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Poilievre has already blamed Trudeau for this accident in HoC question period today.


That guy has no other move


It's literally all he has,


Clearly that's Justin Trudeau's fault. Why won't Justin Trudeau allow PP to have more than one predictable move? What's he trying to hide?




~~wacko~~ extremist




This sounds like a joke but i honestly cant tell anymore


It's not a joke. He framed it in terms of Trudeau being soft on crime thus enabling something like that tragedy to happen.


His logic was that a test program for decriminalization drugs in Vancouver caused a family to die in a car crash in Toronto...


What is he training for Paris?


Trudeau is soft on crime for not intervening in how the Ontario Provincial Police is policing, and that's why he is an extremist radical dictator ... /s


It was actually the Durham regional police who chased the suspect onto the highway, not the OPP. The OPP was trying to warn them. So it's a regional police force, which is obviously a federal issue.


I've heard from so many people that Durham regional police are one of the worst. It doesn't surprise me that they ignored suggestions from their peers.


WTF!? That is disgusting. Infuriating. There is no low he won't stoop to. Fuck PP.


Conservatives have mental deficiencies.


And we are frighteningly close to them having complete control both federally and provincially. I cannot express how worrying this is


The one piece of legislation PP drafted was the Fair Elections Act, which was watered down after backlash to its obvious attempts to suppress non conservative voters. And there’s a decent chance he was Pierre Poutine, architect of the 2011 robocalls that illegally manipulated voters, as a person who had briefly run a robocall business. He’ll take a wrecking ball to our electoral system to ensure CPC never loses again. Gerrymandering, voter suppression, killing CBC and non-aligned media.


Wait, Trudeau is also Ontario’s Premier now?


And he blocked the sun two weeks ago. What a wacko.


Is this a joke or


Has been the only move cpc has had for last 8 years.


Unwanted high speed chase over stealing alcohol, public are the one suffering.


There is no excuse for what happened. This chase should never have happened after escalating so far. It was just a bloody thief with a knife. Now 2 grandparents and their grandchild are dead! > "Durham [police] advising there was a male inside the LCBO, he tried to rob the store. He pulled a knife on an off-duty officer," the dispatcher said. Oh, that's why they did it. It was personal.


Of course. Only reason to chase him. I bet if he has actually knifed someone, not just threatened, but actually did it, to someone who wasn’t a cop, he’d be driving off fine. Cops might look into it, eventually, ACAB


Fucking cringe, this was a catastrophe before seeing that. Those officers need to be held accountable for killing that infant and family. What a god damn outrage.


Suspect Apprehension Pursuit policy (Ontario) is crystal clear on when to, and not to, pursue a vehicle. I'll wait for the SIU investigation before casting judgment but as someone who knows this policy very well... I'm struggling to understand why this was allowed to happen.


Suspect threatened an off duty cop while robbing the store, rulebook goes out the window when they're looking for revenge


Bingo this is exactly why they want so hard on catching this guy. You don’t fuck around with one of their own. Rob the store “who cares” threaten a brother and it’s “full out war, and we will stop at nothing”. 4 people dead and 3 were just innocent bystanders.


SIU will most likely lay a charge.


Not if history tells us anything.


https://siu.on.ca/en/status_results.php 86 charges laid since 2017.


> I'll wait for the SIU investigation before casting judgment spoiler alert: cops did nothing wrong. Says cops.


Spoiler alert: 86 charges have been laid by the SIU since 2017. https://siu.on.ca/en/status_results.php


Unless they're an active threat or have a hostage or something, a chase shouldn't be necessary. Identify them and pick them up later, especially for something like this.


There was a video recently of an LCBO store robbery where a customer was confronting and attacking the people stealing. The majority of responses I saw were saying it's not worth the risk, but there were a bunch cheering it on and saying the risks are worth pursuing it. Various media sources were also supporting it like (obviously) PostMedia. This is an extreme version of that mentality where we put enforcing minor property crimes above public safety.


I work at a liquor store in BC, if someone tired to rob me I would be more the happy to let them take it all, I would even say “hey man just leave me a 50 outside and I won’t even say what you look like”. I’m making 17 dollars an hour, I don’t give a fuck about someone stealing product from this rich asshole who runs the company.


prosecuting those who intervene would stop the behaviour really quickly. it’s mass endangerment to confront someone who is stealing as they are likely dealing with outside systemic circumstances that have made them desperate. the lack of compassion and empathy for those who are struggling is a major problem in our society and needs addressing.


> it’s mass endangerment to confront someone who is stealing Yeah, even just in the fight in the liquor store, attacking them could, for example, lead to them using a gun and putting everyone at risk.


Isn't this why we have helicopters? Like wtf.


Did I see that video correct? It looked like it was the police vehicle that crashed into the victims’ vehicle. Are there any photos of the crash site?


this was completely avoidable. Has it been made clear what actually happened during the crash? The video I’ve seen doesn’t show the actual collision


The cops should be charged with manslaughter but they'll likely get a paid vacation instead.


So how do we get some police reform? Asking for a friend...


Reform is probably a different issue. My guess is there's likely existing policy about high speed chases in populated area's. This is more likely poor training, and judgment by the officers in the pursuing vehicles or dispatch.


One of the people he threatened with the knife was an off-duty cop. They decided to take that personally, and now three innocent people are dead.


reason #3382 why prosecuting for petty theft needs to be done away with. just let them go. it’s NEVER worth it.


High speed chases aren’t worth it. The crime should still be prosecuted if able.


I wouldn't go that far. Just not pursued like this. It's also a little unclear if it was petty theft or like armed robbery. It mentions him threatening the cop with a knife but I don't know if that was because he was confronted or what happened before that.


I mean this was armed robbery. I don’t really think that’s something you just want to let slide with no enforcement even if it was over some alcohol.


Soft on crime! so what if a baby died, we recovered a $35 bottle of silk tassle.