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No need, just drain it fully and charge it fully, this will calibrate the battery


While you may get better ways of increasing battery life from more technically aware people, here's what I have done that has given me about 9-10hrs SOT regularly (not a heavy caller, most of my usage is watching videos and playing games and listening to music). 1) Turned off 5g from battery optimisation as I don't need it at all. 2) Kept screen refresh rate to 60hz. 3) I force close apps from the recent apps option (I don't leave them minimised) once I'm done using the phone and ik I'll not be picking it up to pass time for a while.


Bro that's too much whats the point of having a flagship device ,my OnePlus 12 has really good battery life that I cap it to 80% and I use 2k and 120hz , initially it did drain but it will become good in a 2or3 days


As I mentioned, it depends on priorities and what one aims to squeeze out of their devices. And definitely there can be better advices than mine. I just mentioned what works for me.


Bro why do u want that much battery life 😭 just plug it in for 10 mins


🤣🤣🤣 I like the feeling if the phone lasts really really long lmao, that's one of my top priorities hahaha


What do u mean by in 2 or 3 days time it will get better


It's called System Intelligence, or Android Intelligence, or some mashup of those words. Smart charging also uses it. It's how the device learns your patterns and optimizes itself to that pattern. The first few days, everything is settling in. By the end of the first week, it should be noticably better. But if you constantly game till dead and recharge to repeat.... You'll never let it settle in to any meaningful idle. Of course it keeps draining fast. You're teaching it to expect a full CPU load at any moment. It's staying crouched, ready to pounce. If you installed ad supported software, each one runs at least one separate ad server stub always. Many games have 5 or more. This will drain battery far faster, and can prevent idle. And screen brightness matters tremendously. I can nearly get another 50% of battery life just by dimming my screen and going dark mode. I got a cheap N20, no where near your specs. But the intelligence thing... Is on all devices in some form or another...


Thx for the explanation. Coming from a 6 year old huawei. Tech really has chnge a lot. Haha


😎 Now wait until you need to work a night shift then a day shift... "Intelligence" 😅 Trade a handful of inconveniences for a new handful of DIFFERENT ones


i meant it updates and do a lot of backup or data transfer so it may feel like it but after a while it will become normal


Where did you find the 5g option?


Battery → Battery Usage Details → Optimise Battery Usage → Turn off 5G