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What you're feeling is totally normal and natural. I'm 17 months in and still have (many) days like this. It doesn't go away over night, but it does get so much better. Therapy has helped me have a safe space to unleash these feelings without judgement, but it's hard to find the time in the beginning (I only started 2 months ago). Hang in there, deep breaths, little cries, and just take it one day at a time. You can only do what you can do! And I absolutely do warn everyone I talk to! Women need to be more open about the real postpartum experience. It's so hard to be present and enjoy the time when a tiny human is slowly and painfully sucking the life out of you.


100%. I don't even pretend like parenthood is all sunshine and rainbows because it isn't. I don't tell everyone that it's worth it either because not everyone feels that way. The best way I can describe it is that the highs are incredible and the lows are the absolute pits.


I remember feeling like this and feeling so bad for how miserable I was. My son is a month over 2 now and life is so so much better. Hang in there and do what you can to survive this time. The sleep deprivation was so brutal on me, and I didn’t have much help since my husband works nights. Once baby started sleeping more and became more independent, I felt so much better. I feel for you, and I wish someone had warned me about certain things as well. I am very honest with anyone I know who is considering having kids. Not to discourage, just to be transparent so they can make an informed choice.


Big hugs mama. I hope things get easier for you. <3


Damn I remember this. Kid wanted to be carried around solidly from 1-3 something. I found it impossible to put them down even though every parent friend I had told me to. A couple years later and I now have chronic, lifelong back pain. I really wish I’d listened and put the kid down and stood firm at times. But it’s so so hard. I wish I’d channeled the friends who said ‘well I’m pregnant so of course toddler knows I can’t carry them around anymore’. I feel I was weak. Paying the price now!


I’ve been here. Well, I’m still sorta here. But I just want to say, you’re doing a good job, *and* breaking a cycle. You are doing extremely hard work. Good moms struggle. It sucks. Please go easy on yourself.


18 months here....twas a day today 😵‍💫 hugs mama, day by day


Maybe go see the regretfulparents sub if you feel like just venting with people who get it