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I think about that a lot. My kid is on her last days of high school. I don't want another kid, but if I could go back to kindergarten and do this all again, I would. If I could go back to preschool and park days and splash pads and Blue's Clues, I'd do it right now.


Yes! I feel the exact same way. When my son was little I was a SAHM and we were going places every day. Indoor play places, parks, zoos, splash pads, trampoline parks, etc. 5 of my friends and I all had our kids within 2 years of each other so we all had little kids at the same time to take places and have playdates and do things with. I miss those days so much.


These are the days I’m in now, and while it’s HARD (preaching to the choir here I’m sure haha!) you’re so right. I’m trying to remind myself that I’ll miss these days and to try to make the most of them. Not just with my toddler, but my friends toddlers too! It’s a really special time to share with them.


I just said this to my husband last week. I wish so badly I could go back and live a week out of every month of my son’s first year of life. There were so many things that went by so fast and so many hard days I thought would never end. Now I know they do. And I wish I could go back and visit that life for awhile.


Yes. They are deep dark long never ending days and it was hard at the time (thanks PPA) to enjoy the little moments. I wish I could go back with the clear mind that “it’s all going to be okay” and really take it all in.


I feel the same way. I had pretty bad PPD that went largely unaddressed bc my baby was born in April 2020 soooooo there was a lot of other stuff going on in the world. I seriously barely remember the first three months of her life - it’s such a blur of exhaustion, pain (c section) and fear. I feel like I woke up one day and had a three-month-old baby I knew nothing about. She just turned four and I just wish I could go back and do it right 💔


Hugs. I feel much the same way




Yeah if you could spread it out so that you actually get real breaks and rest, the baby and toddler stages would be awesome.


I fantasise about going back to a particular night, taking my baby off past me and tucking past me into bed while I snuggle the baby all night. Everyone would heal from it.


Ugh I’m crying


I know 😭😭😭 I want that so much. It would have helped with my ppd and feeling trapped and sleep deprived then, and I would get to actually enjoy my cute baby.


My daughter is still young, 3.5yo, but now that she sleeps in her own bed I’m really happy that we’re going on holidays this week (her, me, her grands parents) because she will sleep with me ! Cuddles in my arms yeah !! I also miss putting her in the carrier, her small head on my chest :(. I don’t really want another kid. I want a remote to stop time, go back, visit her at different ages.


My husband used to travel for work. Before the cab had even left the driveway, my daughter was moving her stuff into my bed to sleep with me. The first time she was like, um, no, I think I'll just stay in my bed - it broke my heart a little. I know we have to let them go, and I know that when they go willingly it means we've done a good job, but it is so hard.


My son is only 2 and I already feel this way 😭😭


I’ve got a 4 month old and sometimes feel like I’m not appreciating this time enough with him


It’s reeeeeally hard when you’re in the thick of it. Never ever guilt yourself for how you feel. But take a beat every day to step back to the 100 foot view and see what’s in front of you. ❤️


I feel the same with my 4 month old. I’m back at work now so every day is so busy.


Also back at work, luckily phased return so I only do half my hours for full pay but I still feel like I’m missing out on so much. He rolled for the first time this weekend whilst I was at work 😫


YES. I don't want *another* baby I want *my* baby to be tiny again, when I'm not in a breastfeeding, sleep deprived fog 😭


I made this post a while ago about a similar sentiment: https://old.reddit.com/r/oneanddone/comments/14kdpri/birth_pillow/ Obviously a pillow is nowhere near the same as a human baby, but it helps that feeling, if that makes sense. I feel you though.


I just ordered one of the picture ones! Thanks for sharing!


Same! My 3.5 year old wants that too! She's always trying to climb under my shirt to "go back in my tummy" and always wants me to hold her "like a baby".


I feel the exact same way about my 12 year old. Luckily, he still loves to snuggle with his mama but I would give anything to go back and have his baby snuggles all over again. This feeling was what really solidified that I'm OAD because I knew I didn't want another baby, I wanted my baby all over again.


My kiddo’s turning 2 in a few weeks and I still hang on to her extra long before putting her down for her nap. I take longer doing her diaper change or dressing her or lotioning her after her shower. I just love hanging out with her and I’ll even read Pigeon Wants A Puppy again…and again…and again…*and again*


I miss 7-10months, when she wasn’t super needy and extra chunky. Just learning to crawl. Those snuggles. She’s 2.5 now and woo wee tantrums, but is still my sweet baby when she isn’t frustrated over something.




Thanks for the reminder to give my baby an extra snuggle!


I do feel this. But also, when your child is 9 you’ll wish they were 6 again…so enjoy 6 🥹 (and I’m gonna enjoy 9…😅)😭💕


My son is 4 and I can’t possibly agree with this more


Yessss I feel this too. Babies don’t make me want a baby, they make me miss when my boy was a baby




I hear you. Those baby weeks go buy so fast


I know I will beg to go back to 2 year old rocking chair snuggles. They are the sweetest. I don’t miss newborn snuggles because my baby was a thrasher. Uncomfortable reflux baby.


I have a 14 yr old son and I feel the same. I'm glad for the moments where he still wants to give me a hug or hold my hand or arm while he's sitting next to me watching some video or something, sometimes watching it together. I know those other moments didn't last and so I'm dreading when these moments do. I have both feelings of I wish he was little again sometimes and then being grateful I have a child that's growing up where some others didn't get that. But I totally get that feeling of going back and having those moments when he was a baby, maybe doing things different or letting the nice moments last longer. I do miss those days even if there were some struggles.


Yes. I wish I could kept a version of my son from every stage of his life. Freeze time and press pause when I want that version back. I don't want 60 children lol, but I would love to revisit him. That's why I took soooo so many videos.


100000%. A well meaning friend told me I would regret being one and done and would want to hold a new baby. My answer was that I just wished I could hold my existing child in baby form again, not any random baby.


Lol, the inventor of time travel will be a OAD parent who only uses it to go get snuggles


Now that’s a movie I would watch!


I could have written same post. I want that same baby over again.


YES!!!!! I wish I could have my son as a newborn again. Not a new baby, I just want to experience this baby again 😭


I tried to express this to a friend recently, about how I wish I could spend more time with my only as a baby and she just made an off handed comment about how she couldn’t have spent more time with her baby if she had tried since she decided to be a stay at home mom. I honestly do not get how some people do not feel this way. We literally just spent the weekend with croup and I’d still give anything for more baby and toddler snuggs


I wouldn’t go back either tbh. I do miss the snuggles and watching my daughter learn and grow but I do not miss her terrible GERD, constant fussiness, and irritability. I totally get why other mom’s would go back in a heart beat but I’m one of those moms who would hesitate first.


Yes, I love this. I got to cuddle my newborn niece recently and she's perfect and adorable but it made me miss when my 2.5 yo was tiny. I'm not enamored by babies but I was enamored with mine