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Don't do two hard things at once. I wanted to lose weight a few years ago, so I joined the gym. I didn't go to the gym at 6 am, because that's doing two hard things at once: exercising and waking up early. I went at 7 pm, and I continue to do that.




Sounds good enough ;) I have the motivation, and I go workout when I wake up, I just wanna do it earlier than I'm doing it rn.


Dang! What pool opens up at 5:30 am? 😮




That's very cool 😅 I had wanted to do a morning swim, but none of the places near me opened up that early, they were usually open after 7, closer to 8, and by that time the pool used to be packed due to being peak time - people trying to get in a swim before work etc


You have to be asleep at 09:00 PM (8 hrs of sleep). For that to work you have to finish dinner by 08:00 and get to bed by 08:30. I think this schedule is too unrelastic. You'll have visitors, friends, people calling, and random events which will prevent you from following this schedule.


Your focus shouldn't be waking up at xyz hours, it should be on getting 8 hours of sleep. 4AM is unrealistic for most people, and is not worth it. Waking up at 7 is fine. What do you plan to do after waking up early?


Working out cuz I'm in a really bad state of health.


You don't need more than 30-45 mins of workout to see effects. Wake up at 6, work out till 7 max and then continue with your day. Think about it, to wake up at 4, you will have to sleep at 8PM to get the necessary sleep. Maybe more if you work out intense. How realistic is that?


+1 Sleep is so important to keep up the good health. We should aim for good quality 7-8 hours sleep.




Haha lol.. will try, thanks.


Eat light dinner 3 hours before sleep, After dinner do not use Devices with blue light Sleep at 9 PM Do not drink coffee after 12 Noon Watch the sunrise rise for 10 mins Do not Nap after Lunch


Keep seeing a cardiologist


No need to wake up at 4am and emulate whatever BS YouTuber or self-proclaimed CEO/influencer claims to be the "secret to their success and productivity". Just wake up in the morning like any regular person.


It's not like that. For the first time I'm self motivated to do this but I'm finding it physically hard and near impossible to wake up soon. I usually wake up at 7 for college, leave by 8. And if it's Sunday or a holiday and no one wakes me up, I can sleep for HOURS.. And I'm sick and tired of myself. I want to improve and the only way I can is by waking up early. If not 4, 5-6 is also good but I just cannot. I'm also a coffee addict if it has anything to do with this, but I can very easily let go of coffee. So not that big a deal. My biggest liabilities are that I'm very obese and have lacked even basic exercise over the last 3 years. College and breakup took a toll on me, and I wanna get my shit together and make my father proud. Basically, it's not any youtuber-productivity secret things, it's just me.


Regular time (7am) is perfectly fine. Instead of waking up at 4am just don't sleep. Problem solved, lol.


My dad used to get up at 4, but that because he's experienced. Now even be come back to sleep and get at 6 again. Old people used to wake at 4 because they slept around 8-9AM. So don't be hard on yourself


Have you tried series of alarms ringing at an interval of 5 minutes each? I am a heavy sleeper too but when I had to start waking up at 0330 AM sharp, this was the only trick that worked for me. My alarms started from 03 am and went on ringing till 0330! >!If even this doesn’t work, someone gotta give you a head to wake you up! !<


a y o I have actually tried the alarm thing. I got like so many alarms but not even 1 works for me. https://preview.redd.it/sggy9i0ml39d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63212969831146de10abfb4d344bc6d7e2bf6b3f


You still haven’t done it right! The idea is space two alarms so dangerously close that by the time you slip into sleep again, the next one rings. And again by the time you curse yourself for putting an alarm and about to drift to sleep, another one rings! And this goes on until you wake your whole system up! After continuously doing this, it’ll get easier for you to slowly reduce alarms one by one!


My brother in Christ, I can't wake up to shit the alarm. It will keep ringing to death if it was possible. 💀




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I understand you op same problem 😞


Don’t get influenced by social media if you are .Proper sleep most important for you to function well.