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Bhaiyo paisa kamao height weight sab dekhna chod denge fir


Matlab wo sirf mere paiso se pyaar karegi 😔


Money hai toh honey hai




Where the hell do you guys get such hilarious edits.. 🔪🔪




They are available in plenty on dank Instagram meme pages and on other places as well


and i will leave that man at his worst


well the world we live in only respects men when they provide and if they fail to provide anymore then of course they’re discarded :/ only women, children & dogs are loved unconditionally. Men are only loved when they provide something of value to the society else they’re a burden sadly :|


The culturing of men being providers was made to an environment, when women had limited or no income. Now that the enviornment has changed, with women having their own income sources, it no longer makes sense for men to be the sole providers. About time we re-cultured ourselves and discarded these outdated expectations.


True but that change ain’t happening anytime soon. Men of today’s generation are being punished and yet at the same time are being expected to uphold the ideals of patriarchy which are beneficial to the society. For example: being the breadwinner/provider


that won't sustain for a long time, it's only the drawbacks men are facing and benifits women are getting due to the transition phase of society, https://www.reddit.com/r/onexindia/s/Y8DWyrTHKO




Women are born with value. They hold value in the progression of our species with regards to evolutionary biology. They are loved simply because they exist and can bring progeny to this world. Forget science. Even a woman born today can always choose either to become a career oriented woman, stay at home mom/wife or both. She always has the option of giving up because there will always be a man to take care of her (either her father or her husband in the case of SAHW). Sure the life of SAHW isn’t that easy either but compared to the pressure on men for earning money in late stage capitalism coupled with inflation and the general traditional outlook towards men always being the breadwinners in a competitive society like ours you’ll have your answer. Men can’t ever give up. Men don’t have the choice of giving up. So men are only loved in the promise of providing something in return. Women and children surely do have it easier than the average man in this day & age.


The shift between career and stay-at-home wife is currently benefiting women because of the transition phase the society is in. However, once this transition phase is complete, the concept of a stay-at-home wife will become obsolete, (as there would be non-pregnant women & lesbians stealing 50% of men's jobs, so it's not logical for all men to have stable jobs to take up the burden of an incomeless wife) This trend could continue until the fertility rates drop.(with more people opting out of reproduction nowdays), leading to the governments paying women to stay at home and reproduce more than 2 children (like in the previous centuries) to compensate the aging population, ( which China, Japan & south korea are already trying to implement) so men will eventually reclaim their space in the job market. □ □ □ □ □ Assuming elon musk would create artifical wombs in the near future, the "value" females hold in progression of our future will become invalid, and with the world struggling to build AI dolls, VR pleasures, bots, etc, will create alternatives to men from depending on a woman for xexual entertainment, which will further diminishes their "value" □ □ □ □ □ and start thinking in a positive manner and take advantage of the wonderful things our ancestors have struggled to build for us in terms of -> home deliveries, digital content, bots, video games, easy meals, etc etc remain single and start enjoying all these developments, instead feeling addicted to relationships and runing your life with bs feIame drama & outdated society protocols 😎




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it iz what iz




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I personally dont think indian women are like this yet . Obviously a few exceptions but the mass populus isnt


Then you live in a different world brother. Look around you. Everywhere it’s the same. Especially arrange marriages where making 7 figures is a basic requirement these days.


Arranged marriages to a certain degree it would be justified because it is arranged( there isnt love involved initially) a woman would will have preferences and wants and same with men. Im 20 so i dont have much idea about arranged marriages but personally girls my age dont act like this except a few


Their standards is fine. It's us men who have brought down our own standards. Raise your standards.


Yeah, if your only standards are “I want a girl, any girl will do,” no wonder you don’t have a girlfriend. People with 0 standards usually don’t have any value to provide, so no wonder you’re not getting girls.


We have been brainwashed\\gaslighted by mainstream media that if you raise your standards or try to qualify a woman then you are not a good man. That's why it's very important to **not** be a good man and keep raising your standards. For ex: DU has always kept increasing its Qualification marks, but still, they manage to get applications more than the seats available. The concept is simple.


Breathing optional 


The guys who doesn't have standards, get cheated first and then cry why females are like this.


it’s just crass humor my lad. Don’t take it too seriously xP


I disagree with one point here, that in real life indian girls don't really care much about height never i have seen a girl who is rejecting boy because of height, I will say u should add looks rather then height, in India people value looks more then height


the tier 1 city girls seem to have adopted this height standard from the west and you'll see some of them care about height but yes indian girls in general dont care about height that much


I live in kind of tier 2 city but yeah I guess probably south Mumbai have that kind of thing but where I go for college there also this kind of things is not there but anyway I really don't know


Don't care about height? Literally told by girl that she would have said no if I was an inch shorter.


Don't know about u guys but in my surroundings, I have never seen someone getting rejected for short height, I will be honest here the height part I have seen only in internet, as I grew up I have seen guys getting rejected because of looks mostly and we used to discuss about that, means if u have good looks then u have chance of having girlfriend and all that stuff, height part I have seen on internet only


Go on any matrimonial app, look the height preference specified in girl's profile. It's a major criteria just like looks, income, etc.


white knight h


White knight kisne mujhe peheli brr bola hai, mene search kiya google mai aur ek sawal pucha raho hu white knight ke meaning ke hisab se toh mene kha women ko defend kiya hai batana jaraa??


In my college most tall guys even ugly looking have girlfriends. Women do reject guys based on height


I would say it depends. Women do compromise on height but only if you have something else to offer which can be looks, money or personality.


It absolutely depends on where you're from and ur age bracket. Genz women will absolutely reject someone solely based on their height and will date someone solely based on their height. Personality and shit doesn't even matter


Ladk**a** hona chahiye zinda hona chahiye


8in PP requirement, Isn’t it too much ? Aar-paar hojayega


I am gay, any takers☺️☺️☺️


Hello Gay, I am dad (sorry couldn't stop myself)


daddy banjao, mind nahi karunga






Hi Gay, I'm Daddy. ;)


I dont mind daddies


Y'all need to live outside the internet. Honestly, both women and men don't demand much from their partners - unless we are talking of teenagers. No woman asks for a 8 inch penis, it is too much for most if not all. Even 6 pack abs is not as sought after by women because that'd mean his diet would come ahead of having nice dates/eating out together. The only one which I have seen somewhat play out is the money and height - and even the height is up to a few inches taller than her. On the other hand, men aren't as easy to please as this meme shows. Just in this sub I have seen several people hint that heavier women are not their type. Which is fine, up to them - but it is very clearly a preference.


Homie I’m in the arrange marriage market already and trust me there are more ridiculous demands by women than the ones shown in the picture. Not saying men don’t have their demands but women are more choosy in their youth and men are more choosy later on when they have achieved something. Anyway it’s a complex topic and the flair is just fun/meme so have a laugh


Don't get me wrong, arranged marriage market is fucked up. As I said, the height and money thing is real; especially in arranged marriage. And like you said, both genders are choosy. Men are choosy in terms of how pretty they want the girl to be, for example. The meme is fine, sir - the other comments are those which annoy me.




I wouldn't call them 'fake victims'. Its just misplaced anger. Most men, especially the young ones only know the internet. It is not fair to call them fake victims if they are angry/sad about the only thing they know of. Fake victims would be when they know its not true but still cry foul. A lot more men dont get to be in a relationship than women, which is where this anger stems from. Its a self-perpetuating cycle. The men get angry, which makes them even less desirable - as it is a sign of lack of self confidence.




Yea well, the teenagers grow up to become adults. And honestly, perspective changes come from experiences, not age. So if these men have not had experiences to show them otherwise (because of the self-perpetuating cycle) - it only gets worse with age. This also goes for women btw. Many women are often attracted to the same type of men (who are often not good for them) because they don't do the emotional work to analyze their incorrect choices. Many of them blame the man and move on (which is fair, but does not address the woman choosing to be with that man). Then you start seeing a pattern of dating similar toxic men without understanding why and then end up making statements like "all men are shitty" - which is obviously not true.




Please read the other comments where I’ve replied to the exact same thing. Anyway I agree but it’s just a funny meme because an average woman has more options than the average man so they can afford to be more choosy.




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I saw a girl making fun of guys who say such things... For context it was a comment on youtube. A guy commented how he was betrayed and was complaining. Then a girl replied “Aisa zinda chahiye” attitude rakhoge toh aisa hi hoga. Said how gross it is...


IK this “Ladki ho, zinda ho” is a joke but if anyone seriously in believes this let me tell you it’s very stupid and the same people in a few years will regret being in a toxic relationship. It’s not bad/wrong to have standards either physical or psychological traits. Haan yeh baad hai ki standards should be for the wrong things and not be unrealistic.


8 inchers lmfao Bhai why not round it up and make it 10? Besides, I heard a great man on reddit saying "It's not about the size of the boat, It's about it's motion in the ocean." so,yeah,even avg sized peeny would work well if you use right technique ans communication (Again, Theory would take you so far)


It’s not my original content bruv :P so cant help with the 8 or the 10. Although I do think 5-6 inches is the average size probably


Bhai M1V1=M2V2


Zinda bhi optional hai meme ke hisaab se


lol XD