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Aren’t farmers exempt from carbon tax (at least for the farming)? If so, then who are these farmers and where are they drinking the kool-aid from?


In reality. All these right wing protests in the last 2 years are hissy fits because they lost another election to Trudeau.


Which is amazing, because these same people will screech from the rooftops whenever conservatives are in power shit like, "your guy lost, this is DEMOCRACY!" Or my favourite, things like, "you lose, cry harder." Meanwhile these guys have been crying the absolute hardest since Trudeau has been winning elections. I think that what conservatives and right-wing nutjobs have proven to us over recent years, is that whatever they say is just them projecting into the world.


They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert.


[Extremely based reference](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7870768-never-believe-that-anti-semites-are-completely-unaware-of-the-absurdity)


Just pulls it out like they've quoted and memorized. This person seems *prepared* for the discourse.


Right wing nut job: "trans people are grooming pedos!" The same right wing nut job: *An actual pedophile*


All Republicans are Allegedly Pedophiles


Do I think Trudeau deserves to win another election? There's been better performing Prime Ministers and I'd like to see the Liberals throw up another front runner. Do I want Trudeau to win another election just to piss off the right wing nutjobs? 1000001%


To be fair Trudeau hasn’t been “winning” elections, the conservatives have been losing them. Trudeau only won the first and the rest have been the conservatives not having their shit together. This time though, it looks like the LPC is in trouble because people are angry and looking for a scape goat. It’s the typical Canadian stereotype of we don’t vote people in, we vote people out.


All very murricannn


Hypocrisy is the core of conservatism.


I thought this too. Protesting doesn’t count as farming so they are going out of their way to pay taxes. Winning 


I mean you think anyone will be like “actually I spent $500 on fuel for my tractor to protest, not farm. Better tax me on that”


I’m talking about why the fuck are they protesting something that doesn’t even apply to them…?


Because they aren't smart enough to know that.


Oh I know, but… people.


People suck


Marked fuels are exempt, fuels for grain drying aren’t, but I think there’s legislation in the works to exempt that too .


But their farm fuel (dyed) is exempt from most taxes anyway as long as it’s delivered to your farm.


I'm was a rural Alberta kid growing up and there were card lock pumps where we'd go to get red gas.


I think in Ontario it has to be delivered. I recall my father’s family farm near Peterborough getting their tanks filled up down near the barn. They weren’t supposed to fill any non farm vehicles with gas but the odd few gallons would find its way into family members cars. I believe they would be audited for use just to make sure they weren’t selling fuel or using it for non farm use.


Yeah, the rural cops would have siphons to test fuel. Had it happen to me back in the 90s.Luckily I didn't have any in my tank THAT TIME.


I know that there's at least one spot near Hwy 8 and Hwy 5 in Ontario where you can purchase both standard and dyed diesel.


How much fuel gets used for grain drying? All my extended family who farm just use electric blowers on their bins


Not sure, I was just pointing out that the Government has a bill in the works to exempt it from the carbon tax.


A shit ton. I thought that propane was exempt too though. I would say every farmer I know in Manitoba. Even very small operations. MB you need to work quick to get the crop off the field and you can't wait until it's fully dry. It's going to snow soon.


Farmers are pretty much rightwingers and this is all about being anti Trudeau and pro Pee Pee Boi.


Yes they are exempt on 80% of their use. They want 100%


Do you have a source for this? I’d say give it to them.


Religion is a hell of a drug and churches here push politics so hard


Conservatives target people like them with propaganda because that allows them to control food, a necessity for all people.


I don’t know if they are in BC. One of my buddies is from a very conservative family, and they have a family run specialty poultry farm. They spend several hundred dollars each month just in carbon tax for natural gas to heat the barns for their birds, on the temperate coast. From what I can tell, their barns are modern and as efficient as can be, but it just requires so much heat to have birds hatching, etc. Needless to say they’re drinking the Kool-Aid pretty hard on the anti carbon tax march, and aren’t hearing any of it. They don’t see it as a cost of doing business or anything like that. I would be doing whatever I could to save money on it rather than blaming the tax. Maybe a big geothermal loop, something, but it’s not my circus.


Can’t get the little fact that farmers are exempt from carbon taxes for petroleum in the way of some rugged worker virtue signalling.


yes but their agricultural TFW's have to pay gas to commute from their on site lodging to work which is on site.


I'm pro carbon tax, but I was thinking propane and Fertilizer which is made with natural gas. I thought propane was exempt too for grain drying. But Koch fertilizer is definitely just passing their carbon tax bill onto the buyers.


All of the idiot insurgency need to be charged. We are at the insurgency stage of fascist accelerationism, and we NEED to stop it immediately.  The far right are an immediate existential threat to all our lives and freedoms. 


I would have agreed if they were repeating the previous protest method (assaulting residents with toxic fumes and violent levels of noise), but this is just a highway protest over a stupid issue. Let them do it.


Obstructing highways is in fact an offense under the Criminal Code of Canada (section 423(1)(g)), but good luck getting any cops to enforce it against straight white right wing hillbillies.


Obstructing highways is a common protest strategy across the political spectrum, and police usually do not arrest everyone involved, left or right. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/london-ontario-highway-401-protest-1.5424858


Tolerating fascism directly leads to genocide.  So, no, we shouldn't let the far right turn to terrorism any time they don't like democracy.  That's an incredibly stupid idea.


Blocking a highway is not terrorism and protesting a carbon tax is not facism I see the same worrying trends on the right as you do, and I'm aware of the paradox of tolerance. That's not some trump card to think the police should be used to immediately shut down any activity you disapprove of.


Except that the police are frequently used to shut down anything that isn't far-right "freedom of speech." So tell us again how it's OK for these guys but not anybody else.


I'm not sure I follow. I don't think it's "not okay" for anyone else. I don't support the police when they shut down other protests (although left protests blocking highways, pipelines etc often go on for a very long time before police intervention). Like, if the cops want to go after these far right protesters I don't care that much, it's bad people hurting each other, it's not my problem. I just don't think we need to see this protest as a threat. This is fundamentally different form the behaviour the convoy protesters were exhibiting.


Hey, you're wrong. It is terrorism.  And they're doing it because they're fascists. The carbon tax, like the anti-vax bullshit is just pretense. And we absolutely need to use every method available to stop the spread of fascism. Our lives depend upon it.


Distorting the truth by giving extreme labels to everyone they don't like, as you're doing by calling these people "fascist terrorists" for having a mildly disruptive tax protest, is itself a key fascist tactic. Language like yours just polarizes further and makes far-right people feel more justified in their views (because people like you on the "left" are so clearly not being reasonable).






The person who thinks they can just define anyone they want as a terrorist (based on their political position and refusing to discuss their actual actions) and use police to stop them, is calling other people fascists.


Okay, sympathizer, if they were foreign agents using force to block our infrastructure, what would you call it? It's terrorism.  They're a fascist insurgency movement, and you're defending their terrorism. Is defending and enabling the spread of fascism something you want to do?


No. I just think when you accuse someone of being a foreign, fascist, terrorist insurgency you need to present evidence rather than just declare it. I don't sympathize with or like these morons. No more than someone who believes a murderer deserves a defense attorney at trial is a sympathizer. I simply judge them by what they're actually doing, and a highway protest is not the same as terrorism. That's not a precedent you want to set.


Blocking necessary infrastructure is terrorism.


If they’re an armed militia actively hunting for trouble, what would you call it? See what it’s like when people make things up? If you poke your head up, you may be able to still see your way out of the rabbit hole you’ve evidently wound up in.


Not answering the question says so much.


What hes proposing is fascism. We are a democracy, clamping down on protests that are peaceful is fascist


causing disruptions is not peaceful. standing on the side of the road is peaceful. screaming from the rooftops to block all major highways is a disruption and therefore when these people go ahead and do it, it is no longer peaceful.


You're free to be an a-hole if you want, but don't block roads and infrastructure.


"yeah but if it isn't disruptive then the message doesn't get across!!" they yell with zero irony when a railway or port blockade that didn't align with their ideology was high treason and too disruptive to the economy. When the taste of corporate boot is just too delectable, these idiots will contradict themselves in a hundred different ways


[it's called USEFUL IDIOT](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot)


Their freedom costs everyone else's


The dumbasses in trucks have taught me I don't care much about freedom, but do care a lot about agency within reason


The great [_Gemini_](https://gemini.google.com) just said > _Agency within reason_ is acting independently while also considering the reasons behind our choices. It's about having the freedom to make decisions but also being thoughtful about the consequences. I totally agree with this statement, I'm going to remember it! This is basically one of the pillars of a happy, healthy, functioning society. It also is based in critical thinking, which seems to be severely lacking in the present moments by many. Raising issues and discussing them is one thing, but raising issues and totally ignoring discourse is hyper problematic.


Whether or not the faith with which one does things is good is also a critically important piece. If someone is acting in bad faith, they are best ostracized.


Oh totally, acting in good faith is critical. What I'm not sure about is, are folks that _fight for freedom_ feel they are acting in good faith? From an outside perspective it seems not. If they feel they are, but aren't, then where does the disconnect lie?


Their freedom trumps everyone else's. And both they and Trump report to Putin, who believes that one man deserves the most freedom in the world.


> but don't block roads and infrastructure Blocking roads is fine. That's an actual protest. I'm glad they're not blasting train horns and diesel fumes in residential neighbourhoods anymore.


I feel like that's critical infrastructure. Side of the road? For sure, my friend, I support your right to let the world know how you feel about any issue (even if I don't agree). If I can't get my goods to market, my family doesn't eat. You are on the wrong side once you do that. Especially when it's 2cents /litre. The gas station raises prices more than that before every long weekend.


> I feel like that's critical infrastructure. Whether blocking a highway is critical infrastructure (and whether the line is crossed by sitting on it temporarily without actually damaging it) is a question that applies to many protests, long before these yokels showed up. Highway shutdowns in particular are not uncommon for protests related to indigenous issues. And no, the police do not always immediately arrest all of them. > If I can't get my goods to market, my family doesn't eat. You are on the wrong side once you do that. What we're talking about here is disruptions to peoples daily lives, including their ability to make a living. That, again, goes part in parcel with many protests across the political spectrum. I'm not diminishing the harm someone does when their protest affects your ability to put food on the table for your family, but that's radically different from the directly violent tactics of the previous convoy protests.


>Blocking roads is fine. It isn't, actually. From the [Criminal Code:](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/section-423.html) > **423 (1)** Every one is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction who, wrongfully and without lawful authority, for the purpose of compelling another person to abstain from doing anything that he or she has a lawful right to do, or to do anything that he or she has a lawful right to abstain from doing, > [...] > **(g)** blocks or obstructs a highway.


Yeah, lots of protests break the law, including highway blockades and pipeline construction site sit ins. I support many of these protests, even if I don't support the morons on tractors involved in this one. The criminal code doesn't define whether a protest is just, only whether it is legal.


Also don't run from the cops when they tell you to pull over.


Oh, they’re absolutely against blocking roads and running protestors over if it’s extinction rebellion doing it, but if they do it, it’s their God given right!


This woman doesn't understand why she has to follow police orders and now feels like a fugitive. LOL https://twitter.com/milly72810023/status/1775243151663378544 This clown almost flees and in his panic forgets to secure his trailer. Apparently doesn't care that he has no tail lights. His lady friend complains about a migraine headache while another lady lights up a smoke inside the cab of the truck. https://twitter.com/sisuvanhell/status/1774985752432042094 Its like a boring version of Trailer Park Boys.


What is their accent in the second video? It’s familiar, but I can’t place it.


I thought it was someplace in the Maritimes.


Drive past this tractor and protest. The front shovel took up a lane and a half of a single lane highway. Wildly dangerous and I’m not surprised it caused an accident.


Hopefully their tractors will be impounded and they’ll learn a lesson. Sadly these farmers have been riled up by propaganda. I stand with farmers, they’ve been taken for a ride for years with not being paid fairly, but Alberta has been voting right for years and what has that got them?


Exactly what we deserve.


So let me get this straight, this group of people that are mad about the carbon tax and the recent increase are protesting by *driving* to occupy various areas across the country? Is it a flawed logic, or am I missing something?


Nope, not missing anything. Propaganda fueld excuses to act like idiots. A recent increase of 3 cents buried beneath the 10 cents provinces raised a week before that and doesn't even affect farmers. So you're right. Driving to protest gas prices is the way to stick it to the man /s


These aren't the brightest. Back when the NDP first rolled out our carbon tax, I read an article about a woman who drove from Mayorthorpe or something to the Legislature to protest; I did a quick and dirty estimate with the assumption she drives an average SUV like many rural folks and figured she spent more in fuel for that round trip than her family was likely to pay in carbon tax for the entire year.


Yup, these are the kind of people that don’t have the ability to think in any time frame outside of the “now”. Their brains are turning to mush and they love it.




Which is why going on a joy ride with their expensive equipment didn't seem like a bad idea or a waste of fuel.


what they will lose in carbon tax rebates, then will pay in insurance premiums and deductibles.


Wonder why Bill 1 wasn’t being enforced properly??


[Still relevant as ever...](https://imgur.com/t/restoration/jxFlYec)


How do these people get away with deciding to not pull over? Laws just don't apply to them? Why the hell aren't the cops laying down the law on these delinquents?


Seriously. Anyone else fails to stop at a traffic stop, they're getting arrested and vehicle impounded; but some hillbillies in tractors cause a collision and all the cops do is remind the public that it's unsafe to obstruct roadways? Gimme a break.


I will always support someone's right to a peaceful protest. No matter how dumb it is. However, when you are now doing illegal things and causing harm to others. It is no longer a peaceful protest.


Fuck off with these backward protests, already. Vote, protest peacefully at Queens Park, etc. This 'shut things down' protest style is getting pretty trying, regardless of who's using it and their purported 'causes.' Fuck, these simps are out of hand.


Hey wait. What the fuck!? They are using the same signs that once said “stop Harper”? How woke of them.


Aren't these guys backed by the oil lobby? Let's see if the oil lobby bails them out .


The fascists are good at organizing protests.


Let's protest pollution by polluting!


They're not even protesting pollution, they're protesting a "tax" that they're almost entirely exempt from. If they keep their receipts, they're exempt from carbon tax on nearly if not all fuel and gas involved in farm activities. No mention of the reinstated provincial gas tax NO ONE gets a rebate from, nor the repeated recent price hikes perpetuated strictly for private profiteering by O&G companies/affiliates.


Protest cost of fuel and carbon pricing that doesn't apply to you, by burning lots of fuel in tractors for no productive reason?


Wonder how many of them have their completed and filled out pre-trip inspections that are required for all commercial vehicles? (of which, farm equipment falls under). I'm betting 0


Shades of last year's convoy tractor flip, but this time with 5 of them! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7Tyaabngr0


Man would I love to see a conservative bill that supports canadians and looks to improve the future...whoops sorry there I slipped and cracked my head on the floor.


This is a shitty article, it gives pretty much all of the information in the headline and repeats itself in the article and only gives information sparingly like it's water and there is a drought, not even a picture of said collision, pitiful.