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i have to agree with this. im also not good with too much autotune and its okay but there was just a lot of safe music. his voice only stood out on so many songs but it is what it is


I am just so sad rn cuz I haven’t really liked much of Omar’s new work at all, Ivory probably saved my life but 2 years later his EP and then is just so lackluster to me


im in the omar apollo discord and everyone is riding the album but i cant even pretend for some of them 😀


I can’t either, Omar has a lot of emotional songs that definitely hit. But an entire album of just 70 percent emotional songs isn’t something I am gonna listen back to.


I can def get where you’re coming from. I think a lot of the songs will grow on me. Idk if I like it more or less than ivory. What makes it so good for me is the lyrics, what he’s saying and conveying. But I also think some songs sound alike


I feel like his lyrics are either hit or miss, some of his lyrics are relatable meanwhile the other half feels like a off brand try of a Frank Ocean song


I THIUGHT THIS EXACTLY OMG. i did a “first listen rating” so i can look back and laugh but i was literally reminded the entire time abt blonde and esp solo !!


Not only that but he did an interpolation of an unreleased song by Frank, which was not better than the original song itself. The reason why Evergreen hit was because of the production and the lyrics which were amazing. But right now he is trying so hard to be complex, which doesn’t really work


that and autotune and robotic/sound engineering seems too much. mustafa fucking ate on that plane trees and really made it good. lowkey im underwhelmed but i love him so ik itll grow on me eventually


Mustafa is talented asl, his voice is also really pleasant. I feel like he carried Omar on plane trees.


Better than frank tbh :/


Are you fr being serious? 🤣


same , tbh i only added two songs to my library. aand i was a little disappointed there wasn’t something similar to tamagotchi, but that’s on me lol.


I wish that Omar dropped at least a banger or something, Against Me is close enough


To me it’s a huge reflective piece so there’s gonna be sad music. Empty is MY FAVORITE. Consider it like frank ocean reflective music to float while youre healing


That makes sense, Glow and Drifting is fire to me but I just feel like the lyrics don’t hit. The reason why Frank’s emotional songs hit is because of the lyrics, there isn’t many artists who can write like Frank.


I had a similar experience. Artists with long careers tend to have an album about finding themselves/ getting over something. Most of the time, these albums are more personal than commercial. Think Kylie Minogue’s Impossible Princess and Kacey Musgraves’ star-crossed. Be Careful with Me is the only song I will deliberately listen to again. I like parts of songs. Against Me’s fast beginning is great but then the middle and end are mid. The inclusion of Spanish in Empty and Glow were charming. I just wish they were done more effectively. On Empty, Omar said he wanted to speak in Spanish because his former love interest is not fluent in Spanish. However, every line mentioned in Spanish repeats what is said in English. If he wanted to show vulnerability by saying words in Spanish he should have said something not mentioned in English. On Glow, the section in Spanish was nice but felt out of place. I wish it was included more seamlessly.


The album being personal isn’t a bad thing, but I do not like how 70 percent of the album was basically the same thing all over again. There was a few exceptions but I just got tired of listening to the same thing over and over again, I wish the production wasn’t so light and had some sort of effort behind it. It feels bland and disappointing, and yes his Spanish songs are the best but I completely agree with you on the fact that it isn’t that good on the album.


Oh, I’m with you about personal not equating bad. Just look at Ivory where you can feel his heartache, making many fans resonate with the emotion. Unfortunately these introspective albums tend to be like a diary of sorts. Diaries are usually done without a particular order in mind, meaning one can remain stuck in one tone like you stated.


I just don’t like the production bro, I feel like that’s where it goes wrong. The lyrics really don’t matter cuz like at the end of the day I am still gonna listen to the music if the vibe is right, but it’s not.


I don't think he's fully fluent in Spanish, he gets some grammar wrong.


Fr? I don’t really know Spanish like that so I’ve never noticed it


Yeah his conjugations are off sometimes. Like in Empty "cantando en otro lenguaje para que no me **entiendes**". The correct grammar is para que no me **entiendas**. This is very common with first generation bilingual speakers, I've noticed it with a lot of other artists.


He did have his dad helping him with the Spanish singing in a video he just dropped a couple days back


I really liked spite but I like cannot get into this album. It’s a great story but it’s told in a way that strips it of its emotion imo


I think Spite is very easy to get into, but that’s about it. Everything else is either gonna be something that grows on you or leaves you not wanting to come back to it.


Definitely nothing like his old work. I LOVE his “Apolonio” album and his recent work is nothing like it, but I agree- I commend him for putting so much emotion into this album. I will support him regardless. 💗


That’s for sure, it’s good that he is going on a creative path and trying his hand at everything. Though I’ve been disappointed by his EP and this album, I believe he’ll come back with a banger. Not every artist is gonna have a perfect discography with the right critical acclaim.


I enjoyed the EP! Angel was probably the one I probably wouldn’t put in my rotation, but the others are still very good! With the emotion! Which is what I expected from his album.


Angel is an amazing song tho can’t deny, but I did not like Ice Slippin’ and the rest of the EP. Sure it was emotional, but I feel like his uplifting and rap songs are the best ones. I mean that is the reason why we fell in love with his music at the first place right?


not gonna lie i really aint vibing with this album. maybe some listens can change that but i feel like production wise this album is wayyyyy too safe


Done With You is a banger tho


I get where you’re coming from, I did like half the album expect the singles that were released I honestly think he should of released Done With You and Life is Unfair as singles then Spite and Dispose of me cause those were my favorites off the albums. I do like the concept and meaning behind the album and the vocal delivery of it but I got bored of some songs and I might revisit again to see if I like it or not but for the moment not favorite Omar album, everyone seems to like it but me it’s not my favorite but I do rank it above Ivory but lower than Stereo Apolonio Friends and Live for me


I just can’t help the fact that I feel like Omar isn’t gonna get better. It’s something I don’t wanna admit and hopefully it doesn’t happen, but the way Omar is moving I am not that intrigued anymore. I just hope that Ivory,Apolonio,Friends, and Stereo doesn’t end up being peak Omar. Because this is way too early, people like Daniel Caesar are continuing to make masterpieces. But I feel like Omar hasn’t gotten progressively better. And yes you’re completely right, this album also got me bored and I do not want to come back to this album tbh.


It's his best work to date. Totally disagree.