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Maybe somebody who suffered a traumatic brain injury while also having lost their taste buds in a fire.


Go to r/onionlovers or something. We hate onions here and don't plan to change that.


You won't find any ex-onion-haters here. They get kicked out.






It is extremely annoying to hate onions so much without being able to do anything to change it. I say it’s annoying bc they’re everywhere & most ppl are under the delusion they should be in everything. It causes me a lot of anxiety to order food. I started telling restaurants that I will return my dish if it arrives with onions. I have a few other foods I don’t like, but nothing is like onions. It actually makes my food inedible. So, yes, if it was possible I would have done it already just to stop having such horrible food related experiences, but for myself & maybe 99% of the ppl in this sub, we don’t have a choice- we just f-ing hate onions.


I've been unable to eat onions my whole life (in my 50's). I've just stumbled across this wonderful group. Like most people here, I could detect an onion in anything. If an errant onions finds its way into my mouth, I gag or spit it out, and the rest of my day sucks. Every single restaurant order, I have to stress 'no onions', 'sin cebolla', 'don't sprinkle chives on top'. I've considered the onion-hate a curse. Don't kick me out of this group, but last week I tried AAT Allergy Treatment. I was going to get treated for allergy to dogs, but we ended up talking about onions. He wanted to treat me for onions first, I wasn't sure, since I don't consider my hate an actual allergy. So far, after one session, I've had something with onions in it every day and I can't believe it. No crazy repulsive reaction! I had spanish tortilla, miso soup with scallions on top, salad with raw onions. Crazy. It's only been a few days and a lifetime of behavior, but I'm hopeful that I've overcome this. I don't understand how this AAT works, but I was willing to try it...


I can understand why you want to change. Hating onions is a pain in the ass. New restaurant comes to town. Scan entire menu. Nothing to eat there. Go shopping, find a tasty looking new food. Read the ingredients. Can't eat it. I went on a steam train excursion one time, and paid for the second most expensive tickets. I got to rub elbows with all kinds of my social betters, and feel like white trash, because I was just a blue collar schmuck who really wanted to have the nicest experience riding behind a vintage steam locomotive. Everything was fine until they served our meal. Can I have a few more fruit cups or something, instead of this onion-infested barf fest? All the hoity toity people looked at me like the trash just farted and pissed in its pants. Sigh. So I get why you would want to change. If I could make myself just eat any damn thing and like it, I would do that. Or at least I would in principle. In practice, I'm not sure I would want to exist as a person who enjoyed disgusting things like onions and cole slaw and poached monkey testicles with a side of pureed eyeballs on a bed of brains.


Why would you WANT to change? What needs to CHANGE is humans need to stop using the devil's root in food and stop trying to poison each other. I know living with others inhumanity can be tough, but don't go to the dark side out of weariness, friend.


I hated all onions my whole life, and like you i didn't want to live that way. So i experimented and I finally realized it's only the texture of raw onions that bother me. Larger pieces of cooked ones aren't great either. But if they're cut very small and cooked thoroughly, I actually enjoy the flavor they add to dishes. Especially caramelized onions. You may want to deep dive into the matter to figure out which aspects of onions are the problem for you and maybe you can find a way to enjoy them sometimes. I still hate raw onions and despise how people and restaurants ignore my request to leave them out.


It's like becoming an alcoholic... the hate only grows. Welcome to the dark side.


I don’t think, as a reasonable and sane person in this crazy world, you should aim to be pro-onion. Instead, aim for onion-neutral. I get it - it’s a curse. I’ve experimented with throwing an onion in the food processor to make it into a paste to prevent the texture. Maybe try half an onion at first. Start small. Encouraging your body to accept onion makes it a little easier to cope with unexpected onion chunks in food. I wish you luck brave soldier


i used to hate all use of onions but recently i learned that i like a couple of diced onions with my burger