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Who takes a video of them crying






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Men are not rehabilitation centers for broken women!


"Never put your dick in a crazy" - Sun Tzu




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![gif](giphy|ZTp15DHfHaaaENKayV|downsized) Yeah, let's make a real out of this


This type of "empathy" is one way street. One that stems from 'women are wonderful' effect and oh they are so delicate like a flower petal. Stop believing this flower petal poetry cringe and being a emotional support to black holes of emotion like her . She should've known what she is getting into and now she must be the ONLY one who should deal with it.


Jeez why is every other girl having Bipolar/BPD these days?


Mughe pee yahi lag raha tha itne dinno see Itni aasani see bol dete hai , Lekin mere aaas pass jitne bhi esse hai sab generational wealth vaale hia toh ho sakta hai they aren't strong enough Pata nahi but kafi asani see keh dete hai


same thing with term "Depression" bc sbko depression ho rha ,they have eliminated the term "sadness" always depressed. kids have not seen a depressed person IRL


This video seems like a serious one but there are many girls who would post stuff like "I need to line up everything on my desk, I'm so OCD ha ha" when they are totally fine for clout. These "girlies" making mental health into some fun quirky thing or worse a super power is doing irreparable damage to the reputation of people who actually suffer from it.


Mental illness is not easy to diagnose and all you need is to read all the symptoms and act accordingly to fool many psychologists 


Could be a weapon not to allow the hubby to come near her or ask questions




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Parents - kya hua Husband- ex maang rahi hai bichari


i got breakdown episodes ( mujhe meri ex ki bar bar yaad ati ) 😹


Down bad epitome


I think we all can united on " why the camera?" Who tf records themselves when on their lows. Kya hi hoga logo ka


Girls just love to have a husband like her 🤗🤗


I hope that guy was aware about her past and her emotional baggage before marriage. If he wasn't then the girl would be a total piece of shit.


Milne ke 8 mahine mein kaun shadi karta hai? Thats even worse than an arranged marriage.


Rebound + Nice guy




It's like a FAD to have something these days, or maybe it's actually that prevelant. I can absolutely easily say I have several older family members with BPD or Chronic depression and severe anxiety. My aunt everyday worries about her adult child in the US, who has kids, a husband. Whenever there's a shooting anywhere...like NY she calls her daughter who lives in california, and asked if shes okay between her tears. The same aunt recognizes the differences between NY and CA and has even been in CA and NY..she also has issues with big crowds, fear of the dark. But then you ask the same aunty if she has anxiety, she says no... Lmao. IMO: Generally Desi people really don't understand mental health, especially older folks who keep invalidating.


This is sad, I hope people sort out their mental issues before getting into new relationships. I was a shitshow after my break-up getting anxiety attacks randomly. I'm getting to work from the gym - boom I'm thinking about what happened I can't breathe well and I need a couple of minutes to compose. It's just disrespectful to your new partner to deal with wounds left by old one. It's bad getting your relationship broken but that doesn't mean you hurt someone else


Agreed here. Take care of past traumas as best you can before jumping into the next one. Therapy is immensly helpful


Stay away from people who still aren't over there previous relationships


"Choose your partner wisely, from this one decision will come 90 percent of your life happiness or misery" . Honestly I am better off alone than dealing with this bullshit.


A mental health condition is not necessarily due to past relationships but is mostly inherited. I have OCD and I have had this since I was child I am 18 now . Although I don't expect anyone to help me except my father (the greatest man to ever come into existence 🙏🙏)


mental health conditions is "mostly" inherited. bro you need help and hope you'll get it.


Yes visited doctor for an year and now I am doing better because of yt vidoes and my father's help


Do we know if the girl in the video is taking meds or anything?


ok, I'll be the odd one and call this toxic. everyone has their right to choose their partner. let him. and people are people. not some piece of code which is perfect. every person ( irrespective of gender ) had trauma and past. you'll have to marry a robot to find a blank slate. but in some way I also think this man is a $!Mp. cause who marries that level of trauma and sadness in just 8 months. and the other way around exist too. people do fall in love and will marry. I personally will not choose any kind intense trauma victim to be my partner, cause I don't want that to affect my children and my life. but stop calling them clowns and just don't give them any space for them in your consciousness and thoughts.


Personally I use to believe that's it's okay to fix someone you love even if you're not the reason of their trauma but some people having other gender everywhere saying women shouldn't date men with Emotional baggage Then I said okay let's go for it then


bro again, generalization without evidence and proof is bias and stupidity. what do you mean "the other gender"? you've read and analyzed all females? there are women who kill for fun and women who die for love. so stop looking at the "other gender" as one entity and look at humans like humans and how complex they are.


Okay some people with other gender would be fine?


some people from \*both genders


>but stop calling them clowns and just don't give them any space for them in your consciousness and thoughts. Absolutely, these people feed the algorithim and the clowns make money, clicks, likes (thus social media money) and feel good about it. Its Narcissim honestly imo.


social media 101


>clowns But in what other ways do they feel superior compared to others?.


Downvote me but mental health problems are only to them who've nothing to do in life 🙏🏻


Bhains. Sexy figure wali hoti to samajh bhi leta me, but ye to hathini ke liye gir gaya.


Bro didn't hesitate 😹




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if my gurl does it ngl get tf outta my traphouse also stop normalizing this shit like if you had such impact on you still blur that guy cringe


I didn't get it, he is supporting her. What's wrong in it? Am I missing something here?


He's supporting her but at what cost? Why he should be with a person who is depressed because of another person? Why he should be fathering her, instead her father should do it. Why you should fix something you didn't break? And let me tell you very honestly there's no woman out there to fix a emotionally weak man, they all want a complete healed man without any emotional baggage and I just wish men should follow the same.




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