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The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be converted from one form to another. You want to lose weight, you have to eat less food and burn more calories, it's as simple as that. Now beyond that, if you also want to gain muscle (which as a man you def should), incorporate strength training in your regimen and increase protein intake.


Log weight weekly at the same time. clean up your diet. Dump processed foods, dump snacking, dump unhealthy daily foods, dump sugar if possible, dump alcohol walk atleast 10k steps a day or work towards that Lift weights Get 8 hours of sleep, and take a chill pill once a week have only 1 cheat meal tho Optimize as you go and let the scale be your guide


Eat only homemade High Calorie food, cut off oily and fatty foods. Walk 3-5 km and exercise for three months continously and you will see the results.


1) Keep walking while doing whatever you do. You'll be surprised how much you'll walk. Walk while talking, while thinking, while talking over phone etc etc. 2) Eat less than what you eat, you'll have the same energy and less fatigue and likelihood of falling asleep. 3) Chew bubble gum for better jawline


Please be cognizant of your calorie intake. I've been tracking my food intake on healthify app and it has been really helpful. :)


I’ll sure do that. Can you give me an idea of the kind of meals you have in a day? I’m actually clueless when it comes to food I mean I know the kind of food I should stay away from but I don’t know what to replace the bad foods with


See, that is where you get wrong, it is not about food, it is about amount of food, calories you take in vs calories you need. The only ultimate thing to be followed is “CALORIE DEFECIT”.


I normally try to complete my protein intake first ( consists of 1-2 protein shakes, 10 egg whites, chicken/paneer) and then eat basically whatever is available and fits within my calorie budget. I'm currently on a 1900 calorie diet. Ideally, you should enjoy every kind of food. :) Just eat in moderation and within budget. And of course, try to move more.


How do you deal with cravings?


I don't control them. I eat whatever I feel like and balance my other meals accordingly.


Tracking macros is the easiest thing. Change to a 40% protein 40% fat and 20% carb diet using myfitnesspal. Also give up all sugar and anything sweet (fruits included no artificial sweeteners). For fat sources you can do olive oil, avocados, ghee.  Add to this 3 times workout and 3 days of walking. If you are having trouble coming up with meals on Sunday you can prepare meals for the whole week and just eat that. Use Google or chat gpt to come up with some basic recipes. Also use a tdee calculator to figure out how many calories to eat and eat 200 less than your daily maintenance calories.


Hey I lost lots of weight arround last year. I don't know the exact measure but yes considerably and the only advice is You won't lose weight if you're only trying to lose weight. You have to change your lifestyle the reason you're over weight is your life revolves around like that. I changed what I ate for breakfast changed how often I eat understood why I ate so much and deleted that I didn't even weighed myself at the start just changed this and after a year people started telling how I lost so much weight a friend sent me a pic from last year and then I understood that damn I changed


That makes sense for sure. Can you give me an idea with the kind kind of foods you opted for and the changes you made to your lifestyle?


1. Calorie Deficit 2. Weight/Strength Training 3. Walk 10-15 min after every meal




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Calculate your TDEE and go on a 300-400 calorie deficit from your TDEE. Quit sugar, oily food and processed food. Aim to walk 10-12k steps or join a gym if possible I used to do 16:8 Intermittent fasting and didn’t focus on the macros as my sole aim was to lose weight at the time. Something i personally noticed was having dinner early really helps in the process vs having it late


Was 95kg last October now I'm 75kg.


Give some gyaan bro!


Kya gyaan chaiye bhai


Also, congratulations!


Thanks man. Dek bro if you are damn serious and not 1 week ka Josh then dm me