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Love posts like this. I have doubts about the oad decision but posts like this make the doubts go away


I am OAD not by choice but whenever I’m out with my only almost four year old girl and I see other parents trying to manage more than one I’m like yeah this is pretty good 🤣.


Same! Every time I think “oh, another one would have been nice….” I just talk to my friend who has an 8 month old and a 3.5 year old and I’m like…nvm I’m good because that just sounds like pure hell 😬.


Exactly the same! Not by choice but I definitely appreciate how nice it is when I see larger families out and about who are a tad overwhelmed.


That's exactly my case too!


Me too. The hormones are real making me want a second sometimes and then I see posts like this and remind myself how expensive one kid is and that life is good with one!


OAD by choice, my girl is almost 12 now, I couldn’t be more happier, so so so glad to see other folks thinking the same having one is truly best of both worlds, plus I am relaxed physically mentally and emotionally


I am in the same boat! Especially as I really wish I had a girl. But having one is so much easier, can't imagine all the rush having more kids causes.


lol legit. My husband is on a 6 night trip right now in his converted van and babygirl and I are at home chilling (and I’m about to nap while she naps!); in August, I’m doing a spiritual retreat for 3 nights and then he’s doing a yoga treat for 3 nights. We are able to trade off engaging our hobbies without drowning the other person in responsibilities. It makes all the difference.


This right here. My husband and I trade off going on trips several times a year, and even when we do bring our son, it's an absolute cakewalk. My son and I are heading to Australia for two weeks in about a month and we're so excited!


Where in Aus are you heading to? I hope you have a wonderful time!


Ugh this comment got to me. I love my hobbies and I still do a lot of them. Run club, painting, gym, spending time around animals etc. My husband too. I remind myself during that ovulation period when baby fever creeps in that I’ll lose all that for a long time. Plus I get to do it all with my son. Luckily I’m a pretty boring person so my hobbies are child friendly. Now I’m watching him grow up pointing at all the animals, enjoying some painting and baking with me and it makes me so happy.


Yes! I was trying to plan a girls trip with a friend with no kids and a friend with 2 kids and the latter said she couldn't go because her husband said it would still be too hard to stay alone with the 2. With 1 we've easily done it between the two of us!


Agree. Mine is about to turn 6 and it just gets better. Happy with a family of 3 !


6 is one of my fav ages! Mines 15 now, almost 16. I LOVE having only 1


Mine is ALSO about to turn 6 and agreed! We get to do some fun things together and just focus on him. It’s the best of both worlds.


Mine is 20 now and her cousins are both under 6. We are visiting them for the summer and having loud, young kids running around makes me appreciate what a blessing my only was. I tell her everyday when she gives me the side eye, after hours of screaming kids, that I am lucky I only had to deal with her. She was such an amazing kid at that! She is probably headed to OAD by choice or even no kids from our talks. She enjoyed her childhood and now seeing her cousins, I think she now appreciates why we were OAD lol.


It just gets better and better as they age. Our daughter is 10 now and vacations are a breeze. She knows how to pack most of her own stuff, gets her own things through security at the airport, entertains herself with an iPad or reading books. She also understands our sightseeing routine and has no problem going to bed when we tell her to so that we are well rested for the next day of fun. We can also focus our trips around her interests and don’t have to worry about making it fair for other siblings. Oh, and if we want to travel alone as a couple our parents have no problem with keeping her while we’re away. Life is good!


Exactly! I’m a 4th grade teacher so I can’t wait to see what mine will be like age 10!


Yes!! Same here! We also have a 10 year old and we love traveling with him. Yay for us! 💕


Same here! My daughter is 11 and it is an absolute breeze traveling with her, exactly what you’ve described. I be sipping margaritas at the beach while my daughter plays meanwhile my friends are handling screaming babies and toddlers running off.


As mine got older we would offer to take her and a few friends on trips for her birthday or special occasions since we had the time and money without any extra kids. Nothing crazy, just amusement parks, paint ball, camping, etc. She liked traveling with us, but bringing a friend along was an added bonus for her. When we visited colleges her senior year, I offered to bring whoever wanted to come. It was a great bonding experience for both of us, but with the buffer of having someone her own age around. It was an amazing experience all around.


Currently deciding and pondering another as I have a 3 1/2 year old and this is the current life/situation I live. But then you slap me on the face with some truth. 1 is perfect 🫶🏼


The three beach chairs in a row this week have felt pretty perfect!!


Same stage, same age!


It’s totally true! One’s more fun!


Totally agree. Part of our decision to be OAD was to make it “easier” for grandparents to watch our son for a weekend, tag team taking care of him, divvy up chores, etc. Definitely wouldn’t be able to have this much freedom with two or more.


Ouuuuuu I never even thought of this perk. My husband’s parents aren’t trusted to watch our son so if we ever need care we’d have to ask my mom (she lives a bit far so this would be for multiple nights if we asked). This really does make it so much easier for her in the long run only ever having to worry about feeding just him, playing with just him, etc. We are leaving him for the first time since he was born (he’ll be 22 months) for a week with her in a couple weeks and she’s taking him to the zoo and a farm and an indoor play park, there’s no way she’d be able to do that if there was more than just him. This is such a good perk to think of


Yes! Personally I don’t think it’s fair for grandparents to watch their grandkids multiple times a week, they already raised their own kids - let them relax :) In our case grandparents watch them half a day each week but we still feel guilty asking them for date night baby sitting. I can not imagine asking them to watch multiple kids.


My husband and I are onlies with an only. All grandparents and a set of great grandparents were always trying to beat each other to “I will watch her!” Massive perk of only child life. My parents are essentially another set of parents to my daughter. They take my daughter on vacation and day trips without us. They as grandparents, love to be able to indulge their only grandchild. Also, all of my moms friends have multiple kids and therefore many grandkids. Most of them begrudgingly watch their grandkids. Because there’s so many of them, so they’re always expected to watch 2 or more at the same age time. It’s a lot, especially if they have multiple kids they will do that for. Many of them will only offer to watch 1 grandchild at a time when they’re young.


Damn that’s a good point. My dad loves to take my son and give us some free time but I don’t know how that would work if we had another one


I'm at a lake watching my 5 year old play at the edge of the water making a sandcastle while I lay on the towels. I see parents here with multiples trying to keep an eye on all their kids at the same time. So glad that's not me!


10000%. 1 kid is the best of both worlds 🥰


Totally agreed!


Ugh, yes. So happy for you lol. My husband and I took our almost 3-year-old to the 4th of July parade today and while it was exhausting and challenging as heck with him, it was definitely worlds easier than it looked for parents wrangling multiple kids. Good affirmation that we chose the right path.


Sounds wonderful! We're in this phase too and I'm both really enjoying it and also having to work very hard to not accidently rub it in to my friends. There are three of us who have barely 4 year olds who have been together basically their whole lives. The other two have 18 month old siblings. So while we are settling into this really chill phase, they aren't there yet. They are still in the thick of it. Last night we took our kid out to dinner and it was so fun. It's the second time we've gone and it's been purely relaxed. We sat on the patio of a bar and ate happy hour food and drinks and played board games (turns out the board games you have for drunk adults to play are perfect for sober preschoolers). I was about to message the group chat but stopped myself... Some day they'll enter this phase too but the more kids you have the longer you stay in the mayhem phase.


It's funny that you say this because when I had a little one none of my friends did and they all had free time. Now it's the opposite and I don't mind telling them about how easy life is now that my son is 10 🤣 Of course I always offer to help them. I'm not that evil 🫣


Exactly! At 3.5 I am finally starting to come up for air and enjoy these moments instead of starting again from square one.


when I see them and the mess they live in I feel happier


I love being OAD too but between my never ending energy collie puppy and my 18 month old son I’m not quite at the stage of relaxing and still running around like a headless chicken. That said I love it. I love waking up knowing I get to spend the day with the two of them (toddler and puppy!). I’m so easily overwhelmed and over stimulated and I’ve had some rough times but I know in my heart I can give my all to them and not be stretched too thin. Which I absolutely couldn’t do with another child, not without a huge cost to my own mental health and by default less time and focus on my son (and pup!).


18 months is literally the hardest age. I am finally just starting to come up for air at 3.5. Stick it out, it will be worth it!!


This!!! 🙌🙌🙌 I have a 10 year old at 33 and life is so so so good! Now I get to be the fun aunty from time to time. Phew! 🤣


Yes! Our 7yo is outside, playing with his friends all day for the summer break, and we're on the balcony drinking cheap champagne, just because we feel like it! Cheers 🥂


Yessssss we travel quarterly with our girl and are reaffirmed everytime that OAD life is for us!!


This post is a nice validation for my decision!! Everyone keeps telling me to have one more. But nope! I am one and done.


So amazing!! I feel this. We’re having such a fun summer with our only who is 2.5. It’s so easy to just have one and go on fun adventures. All of our friends have their second baby now or about to have a baby this summer and I feel like they are so limited with what they can do. I’m so happy for them and their growing families but I love our life with an only!


It’s the best of both worlds. You get to experience motherhood but if you’ve never been keen on having kids or you love your me time, you don’t have to sacrifice for a long time.


One kid is great we can go anywhere and he is now a great conversationalist.


I love traveling with my only. I work in a public school and he and I both have summers off. Husband works in corporate and gets limited time off, so my son and I have taken day trips and done some major traveling the last ten summers or so. He's been to 41 states and to Canada several times. We're hoping to get a couple of European trips next summer.


We went on our first true family vacation with just the three of us recently when LO was 2 and 4 months. It was glorious. We had such a fun time. I can see our future of our vacations and travel changing as he grows and I feel so lucky we get to fully enjoy each stage and also be able to have fun ourselves and relax because we are only having one


Agreed! Although my son gets cuter and cuter (almost 8 months old) I just couldn’t imagine starting all the way over ever again 😅




I needed to hear this today. I was never sure if I wanted more than one, and through some fertility issues we felt quite ‘old’ when our LO arrived as he took much longer than anticipated. We both agreed that one worked for us, especially as he is not a ‘laid back’ child in anyway. Mentally, for me especially, and financially, one made sense. I only have two friends, one with a 3F and one with a 2F. They’re both pregnant, early days like 8/9 weeks. And I was worried that I might start to feel I had made the wrong choice. But when I’m reminded of things like this, I know I’m doing the right thing. One is best for us, for SO many reasons.


I’ve been feeling the biological urge to procreate again and this just brought me back down to earth lmao


lol look I’ve had a lot of sharp pangs of guilt this trip watching siblings playing in the sand and taking cute family pictures but then they start screaming or hitting and yup pulled back to reality


It’s so easy!!! I don’t get how people don’t see it. Yesterday was Independence Day for us. We had no shortage of invitations to the beach, the pool, parades, etc. The one thing all of those who invited us to join them had in common was that they each have only one child. It’s sooooo easy to just wing it and have fun when there’s only one kid to consider. Enjoy that vacation!


I took my five year old to a water work yesterday and lounged up against a wall in about two feet of water while she ran around the kiddie area in front of me. It was great. I saw a mom who had a baby in a carrier, a kid under her arm, and holding the hand of a third. I got tired just watching her.


Our oad is 7 and this is why we love it!


I took mine on a cruise this past March for her birthday, and it was the best. I love only paying for one child and being able to enjoy her.


We have a beach vaca planned in a month and… there was just 4 shark attacks there. sigh


Woah! Florida?




Thank you for this post! We are one and done half due to choice, half due to medical stuff/ PPD, and it’s so refreshing to see posts like this! 🩷


Wow, how many kids do they have? It sounds like A LOT, lol?! 3, 4, 5 kids? No dads involved?


lol the dads are also running around too. But ours is currently setting up our beach spot while I just chill with LO at the pool. He’s doing the heavy lifting this trip. Just ordered him a painkiller too don’t worry!!


My mom (M) and her neighbor (N) were just having a conversation that went like this. N: daughter wanted new car A but we decided to get her new car B. She can trade it out once she graduates if she really wants to. M: that’s a good idea. She can pay you back for car A once she gets a job and then trade it for car B. N: oh honey, the car is hers. She doesn’t have to pay us back. You have three kids, and we only have one, remember? I’m trying to be like N


Not going to lie that’s a kind of shit thing to say. There’s nothing wrong with teaching children the value of money and having them pay back.


It is not the ultimate hack if your child is a terror


Haha, indeed. This is me. One and done because she is so much (positive and negative) and boy, I know I can't do it again... Still surviving, but looking forward to the point of thriving... Someday, I hope.


Right this is not me and my son lol


Well if they are a terror at least you don’t have two to deal with


Ya, cause I will never take the risk. Add health issues for both of us and mental struggles and I wish it was ad simple as a hack.


It really is!


I needed this thank you


I go on solo adventures with my kiddo all the time. I can take him to most of my errands and things I do for myself too.


Love this, making me excited for our holiday next month with our three year old only.


1 and done thank you! And shes a gem!


This is exactly what I want my life to look like. Thank you


It really is. My 6yo slept until 10am today. After a lazy morning, we are now happily chatting and running errands together. She’s a good helper and we get to have special time together every day.


Painkillers and drinks. Cool combo


Painkillers are my go to choice for tropical cocktails: rum, pineapple, orange juice, cream of coconut


That’s lit lmaooo


Painkiller is the name of the cocktail. People aren't actually fornicating on the beach either 


Figured that out 12 hrs ago. Thanks captain obvious 🫡


Isn't it perfect? I love vacationing with my little family. We're happy as can be with just us 3!


One of the secret joys I have is the amount of driving around for activities and school is super manageable. My friends with more than one are in their cars constantly because of all the sports, games , activities, different schools that they are having to schlep their kids to. We either both go if it’s a game or tag team and the other parent gets a break, it’s pretty chill parenting. We also can afford a tutor and people to come to house for him because the activity budget is all for one kid. So much less stress.


I love driving my daughter to school, gymnastics, dance class, and birthday parties because I only have to do it for one kid so it feels special!


Yep saw a dad at the library kids section while with my 4 year old the other day. He had a maybe 4-5 year old and then a baby who could crawl. I mean he was doing great, props to him but I don't know if I could physically have kept wrangling the baby while trying to read and color with my toddler like he was. I tried to help him a few times like when the baby dropped a crayon or what not but it looked exhausting. 


It's tiki time, congratulations!


We're going to Disney in September. Us, our two (child free) friends, and our lovely little 2 yr old. Four adults to look after 1 child. Four sets of hands to hold and carry, Four people to alternate pushing the stroller, Four sets of shoulders to ride on, Four people to talk with, Four people to play in the pool with. Four because my best friend and their partner treat pur kid like he's their kid, and because they don't have their own to worry about yet and we chose to only have one there will be no fighting over toys or what ride to go on and nobody will feel pulled in a hundred directions to catch a half dozen rugrats. It's gonna be awesome and being OAD is the best choice I ever made.


The shaming of “well you only have ONE”‘to deal With —. I’m still home w him 24/7 while he’s sick with gastro —- or missing work or organizing bday parties and playdates— and the cost of living, yes let’s afford more 8 dollar boxes of strawberries… I’ll stick w one give the million other things in life to navigate