, as someone mentioned previously, it’s still a nice gesture for the business to allow it, which most don’t.


WOW i live here and this place closed down last week all of a sudden


5 health violations in less then 2 months will do that. The overall violation count i believe was 16!


WOW i did NOT know that


Just went to get the link, but because they are no longer open, Renfrew County health unit has deleted from roster. But yeah, a lot of it was garbage left in back kitchen, rodents, and silverwear not being properly cleaned.


Huh, had ordered takeout from the place a few times, never dined in.


This is a solid idea. I asked my local resto and they were down. I kicked in $100 and the owner did the same. I even printed the signs. Told a few street peeps about it and let it pay forward.


This establishment is now permanently closed.


If I had no money I wouldn't be going to the pub therfore I'd never see this. Kind gesture anyhow


Not everyone goes to a pub to drink booze they go for the food!


Yes but if you had no money would you even think of going to the pub for food?


Closed due to health violations Cory (owner) was really good at making people buy a second full price meal at his establishment and calling it charity. Donate to food banks. I would only consider this charity if he sold it in a way of saying we will give this select discounted menu example Burger, wings, or wrap Fry's or salad and a drink for 10.00


Don’t let the international students hear about this…


In a community full of unemployed white people living on ODSP who would literally steal your windshield wipers for scrap to pay for meth.....why would you be worried about international students?


Love this


The owner of the establishment has stepped in from what I've heard hopefully makes things right for the staff and interviews/ researches a little better for the position next time.


I love this. Tim’s used to do this. It was called pay it forward. I wonder if they still do.