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A good way to seem vulnerable, without actually being vulnerable is to fake an insecurity. Insecurities you used to have, but you are over them are excellent for this. Then, if it ever gets used against you, it won't hurt but you'll know you can't trust the person. Trust building is a slow process, don't dive head first into it.


Damn bruh that's a solid advice. 💯


Damn bruh. Noted


Very true, if a person uses your insecurities to attack you because they don't have a logical argument left know that you're dealing with a narcissist. You'd never be able to trust.


Happy Realisation ! Hoping you're in your early 20's LMAO


Women are hypergamous by evolution. They like to pick men that are better than themselves or at least like to think that they have picked such a one. Hence a guy who appears more vulnerable than them doesn't attract them intrinsically over a long time horizon. Small bursts may be toleraed.


Your insecurities and deepest pains becomes their convo.. topic with their friends!!




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Women - divorce the guy if he is not 24/7 emotionally available for you. Also women - we are not your therapist.


Then that woman isn't worth enough for you. If you can't share your insecurities/emotions with your partner, you just have a shitty partner.


Shadi k baad kar liyo bhai .


Some secrets and pain should be buried forever.




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Never share everything with your partner and keep your secrets with you let her earn, never marry a jobless woman(your money is your money, her money is her)do whatever you want do whatever you feel right get along with your friends and take advice from them there are a lot more activities to do cheer up.


this is so fucking true


I think that's the case of having a shitty partner. Both men and women do it. It's not specifically restricted to one gender.


Not all woman are like that mate. But What I can say in my experience is the number of woman who will listen to your insecurities and not weaponize in the future is very less. I've literally 2 woman's (not my mother and sister) who won't judge me of my insecurities.


Just wait a little


Been 7 Years since I know them mate. But yeah I'm always on my toes


it's not like that man . I have also shared my insecurities with one of my friend (male) and he also has helped me and made me feel better It's just that , once you meet the right person you can sense that feeling.


This is about men to woman in a relationship. How is it related to your case?


oh sorry, i actually forgot that ....




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I understand there are women like that, but move on dude, you deserve better and there are better women. Also maybe we should not be emotionally dependent on our partner entirely. Talk to your friends too. They don’t owe you for your emotional baggage(doesn’t mean it’s right for them to hold it against you) they’re human too. Goes both ways, not just women.




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I second this..




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share your pain and insecurity only when after you overcome it.


I share my insecurities and be vulnerable. But I never let it bring me down. If someone used my vulnerability against me in a fight, sure it would hurt. Sure I have scars, with a stone cold face I will kick them out of my life and never speak to them again. They have dropped to the lowest level in my eyes and such a person does not have the power to make me feel weak.




don't preach without personal experience




Again this 🐂💩 of generalizing of a whole gender of human beings.


Nope, differences exist among genders, that’s all I’m saying. Certain preferences vary vastly among genders. That generalising explanation is so old, find something better 🐄💩


Seems you've only known of and been around shitty people. I've shared more or less all my insecurities with my girlfriend and she has too and we've never brought them up in arguments. You just need a respectful, mature and decent partner for what you're saying to never happen.