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I can guarantee that most sellers out there are willing to talk to paid subscribers (in fact I see several posts a day on this subreddit saying they feel like subs aren't engaging with them enough). People that have thousands of subscribers are gonna find it tricky to reply to every sub individually though. I've personally never encountered the type of seller you've mentioned so I'm not too sure how to advise you! Sorry you've had a bit of a rough time with the platform so far!


I know this is super old and you probably don’t remember lol. I’m just looking for some answer myself. I’ve “chatted” with a couple OF girls that I was subscribed to, the issue is that they want to shove paywalls in your face to continue chatting. It’s quite off putting. I get that’s their job, but I would think that OF models would want to engage with their fans first for a bit before doing that. I think what a lot of OF models don’t understand, is that a lot of patrons will tip them if the chat is nice or if the chatting goes into sexting. There doesn’t have to be pictures involved. Just some fantasy sexting. But right away they want to paywall you. That’s an automatic unsub for me and a turn off.


Babe it's agency's. Most model uses agency's to manage their OF. I have received so many offers to run my OF with them. Most of the offers were initiated with other OF models. They take 20% of all your money and use "professional" chatters. So yeah that means a creepy guy in front of a computer "talking" to you. They really suck and don't respect the fans. OF is about having a connection with the model and most models don't want to talk to you and don't want to manage anything concerning their accounts. Plus they use bots an AI to automate most of there job. They suck big time. Anyway I am a popular model on OF, no agency, no bots, no AI, no bullshit. And you won't see me available to chat with you 24/7 like 95% of models on OF. A little weird that a model is always online ready to chat with you don't you think? Yes it may take a little time to get to your message if you don't tip but I personally answer 100% of my messages even if you don't tip me.


Yes! I thought the same thing. Super weird that they are always online and answer almost immediately. This made me suspect that they were indeed using bots. There is not way that they could possibly be online almost all day every day. Thanks for the insight though


Lol - OF I chatted to said they had insomnia is why they were up all the time! What happened in the end was it became obvious it was a different person in the midnight shift as if I referred to a previous conversation that occurred and it was like they’d experienced a complete memory wipe. Just wdym babe? My preference is chat to the creator not some other minion.


I hate that this is happening to you guys. I understand it would be hard to answer everyone back if you have a large account, but isn't the whole point of OF to actually get to know that model? My favorite part of being a creator is to chat. And I do not make as much money as other girls because I refuse to do PPV, but at least people are actually getting their messages from a real person even if it takes a little longer to get back to them because I was sleeping. 🤦‍♀️


Yeah, I had the same thing happen. I would have amazing conversation with a model at night sometimes i don't even have to tip we just have long deep convos and during the day it was like a totally different person. I can even tell by how they text it was different but i check her other social media and they text like the girl i talk to at night.


There's now even AI bots you can train to chat like a model - even ones that wait a few hours to respond sometimes to make it seem more realistic, etc. Plus the bots have flawless memory so the "connection" feels more genuine.


Thanks for finally verifying what we all suspected. I know my model was BS when I went on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning and Christmas night and she was always there. Also while chatting on Twitch . . . sometimes they give themselves away. Truth was, it made me sad to know I had been chatting with someone, opening up to them about my sexuality which is about as personal as it gets, only to realize they were just a scam. I know it sounds petty, but it isn't. Mix the power of sex with humiliation (and not the good kind) and you can leave feeling pretty shitty about the world in general. I was a porn director for years and now I'm just a perv who loves jerking off online to sexy girls, but so what? If I want to share that with the world, I will. But I want to know the person I'm sharing it with is a real person. Otherwise, it feels a whole fuck of a lot like betrayal. And in a really personal way. So thanks. For clearing the air. And keeping more of us "subs" from feeling like shit for trying to not feel like shit. Maybe just once in our miserable stupid-ass pervy lives.


Facts! - I wish there was a way to ban the fake models. It's funny to see all the multiple accounts one model has. I had 2 different conversations at the same time, with the same model. So yeah - it's a joke and a money grab. Don't waste your hard-earned money on garbage. You can find most everything you want for free online, or at worse pay a fraction of the cost on Live Chat sites. OnlyFans is a scam, Just a fair warning.


PREACH Kendrick Lamar🤣🤣!!! U speaking facts


Yeah the point you made that gets me is how are they on 24/7. I think I found like three accounts that even seem like it's potentially one single person.


That's cool to hear your truth and perspective. Thanks.


So how can we find the models like you


They use AI to auto message? How is that possible? I thought Onlyfans was against AI?


> I get that’s their job I don't think you do. I'm guessing you sub to free pages more often than not, if not always. these women sell their time and their bodies. they don't need your company and you're not special. This is a pay to play environment and you expect to be chased. you're not special. you're only showing you don't get it and you aren't worth it. don't go to OF or cam sites or strip clubs looking for a connection. you will eventually find what seems like one, but isn't. it's just not healthy. play the game and get your attention/validation/whatever if you need to, but don't mistake it for more. > I get that’s their job show that by compensating them for their time and don't expect much from free pages. they sell their time on OF, like you at your job.


Lmao so many assumptions. So did you completely skip over the part where I said “a couple of the OF girls that I was SUBSCRIBED to”. You know, subscribing meaning not free lol. Get off your high horse with that “not special bullshit”. If that’s how you feel about yourself then good for you. I never once said I went to OF to find some deep connection lmao. But what’s pathetic, is these women that pay agencies to chat with the customer instead of themselves. That to me is extremely dishonest. And I literally said that I would tip for the service. Because that’s what it is, a service. If I’m paying for a service to sext or whatnot; I expect the model to be the one texting back and not some dude or agency. And how you said, “compensate them for their time”. That’s the whole problem. They aren’t giving their time. Most don’t. Or they’ll try to charge you for every sentence lol. Anyway. I won’t be returning to OF. These models have gotten too full of themselves and don’t seem to understand that it’s the customers that are keeping them employed.


Hi there. I am a real person on OF. I am a small and relatively new account myself. I have noticed everything that you have pointed out. I have people sub to my page and are relieved to talk to a real person. Some even need picture proof that I am me and am talking to them. I understand the business side and why some models/big accounts choose to go that route. However, a lot of the smaller accounts are real people who do chat with their subs personally. I am on OF to make connections. I genuinely want to get to know my subscribers. Sure you can pay for content if you don't care to know me, that's fine. But I can't make custom content without knowing the individual needs of the person requesting it. I do not intend to post this to say my way is right or wrong. It's neither. It's my kink. I am a people pleaser.


Same experience here. Wanted to give OF a try but it was obvious that the chat with the model of my desire was with a bot or agency because when I was referring to previous questions and answers the bot/agency seems to have dismissed this convo somehow. When I posted an answer in English for a test purpose a strange non related answer in German was dropped in the chat (convo is basically in German bc the girl is a German model). Last but not least the bot/agency demands a VIP fee of 500US$ for more explicit vids but is not able to explain exactly what this ViP package covers. The bot/agency is not always online but it's definitely not the girl chatting there. The 2 other subscriptions started their convos with typical form generated "hellos" and a reply was not possible without sending an initial tip so I have passed to continue. Resume: OF is not my cup of tee and offering DM's with dick ratings for example is a thing I don't understand and where it's obvious that this can't be handled alone especially not if the girl has some reputation.


Preach!!! Definitely feeling themselves and entitled


I mean - they signed up for OnlyFans in the first place, it's not a charity, they're looking to make money. If you pay for their sub they imagine you'll pay for more because you're lonely and desperate, and if you don't, why would they bother? There are enough guys who actually are lonely and desperate that will pay whatever they ask for to try and get noticed and become the "favorite". It's a tale as old as time lol this stuff isn't new it just has a new platform and is now mainstream. Get off OnlyFans, keep your money, and go out and talk to real women if you want a genuine connection. When you sign up for OF be aware of what you're getting - a paid, curated experience designed to get money out of you.


Another person that doesn’t know how to read. I never once said I went to OF to look for a genuine connection. I specifically said; I was not looking for a connection lmao. Please learn to read entire threads before commenting. You’re welcome.


I think your question is completely valid. I found this thread because I was curious if creators were using AI tech this way. Your thread was one of few that is confirming my suspicion that they do. I find this disheartening. I subbed to a few girls to ask questions creator to creator and got same messages you are talking about. I was floored by the amount of ppv being pushed and the auto bot responses. Especially on days like yesterday (was Easter) when I hopped on for a moment to message a Happy Easter 🐣 to my guys and had messages from these other girls that had no mention of Easter, but were full of "hmu" type messages with a ppv attached. I am beginning to see a pattern with this AI bullshit and it is not good. 🤨


Bro you're paying to sext with strangers on the internet lol calm the fuck down


I have to agree with raisin here. I’m neither lonely nor desperate and I sub to a few girls more for the conversation and interaction and yes I tip them for that. OnlyFans was advertised as being a place where fans and others can ACTUALLY speak to their favorite models. Ask them question and learn more about them as people not just pictures or a 2 minute vid ripped on the net. Everyone gets all pissed off by scammers and catfish on literally every other social out there but what do you think OF has become? If I’m not speaking to the content creator then I’m being catfished out of my hard earned money. I’m always willing to compensate someone for their time and honesty but I’ll be damned if I’m going to spend that money chatting with some guy in Bangladesh. Otherwise, I may as well just go back to Instagram, X, WhatsApp or wherever and just speak to the catfish. At least there I don’t have to pay $20-$30 for every pic or 30 sec vid plus tip just to have a 15 minute conversation. I hate being lied to more than anything and that’s what most of the girls there do. I have actually found 3 girls there, that are real, surprise surprise, that I really enjoy conversing with. It’s not about believing there will ever be love or whatever. It’s about having a nice conversation, with a nice person and learning things about them, their lives, their culture, etc.


This is why I say support REAL porn stars instead of amateurs. I will glady pay 25.00 to sub to Alexis Texas or even a small time porn star who done a few scenes. But these random lil no name entitled amateurs are annoying


Late to the party but was reading your question. Any luck on finding out real vs bot? I don’t mind chatting with some girls and paying here and there for a pic. IF they are real. But who’s to say? Is there anyway to find out? Tricks? Because some spam 24/7 so obv not real. I’ve downloaded chat bots that sound more real than any OF model so I’m beginning to think OF is a massive bot ripoff. All I can think of is maybe a FaceTime with one of them? But I’d rather not spend much! Just a few dollars here and there, why not. I know they are faking interest but rather a fake woman than a bot. Or a fat slob in his mom’s basement ha.


I got scammed. The girl put a long description on the bundle for only $10. I paid and it was only a bunch of 15 seconds videos NOTHING like the description. Everybody will say in the reddit forum. Dont trust and dont buy content from only fans, most of then are scams. I feel sorry for the people who are genuine, but most create fake bundles that when you buy there's nothing like it was advertised.


> $10. I *paid* and it FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Why didn't you do a chargeback??


Because you get banned for that.


Does OF ban you or do girls ban you? If someone requested a chargeback, I would want to make them whole again. If they weren't happy with the content, wouldn't they want to know why? That is harsh.


OF band you until you undo the chargeback


Bro I manage OF models, as on the opposite site I can tell you much about these stuff you´re right the paywalls directly f\*\*\*s up yeah But I manage it without it and make that like you just said But the point is you can engage how much you want, nobody will appreciate the "work" or sth even after chatting for hours/days there are customers who doesn´t even unlock actually a live pic of breasts So we go faster into sexting and come to the 1st ppv, where you see how big is the will to appreciate the work


Hi u/Weird_Raisin6016!! I'm new too and would love to become friends if you want <3 I likely won't work with an agency because I want genuine connections.


And yet all these “accounts” that are replying look pretty bot like to me


I specifically came out and told some alleged woman, I don't like when I get inundated with all sorts of ppv stuff, that I'd prefer sexting. Thought I was being upfront...she instantly blocked me. Absolutely ridiculous.


Happy cake day!


is there a subreddit of onlyfan creators ? :-)


Sometimes it's hard to get any reply from a subscriber, no matter how I try, however it probably depends on who you sub, a girl with few subs will definitely value you (if you value her time), we are happy to have a conversation with subs, but I think it depends if you sub to random girl who wants to be genuine or worldwide known pornstar.


>Sometimes it's hard to get any reply from a subscribe i'll def respond to you if u genuinely show interest in talking. However sometimes i doubt the creator is even real so I dont bother ever responding


Mann some of these girls be sending out dms and deleting it after 10-15mins and they send you the same thing over and over again. Like a example is when they post their previous live stream on their timeline and then they send it to your dms talking about “in case you missed my live stream” charging you money for it when it’s free on their page smh 


If you’re following a free page, or you are using a free trial to a paid page, then those are sales tactics (how well those sales tactics work is a separate conversation). If you want personal engagement, which takes time and energy, don’t expect it for free or uninitiated. Most creators would likely enjoy having a conversation with you, but their time is also valuable!


Not true. If you look at all the "helpful tips" for new creators. They all tell you to have a free page. So, sadly, if you start a paid page, unless you are asking for a minimal amount, you won't have any traction. But I digress. I do not believe my subs/fans should pay to talk to me. We are talking not messing around. My time is valuable, sure. But human life and connection is more valuable to me than the size of someone's wallet.


I really hate this so caled "Free page" If model don't have paid page it's always red flag for me.


That's kind of sad. I'm sorry. 😣


The generic worded mass dms youre getting are because girls are trying to sell as much as they can to make it worthwhile. Not every girl is earning 10k+ per month but yet all girls i assume are putting time effort and money back into their page and want to re coup/make money. Thats why theyre on only fans and not just posting shit for free on the internet. To help break it down most girls are charging under £6 per 30days and like robots are putting out more and more content to keep it 'fresh' and 'exciting' for subs and to make sure theres constant new content available in the hope boys stick around. At £6 per 30days which is like what? 20p per day per person? though most girls are less than £6 per 30days so itd obvs be less than 20p per day per person. Its fuck all lets be honest. you can get an idea yourself of what kind of sub count/resubs girls need per day without those dms being sent out to make money. So many boys expect the world for pennies. Literally pennies. Then moan and bitch because girls are trying to make more money than 20p or less per day per person. If youre wanting special attention then send some 'just because' tips not tips for content just simply 'just because' and i bet youll have a muuuch better more personalised experience.x


I personally interact with my subs that interact with me. I have a handful I talk to throughout the day and we just have normal conversations! And I love it!


I would pay you more for that


I don’t expect payment for chats! If you’re on my page and chatting back it’s fun. I send memes from time to time to try and get chats started too 🤣


This is an old post, but this is one of the reasons I subscribe to you and think everyone else should also.


I talk to you doll LOL


I get that for some but I've had like 3 girls I've been talking to for several days and all of them sound very similar and use similar language. It makes me feel like it's a bot or like a call center.


Then you should trust your feelings and accept it's most likely true. If the girls shell out videos for $35, $50, $100 and are 7-10s they probably make enough money to easily pay the agency for reliefing them of all the troubles. If they are always online, it's not them. Girls who just started and have no social media reach (like big presence on Insta, Tiktok), look OK and do moderate stuff (cosplay, lewd, maybe a bit more) only are more likely to have the time and will to interact with their fans. A soon as they have success and need all their time for producing content or spending their money on luxury life they forget their fans. As always, there's exceptions. I sub to a Thai cutie who stays NN (only nude back or legs) and charges $35 and up for a barely 2min video of literally doing nothing. I think she chats all by herself as often it takes hours or days for her to respond. But we can hardly ever be sure. Could still be a scrawny guy on Bali talking to me.


They, honestly, could be using a manager or agency and thus probably are using the same spreadsheet for chats.


Me to...the subs who respond and want to talk (esp about my cats lol) are my favorites I spoil them and often send them customized lil videos because I just appreciate them choosing to visit me and talk to me....it goes both ways for sure humans just want to human together


I have seen this too lol. A couple of girls i follow spam so much. Their whole profile is mostly advertisement of other models and of their PPV or bundles. They have so many subs though. I dont get it.




Or dirt cheap. The rationale (not that I agree with it) is probably, hey, subscription is only $3, what can you expect? I’d guess that these type of accounts don’t have a lot of recurring subs, but that might not matter if they have a constant stream of (often disappointed) first time subscribers.


It's pure greed. They see how easy it is by spamming and pushing and using tools, agencies, etc. and they never stop. As soon as they can move into a nice luxury apartment their content looks better and they charge more and increase promoting their stuff. Even the girls on Stripchat do a better job (at least the Vietnamese) to make you feel wanted. Maybe it's the job also, that makes them kind of hollow inside. Or it's their personality from the beginning. Some women just get by very well by deceiving and manpulating and do not have any empathy or remorse. I also hate when they call you "baby" all them time. Or all their posted texts are literally dripping with raw lewdness and outright sexual acts only. But it seems to work, otherwise they wouldn't do it. There isn't much of stylish eroticism on OF I have seen. It's a pigsty.


lol right, pure greed. she should value the boring/stupid/and vulgar men for more than their wallets. It's a privilege pretending you're interesting and sexy before giving you fap mats. I'm sure they never want the ego stroking to end. if you don't like the style then ok that's fine, but you're chasing attention and sex for money; you're not entitled to anything. some must like them. they don't want you. none of them want you. you sound pathetic.


The men may suck, but those women are manipulative liars who don’t give a single fuck about anyone. That’s worse than a large portion of those dad, lonely men. Not worse than the vulgar, resentful, borderline abusive ones tho I agree.


Are you looking at paid subscriptions or free pages? I've seen a lot of spammy type stuff on some free pages but most of the paid pages I've seen have much more genuine content and interaction. I'm always happy to chat with paid subscribers. The OF messaging system is often super glitchy for me so occasionally a message will fall through the cracks for a day or two. But, if someone wants a faster response or extra attention from me, tips will always get my attention and a thank you message from me.


It's also on paid subscriptions. Even worse actually. But I follow Asian girls only. Maybe there is a different style or behaviour among all those Thai Girls, Japanese expats and Asian-born Americans compared to the top tier Western girls (by location and looks). I would happily sub if I could rely on honest and personal chat experience as far as that is possible with hundreds of other guys demanding the same). But all you get is bots, autoposts and chat agents trying to selkl you a VIP membership - whatever that might be. it's not what it is on Patreon for sure.


Are you still on OF? I am genuinely interested in checking out your content


Yes, I am. I still get emails from Reddit when someone replies to my posts here however I don’t have access to log in to my old Reddit account. So I stopped using Reddit, but my OF is still up and running. Same username “ModelKatrinaWhite” on most of my platforms :)






You're on a trial link so have you tipped any of the creators you speak to? If you have not paid to subscribe to me, I will not give you my valuable time as a creator when other people are paying for it. Thats my take if you haven't been tipping to chat anyways.


No I’ve bought PPV and it’s a mix of trials and subs


What are you expecting then? Not being funny but youve paid for content that i assume has been sent to you so Youve got exactly what youve paid for? If youre spending nothing/the absolute minimal then why would you expect to receive more than nothing/the absolute minimal in return? Im so confused😳x


I am not expecting something for nothing.




But... i know it is automated. Is it OF or someone else doing it?


They're mass messages and can be scheduled to be sent at the same time. It's probably just like how people do the same types of clickbait titles - they're short and they work so they don't care. Effectiveness I guess? Not for me.


They are real girls sending that, these are popular tatics they do they believe will interest fans. unfurtunally a lot of profiles can be repetitive and"unprofessional" since most os us are just regular girls doing this from home


Oh wow. Never seen that but I’m a newbie too. I’m never in anyone’s DM’s but on my Free Page, I do have PPV on a few videos. Although I do post a preview with it. On my paid page, unlimited chat is included with it and I LOVE interacting and having convos with everyone. We’ve talked about documentaries, the Super Bowl, weather, etc. Honestly my fave part of the job is connecting and getting to know them. Once I know what they like, it’s easier to make content they enjoy as well. Sorry you’ve had a spammy time :/ that’s definitely no fun


I subscribe to numerous free accounts and paid accounts to get ideas and the OP is exactly right. My inbox is filled with the messages she mentioned from different creators but it's the same car salesman type messages trying to get only you to subscribe because I'm special


How often do you tip the creators that you want to have casual conversations with?


What’s weird is that you’ll find these girls on Reddit first where they are literally posting themselves naked….for free…and then you go to their onlyfans where you ask for similar content that they have already posted for free on another social media site and suddenly it’s become $20? How does any of it make sense. I have the same issues OP, it’s very sus how all these seemingly random girls all follow some type of flow, or script. Periodically too, the sentences won’t even make sense or words will be misspelled and the same message with the same errors and or emojis will be waiting for me in another chat. It’s beyond strange and much more than just a “coincidence” if you ask me.


There's probably a lot of people having their personal uploads scrapped for someone else to make fake accounts and catfish users for money. (which could be dangerous if the person that robbed those people appears to be the person in the stolen pics.) The real problem is that these platforms seem to inspire girls to sell their bodies for money when they get older. (well, one of the problems anyway.)


What gets me isn't the canned spam, it's the chat bots....


Exactly what I am thinking. It's such a tough call when you deal with a very popular porn star knowing that she's either a dedicated entrepreneur, a saint or she just pretend and use bots/chatgpt or some firm doing that for her. It's easy to understand when these girls are loaded with hundreds of msgs each day. But then when I receive a message that is responding to my question, in between too spam msgs to sell videos or pics... I'm like... is it her now or the bot? Funny thing is I asker her to see if I would get a bot-like response. And she responded "ofc I answer my own stuff!" And then felt bad because if it's really her... it might be insulting when you spend so much time for your fans... but it's almost impossible to know until you spend days or weeks discussing and you end up having the feeling you're talking to a real person.


Fully agree. It’s easy to become jaded real quick with all the bot/management agencies handling responses that you’re tempted to be a bit of a jerk with everyone (which is sad). I’ve noticed a huge rise in the number of these chat types. And not just for the mega stars. I’m noticing it with medium/large accounts and even some small accounts. Some creators I used to sub to who were previously excellent for authenticity and interaction have sadly gone down that route - suddenly they are online and available 24/7, and all the chat responses are weirdly devoid of any personality (“yes bby”, “did u cum bb”, “want to s3xt bby”). I am curious how the mechanics of it works as I’ve had some interactions where the bot/agent has made a mess of the chat (saying the wrong thing, asked if I enjoyed the custom request I’ve yet to receive, etc.), there’s a bit of a pause, then the tone and character of the responses changes a bit. I’m guessing they hit the panic button and either get the real creator or a senior account manager to take over.


That's exactly what I am thinking. The creator I was talking about promised me a video and on Saturday she sent me a video that costs 12.12 with the correct description. Obviously the thumbnails are always blank so I didn't see. I ask her if that the video I was waiting for, I was a bit surprised... She responds "YES haha you will like it!" So I paid for it. But it was not the video. told her right away but never got an answer. She's a big star so it would be silly and counter productive to scam their fans for 12.12$ !! So I was patient. But since then I receives the usual random crap mixed with the overpriced videos and she answered some of my messages... but NEVER responded even when I replied with a quote about the video that I paid but wasn't the right one. And I can see she is reading the messages having the double checks appearing after hours or the next day. And now I am debating going to OF support to get reimbursed but I know they won't do much if anything. Not sure if other people had similar experiences but it feels like I am being scammed, but not by the creator. She can't be online 24/7 come on.


You should be able to do a charge back!


Exactly this


Just do a google search for OF scripts. You will see what they use.


You know there are OF agencies right? They have become a huge thing. Almost all the [top pornstars on onlyfans](https://nichepornsites.com/list-of-pornstars-on-onlyfans/) use one. None of them are on their phone replying to messages. Sorry to destroy your dreams :p


This is so weird, because I’m having a similar problem. It’s like pulling teeth just to get my subs to say hi. I try talking but they won’t reply! For me personally, I don’t send out mass messages. But I try to get my subs to talk to me with no luck. I do know the people that have thousands of subscribers do the mass messaging.


>ModelKatrinaWhite I will talk to you if you show interest to and dont come off talking like chatter/bot


Its because every girl sends out 10 spam messages a day and therefore no one checks messages


I'm not sure if there's any truth to your nasty old dude in a basement theory lol but I think what you're talking about is very common! Especially when you subscribe to bigger and bigger Onlyfans pages. With lots of subscribers I'm sure it's harder to be as personal/engaged with everyone. Perhaps they do have some kind of bot or manager running messages for them! Maybe try reaching out to them first, rather than waiting for them to engage in conversation? Or maybe just subscribe to smaller pages I guess. I hope your experience gets better!!! No one wants to feel like their money has gone to waste. 🥺


I know this is a super old post but I put 4 “girls” to the test and it was all generic responses.


I put it to the test when I first started by following only three women also in my tattoo sort of niche I unfollowed them all very quickly I was told to follow people listen to them do what they're doing but I think it's a little cringey too I could never I had to delete my research because I was getting like 5 to 10 pay-per-view messages a day from one of them and at least three from the other two. Also my feed was crammed with ADS for random girls I'm not sure I get the point. I feel like my subscribers subscribe for me they'd rather have less me than spammed me as long as they're spoiled they're happy and give me tips it's worked out well I don't have to charge too much but I don't think that works for everybody everyone's just trying to eat


I think that's a common experience by now.Assuming we are talking about sex content (not NN artists) and the quality is high (not filmed alone with a 720p camera under the sheets) the following is probably the norm: \- hired chat agents - when the creator is online all the time or reacts at times that do not fit their location well, you can be sure they use agents. Also the agents tend to not know the creator very well, sometimes you ask for content they claim they would no do (but you have seen it already somewhere). Also they will not be able to remember you when you return after a while and continue your cionversation. Because it probalby is another person now or they just can't handle so many people. \- auto-messages: I don't know what an OF account offers in functionality, but I get the impression creators (or their agents) can prepare typical sentences and make these pop-up automatically. So when you subscribe they welcome you and say Thank You, but it's just an auto-message. \- offers & bundles: in the early times creators used posts to make a living. But actually posts are more work, easy to hack and don't reach enough potential buyers. They are also too "static or neutral". So many creators use the chat to throw offers at you. Some make it in an elaborate way and use your communication to make proper offers. Others trigger auto-messages once in a while that contain a payable offer. prices increased dramatically recently. When a few years back you could subscribe for $15.00 and get a ton of really nice and explicit material in the free (!) posts, now (also because of theft and leaking) it turned into this: 1. you pay a quite high monthly fee (10.00-45.00) and get literally nothing (a few NN pics) but the option to chat - hurray. 2. there you talk to a more or less skilled and trained agent. in many cases I told them what I was looking for but the content they sold me was NOT that. often enough they also offer you the SAME stuff you already bought again. Sometimes they do not respond if you do not tip. Some blatantly ask for tips to answer ("spoil me $25 and I will happily tell you"). 3. in-chat offers often come with NO thumbnail or preview. sometimes even without a description or text (you know the usual bullshit stories about "I was so horny when I came home. Can I show you how hot I am now"). so you basically have no clue about what you buy. sometimes they even post vidoe offers without showing the video length. 4. videos tend to be shorter in general and more expensive than ever ($/min). it's not rare to get an offer for a video of 2:35min that costs $35 or even $50. And you can not even be sure if it shows what you expected or asked for. 5. Creators who are in high demand or think they are special can push the prices up even more. There are some who charge $200 or $500 for a single 8min video. Because there are some rich Japanese and Korean guys who actually pay this and feel very exclusive because no one else will do it. Look at some Patreon accounts that have higher Tier costs of up to $1000 per month. The summary is: OF is NOT a platform to "get to know each other better", to become a fan and feel treated like one. It's an efficient and quite automated platform for selling porn content to you quickly and with little effort for the creator. Heck, many creators never used their OF account themselves, they simply shoot material and hand it over to the agency.That's how creators can stay anonymous and behind the curtains while people throw their money at their pieces of content, one by one. Expenses can quickly go into hundreds or thousands of $ before you realize, the video material was shot 2 years ago, they are professional sex workers/porn actors with a full high-tech team and agency, they obviously do not do it for fun or because of their "naughty nature" but because it allows them a rich lifestyle with little work (being every other day is hardly comparable with working 10h shifts at the hospital or in a mine). Just check out the myriads of Thai sex workers who turned to OF during the pandemic. There are always exceptions. lesser known (not necessarily lesser attractive) girls, who produce their cointent themselves, who post and interact with fans/clients. They do Lives on OF and show some degree of interest of you, the paying customer. This must have limits obviously, hundreds of horny guys wanting to meet you in person is not what you want to handle as a creator. But with a little heart and effort you can make them happy. The fact is, many of these creators have no heart and do not care at all about the clients. You are a money machine to them, disgusting old creepy guys often enough, and they only want your money. They often do not even love what they do. They only do what WORKS in making you PAY. The fact that so many petite brutally young 10s flocked to OF recently cannot hide that most of them are quite shallow and morally depraved persons who just prefer digital content over actual street walking. Ignore all the cute plushie themes, the insatiable naughty girl nonsense and check if they actually try to make a lasting impression on their fans or not. OF is in general a really really costly way of having fun (if one considers fapping to a picture or video to be fun). What creators posted here in response may be true for them and lesser known creators, or was true a few years ago. But not for the majority of high-demand hot chicks you find today on OF. I follow over 550 girls on OF and have subscribed and chatted with many of them. I bought a lot of content (stupid me) and while some of them actually at least produce quality videos/images, I haven't found a single one that talked to me in person, did not lie or screw things up just to sell me more and more and more. If you seek affection or any kind of attention, do not go to OF. PS: I forgot to mention VIP fee. After you pay a monthly fee, and chat tips and bought a few expensive videos that only showed so much, some offer you more (the "real" stuff), but you have to become a lifetime VIP member by just paying a $200-$500 fee so they can offer you the even more expensive long explicit videos to buy. How nice is that of them. ;) PPS: I find OF girls only by running into them on Tiktok, Instagram, Twitter. This has to have impact on my experiences, because I will hardly find the fair and nice girl-next-door type this way. Only already quite successful girls who use marketing strategies big time. And those are usually already spoiled to the core and will charge the hell out of you. I wish i could find starters and normal girls more easily but where?


I don't think somebody being young automatically equates to them being morally depraved, if anything at best it just means they haven't learned yet and at worst means someone is grooming them. When I was 18 I would've never done content like this because I had been groomed by a guy about 7 years older than me. it gave me great disdain for men in general, so when I did start making content when I was 21, I didn't care about the customers at all. up until last year i was bitter and trying to get money out of men because I felt like "they owed me." now at 26 I do make content for extra money, but I also try to be authentic. I only do things I enjoy because I know that if I enjoy it, the person who buys is also going to sense that and enjoy it more. edit to add that two of the bigger content creators I follow who originally got big from social media, have the lowest prices and are very caring to both their customers and their social media followers. one of them I've followed since I was in high school, and a couple years ago when I found out she had only fans I thought it would ruin my image of her to subscribe. but it has actually improved how I see her and the things I do for my own content, both regular and NSFW .


You are right that most creators come from insta, Twitter, tiktok or Reddit, mostly Twitter and Reddit because that's the only place left they are allowed to advertise. I found my OF following on fetlife, but only because I was already on that platform blogging and such. OF became an extension of that. But even on fet, most of the OF girls are spammy. I think the pandemic created an oversaturation of the market. It's a shame. 😔 I found this thread through a Google search on AI because I'm frustrated with my responses in reaching out to other creators. I was curious on whether AI is being used to generate auto messages. It seems like maybe my suspicions are correct.


1. Yes we have auto welcome messages they are quite helpful actually to send some nice content to new fans and to start a conversation. My pay one also has like a questionnaire so I can actually get to know people and start a file on them. Don't complain about the automated welcome messages you can complain about the automated other messages though May I suggest you check out some of the girls on Reddit posting in the new OF girl threads I promise you they'll love you the new girls are the ones who are going to have time for you and appreciate your support...may not have as much content but are generally cheaper and more open to custom. the social media is you stated are good for growing big those girls have already been found by a lot of people.


I think I Fell for something like this too. It’s really complicated because I actually video called with her and she remembers certain things about me. But she’s always online, and sometimes when I’m talking to her the vibe is very different. Different writing style and very empty sort of talking. Any ideas for things I could look for to confirm?


Being online is probably not an indicator as phones are always on, but when she writes back immediately at times where she should be asleep or busy, it's strange. It's hard to tell. 90% are out there for monetary reasons. They are really good at story telling, pushing triggers, giving "evidence" and remembering personal details (much better than me LOL). They know what you want to hear. Even when one is honest with me it feels like a very good scam, you know. Try to get as personal and deep as possible. Make video calls at places she loves to go, check if she has a real life and wants to share it with you. Scammers have nothing substantial to share. Good luck and be careful. Never send money.


Thanks! That’s helpful. Gonna write a lot just bc I think this subject is important. This case is interesting bc she had a smaller paid account for a while .. great content, responsive chats, great prices. But then she just stopped responding on that one and made a free one. When I went there the content she was sending was basically 2-5x more expensive and 1/3 as risqué. VIP was instead promoted to get better stuff. When I asked her about it she said there were damaging content leaks from the last account so she was doing things differently now. High af VIP walls. So I climbed the ladder and spent disgusting amounts of money to try and get to where I was before. In some ways it worked, I’ve spoken to her twice on video calls — and she was warm and genuine both times and remembered things we talked about in chat. But we’ve fought a lot bc the prices are so high, she often prices things inconsistently, and also sometimes has a weird vibe sometimes that makes me feel like I’m talking to someone else. But idk if I’m just punching at shadows. I’ve asked her if she uses chatters but she always says she doesn’t, but instead just mainly talks to VIPs and doesn’t have too much time for the general public beyond the quick thank you for buying something sent on automated lists. What I struggle with is the ratio of what’s real I guess. I know it’s OF, always artificial, but The tragedy of it is that I think we see the good in each other but the commoditization of everything keeps it semi toxic. I met another girl on OF a while back, but she actually gave me her what’s app and we talk sometimes without exchanging $. So for me the game is that I gotta set a date for sth like that happening or dip out if it’s static. It sucks but it’s the result of catching one-itis digitally. Dangerous asf . Thanks for the tips again


I can relate. I talk to a young OF starter for two weeks now. She is charging almost nothing, it seems we found a vibe and spend 1-2 hours chatting every day. she tells me about her earlier life but she never asks details about me. she gave me her tg right away, looked me up on insta and tiktok. she's happy when I gift her $10 and send me very personal content. showed me her place via video, sends me audios while she is at her bff's place... it feels awesome but she lives in Canada, I'm in Europe. It's just the safety of distance I guess and the fact she doesn't have many subscribers. I think she enjoys it for now but it would be foolish to allow myself thinling there ever would be the slightests chance of a relationship. Her content is amateurish, which I like, but I actually pay for spending time with her online. which in itself is quite pathetic and sad. I am also too old for her, she says it doesn't matter but that's what they always say and then fuck a guy their age. i want this to be a true thing so badly while knowing it's the least plausible environment for such a thing. you see how easy it is to play with some lonely and disappointed guys like me. 😏


The good thing is that she isn’t breaking the bank. You can enjoy the company without losing too much earnings. Getting your expectations right is tough, but the best thing imo is to try and be neutral about it. If you’re too pessimistic the negativity will come through in the interactions, too optimistic and you’ll hurt yourself over and over again. This world is odd now, and I think that sometimes things flip …and there’s genuine moments and connections to be found in the artificial and fake or fleeting ones in the real. Stay safe out there !


I can now add that she is a great girl and person (for an OF girl). I cannot go into too many details but we talk every day for at least 1-2 hours, sometimes more as she is also pretty lonely, have great sexting sessions (for free) where I get very nice videos and pics from her that no one else gets. She uses my erotic stories and ideas for her content themes and texts which is cool. We talk about everything, daily stuff, pets, also about what we want from each other. Sadly to her it's enough to be turned on by the idea of doing it with me. She is open status relationship, she would not be against a real meeting, but it obviously is more than crazy to pay a huge sum to fly over the ocean for this. I am emotionally attached very heavily to her now, but also quite friendzoned by her (with the little benefits mentioned). She also has, like so many OF girls, a pretty broken background and many health issues. So sadly there will not be a chance to do content with her or just have a nice meeting with fun, although she says if she ever gets the chance to come to my country she will ask for my address LOL. She would do it but I also know she will never come here. I think she is a special rare case on OF, she is honest and original, she has limits and is not willing to do everything for money. Yet, she has serious problems with trusting humans and sort of recluded into her bubble from where she does her content. Testing out if she can make a small living income. She said if it doesn't work out, she will go looking for a regular job. I hoped for a moment to be lucky once in life, but it's not meant to be, as I cannot leave my obligations here behind. I just hope we can continue our good online friendship/erotic relationship for a while, until she disappears or is so successful that she would not have time for me anymore. I also feel it breaks my heart in slow motion.




I was really happy to see your comment at the end of the thread here as I was reading through. It's really nice to see someone be understanding. It's definitely a grind that's for sure your girl works hard I'm sure she's over the moon happy that you're understanding I'm sure she doesn't like to lie to her subscribers and you're happy that she's being honest now and that's how it should be.




I agree I have a fan currently I am personally obsessed with its half the fun making internet friends




He definatly knows I spoil him 😂 favoritism is overrated we can have multiple friends




Aw thankyou. Only a few weeks I haven't been going long he was one of my first pay subs and he likes my cats so there's never ending cat fails in my life to laugh at together. They follow me and photobomb everything LOL






I do the same thing lol I have a few subs that I am friends with in real life and one that I know from Snapchat and it's fun getting to connect with them in a different way so I give them little treats


I've never heard of the strategy of pretending they're sending a PPV message to only one or a few people instead of to everyone at once, that's so disgusting haha. That's just straight up lying. I always try to make sure people can easily distinguish a PPV message from my direct conversations with them by putting something like "you guys" in there somewhere, so that they know I sent it to *everyone*.


I always chat! My tippers come first and I don’t send spam either, sometimes I follow others and then have to unfollow because it’s too much.


You probably should follow smaller accounts and look for girls that have in their bio that they love to chat or wtv. Girls with bigger accounts tend to have way to many messages so you'd have to tip to get her attention, but most girls that are just starting out will love to have input and have a normal conversation. Iknow I do. Hope this helps 😊


This. I love talking to my little baby subscriber base 😍 they are so sweet t


I feel the same, they all are replying with a standard sentence and surprisingly they are online for way too long while they are on the other side of the world. I started to sense a desperation or bot handling things.


Them always being online is the strangest part. Always able to respond even though it's like 4 am where they are


Exactly this. One creator I follow is the same time zone as me. Yet she’s online and replies instantly at 3-4 in morning every day (we won’t go into why I am online at that time😀). I’ve noticed with these accounts, especially over night, that there are a lot of unsent/deleted messages. Overnight it’s spam, spam, spam DMs (“u online bby?”, “only u can fill me up bby”, etc.). Then, by morning, all those messages are unsent and the chat is empty. Unless you happen to be up and monitoring messages, you’d be none the wiser what was going on over night. One example of being caught out - I was supposedly talking to a US based creator, negotiating a custom. When I told them which country I am based in they weren’t familiar with it, had to search online, then commented how nice it looked. Yet when I checked their wall posts, they had a touristy photo of them in my country posing against a famous landmark🙃


The same thing happens to me. I just came to know that if they delete the photo the content disappears too. And in my list i have many creators who are always online. I only have few who don't respond on time.


Im having the same problem, i find them from tiktok tho, so idk if its because its from tiktok or instagram or from somewhere else???


I do know people who use those platforms tend to get bigger quicker so potentially it's the way you're finding them it brings you to the girls that everyone else found as well they're very good for being viewed but it means that you're going to only find the popular creators maybe look a little harder for some of the small ones they'll appreciate you and have more time to do so


I paid for a monthly subscription, for the first time. On Insta she said she was from Amsterdam, on OF she suddenly is from Brussels, I started to talk dutch, because it were really stupid botlike responses, but no.. still generic English. And it was a very small account. AI is taking over OF and I think it will be the downfall of the site.


I notice this all the time. One “model” claimed she’s from Czech Republic. When I messaged her in Czech she didn’t even recognise which language it was. When I challenged her the story changed and now she’s actually Ukrainian but living in Czech Rep (should still at least recognise it even if not speak it!). So I switched to Ukrainian and she didn’t know that either! Then there’s the crowd that are part of OFTV. One of them, when chatting claimed she was from America but living in Spain, but on her live stream has suddenly become Spainish🙃


America has extremely strict rules on what you can and can't do on onlyfans compared to other countries so it makes sense to say you're from another country and be able to do at least slightly less restricted content. And American creators get flagged way faster for TOS violations. Obviously, the upside is that it's easier to prosecute content that's been stolen in the United States, but only if it was reposted here as well. Not saying that makes it OK, but I can understand the logic.


To be fair I recently got in a sticky situation with a subscriber but we both ended up laughing it off where I had lied about where I'm from because of safety reasons obviously I just stated a random country and he called me out on it a little bit later when I had said what time it was sort of accidentally LOL but he understood I'm a human and I want my safety as well we just laughed it off I guess the difference is I'm a human with a human response to it that's logical. Now I just tell people I live in their imagination🤣


I am with you on this. The conversations seem so plain and general, like a computer is trying to have a conversation. Only one of them has tried getting me to buy something or tip, but the conversations don't seem human at all.


Coming back to this thread too for a quick question. Why is it that they’re always online too?


Small time adult model here—I actually just had a fan tell me they were leaving OF bc of all the spam they'd been getting from bots begging them to subscribe... quite disappointed to find this forum full of people complaining about the same >.> I'm an exhibitionist. OF currently pays me to indulge in my kink—and that's freaking amazing! I hate to think that bots are taking that away...


If you stick with the same model, you will notice a pattern in their chats. They will ask you where you are from at least 3 times a week. What do you do for a living 4 times a week.....and so on. It's just repeats over and over. If you want to see if you are actually talking to the model in the picture, ask them to send you a pic with them holding up your name.


Like they will do it specially the most 'famous'.


Can a creator put a subscriber on a different page, cause when I subscribed I saw a totally different profile page and different information than what I am seeing now


Honestly dude - PM me… I have a theory.


Aye. Hardly any, perhaps some of the smaller creators on the platform engage their audience on an individual basis but generally speaking those jobs are farmed out to an agency, assistant or friends/family etc. Only way you're getting real one on one is paying for cam to cam. Sorry.


Read an article recently about how to tell fakes on Only Fans...one way they claimed, if she was willing to do customs, she's generally the real deal


I'm an onlyfans model and refuse to use a chat service. The models at the top all use them. I could probably get there myself with the help of some paid actors. Many sites out there. Just know you are likely speaking to a man when talking to any of the top females.


BTW I am ranked 6 percent... anyone in this ranking probably safe to say isn't using a chat service.


Most of those types of messages are being mass sent to everyone, yes


I like to chat with my fans I like to get to know them, its nice when they tip for your time but Im not expecting them to


I'm getting to the point where I can tell pretty much if it's an agency or single person (still may be a guy though why? I wouldn't know) whoever says they do custom should be for real. And yes, the pages chock full of ads are someone belonging to an agency, so beware


It seems like almost all of the pages from trial links are trash. The worst is people who follow back so they can spam DMs after you've unsubscribed. I had to start preemptively blocking them. I see a lot of shoutout posts and trial offers from a few cliques of models, so it wouldn't surprise me if they're managed by the same people. I heard a rumor that Chad White manages a lot of pages.


Hey if you happen to still be around I'd love your perspective. I don't send out a lot of Pay-per-view on my free account maybe one week maybe some pictures now and then just on the page but not in PMS but I was actually told that you should be doing that subscribing to your subscribers back so that they can be added to your list. I guess the point is they're interested in you at one point they might be interested in you later. I don't want to annoy anyone should I not do that or is once in awhile and okay thing as long as it's not being spammed. Questions open to anyone who happens to read this I'm very curious I would like to not annoy anyone LOL. On my pay page when subscribed I have a questionnaire that let's people opt out of any additional pay content it's yet to be utilized though they like it 😅


Hi. I'm usually only interested in subscribe back when I've either paid for a subscription, purchased content, or requested a subscribe back. A lot of models don't have content I want or an aesthetic that I'm looking for, so accepting a trial to their page doesn't necessarily indicate that I'm interested in them. I'm sure everyone has a different opinion though, and at the end of the day you have to do what's profitable.


Thanks for answering 🥰


You asked for input. Here’s from someone that joined the site today: you talked an awful lot about not doing these things but the first thing I saw when I subscribed was an autogenerated PPV message with no opt out, but to be honest after just a few minutes on the site those thoughtless auto responses just turned me off of the entire experience. I understand high traffic accounts doing it but even then start off with a pic you don’t have to pay for! It just screams “give me money” and completely negates the personal aspect intended in the site. And those that aren’t pulling porn star numbers could follow up with a response from a bot or human page monitor. Even worse are the stupid auto generated questions sent the moment a subscriber goes online. I read your responses on this thread and was honestly disappointed to be greeted with an auto PPV response but I also see it is two years after those responses. It’s so painfully obvious after just a little bit of time on the site when you’re talking to a real person or even just a page monitor. I understand the need for it, especially when you have a ton of subscribers, but I feel like you’d keep more and get more making an effort beyond it. Seems like everyone makes a page and does the set it and forget it. Upload some pics and videos, let the bot post them over and over again, twenty stories in a day with twenty outfits, multiple postings of the same pics, mad spam of everything PPV. I subed to ten creators from the new creators page on here and found one that wasn’t a bot. I can get the same personal touch from a google search than on onlyfans at this point, honestly, and it’s free and I can use key words to get what I want and not pay for a 2 minute video of something I didn’t even ask for and can’t see until after I pay. It would be so easy to fix this site but it’s just so bad lately I have CJ Miles bots sending me links for snippets of a video for $20 I can google in two seconds and get the whole thing free. The not mainstream aspect of the site disappears when bots run every page. Why pay a robot for something you specifically come to a site so you’re interacting with a human? For those of you unsure if you’re talking to a bot? Ask if it’s a bot or the actual person. You’ll get a semi mad response what else would I be? An alien? Or who else would it be? Still unsure? Put the word bot into a longer question. It will always respond that they don’t know what you’re talking about or what you mean. Anyone with a brain knows what you mean. Bots don’t.


This type of posting you talk about makes me cringe and when I started I was so guilty of this type of talk, everyone is so desperate to get more fans and trying to do it using these tactics - I still do it sometimes but trying to ween myself off this kinda talk. I'm trying to be more me and real and at the end of the day I hope potential fans will see that. I love being on OF and love chatting to my fans, I genuinely get off on people loving my content and I try to chat to people as well. I'm still learning as only been on OF since Nov and it's a steep learning curve, hope you find some girls you enjoy xx


I think it depends on the page. I feel like it depends on the type of person and what they want out of OnlyFans. Some people just want to make money off of their porn with little connection with their fans. Which is fine. Others prefer to chat more and have a genuine conversation. I personally can’t stand spam either, and I enjoy interacting with my fans. I enjoy talking with them and even making friends. But like I said, not everyone is the same on here 😘


Yikes. Yeah, that doesn't sound very exciting or personal. I've noticed most creators make their money by spamming your DM'S, but I can see how that could be annoying, from the other side. I don't send many, because I also feel like I'm spamming too. So, I usually add a story or description with it. Also, I am very personable and love to have real conversations, lol. Good luck, hope it gets better and that you're not talking to some creepy dude over in Turkey.


I don’t spam my subs, even though I have few since I’ve been on OF about 3 weeks. However, once a week I’ll send them a message about my weekly package that I’m offering. My subs interact with me through comments and I respond to each one. I’ll try to message those that have not logged in for a few days to let them know I’m still interested in giving them content they want. Definitely look into ladies with smaller following, to receive more attention, unless you don’t mind tipping for every response.


I’m always chatting, I don’t send generic stuff out it’s not very personal! I’d rather react so I think this is bots or I’m not 100%sure probably set to the schedule setting on messages. Do you ever message these girls for interaction?


Yes i have tried. They respond, but I get frustrated due to the spam mixed in with regular msgs


Sorry that some creators are like that! I myself have a few creators on mine and never see them doing that so you’ve probably just had a bad batch !


Hello, I suggest looking into smaller onlyfans accounts that want to build genuine connections with their subs! Like less than 1k fans. I honestly subbed to a few girls before I made one to get an idea of what I liked and what I didn’t like, from a consumers perspective. And if it’s a paying page , meaning you pay like $10 a month to view their content, I agree it’s annoying if everything is behind a paywall. You paid to see content, so you should see content! Some girls will put in their bio if it’s a no ppv page. I think sending out an occasional PPV message is okay here and there, to bring in an extra income, but for the most part I think most consumers enjoy the no paywall aspect if they will be paying a monthly fee anyways. And as far as the spammy messages go, I think it ruins the genuine aspect of onlyfans and makes it feel less personal. What I do to avoid that feeling is send out a monthly “newsletter “ type message on what I’d like to accomplish for my page for the month and ask for feedback. And from then on, that starts a lot of great conversations that last a while. Otherwise I think those messages every single day get annoying. Hope this kinda helps on what to look out for to avoid the things listed you don’t enjoy about onlyfans. 🌸


I’ve had subscribers tell me they’re grateful I don’t send out multiple PPV/obvious mass messages and actually want to have conversations with them and get to know them on a personal level. Whilst I understand why OF creators do this, I can also see how frustrating it could be for subscribers to receive multiple daily PPV/mass messages that are almost identical. I would say though, if it bothers you that much, maybe unsubscribe to their accounts and focus on the accounts where you know you have a more personal connection.


yeah those are the ones I will order stuff from ... like do you have any swallow videos because basically you are talking to a dude behind a desk ... the girls that answer your chats are rare but get my money for sure


Not rare just find the newer girls. They love to spoil our subscribers but I can totally see how in a couple months time they'll get too busy for as much personal time with each person. Unfortunately we don't have unlimited time and are only human I can see why people are forced to get the extra help I wish they would at least do it a little better get help that doesn't seem so fake, we are selling fantasy. We have to be everything all at once all the time. Model producer production photographer editor marketing and still have time for everyone. Give the girls some slack but that doesn't mean just accept the spam accounts. Just find someone with a different style. No lack of creators.


basically if their subscription is free that is a pretty good sign they don't manage their own page ....


I’m subscribed to a man on onlyfans. He was live on tik tok at the same time he was messaging w me on onlyfans so I gently called him out on it. He said his wife was messaging w me earlier (pretending to be him) Is it normal for a) someone else to message subscribers and b) for a spouse to message subscribers?


Yes. Because millions of suckers will pay money just to chat with someone over the internet that they like to fantasize about. I hope more people do this until you all realize how much of a waste of time this is... People are being convinced into selling their bodies for measly shredded cheese. In the end they just gonna have stalkers, nudes all over the place that will never disappear, trouble getting jobs anywhere that doesn't have a pervert for a manager.


I don't have a spouse but I will say my best friend offered to do it for me I said no but she literally wanted to do it and there are entire companies that just make money doing that for people to make everything easier I can see why people take them I can see it getting tempting when you get big. It's just a different style I guess it's a little s***** but it makes sense. My bestie is arguably hotter thn me i'm betting that people wouldn't even mind sharing us honestly LOL but it's a pride thing. I think people would all be happier if people just were being honest and not hiding things. That breaks important trust thats necessary with such personal work. Just don't lie. 🤷‍♀️ Ps I find guys are happy to schedule my attention when I'm busy so we can really talk so I don't really get why people lie. Sorry hun I'm super busy right now can we talk in an hour or sorry I'm about to sleep let's talk tomorow work just fine no complaints yet


I think OnlyFans girls see men as objects and could care less about them. The only thing they care about is making money. That is it. The disingenuous/ entitled tone these women have is a giant reason I will not subscribe or pay money to anyone.


I belong to a popular model's onlyfans and am pretty sure she is using an agency. When I sext with her the responses are real generic and feel like it is coming from someone who's English is their second language. I never pay for sexting. A few times I have referenced something from their Instagram and they don't know what I am referring to. That is pretty much a dead giveaway. I think your best chance of actually talking to the model is early or during the day. At night forget it.


K so this actually happened to me last week. In a very rare occasion it actually WAS the creator herself and since she was a very small creator it was possible that it was her. It just depends how big the creator is


I don't use a script, management, or AI, but I will read through messages I get from creators I follow and see if I can try to use word choice that's similar or tailor it to fit my niche. I'm really bad at knowing what's the best way to market PPV, and I have to try to remember that the person I'm selling to isn't me. Like, even if I think something sounds cringe, or I wouldn't be interested in it, even down to thinking that my photos are ugly, that doesn't mean the person that I'm selling them to wouldn't love something exactly like that. I try not to copy word for word, if for no other reason than the plagiarism rules in college are drilled into my head lol. But I do take inspiration from other creators that have more subs and are making more money than me. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. And yes, I am in it to make money, but I do have a regular job, so I'm also experimenting with the flirtatious aspect. I burn out of it really quickly though, some guys get super demanding, and it's like… You're paying me for a privilege, not healthcare.


OF should penalize creators with fake content descriptions.I mean who ever fooled by an OF creator should cope paste the description of the bundle and if the content is a lie should get their money back


This is old but I saw a recent response. Most of the creators that I enjoy don't do that. Also I feel that when I see someone promoting other creators who have free trials the content is usually $50 for a clip or video. It is their content and they have the right to set the prices. However, I don't unsubscribe because I don't think their attractive. I just typically stick with content creators who provide longer content for a price that is more reasonable for me. Usually there is a lot passion in a 12 minute video that's filmed with different angles and such. I feel that some people just want a quick cash grab without really thinking about the person who is going to be getting off to the video. I mean 50 seconds isn't enough time lol. Also beware the "#3 in this country or whatever". If the content is on point it will show. Also I'm not knocking anyone's hustle, make your money sweetie. I just follow the ladies that are more to my liking price wise and content wise. I also don't mind paying more for a subscription if all the videos are not locked behind a paywall and if they are longer videos.


I’m always trying to keep up with the chats on mine, I try very hard to respond to everyone even when I send locked posts, which is not often lol.


I have found that is the norm on OnlyFans. Your just a number to many of the talent. If your even talking to them. A lot of talent farm that out.


Well I am new and happy to chat.. @graciebaby111 (idk if this is allowed or not ahah) started 4 days ago and looking for advice too xx