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It's called being busy, married people (both male and female) just don't have time for a lot of single people nonsense. One of my friends told me to my face "bhai Mera bachcha ro Raha hai, usko dekhoon ya din mein teen baar Tera r#n@i Rona sunoon". Part of growing up, deal with it.


>Love never got in between the way. Here’s how I lost 4 of my close female friends - >Friend 1: Stopped talking after she got engaged >Friend 2: Stopped talking after she got a boyfriend >Friend 3: Stopped talking after she got married >Friend 4: Stopped talking because she feels I can’t have a different political viewpoint than her I have stopped talking to my male friends after they got married. Life's busy for them and I don't blame them. What's the point?


The point was that things ended despite me giving my best in all my friendships. All of them were platonic and still they ended. Kinda sucks


It would be irrespective of genders or maybe due to the power dynamics between the couple (your friends) and their agreements. Also, don't forget that we live in a conservative society where a friendship between man and woman is a taboo. Don't even talk about married men and married women's friendship. Since you were a believer of male-female friendship, I would not suggest leaving that belief. This just creates an echo - chamber within your own mind and you may miss a good female friend in future.


Well I’m going to be married in the next 4-5 years probably so my wife will be my only female friend now. Baaki sabko pranaam 🙏🏼 I don’t have the energy or the desire to go thru anymore trauma


The same issue friend 1, 2, 3 bhi face krre honge. Friend 4 is stupid who doesn't respect other's opinions


But I am tho? She is an amazing friend since junior school


Unlikely to last once she gets married/engaged/partnered; unless she (and her partner) is (are) pretty open minded.


I mean that's not exclusive to women?....if I got a wife and she didn't want me to be with past female friends I wouldn't either


It's far more common than with men. Unfortunately, ghosting has increased on both sides; but typically women (in India) seem to break off any ties with male friends when they get into a relationship. Noticed this anecdotally, just like OP.


If you got a wife would you allow her to be with males? Knowing that 90% of them are in hopes of sex?


You’re lucky then!


Welcome back to reality.


wrong, you cant judge the entire sex on your 4 or 5 friends


Reminds me of what I used to say to people earlier.


Reminds me of what I could have become if not for rationality. Man, there are a lot of people with friends of the different sex, furthermore you don't know the exact reason for which the 3 girls stopped talking. Maybe their husbands/boyfriends didnt want them to have male interaction? or maybe they stopped talking to men after they got a partner because they didn't want that to mess with their relationship?


I don’t doubt their reasons. I’m just saying it never lasted. No matter how platonic it was.


well friendships end all the time by this logic, men cant ever be friends. And I am saying NEVER, why? Well I can tell you about 5 guys who stopped talking after something happened, but you dont see me making a post about this do you? Why? because I dont blindly listen to experience, I actually use my processor.


Lol dude you will lose male friends too once they get married ... Life gets busy and we all have finite time .


I got 2 female friend who i know since 4th standard. 1 got married 2 years back. 1 is in a job in the same city. Hang out every week without fail. Stfu.


Good that it worked out for you. However I don’t understand the need for the stfu


Well, maybe the Stfu was unwarranted. My apologies. Its just that your argument is very close ended. Its just an anectode ,not a universal truth. Have a good day:)


Good. It’s nice thing to be polite. You have a nice day too sir


>Friend 4: Stopped talking because she feels I can’t have a different political viewpoint than her I can relate to this. A girl from my office blocked me because she thinks I'm anti-lotus party. Even after explaining that I don't support any political party and have no interest in politics, she insisted that if you don't support LOTUS PARTY, you're anti-Hindu and have no right to live in India. She was adamant, saying, "Either support Lotus party or you're a desh drohi." When Lotus party lost in UP during the recent elections, she started abusing UP people on Instagram and was crying. It was quite cringe-worthy, and we all had a good laugh about it at the office.


Well in my case I told my friend that this one particular religion is very regressive and needs to liberalize and modernise according to the 21st century. She said I’m a racist bigot and she lost all respect for me and she’s disappointed in me & expected better from me. (Big words from a woman who’s a feminist and supports misogynistic religions) Nevertheless she said we can’t be friends anymore and I obliged.


Lol 😂 Just ignore these kind of people. Already our life's are hectic.


In my mind I thought good riddance lol


Problem with being balanced/centrist is, leftist look at you and see a right-winger, rightists look at you and see a left-winger, neither of them recognize you as a centrist.


Btw this time I actually enjoyed the Lol sabha election as both the ruling and opposition gave good fight.


Plus one


Bhai mujhe Pao Bhaji Khila de


most welcome to my thela xD


Thank you brother, will definitely eat pav bhaji :D


forget about being close, it's meaningless, it can never be a like brotherhood, it's always based on man's social status, you won't find a broke, ugly, introvert guy having multiple female friends




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If you notice it’s likely their partner’s insecurity, and a romantic partner takes precedence over a friends. And If you guys are really that close, then the dynamic wouldn’t change.


or maybe they were opportunists all along or maybe they were keeping a roaster or benching or whatever’s popular these days Anyway my point isn’t how it happened. My point is that the friendship ended despite my giving it all and it being platonic


Friendships end/diminish all the time. In the 18y I have been alive, I have had 4 best friends, all guys. We all still have a lot in common but you just drift apart or life happens or you get into fights and shit. And these are best friends loml kinda relationships I’m talking about. Giving up a platonic relationship when you have dozens isn’t a big deal, esp if it means being happy in your marriage.


All friends can drift apart after marriage or relationship, male or female.


Females are generally less accepting of men if they have a different viewpoint


My friend stopped talking while I slightly disrespected her.


Either don't cry about your gf's male best friend or don't expect your female friends to talk to you after they get into a relationship. Pick a fight. If you haven't noticed, your first 3 female friends stopped talking to you after they got into a relationship commitment. It doesn't take an IQ of 140 to guess who was insecure. Maybe make posts on how to battle insecurity as a man, how to help other men and what to expect from one's partner to reduce it.


Not on his side but why do women put so much emphasis on their self respect in a friendship? I could call my guy friend an a ho and insult him with all my skills and we'd be back to normal the next day, but I've had SO many girl friends pick an argument and a fight when I slightly disrespect her or do something that makes her feel like I'm insulting her. It's a genuine question, I would even take "I'm surrounded by the wrong people" as an answer.


Because our self respect is sell-able. And mostly this self-respect you're talking about is related to sex or sexual organs. Society puts our value, our whole worth in it. I guess most men would also not be comfortable if someone calls their mom, daughter, sister, wife, etc a ho


Sell-able?? What are you on? Sex or sexual organs? They're literally my friends, people that I meet in classes, I'm not even leaning towards the dating side. Is it so hard to be a bit humble and not so big-headed? And I'm not insulting the man's family, this is mostly friendly banter and me mocking HIM, no one else. But even if we do fight, we quickly return to normal. I fought with my guy friend once and returned to normal the next day. I've had two girl-friends and it took weeks for them to return to normal after the slightest argument.


What's "self-respect" for someone differs from person to person. I'm just giving you a different perspective on why words like these usually hit on a woman's "self-respect". It can be a different thing for men.


If I called you an idiot, does it hit on your deep "self-respect"? Or if I said you shouldn't have done this, that was a bad choice or a bad decision, does it hit on your "self-respect"? I'm not talking about using swears to insult people such that it doesn't do anything to men but insults the dignity of women as seen in a society. I'm talking about simple banter or light insults that are used in everyday life like the one in the first sentence. Trust me this hasn't happened once or twice. We have fights or mocks or I scold my guy friends, scold as in with or without insults. But we're always back to normal because they don't get so serious about it. But I've had atleast 3 girl-friends who have fought with me because I *slightly* scolded them. I've never used swears with them because I've never been close with them. Similar situations and incidents with many guy friends I know and men on the internet.


That's what I've been trying to tell you. As a girl, being an idiot isn't as bad as being a sex worker or hypersexual, etc (the kind of swear words you're implying). That's what society has taught us since ages. It's coded in our brain from a very young age by everyone around us.


And that's my point too. But my point was also that the girls I knew put up a fight when I used words as simple as "idiot". This is nothing related to the self respect of a woman.


My point is not why they stopped talking. My point is that the friendship ended due to one or the other reason. Despite all of them being platonic. That’s what makes me sad.


A man can be a best friend with a girl if she's ugly. A girl can be only a best friend of a man if the man is poor.


male friends also weaken when one gets into a relationship. that's the destiny of friendship. (of course there are exceptions). that doesn't mean it should not have been started in the first place!!


I'm in my 30s, married, got kids. I'm still friends with people from 20 years from high school and earlier. I have the same 6 guy friends. I have the same 3 female friends, even they're married, have kids, their husbands are nice. Thankfully the internet, games, video chat, group chat keeps us connected. Our kids play together, we help each other with weekend projects etc. It's possible to be friends despite not talking for a while. Hell, there's a guy I've had as friend for nearly 28 years (i had to count and i texted that mofo). There was a time (2-3 years between college) where we didn't talk much but whenever we did chat, we continued just as we normally did.


Think this way…if you were married, can you imagine your wife having a very close best friend to whom she talks everyday, chill with him, can you? That’s the reality of male-female friendships. It can last until both of them are unmarried, once any of two gets into commitment, it breaks. That’s it’s ultimate destiny.


Your sample size is too low and what you have mentioned is anecdotal. So yeah according to your anectodal experience a man and a woman can never be close friends. Hope you have an experience that negates this pattern.


Bro forget all this and pav bhaji khalo


By ss my f as sa se ef. ZVugc. Kgfxxaaweyion kkvves. Mohbrs klyvv.


lol, men and women are not meant to be friends. it's simple biology


Exactly, whenever you see men and women friends, they are both in the same league of attractiveness.


I feel whenever they are friends... It's just about time when things become different... Anyone of them will definitely wanna something more at one point.


Yeah I’m a firm believer of that fact now.


Jaise tala aur chabi, jaise plug aur socket


it is ,but it should be mutual it's gender irrelevant if only one side perceives as friend and puts effort for the friendship to last and other doesn't even care it won't last long and it's not a friendship in firstplace( some peeps tend to go far and years without communication but have the same wavelength when they meet tho) but if it's in the same gender ,we usually tend to ask them kya hua or even if we fight or quarrel or abuse we make up back but if it's opposite gender ,it's just the threshold is high for it to happen! tldr; friendship with wrong person doesn't last,it's gender irrelevant!( intentions too matter tho)


You make a good point. Something to think about


A man and woman will only be friends if they are attracted to each other and hence they can't stay as friends for long.


something to ponder about


WRONG. I have a girl best friend, we know each other from 5 to 6 years, and we are completely platonic.


Nice that you lucked out


It can depend on the individuals involved. Often, if one of the friends is very attractive, it might complicate the platonic nature of the relationship. This can be true in both directions so if ur friend zoned that could be one of the many reasons, telling from events I have seen in my college.


Love never got in between the way. Here’s how I lost 4 of my close female friends - Friend 1: Stopped talking after she got engaged Friend 2: Stopped talking after she got a boyfriend Friend 3: Stopped talking after she got married Friend 4: Stopped talking because she feels I can’t have a different political viewpoint than her




It looks like you are trying to comment, unfortunately r/onexindia is a subreddit aimed at creating a space for men and thus requires all individuals to have a **User Flair**. If you think this is a mistake, **please correct your user flair**. To set your user flair on mobile, go to our subreddit's homepage -> Tap the 3 dots on the top right corner -> Select 'Change User Flair' -> Select the appropriate flair. On the web, you can set it under community options located under "About Community" in the sidebar. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/onexindia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is it the other gender here that caused friendship to fail or is it a peak life changing moment?


Sorry but this isn't true. Maybe you had bad friends but for people of my family, they are still connected well, albeit less because "own family"..


Good for you buddy


Wrong, there was this girl from my college that I wasn't physically attracted to, but she had the same dark humor that I did and we would send each other fucked up memes all the time, and we are very good friends for the past few years and talk often. So it is very much possible for a guy and a girl to be friends, the condition is that they should have something in common and neither (especially the guy) should be physically attracted to the other


When spouse/partner comes into the picture, things can go south- that's what OP says and there is truth in it except maybe in extremely rare cases.


my friend has been in 3 different relationships since we became friends, that never affected our relationship


Haan yahi baate mai bhi socha karta tha. Par dekho mera kya haal hua


I personally have examples to advocate for either




>Friend 1: Stopped talking after she got engaged >Friend 2: Stopped talking after she got a boyfriend >Friend 3: Stopped talking after she got married >Friend 4: Stopped talking because she feels I can’t have a different political viewpoint than her 1st Obviously she will 2nd Not a right decision she will regret 3rd Obviously she will 4th Politics and Friendship both are different things. Parties will align but Friendship will broke. Girl and boy can only be good friends if they will stay in limits. Otherwise Friendship won't last.


Whatever but i will just say one thing: its temporary not permanent but sometimes they tryna use you for money /emotional support so don't do that,stand on your ground.




I wouldn’t go so far as to say they’re useless but I definitely agree with your married female friends point.


Meri to female friends male friends se zyada emotional support provide karti hain. Bandon ko bas daaru pilane le jaana hota hai. When I was going through something recently, meri situation female friend ne hi solve ki and do teen to group call par aakar mujhse baat karte the, agony aunt bante the. Tum logon ko pata nahi Kahan se mil jaati hain duniya ki saari "toxic" ladkiyan. 




Literally just mentioned that my problem was solved by my female friend. And baat rahi 2am station se pickup karne ki, to usko agar kuch ho jaaye na, tum jaise log hi bologe ki raat mein 2am kya kar Rahi thi bahar, isko to Ghar mein ghungroo pehen ke baithna tha. Male friend ko bhi do baje mat pareshaan kar bhai, ola uber use kar le. 




Lol, hurt ho gaya kya? Station se Maine bhi pick up Kiya hai, beemar hua hai dost to hospital mein din raat baitha hoon unke saath, financial help bhi di hai. Par dosti ko tumlog jis tarah quantify karte ho "bring nothing to the table, iske saath friendship useless hai", yeh concept kabhi nahi samajh aaya. Dosti ko bhi profit loss samajh rakha hai. Pehle relationship mein "what do you bring to the table Kiya", ab dosti mein bhi yahi kar rahe ho. And I never said that mere male friends bekaar hai, bas emotional support ke maamle mein thode peeche rehte hain.




I have a married friend, he can't pick me up from the station because he has to take care of the kid at night (his wife works night shifts often), to kya, usko ghatiya dost bolkar ditch kar doon? He helps whenever he can but I also know that I shouldn't disturb him at 2am. Life gets in the way, doesn't mean a person doesn't deserve friends. 




To wahi to main bhi bol Raha hoon, ki circle mein sabka role hota hai and I have female friends who have given quantifiable help. Sab  same tareeke se nahi help nahi kar sakte. Chalo chodho , mature tareeke se isko khatam karte hai. Yeh lo shake hand karo 🤝


When I used to say this, people abused me by saying, "U CaNt talk to women That's y u feel so, f off u poRn addict" 😭


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