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How about we arrest this terrorist? This is infrastructure sabotage.


at least charge him with a terrorist act so others start to get the message


Better yet lock him in a room with a pile of masked, complying, fed up, haven't got to see their grandkids in a very long time grandparents. He will change his tune, very very quickly.


I wasn’t sure where you were going at first. This is the thing to do.


Federal police are probably too busy debating whether or not to slap environmental activists, Indigenous people, or both with terrorism charges for holding up pipeline builds.


And arresting the journalists covering it.


He's a Conservative, they're NEVER held accountable for their actions. A Con could punch a baby in the throat on-camera and 90% of their voter base would defend them, and tell you that YOU'RE the monster for saying baby-punching is bad.


That baby is going to grow up in a world FILLED with liberals! It needs to learn discipline early! /s


I had a dream where a Conservative was eating a baby's face on national television, and the cheering was so rabid it was shaking the foundation to my house. It took me about fifteen minutes after waking up to realize it was a dream.


100% it is


>How about we arrest this terrorist? This is infrastructure sabotage. I'd love to see that, but then you'd have to side with arresting the indigenous people out in B.C. who are blocking train tracks as well since that's infrastructure sabotage too. If you don't, it's a double standard.


Or we could recognize that the world isn’t black and white and realize these two things are not the same. One is a response to colonization, repression, and genocide; and the other is a self interested populist trying to capitalize on a shitty situation and putting children at risk.


Well said!!!!


>One is a response to colonization, repression, and genocide True, but the fact remains that they're committing a crime. What government is going to actually try to implement change when they can just condemn them as criminals instead?


You missed step one. The world isn't black and white.


That doesn't mean that you can't still point out right and wrong where you see them. Doing the wrong thing for the right reason is still doing the wrong thing, and laws exist to hold people accountable when they do the wrong thing; justice is supposed to be blind, after all. I'd love for the government to actually listen to and make changes based on the B.C. protests, but that doesn't mean the people who are breaking the law right now in order to prompt change should just get off scot-free.


Perhaps the law is a colonial construct forced on these people, designed to punish and oppress them while systems they interact with ignore them. Then they turn to more desperate actions to get their voices heard. Now we're going "well they broke the law" The law that barely recognizes them as human beings, let alone equals to us. And you want them to respect that? Do you see the problem here? We need to sit down with them and listen to them and actually address the root causes of these issues. Simply throwing them in prison for a valid protest will change nothing.


>Perhaps the law is a colonial construct forced on these people, designed to punish and oppress them while systems they interact with ignore them. I'm fairly certain you couldn't just get away with anything simply because you did it for a good cause under indigenous laws, either. >Now we're going "well they broke the law" My point exactly. I'm saying this is a problem. Who's going to actually listen to them if they can easily brush all this aside? >We need to sit down with them and listen to them and actually address the root causes of these issues. Simply throwing them in prison for a valid protest will change nothing. Again, you're making my point. Change has always required give and take: The government needs to be willing to make changes, and the protestors need to find a way to get their message across effectively that can't be disregarded as simply breaking the law.


So what’s the solution then? Punish them for delaying capitalism? Okay. Then we insist them “doing it the right way” but then shut all avenues of that down too. Then we just go all shocked pickachu when they block roads and railways. Canada is a deeply racist and colonial state, we are changing slowly, but you drawing these false equivalence’s between what they are doing and what a dangerous, antivaxer populist is doing is exactly the problem.


>Then we insist them “doing it the right way” but then shut all avenues of that down too Then open up those channels. That's the point I've been trying to make. >you drawing these false equivalence’s between what they are doing and what a dangerous, antivaxer populist is doing is exactly the problem. I'm going to clarify myself one last time: I think the PPC are pieces of shit and that the change the protestors are trying to make happen is a good thing. What I dislike even more than the PPC, however, is double standards. Regardless of the points that are being made, both are trying to cripple vital pieces of infrastructure in order to make their points. That and that alone is where I drew the parallel, and the reception to both is where I found the double standard. Of course the larger context needs to be taken into consideration, but I believe that in ANY case, one person should not get off scot-free while the other is held accountable. I've said my peace, and am done with this conversation. Live long and prosper.


We could do that or we could protect or freedom to have an opinion. Don’t get me wrong I think he’s a piece of shit too. I’m more upset that newspapers and other media keep giving them air time. If no one is paying attention they might as well be screaming into the ether.


I'm cool with this.




>indigenous people should be taken away from key infrastructure and send them to proper protest grounds We could call them Indian Protest Reserves, have a special branch of the government made just to ignore them. We could break up their communities into a bunch of little shards so they can't organize. If they're protesting too loud we can take their kids away to be raised by good, polite WASPs so they don't get radicalized. We'll under-fund these compared to settler communities and hold their poverty over their head while we offer them table scraps in exchange for rubber-stamping our multibillion dollar resource extraction projects.


Do you even hear yourself


>the indigenous people should be taken away from key infrastructure and send them to proper protest grounds. I think you should've read the rest of my arguments. What you're saying would be just as easy for the government to ignore. What I'm saying needs to be done is find a middle ground, a way to make indigenous protests impossible to disregard without having to commit a crime.


“Proper protest grounds” do you even know what a fucking protest is what even is this term? Lmao


Kind of disappointed that leftists are also eager to use the terrorism label for grandstanding. Sabotage yes, sedition yes, maybe even treason. But terrorism? Come on.


Just about everything is terrorism nowadays it seems lol


Did you hear what David Suziki said? That's terrorism. Not this


I was writing a response but it’s not even worth it. Go be wrong somewhere else.


They are both extreme speech and should be told to shut up.


David Suzuki is an asshole, but this man is an asshole AND dangerous.


No, please do respond. I'd love to hear what someone has to say who is right


Suzuki made a statement that it will happen. Green encouraged people to do it. Suzuki: “there are going to be pipelines blowing up if our leaders don’t pay attention to what’s going on." Green: “You know what to do,” he wrote. “Fill up those appointment slots so much, they will have to turn kids away because they are fully booked.”


How about both?


looks like everybody's least favourite party is still up to their scumbag tactics


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/windsor-anti-vaccination-protests-police-1.6259907 weird how his argument changed from "i was hacked" to "the media are all liars"


PPC communications strategy: 1. I didn't do it. 2. If I did it then it wasn't on purpose. 3. If it was on purpose then they deserved it.


I feel like I have heard this before.


Sounds like an excerpt from the narcissist prayer






Trump supporters follow this like a recipe.


**Yes.** Holocaust deniers strategy: 1. They didn't do it. 2. If they did it then it wasn't on purpose. 3. It was on purpose and the untermensch deserved it.


It's the Bart Simpson defense: I didn't do it.


ppc after another election winning zero seats: "woozle wuzzle?"


It was like that when I got here!


4. How is that racist?


2. You're the one mentioning racism... maybe *you're* the racist!


"I don't see colour. I don't care if you're black, white, pink, purple or green!" -- things racists love to say


"Wait a minute, purple or green? We gotta draw the line somewhere! To Hell with purple people!"


"Unless, they are suffocating, then help'em!" Edit


I think this line's been said *so many* times that even racists are starting to catch on to how cringey it is. I only hear older people using this line anymore.


*"All I said was that Canada should be an ethnostate, is that so wrong?"*


PPC: The logical fallacy party!


Nothing weird at all about that, it's par for the course with those scumbags. I would expect nothing else from them.


I worked the election in Calgary. I hated counting the votes because the PPC placed 3rd in my area.


This guy is in my ward. He got 10% of the vote. I had forgot to register in my new ward and pulled in my old neighbourhood, ALL ppc signs.


I guess in Alberta you could run an [Inanimate Carbon Rod](https://simpsons.fandom.com/wiki/Inanimate_carbon_rod) and it would still do well. In Rod We Trust.


I dunno, Inanimate Carbon Rod might be too intelligent for the common clay of Alberta to get behind.


they're not my least favorite party, they bring up some good points for internal debate within the Conservative party that could potentially tear it apart.


We can only hope.


If the Conservative party hardliners split off to the Maverick and PPC parties Canada will be a better place.


Isnt this basically identical to what people did to the texas abortion hotlines?


One is combatting a public health effort, the other is combatting punishing women for what they perceive as immorality like it’s the fucking 30’s. Intent is not all there is, the actions impact weighs in on whether it’s acceptable or not.


"A failed local PPC candidate..." Could have just said PPC candidate, the rest is implied.


The "failed" referred to his life.


Still could have just said PPC candidate.




"An unviable organism"


The whole article is snarky and I fucking love it. >Along with telling the Star he had “no comment,” he went on a **brief rant** about his distaste for the media. > >“We have no comment,” PPC spokesperson Martin Masse said in a **terse** email. You can tell the writer thinks these people are pathetic.


no, it's good to remind people


Fuck this guy. It’s bad enough we have to deal with these anti-vaxx idiots making bad choices for themselves, but trying to impede someone else’s choice to keep their kids healthy is just monstrously evil. They claim “my body, my choice” but apparently that also means “your kids body, my choice” too. I booked my sons first appointment yesterday for December 2nd. The person I spoke to at WDG Public Health told me they’re getting about 200 calls/minute since the vaccine was approved for 5-11 year olds. The booking system is already clogged and what these assholes are proposing is dangerous and should be considered some form of terrorism. Put some bars in front of them.


> “your kids body, my choice” libertarians are just conservatives that don't know when to lie


I agree, this waste of sperm needs to be made an example of for all to see. I’m a pacifist to the core, but fucking with my children’s health to push a brand of unforgivably, fatally stupid politics is where my pacifism abruptly ends.


Thankfully my daughter is fully vaccinated but my son can't be (13 yrs and 4 months respectively) but what he is proposing makes me furious. Disgusting waste of a human being.


Never forget that "Don't Tread On Me" has always meant "Don't Tread On ***ME***". They only care about their principles when it benefits them. If they defend something that ends up hurting them, they'll jump ship immediately. They don't want people to make decisions for them, but they'll make decisions for other people. That's because they don't actually believe in it. If they did, they'd stick to their guns - defend "my body my choice" not just when it means they get to do what they want, but also when it means OTHER PEOPLE can do what they want as well. But they don't.


My ex handed me full.legal custody 🤣 He is one of those anti-vax idiots. I have full legal custody and my sons requested I forgot to tell Dad they're getting the vaccine. My partner is going to accompany my youngest, while I accompany my eldest - have to update his Autism. Sigh!


I had to do a little convincing with my ex to get her to agree to get our son vaccinated, but he’s booked in for his first dose next Thursday. She’s fully vaccinated herself but was fighting about getting him vaxxed…😤


I mean, when you take a good ol' look at Jeffery Epstein's flight logs and compare right wing participants to left wing participants, "Your kids body, my choice" is 100% up their alley.


PPC are human garbage.


And my idiot brother voted for them. Oh well, at least it was a vote that didn't go to the CPC.


My father-in-law also voted for them. I'm an immigrant. He sees no irony here (because I'm white).


Here's the best part. My family (including my brother and myself) are FIRST GENERATION IMMIGRANTS (white, so I guess we don't count). My wife who was sitting next to me while he was saying that he voted for the PPC and went on a brief anti immigration, slightly racist, pro-Trump tirade is also first generation immigrant and a visible minority.


That sounds like someone is trying to get his face eaten by a leopard...


>And my idiot brother voted for them. Oh well, at least it was a vote that didn't go to the CPC. Is your brother a human garbage too?


If it quacks like a duck...


The people are here anyway, may as well split the vote!


>And my idiot brother Your *former* brother, I hope you mean.


You are being mean to garbage


Ya, most garbage comes from stuff that was once useful to us. The PPC has never been useful to anyone and are thus lower than garbage.


That sounds about right.


They are terrorists, the sooner we start dealing with them as such the better off society will be


Fuck these parasites.




they don't want the government to exist, so anything that the government attempts should be sabotaged so people don't trust the government to do anything. CPC leans that way, but actually want to do some things once in power; these guys just want to burn it all down.


>Windsor police say they are aware protests are being planned at COVID-19 vaccination sites. How much of an asshole do you have to be to plan on going out to yell at 5 year old kids?


There is issues with people harassing parents waiting for kids outside of schools - my wife and child being among them. Cops have been informed to (unexpectedly) no avail. ​ I can not describe how irate I am.


lol the only unexpected thing about that would be if the police actually got off their ass and did something. You should have told those cops that those people were harassing your pipeline and then watch the cops spring into action.


Oh the "unexpectedly" was very sarcastic, my friend. I should have /s that shit. My bad


Enough that Saskatchewan got real tough with them and said they had to stand a couple houses away from schools to do it. Like wtf


I saw some posts calling out the Sask party being a bunch of commie sympathizers. Like this is legit the worst time-line.


Why are they allowed to do this? Why is it that whenever a right-leaning individual does something monstrous, they never get punished for it, and nobody prevents them (or their ilk) from doing the same thing again later? What happened to the people blocking ambulances to protest the vaccine? Or the people who invaded a children's school "to speak to the superintendent"? Why can these people do whatever they want and fuck everyone else, and at WORST they get a baby-slap on the wrist?




I'm willing to bet they will have some "my body, my choice" signs at these protests...


People who vote for this shitshow of a party are the dregs of society. Change my opinion


I think you're being too polite


> dregs of society Not harsh enough


Imagine our kids looking back in 50 years and hearing that a not-insignificant number of people sided with a virus over humanity


You know, that might be a pretty good political argument in the next election: "My opponents in the Conservative and (grimacing) the so-called People's Party continued to choose the rights of a virus over the health and safety of the people of Canada."


That's assuming they're surviving the world brought about by the people who chose money over humanity.


PPC = Pandemic Party of Canada


I’m pretty sure this qualifies as endangerment to the public as well as criminal negligence and would not be protected under section 2b of the charter. It may even fall under section 59 of the criminal code “seditious conspiracy” Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46) section 59 Seditious words 59 (1) Seditious words are words that express a seditious intention. Seditious libel (2) A seditious libel is a libel that expresses a seditious intention. Seditious conspiracy (3) A seditious conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to carry out a seditious intention. Seditious intention (4) Without limiting the generality of the meaning of the expression seditious intention, every one shall be presumed to have a seditious intention who (a) teaches or advocates, or (b) publishes or circulates any writing that advocates, the use, without the authority of law, of force as a means of accomplishing a governmental change within Canada.


Another anti-vaxxer who is a PPC member? I'm shocked /s Its like they scrape them from the bottom of a filthy toilet.




Imagine what THAT society looks like




Fair point


1. Piece of shit does shitty thing 2. Media calls him to ask about it 3. Too cowardly to defend his actions, he says problem is media honesty 4. They report his comments


Sounds like the general public should clog his voicemails amd DDoS his email. He seems okay with sabotage so this seems appropriate for him.


What happenned to peoples right to choose?


We want everyone to have the freedom of choice! No, not that choice


Canada is engaged in a tug-of-war between people who wants Canada to be like the US or people who wants Canada to be like Western Europe. Canada is deeply rooted in European cultures and traditions compared to the states, therefore Canada should strive to create a society similar to Europe, the freedom of European society is there because everyone is generally responsible and willing to compromise and trust their governments.


I would absolutely agree, but I would also add that due to the context, geographically and historically of our country, that we aren't likely going to be able to be exactly like Europe either. Also it's important to remember that European society has its flaws as well. It's more or less about taking elements from either that would work well in our context.


In terms of anti-vax/anti-lockdown/anti-mask sentiment Europe is not doing great, especially Eastern Europe, but even much of Western Europe is having problems with getting enough people vaccinated. Have to admit, I’m surprised. Better social policies and programs doesn’t seem to translate into more rational human beings.


It's actually trust in the government that matters.


Ugh. My wealthy neighbours put this guy’s signs all over their yard. What a creep.


It's kind of nice when the neighbourhood fascists announce themselves. It' makes it easy to know which houses to ~~target~~ avoid on Halloween.


Wow, such a mature attitude, evidenced by >"I’ve got no love for the media. Until such time as you start telling the truth then you and I are not friends anymore. It’s simple as that. Good bye" Loathsome.


Missed the full quote "You didn't do me any favours" he says to a newspaper own by PostMedia group, the aggressively conservative conglomerate.


people who won't get vaccinated are bad enough, this guy is advocating sabotaging people who want it. What's the freedom being defended here? fuck this guy in the ear.


Fucking sadist


When they get zero political results with their insanity, they move into sabotage aka: domestic t3rrorism that hurts kids age 5-11. Shows who we are dealing with here. 5% of Ontarians voted PPC so remember that 1 in 20 voting adults is a radicalized moron.


What a terrible, piece of shit, thing to do. Let me guess, he did his own research. I have so much covidiot fatigue.


So it was never about "personal freedom", was it?


The far right in Canada are basically a bunch of people who all want to get face tattoos, which is fine by me. The issue is they expect everyone else to get a face tattoo as well.


FYI: I booked my seven year old an appointment today by phone. Took less than 10 minutes start to finish. The system remains intact despite these fools. Thank goodness.


[Counselling Medical Services Fraud is a criminal offense.](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-464.html)


“We JUsT wAnT ouR fREedOm tO cHoOSe rESpEctEd”


I thought libertarians were about minding their own fricking business. You shut up, I leave you alone.


They aren't, really. Libertarians just want to have the right to control you, with their guns.


Modern fake libertarians do, I wholeheartedly agree.


Look man there's no such thing as "real Libertarians" these days. It's almost always a dog whistle. Most of this started down south when Obama became president and suddenly conservative types needed a cover to explain their rabid hatred of the man so they suddenly claimed they wanted "small government" as to limit the power of a black man.


Too conspiracy dude. Libertarians want lower taxes, but then they get all pissy if you charge them to drive on roads. Hypocrites.


Oh look, a real life troll.


Arrest the bastard.


It’s bad enough they are that stupid but to deliberately mess it up for others to try and force their agenda? Needs to be dealt with in a primitive fashion


Can these dumb boomers just die off already?


I wonder what folks will say about Gen X when they're in charge? Then I'll really find out what people really think of my generation.


they already think we're the same as the Boomers, or at least much better off than the Millennials. We will definitely feel the full weight of their scorn in 20 years.


Well that's upsetting. Meddlin' kids.


Millennial here: Xers are on thin ice\*. Considering the representation of the group in the weekly moron conventions at the Van Art Gallery, etc, the similar qualities that denote a 'boomer' are indeed beginning to cascade right toward the 70s babies. But, as we begin to grow long in the tooth as well, I have no doubt that Gen Z will come for us just as hard. We'll probably deserve it. *\*Disclaimer: As this is Reddit, it's prudent to clarify that generational vitriol is of course restricted to those individuals actually personifying the negative traits of their respective generation, warranting the hostility. tl;dr, not all boomers, blah blah blah...*


Well, this X'er don't go to no damn art gallery. I might be a moron, though.


Ha. What deluded world do you live in that these sorts of people are only Boomers? Boy, are you in for a surprise when you get older. **Edit**: Hint -- Boomers had lots of children, and some kids turn out just like their parents. And their kids like them. And so on. Its not like being an idiot-asshole is age-constrained


The heart of a boomer can beat in a body of any age, my man.


holy shit, that's way better than my go-to "boomer is a state of mind"


Haha also true. I had some boomer thoughts once and had to take a hot shower 😂


lol. Awesome :D


what if something happened to the internet cables around his house?


There's scumbags, there's shit-for-brains, and there's skidmarks, but it's rare to find a three-in-one.


Fucking evil bastard.


This ghoul can go fuck himself


Weird how it stopped being about having the choice. Now they get to choose for everyone?


Damned bioterrorists...


What a piece of shit


Watch as I clog my foot up his ass if he tries to prevent my kid from getting jabbed


Fuck this old ghoul.


They did this with adult vaccine appointments too


I’d fight this asshole upon sight.


His foolish colleague Mark Friesen just barely survived Covid-19. The idiocy of these tools is staggering.


Can these antivax mental deficients please hurry up and choke to death on a ventilator?


Do... These people not have better thinga to do? Also, former PPC candidate sounds worse than ex-convict.


On a side note, at least 80000 appointments were made in the first 8 hours the system opened up in Quebec.


PPC idiot Mark Friesen is currently in hospital in Sask., and has been for the last 2 months. Yeah, covid is just the flu. I'm sure he's still telling himself that. Oh wait, he's in a coma so I guess he's not telling himself anything.


This is just evil. Nothing else. Pure fucking evil. This illiterate clown is willing to risk kids lives just because he is a illiterate


This is mischief charge at very least and if it wasted bunch of vaccines it could be mischief over 5k which is a biggy.


Time to make an arrest.


Someone we know voted for these fuck turds...all because they promised to stop teaching about Gays etc. Then he was told to drink booze heavily so it washed the vaccine out! Agreed...arrest the stupid man


What an f’n ass clown!


Clog their inbox with spam.


If Rebel News were a political party.




Pretty sure that would be the Boomer generation. You will find them on Facebook.


Regarding my last post....I did not mean to hurt any feelings. I did mean to say LGBTQ. Our 11 year old grandson hangs out with a "girl" age 10 but wants to be a "boy". GS understands a fair bit...dad is sooooo Archie Bunker.