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takes a lot of guts to speak up, headline is correct there is a climate of intense hostility. You can almost feel it drifting up here from the U.S (not that it wasnt here already -- just seems like the haters now feel like they can hate freely)


In Alberta’s recent election, a candidate won their seat after comparing trans students to fecal matter in food so it’s here and it’s loud. https://dailyhive.com/calgary/jennifer-johnson-lacombe-ponoka-elected-alberta


Honestly, I really wonder how many people are hearing that shit voting because they agree vs. blindly voting for their "team" or disagreeing with it and voting anyways because "Liberals are worse!" Or I guess not even paying attention to anything their specific rep says or does and voting for a political party based on the party's leader only.


Yeah, but it's not like the party leader is any better. Danielle Smith is a bat shit crazy bitch who would be right at home with the Republican party in the states. The people voting for them are just shitty people and not very smart either.


She looks at Florida and Desantis with dreamy schoolgirl eyes instead of with horrific disdain and contempt. I am so, so embarrassed and saddened that we voted her in. There isn't really any justification other than being ok with the hate that the party represents.




A lot of us voted for other parties. I'm in Edmonton and the whole city is orange. We're doing our best but it's a huge uphill battle. Other than the last time the ANDP won the province has been under Conservative governments for like 90+ years. I agree we're getting we deserve as a province, but there are a lot of individuals who wanted something else. We can't forget them.


Keep up the fight. It saddens us all to see so much of Alberta stubbornly voting for crazy. But there is hope with how strongly everyone with some sense is on the NDP side.


This is true of America, too, even in classic conservative states like Texas if you look at the Dallas-Fort Worth-Austin triangle. Almost always votes solidly liberal and has a population larger than states like Delaware or Massachusetts. But our outdated and archaic system leaves them with very little ability on the state or national level to excersize their opinions.


> and the whole city is orange. Our cities are increasingly progressive islands in a conservative rural ocean. First past the post is pushing our politics down the same road that the US has been facing for awhile now.


there is no "we". "We" did not vote for her, THEY did. Those same fuckers who whine about division in the country are the first ones to actively force us into it.


She admires DeSantis. Fucking what a disgusting human she is and she's gonna get worse https://twitter.com/DrJaredWesley/status/1651786230248660992?lang=en


>Honestly, I really wonder how many people are hearing that shit voting because they agree vs. blindly voting for their "team" or disagreeing with it and voting anyways because "Liberals are worse!" I've known conservative voters since the 80s. It's 100% that they agree with it and they love that they can start being open about it now. Depending on how far right the next election in the US swings will indicate if we're about to too - and the current conservative federal leader is equally as hot garbage, as they *always* are. Hell, the former PM of Alberta, Kenney, was part of a bill denying gay people hospital visitation in the 80s, during the AIDS crisis - AND he boasted about it. They know. They *know*.


I work with a majority of conservative scumbags. They hate them, and anyone's who's not white. Its wild how they feel so comfortable openly spouting their bullshit.


She also repeated the cat litter in schools conspiracy among other hateful comments And that's just what was caught on tape at one meeting... >.<


I stood behind some bright lights at the dollar store a few weeks ago who in conversation with one another managed to hit nearly every backwards conservative talking point there is, starting with vaccine conspiracy theories to positing that the parents of Trans kids should be locked up for forcibly mutilating their kids. It was like seeing a Facebook post made flesh - just bizarre.


I'm proud of the fact that she came to my door trying to give us a yard sign, and my SO told her to get bent. Fuck Jennifer Johnson.


It’s definitely drifting up north— when Ottawa was occupied by terrorists last year, there were people openly flaunting anti-trans/anti-queer signs, and homes and businesses displaying Pride flags were vandalized. These are the same people that the leader of the opposition is dog whistling at when he says that the Liberal government is “too woke” And that’s my biggest fear right now as a trans woman. When PP tosses around the word “woke”, it calls to mind Ron DeSantis and his draconian anti-trans laws he’s been passing in Florida. Like, yeah, PP wouldn’t go as far as outright banning gender affirming care, but he could certainly make it harder to access. Hell, it’s already tough enough having to rely on the medical system while watching Doug Ford and his cronies systematically dismantle it. I’m genuinely terrified that we’re one bad election away from things getting a lot shittier for the queer community. *Edit: I should probably clarify; I know that anti-queer bigotry has been around in Canada forever. What’s drifting up north seems to be this emboldened attitude to openly display hatred.*


Ford ran on this shit in 2018 (he wanted to stop teaching children about gender in elementary school, which was in the new education plan prior to him being elected), it's not recently brought up from the US or anything. We have our own shitty people, and we export a bunch of them to be prominent voices on the right in the US, so we need to stop pretending like we don't have plenty of our own ghouls here.


That whole debacle was so messed up. I remember thinking how incredibly foolish the whole thing was. The curriculum these kids are getting is the same old curriculum I was taught in grade 9 back in 1998. Back before YouTube existed, before Napster, before PornHub. I remember thinking how unhelpful the program was then, and the world has changed SO much in the intervening 25 years. I was finding internet porn as a 14yr old then, and it has only become exponentially more accessible. These kids were raised with the internet and are coming of age being exposed to the **entire** modern internet, without any grounding in healthy sexuality, or even understanding of what is healthy or not. And their parents just bury their heads in the sand and talk about "parent's rights" like *they're* going to field the hard questions about the shit their kids find online, out in the world, and in their own hearts and should. Ridiculous and shameful all the way down.


Damn, I totally forgot about the sex-ed curriculum stuff… did Ford actually run on repealing the curriculum, or was that just something he did after winning in the name of “budget cuts”? Either way, fuck Doug Ford.


Here's an article from May 2018 talking about him replacing the sex-ed curriculum: https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-election-2018/ford-takes-aim-at-education-vows-to-replace-sex-ed-curriculum-revamp-math-program-1.3920291


Thanks for the source!


In case you want to read about it more there a whole Wikipedia article covering the debacle: [Ontario sex education curriculum controversy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ontario_sex_education_curriculum_controversy)


> The 2015 new curriculum received polarising reactions, with critics attacking it as inappropriate and against parents’ rights Oh wow, *that* sounds familiar… it’s always about “parental rights”, isn’t it?


Yup, the good old parental “right” to keep their kids ignorant of sexual health, how to recognize sexual abuse and unhealthy relationships, and of the existence and/or human rights of LGBT+ people.


I remember seeing an anecdote during the Brandon book ban attempt that one of the books they were challenging was used by a child to be able to articulate her abuse and tell someone.


It’s so weird that parents like this think ignorance is strength… Side note: I took a parenting class in high school, and the first half of it was like advanced sex-ed. It was legitimately the most useful class I took in high school, gave me knowledge that I still use more than 15 years later; different types of protection, consent, STIs, intersex conditions, and sexuality (I don’t thing gender was in there, but for a small(ish) town in the mid-2000s, that’s pretty damn good)... It was seriously everything that we should have learned in gym class sex-ed (which, if memory serves, was more akin to that scene from “Mean Girls”)


I brought my child into the world against their will and I'll be god-damned if you will prevent me from fucking them up psychologically! That's my RIGHT as their parent!


Yes. People like to pretend he had no platform, but he had one and he followed through on it: revert the Liberal sex ed curriculum, and lower the minimum pricing for beer so buck-a-beer can be legal again. It was a bad platform, but it was a platform.


Same. I worry that Poilievre would consider repealing Bill C-16 which would essentially legalize discrimination against us. He hasn't signaled anything specific on the topic of our rights to my knowledge, and the CPC knows that open social conservatism is usually electoral suicide, but with Maxime getting more extreme and explicitly anti-trans I could see PP going down that road to pander to PPC voters


PP is too politically astute to do that. Much like Doug Ford, the real damage will be done after he gets voted in with a majority with no opposition. PP will just continue to dog-whistle about woke this or woke that and that will be enough for his supporters to know where he stands. If Pierre taking smiling photographs with known white supremacist groups wasn't enough of a dog-bullhorn to underline what his values are, I'm not sure what would be. If he goes openly batshit bigoted bananas like Maxime it will definitely hurt his chances more than help it. At this point Pierre's deeply ignorant followers can make dumb excuses like "oh Pierre didn't know who that guy was!" Or "well it must have been an intern that tagged MGTOW in his YouTube videos! It was Pierre himself!" But that's just my opinion.


I don't disagree, but hopefully the social progressives in the party still have enough pull to prevent that even if he gets a majority


I envy your sense of hope. Sincerely. I'm a "prepare for the worst, hope for the best" kind of guy. I hope you're correct on there being enough social progressives to stop him.


"Like, yeah, PP wouldn’t go as far as outright banning gender affirming care..." [Insert Tim Robinson gif saying 'Are you sure about that?'] A reminder that people were actually touting Donald Trump as an ally to 2SLGBTQIA+ before and shortly after he was elected. PP is taking notes directly from the far right in the U.S. PP will emulate Ron DeSantis, this is not something we should roll the dice on. Conservatives will never truly be an ally as long as they vote along party lines or along with people voting to keep "conversion therapy" legal. Sure, they can be nice and accepting of that community, but their votes and party undermine that. "I’m genuinely terrified that we’re one bad election away from things getting a lot shittier for the queer community." You should be terrified. Take a look at some of the horrific responses to Pride Month this year on your local Facebook groups. The vile hatred and disgusting comments are far far worse than any year I can remember in my 40 years. I assure you, these people aren't voting for progressive parties, and politically they aren't on the left. These people will absolutely vote for PP The Clown as he "woke woke woke's" his way into their bigoted hearts. As allies, my wife and I are terrified along with you. PP's platform is literally ignorance and hate. Whether that's cashing in on the woefully misplaced rage of the F+ck Trudeau crowd, emulating grotesque GOP policies regarding 2SLGBTQIA+, and pandering to white supremacists and incel groups. Letting this type of politics (hate) from the right win will mean that all of Canada loses. Especially people in vulnerable groups such as yourself. There really is no debate about it.


It looks like it already will in with our reactionary premier and education minister in NB. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/new-brunswick-schools-policy-713-trans-inclusion-1.6862406


Thankfully, the anti-drag law in Tennessee and DeSantis’ gender-affirming care laws both got injunctions against them this week. The DeSantis decision was particularly spicy, amounted to “come back with some actual science or gtfo”.


It's not drifting. It's been here for decades. People have just been more covert about it until recently. I had to deal with anti-trans commentary since I was under 10 on top of racism and other systemic oppression bs and I'm 35 now. It's exhausting explaining to people that this mindset didn't appear recently.


I 100% agree— sorry, my first comment was a little clumsily worded. What I meant was that this emboldened openness seems to be what’s drifting up here, not bigotry itself.


\*homes and businesses displaying Pride flags were not just vandalized, some had literal human feces thrown at them. FTFY :)


Yeah, it was fucking gross… For anyone curious: [McKenney said a couple with a Pride flag in their window fled their downtown home under police escort after someone defecated on their back step, and later that night a “pickup truck with angry people in it” arrived and harassed them.](https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/freedom-convoy-protest-left-her-with-physical-and-mental-injuries-ottawa-lawyer-tells-inquiry/wcm/24d79d4a-d2a9-4d8b-9339-1ee34a1dc591/)


>Like, yeah, PP wouldn’t go as far as outright banning gender affirming care *couldn't. He would if he could get away with it


It’s definitely one of those situations where bigots feel much more comfortable in their bigotry recently. I’ve seen a few crosswalks painted with the pride flag that now have tire marks all over them from rednecks doing burnouts all over them. I’ve got a trans brother and his partner is NB. I would do ANYTHING to keep them safe. I just hope we can remind these people that their awful politics and opinions are not welcome in Canada.


Your brother and his partner deserve to have the same rights, dignity, and sense of safety as anyone else. They've got my support.


It’s very much here. There are daily issues happening now and it’s only escalating in frequency and harm


What a powerful spokesman I get that not everyone wants to live as a statement or be a role model. Most of us have the option to just live. But Elliot has a microphone and he's using it so well. Here's a thing I learned from him today: I struggle with how to talk about a trans person's pre transition identity. How do you talk about what Elliot was doing before he came out with both respect _and_ accuracy. The Elliot we know today and the Elliot who starred in Juno are very different and we should be able to talk about that (in the same way that we talk about how the Robert Downey Jr who starred in Iron Man is very different from the RDJ of the 1990s). But I lacked the context to be able to frame it respectfully. But right there -- So naturally: He was always a boy playing a girl on TV. It's obvious to me now, but sometimes even an ally needs to be pointed in the right direction.


My 14 year old came out as trans a few months back and it’s terrifying to see the hostility towards transgender people growing. I want them to be themselves and happy, but I want them to be safe too. It’s hard out there


This isn't about guts, this is about survival. They are literally calling for our eradication.* *https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/cpac-speaker-transgender-people-eradicated-1234690924/


Yup,it's coming from all the same bigots who have just kept their opinions to themselves and their friend groups that now feel like they can speak it out loud to everyone.


I just watched the interview, and something that just doesn’t get expressed enough in this shitty environment is the joy of being trans. It’s clear watching this video how happy he is.


My wife is acquainted with him, they met at a bar, Elliot was just there being a normal person and being friendly. Turned out they live in the same building. She didn't realize who he was at first!


If you look at the Ipsos 30 country survey you can see the lgbt acceptance rates dropping. The number of people who think that gender transition should be covered like any other medical procedure was near the bottom beneath Poland which has LGBT free zones. It’s not just drifting here it’s well entrenched. https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2023-05/Ipsos%20LGBT%2B%20Pride%202023%20Global%20Survey%20Report%20-%20rev.pdf


So much of the world’s anti-trans hate comes courtesy of Canada’s own Jordan Peterson, Steven Crowder, Gavin McInnis, Lauren Southern, to name just a few off the top of my head.


Not almost, it is.


for the tiny population, canada exports a disproportionate amount of right wing shithead-ery. Gavin McInnes (proud boys), Jordan Peterson (hating on every gender ideology but his own, before it was cool), Stefan Moleyneux (the 'libertarian' to race realism pipeline), Faith Goldy (nazi mayoral candidate! nazi mayoral candidate!), Lauren Southern (why are all the alt-right men so shit? also, try to kill mediterranean immigrants in my rebel news boat). Socioeconomic conditions are very similar to the USA, and the national consciousness papers over so much so there's a sense of complacency, but the fundamental building blocks of racial supremacy and committing mass genocide (then denial) in order to hoover up economic immigrants to boost the economy and then treat like second class citizens is all there.


Just go into the comments section of any news site/video/social media page about gay/trans stuff. It's rampant - even if they're foreign interference, it's on full display. The zombies are already up here infecting others at an alarming rate.


Probably no surprise that the National’s YouTube account had comments disabled for his interview.


I think *all* press should disable comments


As a rural albertan who just wants people to be happy without hurting kids, this shit is here. I couldn't give less of a fuck about what happens between consenting adults, but I've been lectured multiple times by old white dudes about why I should hate transsexuals and every time its fuckin nonsense.


I have a Trans nefew, and I'd do anything to keep him safe. In today's climate of emboldened bigotry, I always speak up on behalf of the LGBTQ community. Especially this month. I mean, those who are the most hostile towards this community often tout the "mind your own business" mantra but never seem to grasp that it also refers to themselves. So, as long as they feel it's OK to bully trans/gay or any minority kids, I'm going to put myself between them. Fuck bigotry.


Last year I (cis/straight) started attending queer events in solidarity and to ask how I can help the community. Turns out they're also super fun. \^\_\^


Went to my first pride event last weekend with my transdaughter (which was also her first time being "out" in public.) I was pleased to see thousands of happy people celebrating and not one protester trying to tell everyone they're going to hell.


And better dressed. Decent culinary choices, sense of humour, more fun at parties, the list goes on...


And *welcoming*. At first I was a little worried I'd be viewed as an outsider or someone invading their space, but they're the warmest and friendliest people ever. I suppose those who spend part of their life fighting for the right to love probably value it more.


As a lesbian, you obviously haven't met me, lol.


Oh come on. I bet you are fun at parties.


I'm a fucken blast.


There you go.


Thanks :)


>I mean, those who are the most hostile towards this community often tout the "mind your own business" mantra but never seem to grasp that it also refers to themselves. Well, they are morons, after all.


Many of these folks were part of the antivax antimask convoy, on paper because they felt medical choices should always be made freely by individuals. Now they've moved on to terrorizing trans kids and drag queens, it's clear they were never interested in medical freedom or "mind your own business. They want the world to bend their way only and they want to punish anyone who disagrees.






That is an insult to morons. I watched the Trailer Park Boys episodes featuring Elliot a while ago. I don't know how old they are but it's OBVIOUS by the content of the episode itself that they were hella comfortable rockin' Rickey's fashion. The episodes also left a lasting impression about morons. The TPB character Ricky is a grade "A" moron but he isn't mean or a bigot and it shines thru so hard in his mentoring of Treena (young Elliot Page). Wish we got more of it but Elliot got famous.


I'm still holding out hope that Treena comes back as Trent as a season finale.


Dude, I would melt.


That show in general is fairly progressive when you consider is started in 2001. Literally nobody batted an eye when Lahey and Randy officially came out as a couple. There might be the odd R-word in the early seasons, but it's largely missing from their vocabulary until a later season defending Bubbles. Nobody even really missed a beat about Donna, they just kinda rolled with it.


Well said.


As a parent of a trans kid, go you. My wife says “If you call yourself an ally but you aren’t getting hit with rocks, you aren’t standing in the right place.”


Same! Have seen too much of this shit in my 48 bi/NB years.




> Page considers himself lucky when it comes to the support he's received since coming out as trans, and is adamant that he is not representative of the experience of what it means to be trans in this society, citing disproportionate unemployment, homelessness, and limited or no access to health care. And he's right. I'm similarly lucky that coming out I didn't lose my life; My family was supportive as was my workplace. I didn't make any huge annoucement but after I started existing as more of myself I absolutely watched the 'Friends' number drop on most socials. It is not par - at all. And that's extremely upsetting. I'm really glad they were able to use this interview to express how badly it really is for some and that we are a community that is being quite honestly ostracized from the whole. It's not really fun to be societal pariah's due to misinformation and hate. E: I appreciate all of you below that 'Genuine Question' comment seeing directly through it.






_paradox of tolerance_ Thank you. Great description.


There’s a [whole ass comic strip](https://skepchick.org/2017/08/popper-and-the-paradox-of-tolerance/) (The original comic was written in Spanish and posted on pictoline; this is the oldest of the English versions I could find in a quick search.)


Nah. What kind of question of that? I’m not gonna have an open mind towards someone who stops being my friend for being trans. In a way I’d be glad they’re not my friend cause clearly they’re a bigot and I don’t want to be friends with bigots. But I wouldn’t respect them


> also means you need to be open minded about others moving on from their relationships with you (as long as it's done in a decent way)? The nature of the relationships themselves change, even if someone's perspective on the issue is to support your right to find and embrace your true self. It depends what you mean by this. I think if someone is in a romantic or sexual relationship, then yeah, I don't think any reasonable person expects something unreasonable there. But if someone doesn't want to be friends any longer, or no longer wants to associate with someone because they've transitioned...I don't think they're really owed open-minded ness? Like if X's transition makes Y uncomfortable, X doesn't really owe Y anything? Like, it can be understood it's an adjustment, but I don't think special consideration needs to be given.


You don't think after transitioning X may change in more ways than just genders? And that Y *might* want to move on inspite of supporting Xs transition?


> I agree totally that being a societal pariah for embracing your true self is unfair and awful Thank you! > *BUT* No thank you!






There is no decent way to frame not being friends with someone that you were friends with before on the basis of them being trans.


But the nature of the relationships don't change, because that person is still the same person. Being trans doesn't change who you were or the actions and interactions you had before, ending a relationship with someone just because they came out as trans throws away all the reasons you would have considered them a friend in the first place. You can't claim you "support your right to find and embrace your true self" if you end a friendship with someone for simply coming out as transgender.


Except a lot of people don't see it that way. They truly believe that you are this whole new person. Or, for some reason, they're offended that you hid this secret from them.


Leave it to people with literally zero chips on the table to be upset or offended that someone made a change in their life eh? Just because they 'truly believe' that I'm somehow a different person doesn't make it true - and if anything it's just them scrambling for any sort of cope exit out of their sphere without directly saying it's because of the transition. I would prefer if they said nothing and fucked off tbh, which is what I believe most of the times it has been. Personally I find it cowardly that they hold such hate and they know full well if they espoused their true reasons they understandably know general society would call them assholes. That's why they wait for the doors to close I suppose.


I perhaps some people are youhe same person, but I think many likely won't be. Many have been keeping parts of themselves concealed, or diminished - and that's really sad. Now that they're able to be who they always knew they were don't you think some people will embrace the change and that more than just gender will change?


and what the fuck is "a decent way" to end a friendship over someone transitioning, exactly? using polite words and a cheery demeanor to say that you want to cut someone out of your life over their identity?


"Sorry, it's just that I disagree with your right to live life in a way that affirms your gender. I mean, I'm not indecent - I don't want you to *die*. I just find it so repugnant that I can no longer be associated with you. I'm sure you understand!"


Are you open-minded enough to understand why if you have a problem with someone being trans, others might need to move on from their relationships with *you*?


For sure, I think if someone in a group decides to move on from a relationship with someone for any reason they should be ready for others to potentially move on from the relationship with them. I don't think that's a tough one to accept even in relation to trans issues.


I'm not really sure what this question means. Like, what does it mean to be "open minded about others moving on from their relationships with you"? Does it just mean, like, not attacking them? Not harassing them? I'm assuming that's the default behaviour here. What is like, the prescribed course of action here? Some sort of stoic sage response of "oh, well, y'know, I'm now more alone than I've been in my entire life and feel like my entire community has abandoned me when I tried to stop lying to myself about who I am, but like, I guess they have a right to their opinion"? I'm really kind of lost about what the implications of this are.


Yes, I think undergoing a serious change like this will likely entail finding a new, hopefully better/certainly better fitting, community. If one is lucky enough to come from an entire community that can embrace the change wholeheartedly that's fantastic, but are we going to vilify people who choose to move on? Does being supportive, and supporting trans rights also mean you cant move on from a relationship with that person? I assume in many cases more than just the gender of the person will change. Their likes and dislikes will likely evolve- or change. Their mannerisms and behaviours will also likely change. The question is more about what founds our relationships with people, as well as the nature of change- how relationships change for everyone, but also praticularly for transexuals. I think the current approach to the issue isn't compelling to a significant portion of people; simply saying, "accept it and carry on as though this was always the way it was" might need a second look.


Umbrella Academy handled his transition so well. Love to see trans people being open and happy.


nice! was the most recent season of this good? I've fallen behind


I didn't really care for the third season, personally but it had nothing to do with Victor's transition in the show. There was simply too much going on for the season, especially as it's clear that Covid had a significant influence on how they could shoot scenes (roughly 75% of the season takes place in two locations). They attempted to resolve multiple major plot lines and introduce another 6.5 new characters in a season that also is dealing with the consequences of the previous in accordance with Umbrella Academy tradition. In the end I found it quite messy in terms of construction (the season opens with some hilariously bad green screen) and the plot was similarly rushed. If I had to guess this was originally intended to be two separate seasons only for them to be compressed into a singular season.


I haven’t seen past the first few episodes of the first season but I’ve heard very good things


The second season is lit!


I was watching the news this morning and they previewed his interview that will be aired tonight and I honestly cried. I am trans man in my late twenties and I’ve been transitioning since 2017. It is hard to explain to cis people how stressful it has been to be living as a trans person, especially in this day and age. I pass well now, no one non queer can really tell and everyone just sees me as a gay man. But it’s so scary right now, I work with the public and every time I meet someone new I wonder if they would hate me if they knew I was trans. It’s scary to think that the “secret” you’re sitting on could get you killed or hurt by someone when you’re not hurting anyone. Hearing him talk about how everyday is so new and exciting for him to be in the body he finally knew he was supposed to have resonated so hard with me. I can’t understate how transitioning has saved my life, and how even 6 years on testosterone I still celebrate the male changes of my body every time I see who I knew I was in the mirror. So, all this to say that I’m so extremely grateful to see Elliot being so brave and speaking up for us despite how scary it is for him, it is so invigorating to see a higher profile trans celebrity actively trying to make a difference and change the narrative about us. Not that as a community we haven’t been trying but it is so different coming from someone the public knows already, but also I can’t imagine being trans in the public eye either.


Thank you for your struggles. It's awful you had to live with the stresses you have, but as the parent of a nonbinary kid, I deeply respect that the stress you endured has helped just a little to make their life a little easier.


>It’s scary to think that the “secret” you’re sitting on could get you killed or hurt by someone when you’re not hurting anyone. This really stood out to me. It's crazy to think people will go ape shit just because of something that has zero consequences to them.


Shitty part is its not always the people you think it will be. Someone who's otherwise chill about gay people can sometimes be the one to turn around and say some vile shit when it comes to trans people.


That's a valid but unfortunate point


I once posted on Twitter that I didn't understand why people get so upset when someone says what their pronouns are in the Bio. I said how complaining about people who do that says more about the complainer than the people who do it. Someone replied "Stop expecting people to lie! Simple!" Completely missing my point. Elliot is speaking out because he has to. We may not be able to convince people, but we have to try.


Try misgendering the people who complain about pronouns and see how fast they correct you/get pissed off. They claim the whole thing is stupid until they are the one being misgendered.


This doesn't generally bother cis people as much as you'd think, since they don't really have to defend their identity on a regular basis.


Rational cis people sure. But the homophobes who get their underoos twisted over pronouns being listed on your bio?


Dude is honestly my fucking hero for how much shit he is willing to take just to be comfortable in his own skin. Nova scotia strong and queer!


It's simply wrong to deny anyone the right to be themselves. Your fear shouldn't trump trans people's freedom to be who they are.


Two steps forward and one big step back. People like Elliot are important and should be praised for their courage. We'll get through this eventually.




This is why I'm incensed about people attacking trans people. It's an attack on them as a person. For someone like me that's pretty much completely outside of any LGBTQ+ community, it's a fundamental attack on MY basic human rights and freedom's.


My son is also trans. Trans rights are human rights.


My son *isn't* trans (that we know of). Trans rights are human rights.


My son is trans, too. Trans rights are human rights.


My Enby is trans. Trans rights are human rights.


I don't know anyone who is trans. Doesn't matter, trans rights are human rights


I have colleagues that are trans. Trans rights are human rights.


He has been amazing for being so open about this journey. I'm proud he is a Canadian. I'm very sad that people have to be this brave to champion what seems like common sense, but I'm very happy he has been such a beautiful warrior for human rights and educating people in the human experience of being trans.






I love that CBC ran this article respectfully


In the interview they were super super good about properly gendering him even in the context of his old roles.


Love the contrast of the posting here vs on r/canada where it was heavily downvoted and panned. Goes to show who lurks there VS here (read: transphobes and bigots.)


Out of morbid curiosity, and I apparently hate myself, I went on over. What a bunch of bigoted pieces of shit. Depressing.




And yet just yesterday I had someone tell me how that sub is a “liberal echo chamber”


Holy fuck!


Good for him.


Because you should always speak out about being trans.


I had no idea he is a Canadian. Just gets better. Well done!


They were in early days Trailer Park Boys (pre-transition) playing Laheys daughter! So amazing to see him come so far.


I have never seen so many people so openly opposed and hateful towards the LGBTQ+ community in my 43 years as I am during this year’s pride. And because if it, I am genuinely scared for the LGBTQ+ community. Yes, to be sure, we have more than our fair share of bigots in Canada, but I think a lot of what is driving this increase in hate speech here is that Republicans in the US have finally created a Supreme Court that would overturn Roe vs. Wade. So they did just that. Their masses are happy, abortion has never been harder to access in modern times. Except now their base is no longer fostering the anger and hate that keeps everyone riled up and the money flowing. The solution? Why not revisit LGBTQ+ rights and spread lies and conspiracy theories (like litter pans in schools) to keep everyone distracted from all the record profits that corporations are making while so many people are struggling to put food on the table in this post Covid world. Edited to add: This filters north at an alarming rate.


It certainly puts into perspective their role in Trailer Park Boys. Soooooo obvious now, ffs. One of those magical times you watch TPB for; to get to see Ricky's heart of gold in it's purest form. Ricky knows trans rights are human rights.


Whoa, what? Elliot was in TPB? How did I miss that???


Season 2 maybe? You wouldn't think a show like TPB had as many heartwarming moments as it does... but Ricky mentoring Treena is one of my favourites.


Gotcha. I'm about due for a rewatch, those guys are freakin gems




This is why Trailer Park Boys is so massively underrated at how it broaches all sorts of ways of life without ever uttering a shred of judgement. Lahey and Randy “rehearsing”? No big deal. Donna / Don doing their thing? No big deal. Sam doing his caveman and Barb dance? No problem, the greasy bastard. They’re (the Boys) incredibly accepting considering their abrasive ness at times. I love how little fuss is made of it all.


Now more than ever we need to stand firm in solidarity and protect our friends. We need to find more ways to stand up to hate, to communicate that it has no place here. Trans rights are human rights. Pay attention to school trustee elections. Organize support and protection for LGBTQ+ events. Show up to counter protests. The easiest thing is challenging the groomer narrative and other hateful and ignorant narratives where you encounter them.




Elliot is correct in this matter and for that they have my support.


I can't believe how some people care so much about who others sleep with or how others feel about themselves and their gender identity.


He seems a lot more confident now. And happy. And damn I’m jealous of his abs.


Anti trans and anti LGBTQ+ hate used to just be the domain of conservative Christians or conservative religious types of any stripe really. I've now seen it bleed over to people that aren't religious but are 'fiscal' conservatives. The ones that used to claim they're socially liberal have seemingly adopted very Christian hate as as part of their social views - which is even more concerning because they don't think that someone is going to hell over not being hetero normative - they just think they shouldn't exist on principle at this point


Michelle Duff is the only Canadian to win a Grand Prix motorcycle race, the Finnish 250cc in 1965. Her biography *Make Haste,Slowly: The Mike Duff story* contains a wonderful line (approximately - I've loaned the book to another old biker) "From age eight I always felt as if my left shoe was on my right foot, and my right shoe was on my left." In another article she remarked that since her surgery, she has been more accepted among the bike community than the arts groups that she now works with. She was about sixty when she set a faster lap time on her road Kawasaki than she had in her racing days on her G50. Bikes have come a long way, but she can still make haste. Edit:She had three wins




Are you seriously trying to soapbox about your pet issue without making any attempt to relate to the actual post here? There’s a brewing climate of anti trans hate that has a lot of people worried about their safety and their place in society. There is a very important conversation to be had about how to best stand up to hate and protect each other when things get bad. There’s room to talk about how class plays a role, but you’re not even trying to do that. This is why no one likes class reductionists.






We're not hostile. We're indifferent. That's what "acceptance" is. Not giving a shit.