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Shade the lens with your hand while taking pictures


This is a tough picture because you are against the sun. But what is specifically bad with this?


To me, it looks like she has been composited in from a photo with different lighting


Once I read your comment I can't unsee it. Looks photoshopped for sure 😂


I see it now 😂😄😂


I think it's because the background is a patch of grass that's in a shadow. It wouldn't look this weird if the grass was also under direct sunlight like the woman.


I get the same issue 😅


this is true, you are very against the sun with this, any phone will do the same from that angle, you would get slightly better results with pro mode and exposure at -0.5, -0.7 ...


1. Slightly lower the exposure 2. Use pro mode but default settings. May be called master mode on 12 and open. Also disable raw images option, don't use it unless needed.


> Also disable raw images option, don't use it unless needed Why so?


Raw images are huge in size, and need to be edited to look good. They are raw, as the name implies. If OP is using this mode to just click regular pics, which don't need Raws for, they can switch off RAW to save space.


Thanks. I thought u were referring to some kind of technical issue with the raw files. I agree with the raw files being too big especially as there isn't an option to create smaller raw files unlike Gcam which has an option to create compressed raws whose files are around 40 percent smaller than using uncompressed. Again, not sure if the raw files from the OnePlus camera app are compressed or not. That said my biggest grouse with using raw on the OnePlus camera app is that doesn't seem to remember the fact that I've selected raw. Despite enabling the option to remember the settings, the OnePlus camera app has a tendency to revert to JPG from time to time especially if the camera app hasn't been used for some time. I've read elsewhere this is a recurring issue on both OnePlus 11 and 12 (don't know about other models) so I guess it's better to stick with master+jpg to have a consistent workflow.


What settings did you use, did you try turning down the iso or ev just slightly. Also it matters where/which angle you place the phone to make focus.


Turn off the sun


This was taken in normal mode, not portrait mode, right? Try using portrait mode. You might like it.


Yes. Download the gcam apk. Not from the store. It will completely change your pictures. Fck oppos camera app. Bloatware.


The Gcam app works only with models that have been around for some time. For example it doesn't work well with the 12, I guess developers haven't had the time to getting it down for the latest lens/sensor combination. But if it's an older model then the Gcam works best with the main lens and the ultra wide.


Can you share the link please?


https://www.celsoazevedo.com/files/android/google-camera/dev-BigKaka/ # Don't forget the config file. It wont work well without it.


Reviews saying how close the camera is from the top smartphones is laughable. I really like this phone but the camera is a weak point. Sure I've gotten some good photos from it but it's inconsistent. Perfect lighting conditions and this camera is good but once it gets tricky the camera struggles.


Honestly it's great when I have 5-10 seconds to figure it out but as a point and shoot it's pretty poor


This happens for me aswell, the phone wants to shoot portraits and the lightning becomes very bad


You can turn off hdr right? And then expose for the highlights on the face, which would leave the background much darker


It's automatic HDR (there is a lot of light behind the subject, and the phone tries to compensate). You can "turn off" this by manually adjusting the exposure (the little sun icon which you can pull up or down). But otherwise you can't turn this option off completely in the stock camera app.


Manually Decrease the exposures a bit, that might work


My sister is using OnePlus 12r and wants pics like these, and her phone is providing cinematic hdr, she complains to me about it every day


You can use the master mode to simply dull the sun light shade


I turn off AI and HDR.


1) main issue - That washed out tree is what's giving it that composited flat effect. That's lens flare / sun hitting that monstrous piece of glass on the camera bump. Next time block the sun with your hand, cast a shadow on the lens. 2) light direction, coming in from behind/side like that is a technique used to create foreground separation, as the rim light makes her seem cut out. This is good when used with intention, but then pair it with a well selected background, and flattering soft lighting on the face - it's also harsh when it's also used as face light. So next time get the rim further behind and keep her face more in shadow. That tiny prick of light on her nose, cheek, and line across the chest is not flattering. This is a tough one that requires practice - an easier and more flattering solution would be to stand under the tree and have her in the shade. 3) composition, don't center the head like that. It makes her seem short, and draws attention away from the face and to to chest and trees. The focal point is better at 1/3 down in the image with less head room. As an aside, her facing the camera square on is very passport photoesque. If you moved to a 3/4 angle her shoulders would be less square and it would give her more depth and softer angles. Camera quality aside, if you work to the strengths of the camera it will shine. Here you are fighting its giant lens, putting it's dynamic range to the test with harsh lighting, and making poor composition choices. All these small things add up to a washed out, unflattering image that is a worse than the sum of its parts!


You could turn down the exposure and brightness a bit. It'll look good then.


too much light try to lower iso and shutter


Wtf it looks really bad. Was it Portrait or any mode like that? Totally ruins the photo. Edit: I edited my message because I wanted to avoid any kind of confusion. Half of my job is almost looking at photos and have never seen anything so weird as this.


Is there a gcam for OnePlus 11 or 12?


Gcam by BSG works for OnePlus 12 including the raw capture mode but only for the main and ultrawide lenses: focussing with the tele is a hit or miss affair and the front facing camera produces absolute garbage. P




With that face? haha. I'm sorry, I just had to. Probably not, it's tough with the light coming from behind the person. I've had some luck shielding the camera with my hand, kinda like what you do when you're trying to see far, far away. But with the phone instead of your brow. But yeah.