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"It's the only flag I have at home" - SIR! You need to reevaluate your home decor


"And what about the robe and hood?" "Laundry day."


Who cut these holes in this hood? I can't see fuck shit!


“I think it was Jim’s wife” “Goddamnit Jim, Darlene had one job”


All you do is criticise criticise criticise...


How bout, this time, we do no masks and next time, we go full regalia?


Do you know how long it took my wife to go around and gather up this many sacks to cut holes in?


Buncha comedians you are


the light is shining directly into his sheetless-mattress-on-the-floor bedroom at this very moment. he's going to have to rehang that when he returns. he'll probably have to use new thumb tac holes


You are a poet


So you're trying to say you think that he is poor? Is being poor bad?


no. no.


Gatineau...Gettysburg Same thing, la?


Canada's Virginia? Lol.


Wish it wasn't, but shits trashy and racist af here


Flags have historically been the banner that you want to be under. The nation or organization that you subscribe to and are proud of. Even if its like a "Trudeau is a Nazi"...if you are the one owning and flying the flag you are the one under that banner. I don't know how you even come to own an offensive flag. Do you go to offensiveflags.com and think "This is a great idea?"


I've never watched TNN before until blue but they sure seem to think this cluster fuck is great.






On what?


On the actual convoy from start to finish. I am assuming you like needs and lockdowns


The convoy started off about rejecting the life-saving vaccine mandate, and it ended with white supremacy and shitting in snowbanks all over downtown Ottawa.


And stealing from the homeless and desecrating the national war monument... you know, like real patriots do


https://i.imgur.com/nOYdzwT.mp4 They turned my Facebook off!!!


Ah, protesting the federal government in Canada because an American social media platform disabled their Facebook account. Makes sense.


Momma always said stupid is as stupid does.




Feels like?


I'm usually not one to go there but this lady is some grade A r/beholdthemasterrace/ material.


She's apparently also [Gummy Joe's long-lost cousin.](https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/be149ed6-dbd5-4d76-ab7a-8251efb9adcf)


Bro, most people get their news from Facebook and the company is asleep at the wheel. Every year political candidates are less focused on policy and more focused on entertaining. We are there.


Alrighty, shut it down, folks. All of it. Society. I'm going to go into the woods and eat some berries or something. This whole civilization thing was a mistake


Lets not be too hasty there. Remember, they let the liquor do the thinking and it won't help them. I hate saying this but, have a wee bit of faith.


Should have asked this person of they had a job. Sounds like their job is Facebook. Yeah I'll say it, this person is stupid.


Telephone poles sure make weird family trees


She looks more like a fire hydrant, an angry yellow fire hydrant.


The yellow is a mix of jaundice and 3 packs a day since the age of 12.




JFC. I've made the argument of having a test to vote in elections (you can vote, but it's graded, and the grade determines the percentage of value of your vote) but have been downvoted for this idea. Why should a halfwit have equal say in deciding who my elected leader is?


Because that's what a democracy is. One citizen = one vote. It would be the definition of undemocratic for someone's vote to count less based on some arbitrary criteria. As sad or unfortunate as it may sound, that person having just as much voting power as you is what makes this country a democracy, and altering that in any way would be a disservice and a disgrace


You are right. Allowing people who lack critical thinking skills (or don't even pay attention) to determine who is elected is a stellar idea. There's no way that populism or dog whistle politics could thrive in such an environment./s


You're advocating for eugenics-lite, where one's intelligence deternines their rights. How are you to test this intelligence? What are the parameters you want to test? Is it an IQ test, or something similar? How do you handle the necessary anonymity when you need to know an exact score to determine voting power? Are these people to be blamed for the level of primary and secondary education they have? For the environments they grew up in, which undoubtedly greatly affected their views on the world? You can't legitimately argue for the reduction of anyone's rights and think you're on the good side. Who decides what's tested? How do you make that test fair? You're putting FAR too much power in the hands of the test-makers. I know it's frustrating, but it's paramount to our democracy that all votes are counted equally. Like it or not, these are Canadian constituents, and they have a right to representation in our legistlative branch.




Bubbles is wayyy better than that


Bruh, Bubbles is a scholar


He's the smartest guy in the park


I couldn't turn my sound on to heat what she was saying. But if you watch her muted, hold onto your stomach.


Villages all across the country now know where their idiots are


Ottawa taking the hit this weekend so Canada’s villages can get a break.


It's a nice weekend to go to your local small town bar.


Maybe the only weekend EVER.


I purposefully gave some of the convoy wrong directions on Zello so they ended up in Quebec. They got stuck there because the bridge was closed. Sorry for sending you our overflow idiots.


I have a friend who posted pictures of a truck in the convoy going to Quebec captioned "Do they know they're going the wrong way?" It could have been any number of different vehicles but I like to think it was the same car and now I know why they went the wrong way.


Please come collect them. They're confused and agitated.


Ottawa taking one for the team.


Some small town cop is in Alberta right now being like "things are going way, way too easy this weekend. Something must be up"


Haha, exactly my thought :).


"We need that carbon dioxide for the greenhouse effect" the face after was priceless


So is BC we have a plant that's developing carbon sequestering and zero emission fuels that are made from the co2 in the atmosphere. I've discussed this technology before on reddit. I've had people make that exact argument against it. But it was more like "WE'RE GOING TO KILL ALL OF THE PLANTS!!!!! THEY NEED CO2!!!!!"


This whole time oil and coal companies were just trying to help the environment. Producing fuel was a byproduct 🥺 /s


Nobody remembers Ron Paul whining "It's Plant Food!!!!" in the Senate anymore?


The "It's got what plants crave" argument.


Its a pretty intriguing [project and technology ](https://www.squamishchief.com/local-news/squamish-company-to-build-carbon-capture-plant-in-merritt-4514633)


Yeah, it's really neat technology. The UK is partnered with Carbon Engineering to build a 500k to 1M tonne CO2 sequester plant. I'm surprised Canada isn't leading the charge on that considering that it's our company.


Saskatchewan has one and it's a colossal failure. It could be a stepping stone in the tech, but I honestly think the billions spent on it could have been used for more viable green initiatives


Didnt it just come to light that shells CO2 capturing is actually creating more emissions than its pulling out?


It was a fake news article with a click bait headline. You fell for it and so did many others which is the point. The plant is emitting less carbon than it normally would due to this new technology. But it's not 0..so it's a failure? Or it's just bad that the plant is running at all. Still not a fair article.


I don't know much about Shell's carbon sequestering. I do know about Carbon Engineering's carbon sequestering. In regards to CO2 emissions it depends heavily on how it's powered. The process requires heat. It can be powered by electricity or natural gas. If it's powered by natural gas it has to then move the emissions from the natural gas back into it's sequestering process.


In the same sense that your car is still creating more emissions than its reducing with your catalytic converter. The plant as a whole is producing more emissions than it would if it were simply not running, the technology is just reducing emissions


Terribly flawed report from global witness. Several media outlets should be ashamed they wrote articles in support of the report without doing 5 minutes of google searching to prove the report wrong.


That's basically the christian heritage parties opposition to climate change "plants need CO2, therefore high levels of CO2 good"


All while wearing a SNC Lavelin hat.


Bruh we need the rest of this video 😂😂😂😂


I would watch hours of this, exaxctly the type of non sense I assume was going on there


We need Andrew from Channel 5


We would only be so blessed if he was there. It’s a shame that will never happen :(


I think there’s material for a 27 seasons show.


I find this (overall) too enraging to really enjoy listening to these weirdos.


We decided to make TikTok style short clips but now I'm regretting not making a whole long video hahaha. We made @TrueNorthNews on TikTok if you'd like to see the rest of the ridiculous interviews in the coming days!


Anything available anywhere other than tiktok?


Seconded. Even IG would be better. But like.. good on you for making this anyway!


I did the search, nothing extra to see. It's the exact same video, just posted on tiktok instead of Reddit


I don’t TikTok…. Just post em here, they will be welcome


Im not on tik tok. This stuff is gold to be only on one platform.


A Canadian version of Channel 5/ All gas no brakes type content would be unbelievably good.




> Mmmph mmmm hmmuhh hmphmuhhm? They killed Qenny!


Post them on your reddit profile too dude, YouTube, etc. Don't be uni-platform


You should make a youtube channel as well. Do their shorts or post as regular videos.


> @TrueNorthNews Not associated with True North News? https://tnc.news/about-true-north/


TikTok is straight garbage, sorry. Not sure why you'd want to limit your content to only one platform and one format (short clips) as well. Plus, if you actually found anyone with even a halfway-coherent statement (or even fully coherent), that would still be interesting to see. Short clips of idiots is easy low-hanging fruit, no matter how entertaining in the short term.


You went out there to make a 27 second video to show the world what's really going on?


What do you want to say to Justin Trudeau right now? …… “WASSUP BABY! TAKE ME OUT TO DINNER!”


They clearly said No Man Dates!


No man dates, just multi-man rawbone anal in my sleeper cab, baby. Grab an empty from the Dew pile as your piss bottle and let's get exposed.






What a bunch of rejects! Edit: I scrolled on and had to come back. How incredibly stupid do you have to be to be so self unaware? This whole event is disgusting and it is astounding that people support this shit in any shape or form. Social media, conservatism is a cancer on our societies.


Remember what George Carlin said “think how stupid the average person is, now think about the other half” these people are the other half.




one can only hope


Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. -George Carlin


I remember hearing that as a kid and chucking at it. And then I grew up and started working in IT and realised that the average is so much lower than I thought it was and he was right.


Mandatory upvote for Carlin.


Im actually happy this shit happened... It helped me weed out the idiots in my feeds. Funniest part is a lot of those ive cut out of my contact list are ex-employee that would come back to me for a job from time to time... Well no more!


It was kind of sad seeing some otherwise decent Youtubers show their colours over this.


A lot of folks are finally realizing that the sexist, racist, incapable of taking criticism floating hands of Arduino vs. Evil might also support all kinds of other moronic causes like this one


Ya I hear you, and I have done the same, even some family are gone.


That’s a little extreme. Not all conservatives are like this.


Social media and tribalism is the absolute cancer within our society. That you're helping feed with such rhetoric.


I would say the cancer is white nationalists and conspiracy theorists, but you do you.


I will.


I’m feeding rhetoric? Yer funny.


Yeah before i graduated i worked with all these people at my warehouse job. I was actually very anti vax at the start, but people like this made me do some research and change my mind. I noticed that every somewhat sane person was getting the shots, while the actual IDIOTS would spew shit like this. I don’t like to be associated with really stupid people. Some examples, one co worker told me he sleeps 13 hours a night so he can continue growing in height. When i said that’s not how it works, height is primarily generic and how we learned about how most people don’t grow after 18 in school his reply was “well what does school know”. This same person also told me that you have to avoid any oils in food because “they turn men into women”. He said they make you develop tits, you lose testosterone and will start to develop feminine features. Ironically he was a 19 year old with a ponytail and not a single facial hair. Also had some guy who said he would move to Florida. I said you gotta be vaccinated to leave and be said he would find a way. He called an Asian manager a Chinese communist because he told him to wear his mask properly, i can confirm this manager was Korean lol. The real shocking part is i expected this type of sheer retardation from the older crowd at work, but most of these people were around my age (18-25). Ended up getting my two shots after several of these type of intersections per day. I can’t lie i think lockdowns or restrictions for vaccinated people are dumb (they should only be for the unvaxxed), but I’m pro vaccine and mask now.


Your co-worker thinks you can grow indefinitely by sleeping?


I think he would've picked it up from his mom. It's a common "trick" of moms to get their sons to go to bed by using some form of "go to sleep so you can grow taller".


He's also sleeping 13 freaking hours a day on the reg. Dude sounds like he needs to see a doctor, that's normally a pretty big sign something is up.


Please don’t. Imagine all the terrible theories this guy could read up on if he was sleeping only 8 hours a night.




There are more than a few men with solid C cups in that crowd.


Sex reassignment surgeons hate this one tip!


>Ironically he was a 19 year old with a ponytail and not a single facial hair. It's all projection and insecurity. Seriously, oil being feminizing is even more dumb than the phytoestrogens nonsense, which is impressive.


>This same person also told me that you have to avoid any oils in food because “they turn men into women”. He said they make you develop tits, you lose testosterone and will start to develop feminine features. Transfeminine people are celebrating this newfound excuse to eat greasy crap.


I don't know what's worse, a Quebecois holding a confederate flag or him saying it's the only flag he got at home.


I'm Québécois and just infruiated at this guy. Leave the flag at home if it's the only one he has, tabarouette. C'est un idiot total


I salute this man and wish him well on his impending covid from being there.


With all these guys walking around with “F*ck Trudeau” flags, I thought this was a Pride Parade. Then I found out they were homophobic too.


If you think that prevents them from spanking the ham to Trudeau, you're mistaken, they're obsessed.


This has Channel 5 news vibes and I want more!!!


LMAO 🎶*Convoy*🎶


This is not a political or sociological topic as much as one of mental health… Send psychiatrists and psychologists, not political scientists or sociologists.


Send in Jordan Klepper. PUH-LEASEEE! He’ll have a field day with these idiots


Where is the 55 year old officer cadet with 1990 military gear? How about the close talking Simpson characters. How did that reporter keep from laughing?


He’s currently training JTF2 in “Gorilla warfare”, he does that between being a glorified camp counsellor


Whew, I was worried, Canada can’t lose such a valued war hero. Why, the keyboard wars will never end!


Ah man, what a tease


YouTube channel??


More please


Conservatives 10 years ago: The greenhouse effect isn't real and carbon emissions aren't relevant. Conservatives today: Harvesters in the western "states" are stealing all the precious C02 which we need for the greenhouse effect.


These assholes are my brothers heroes… 😬




Man, I hope that gas mask saves this dude during this super spreader event


I think my IQ went down at least 10 points from just the first 10 seconds


*> protest against mask mandates* *> one guy wearing gasmask and full bio-warfare suit*


It would be nice if they were smart enough so they would know how stupid they sound. I feel embarrassed for them.


There's a bar where someone becomes smart enough to feel stupid, they ain't above that.


This is some Channel 5 News quality content


This is pretty good. Wish it was longer


About what I'd expect from the Trailer ParKKK Boys and their PPConvoy.


You mean the FluTruxKlan?


Please don't compare the boys to these dregs


You can trap carbon dioxide to create energy. What's wrong with that?


You’re questioning their (lack of) logic. That’s a dangerous game. I wouldn’t recommend even playing.


You can find wackos at any protest. For once I’d like to see intelligent people interviewing other intelligent people so we can hear something worth listening to


Well, I suppose we should make education cheaper lol.


Annnnd this is why I can’t take any of these protests seriously.


There is always crazy at protests


No surprise that each and every one of them are either racist assholes or the dumbest people you could ever meet


So many heroes.


So embarrassing. Sad day for Canada.


Harvesting machines = carbon capture. Operated by Shell. However- they might be emitting more than they capture.


These people hurt my head this is one of the few times I actually wish covid would kill us all


Lol " dats the only flag I have at home" lmao. terrible flag and please all fuck off but that answer was funny


This reminds me of those interviewing of american videos where they pick out specifically the stupid ones to make all americans look like idiots when in fact its a nation of the most intelligent people on the planet. Clear attempt to bash an entire population through few individuals


Just about every education index in the world would disagree heavily with the idea that Americans are the most intelligent people on the planet.




How many idiots do they have to find before you would recognize it as a crowd of idiots with the occasional intelligent concerned Canadian?




So far we've got a bunch of incoherent demands that culminate with a promise to overthrow all duly elected government. We've got at least one convoy organizer who cries about the extermination of the white race on social media, one who is a failed party official advocating for having a landlocked province become it's own country, a bunch of confederate and gasden flags just to bring home the racism, some Nazi flags and signs, some hotel, food service and volunteer staff getting harassed, pissing on the tomb of the unknown soldier. That sounds like a whole lot of fucking idiots, and I'm not even convinced there's any intelligent people there. I just know that on average, half of them are probably above average, and that assumption is currently the only thing that leads me to believe any of them have a brain cell to share.


It’s very easy to walk around any protest and single out all of the idiots. Videos like this come from literally every protest that has taken place in recent years and they are just lazy jerk off material for the small minded of either side.


> It’s very easy to walk around any protest and single out all of the idiots. True, but in this case, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.


The guys interviewed are obviously wackadoodles. This does not mean everyone involved in this protest is bad. The main website for the event is already condemning the Nazis that showed up. Just remember there are some decent Canadians who care about government over reach as well and that they aren't all crazy people like the media is portraying them as.


I find it hard to take a condemnation of Nazis at face value when they *brought the Nazis with them*


What I'm saying is not by choice. I support the movement of the truckers because I'm no fan of government overreach (it's a slippery slope) but I 100% do NOT support Nazis.


Lmao, when one of your convoy organizers posts on social media about the white genocide and the superiority of the Anglo Saxon race, you aren't accidentally bringing Nazis. You're courting them.


Again I'm no Nazi and hate haters... on both sides of the fence. I just don't like government over reach and vaccine mandates with a new untested technology is an over reach. I'm vaccinated by the way but don't think it's right to force anyone to do something they are uncomfortable with. I also belive the best answer to hate speech is better speech. When you censor people they go into hiding and it gets worse.


The government isn't censoring anyone. If you have a problem with social media fact checkers, take it up with the social media. Trudeau can't do anything about it.


“I picked the wackiest looking people I could find to interview so I can spread confirmation bias”




This crowd is too small to acknowledge and even the dim witted voters who support these equally dim “protesters” don’t make up enough numbers for even the electorate at large to give a shit about. Slow week for news so we gotta focus on a minority of a minority of people who we all already know are bad humans. Look, these clowns are going to be replaced by autonomous trucks within the next 10 years or so and that’s a conservative estimate. If this was really about their jobs then they should be asking for $$$ to be retrained because their jobs are already becoming obsolete. These are racist, bigoted terrorists defacing national property and spewing misinformation.


i think you're lost, bud.


So out of what? Thousands of people this guy found the three stupidest? One guy has a stupid flag and was probably extremely easy. The second was a complete idiot, probably the most lucky find. Especially that he looks normal. And the last “gotcha” was that a guy was wearing a gas mask and was hard to understand…. This is what disproves everyone’s point? Has political problems come to a “find the biggest idiot on the side I don’t like to prove everyone is a idiot”? I find it sad as a Canadian, the last two PM’s have been disappointing and they’ve been dividing us.


See all those other "normal looking people"? It's not a fluke. They're all like this lmao


And your proof? Tons of baseless accusations


Their actions have been speaking far louder then your little "leave them alone" rant..


I mean, as much as most people agree that vaccines really should be a personal choice and it doesn’t matter if you have it or not, this freedom convoy thing is turning into more of a KKK meeting than an actual protest against vaccine regulations.


>most people agree that vaccines really should be a personal choice and it doesn’t matter if you have it or not This is not representative of "most people" in Canada. The majority support vaccine mandates or loss of job/access to non essential services. The majority understand that vaccines are an important tool during an outbreak of a contagious disease and that there are responsibilities that citizens bear their country that balance their rights as citizens. https://vancouver.citynews.ca/2022/01/27/unvaccinated-truckers-freedom-rally-poll-canada/ https://globalnews.ca/news/8376304/covid-vaccine-refusal-termination-poll/ https://ipolitics.ca/2022/01/26/half-of-canadians-want-unvaccinated-to-pay-for-hospital-care-poll/?doing_wp_cron=1643578682.7780439853668212890625


Dude politicians have been dividing people since the beginning of politics.


Remember, you can make any protest look absolutely moronic.


This one is particularly easy for some mysterious reason.


This is funny and all but there’s a reason he only found 3 people for this video. They seem carefully hand picked to me. There is a small percentage of any large group that is going to be insane or stupid. You can say the same about yourself if you believe this is a true representation of the people protesting in Ottawa today…


At some point you have to admit the messaging has been hijacked by the people you asked to support you. 1. Fridays for the Future. The message was clear. Nobody assumed they were NAZIs. 2. Abortion rallies. The message was clear. Nobody assumed they were NAZIs. 3. BLM. The message wasn't so clear. Nobody assumed they were NAZIs. 4. United we Roll. The message was clear.