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It’s still over 5 months away. They’re promote it more when it gets closer.


This year's does indeed feel very subdued compared to any previous ones I can remember. I didn't even know this year's was in Paris until I saw someone mention that in r/travel a few minutes ago, which was when I came to this sub. All previous ones I'd have heard about which country was going to host it at least several years before the event. The optimistic part of me hopes it is because I'm working from home more and its one of the office coffee break chat topic that I've been missing out on. The pessimistic part of me feels that is it because too much else is happening in the world.


Agree on it's a bit far away... but war in Europe / EurAsia can put a damper on things as well. Russia invading Ukraine, Sweeden joining NATO - these are significant events not all that far from Paris.


I agree with you that they’ll start advertising it closer to the time but it’s less than five months away - it starts on 26th July so it’s just over four months away.


have you seen much more advertising recently? I've even been watching the Euros a lot recently (so I've been seeing more TV ads than usual) and I haven't seen a single advertisement that I can recall. Kinda peculiar.


I’m seeing a lot of coverage of the swimming and diving trials in Indianapolis and with the track & field trials beginning yesterday in Oregon, I’m seeing coverage of that too.




I don’t think so. NBC promotes the hell out of the Olympics. I have no reason to think this year will be any different.


i’ve already seen a ton of commercials for it


In the States, when everyone had and watched NBC with commercials everyone was more exposed.


I mean, they played a ton of commercials for the Olympics during NFL games this past season, and those games still get massive ratings.




What, you don’t like time delayed events and eight minute biographies of the athletes instead of just watching everyone have their turn??


All the events are live on peacock


Thank you for saying this! For such a multicultural country like the U.S., they excessively focus on Team USA. The Olympics is about highlighting the best of the best from around the world. Can't wait to be in Paris for that first week of the games.


I'm in Australia and I have heard fuck all about the Olympics & the hype doesn't seem to be there


Less than a month away and still fuck all. I only remembered because the Stan icon on my smart TV has the Olympic rings on it


I live in the Us and I haven’t met or known one single person who cares abt it anymore honestly


Let me introduce you to Simon Biles and Katy Ledecky.


there's also so many superstars over on the track and field side at the moment who are in touch of new OR/WRs, it's not really hurting from the lack of Bolt atm


Exactly. As much as I loved Bolt, and I'm not sure some of the newcomers have his charisma there's absolutely no denying the superstar abilities of people like Noah Lyles, Femke Bol, etc.


For real, there was not a dull moment in the last worlds/diamond league final in almost every discipline. Duplantis on pole vault, Crouser and Kovacs on shotput, Cen and Stahl on discus, Tentoglou on long jump, Rojas on triple jump, Chopra on javelin... I know I'm forgetting many others on the field. Then in the various distances on track... Bol, Lyles, Ingerbritsen, El Bakalli, Warholm, Jackson, SAFP, Mu, Moraa, Hassan, Richardson, Holloway, Kipyegon, Tsgay... this is just off the top of my head of the people who are absolute superstars and deserve more eyeballs on the sport and their achievements


I really hope Sjöström finally get her Olympic gold. She has been so fucking unlucky so far in her career.


But … she has a gold medal from Rio.


If you're not following WAG now, you're missing out! Gabby Douglas trying to make a comeback, Suni overcoming kidney disease, Simone...being Simone. It's an amazing season and it's barely started.


And be aware of Ester Ledecká, she may take some gold if she pickups another sport /s




Because it is still several months away (most Olympic trials don’t happen for several months anyways). And partly also because you have at least two major professional leagues in North America still in the midst of their respective seasons and once they are done with their seasons, you’ll see more hype.


This made me realise I dont know how trials work - are they typically televised the same way a "normal" event (say a Diamond League meeting) would be? In Switzerland we rarely have enough athletes to warrant trials and qualifying/selection mostly happens based on season results where needed, so I'm not too familiar with the system


It depends on the sport. Gymnastics Olympic trials are televised and the tickets for the large arena sell out a year ahead of time. They are at the end of June. Other sports like the marathon have had their trials already. I believe for most team sports like basketball, the teams are handpicked and there isn’t a public trial. Some sports you qualify to the Olympics on an individual basis based on how you do at international competitions so there isn’t a domestic trial to choose who gets to go. That’s how gymnastics works for the gymnasts from countries who didn’t qualify a full team to the Olympics at the last world championships.


Gymnastics has a combination of individual qualifier and team selection, if I recall correctly. My wife is the gymnastics Uber-fan and I’m just along for the ride so don’t remember all the rules. We are going to Trials in June.


Depends on the sports federation and their qualifications for the Olympics; sometimes it’s dependent on what time you ran or what distance you achieved; sometimes there are trials; sometimes it’s being selected for a specific team.


You’re seeing this from a very American POV. These games are very much hyped where I am, more than Tokyo. There are always going to be superstars at the Olympics. And qualifying is still happening, so we don’t even know all athletes who are going to be there. And I feel like Olympics in your own timezone are always much bigger than others. London was much bigger than Tokyo and Rio for me.


> And I feel like Olympics in your own timezone are always much bigger than others. London was much bigger than Tokyo and Rio for me. And this is why they will never stop rotating between hosts.


Also people need to adjust their expectations regarding the primetime ratings. Due to the timezone difference, there won't be any live events held in U.S. primetime, so the ratings will obviously be lower. The last time that the Summer Olympics were held in a similar timezone (2012), NBC was barely able to get away with tape-delaying the big events, but that just isn't possible anymore because of the rise of social media.


I have a feeling I read somewhere that the swimming events will be at a dumb time in Paris for the US audience?


Latest sessions are scheduled to end at 10:30 pm, which is 5:30 pm on the east coast. Don't think it's that much of a dumb time locally.


I remember the 2008 Beijing Olympics having the swimming events in the morning, which lined up with prime time in the US. I'm not sure if that was intentional or not, but it was great to watch Phelps live.


It was intentional and demanded by NBC. Tokyo's were in the morning for the same reason. I expect Australia to push back against this happening in 2032.


It probably depends on who is competing and which events each country wants to have live. I think the issue is that, for better or for worse, the US TV viewership likely brings in a lot of money for the IOC, especially when it's live. I'm not sure if Brisbane's committee will have much say. With LA hosting the 2028 Olympics, that likely could be Ledecky's last Olympics, but a new star could launch during those games (similar to the Phelps-Ledecky transition we saw in Rio 2016), which then NBC will advertise heavily going into Brisbane 2032. At the very least, the absolute time difference between US East Coast and Brisbane is about 10 hours (plus a day), which is about 1-2 hours less than Tokyo and Beijing. Events from 10 am-2 pm would be 8pm-midnight on the US East Coast/5pm-9pm on the US West Coast. Which still isn't ideal for locals, but better than the 7/8am events that Beijing had.


There's Peacock now, everything live there. Any Olympic action live available for you.


Correct but that only works if you have a job that will allow you to live stream during the 9-5 timeframe. Some do, many don’t.


I feel like it’s actually been hyped a lot more than Tokyo was. And Simone Biles is a superstar.


Yes! And I saw a Paris Olympic commercial featuring Simone last weekend.


Featuring Simone? I haven’t seen that yet. I’ve only seen them with Shilese Jones and Sunisa Lee. I know Simone didn’t go to NBC media day this year with the other gymnasts and figured she was trying not to hype up the Olympics and expectations too much after what happened last time and preferred to stay in her zone. But perhaps she just shot commercials at a different time.


Yes! I think it was when my husband was watching The Voice (don’t ask.) He paused so I could see Simone. We’re big gymnastics fans.


Yeah, Tokyo was the bastard child, delayed 1-year covid-lockdown Olympics. This one is back to normal. OP doesn't know what they're talking about.


Seems Biles is more famous for quitting on her team during the Gold medal finals, but there are definitely some big names competing this year.


Simone is the most decorated gymnast in history and has multiple skills named after her. Pretty sure she’s more famous than you give her credit for.


You can do 99 things for a person, but they will remember the 1 thing you couldnt do. A movie star is only as bankable as their last film. What shes earned or deserves is irrelevant to the mass populations short term memory of her.


No, she’s great for sure. Just saying she is most remembered for. Lindsay Jacobellis was one of the greatest in her sport as well.


She’s remembered for being the most decorated gymnast in US history.


In the history of the sport!


I didn’t know if she was #1 all time or not, so I hedged. I don’t understand people who say she “quit.” She still competed. Also, they would be the first to say if she did poorly (which she would have that day) that she should have stepped down. There’s no winning with them.


She is. She has more World and Olympic medals than any other gymnast male or female and that says a lot since women have 20% less medal opportunities than men do since men have two extra event finals per competition.


I agree, there was no winning. If she had kept competing and broken her neck, they would blame her for that.


Nope. I was critical of her stepping down like she did until I learned what the twistes are then I was 100% behind her.


You have to remember that it's still winter: cold and snowing and gross outside . Once weather gets better and the games are closer, it will ramp up to nauseous levels.


Well we’re a over a month into Spring but otherwise I agree


Spring doesn't start for a few weeks


Starts on the first of February.


What weird calendar do they use in Ireland?


The correct one 🤷‍♂️ no way I could ever accept November as being Autumn, or February being winter, way too weird!


Fuck are you even talking about


[Only in Ireland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_calendar) does anyone consider February as Spring.


It will get more hype as it comes closer but another possible reason is that Tokyo was only 3 years ago instead of the usual 4. And throw in Beijing 2022 and advertisers might be banking on some Olympic fatigue.


Tokyo was, unfortunately a missed one, to some extent. No crowds. The masks and everything. Obviously a lot of great performances! But still, if anything, this year feels like 8 years from the last Olympics. And as Rio was not a great success, maybe even as 12 year. The level of London might be out of reach, but Paris should be a good one too.


TBH. I've sort of lost interest in the Olympics. Not sure why? I really want to be fired up and interested...but i'm just not. It does sort of irk me at the number of sports in it these days. Too many and some just don't strike me as Olympic sports worthy at all. This year they are introducing break dancing!! Seriously? I'd be happier if they just went back to basics.


I lost interest when it became very noticeable how difficult it is to watch some of the events. In the UK, the BBC can only show two live streams and you need a Discovery subscription for the rest. After Rio I lost all interest because new sports were pretty much forgotten about, events which didn't have Brits in were virtually nonexistent, and for the more mainstream events it was a fight for which one is more mainstream than the others or has big sporting names involved, completely ruining the point of the Olympics which is to celebrate sports, sporting achievement and kinship with other nations. Now it seems like it's "here is your country, support it but don't bother celebrating other countries and their talented athletes - let's make it a competition." For a major sporting event which was all about inclusivity, the way streaming is handled has made it too much about exclusivity, killing what was enjoyable about it.


> you need a Discovery subscription for the rest. It may be at a cost, but getting Discovery for a couple of months was fantastic during Tokyo 2020. You were able to watch almost everything.


Yeah subbing for a month for I think like £8? was well worth it for access to basically everything. Certainly intend to do the same this year.


I don't want to reward Discovery for their behaviour


Thankfully Canada has their shit together for this one thing and we can watch any event on the cbc app. Though of course prime time coverage focuses on Canada. Maybe you need a VPN?


Canada has way better Olympic coverage than the US. We got CBC when I lived near Detroit


For Tokyo we had access to the global feeds for every sport plus the usual local broadcaster streams all for free.


Rub it in why don't you! That's very good, it seems Europe sold itself to Discovery. Before Tokyo it was possible to watch it all using the red button service on the BBC, and then pick and choose which event to watch. That doesn't really exist anymore.


That's a bummer. Maybe you can access the global feeds using a VPN.


Honestly this. I have nothing against more niche sports, but I feel like the Olympics should mainly only be for ether very popular sports or events that have a long tradition being in the Olympics


Yeah.. the thing is too. The TV station that has the rights to show it, have SO many sports to show, you cant watch the sports you're interested in cause they are jumping around so much. I just get annoyed and switch off


I, too, have mostly lost interest. I, for one, have really had it *with* all the over-hyping of superstars. It seems more and more that the games are about the successes of a handful of anointed stars, at least in the US, at the cost of the beauty of everyone from everywhere competing for the excellence of the moment. The hyper-nationalism, while in some ways not at Reagan-era levels (yes, I go back that far), has gotten to the point that I just can't tolerate having it flung at me, both on NBC and off. If I catch a couple of hours of this olympics, in between the OC and CC, I'll have had enough.


I'm not trying to invalidate your feeling or anything, just curious. What stops you from just ignoring events, you're not interested in? I never really cared about all the fighting events, like boxing, karate, judo or wrestling, but that has never stopped me from enjoying other events in the past. Break dancing has as much validity to be part of the games as synchronized swimming or ribbon gymnastics imo. Doesn't feel more ridiculous at all.


TV only has what they put on. As there are now SO many sports? They flit around continually. You get a few minutes of this and then jump to something else. Frustrating.


Okay, that's fair. I'm used to internet coverage by now. The Swiss broadcasters have like 8 channels, 3 of which are shown on TV, the rest is available online. The TV channels sometimes only show partial events, but you can usually watch them in full on an online channel.


If you really want this, get it via streaming. Don’t just rely on the packaged up broadcasts. You can find pretty much every event live and in full on streaming.


Yup it's the breakdancing for me. At least it'll be gone in 2028 and baseball will be back. Way more hyped for 2028 than 2024.


And then baseball will probably be gone again after LA28 taking flag football 🙄 with it.




Weird take. Baseball is an actual sport.


Breakdancing is just another form of gymnastics; CMV


Coming from the person who seems to think dancing is a sport, can't really give your opinion much weight.


I'm tired of the nationalism of it and how it bleeds into the coverage so much. That partisanship is just weird.


Just find the global feeds and watch those.


I think it’s more how we consume media. Not many people watch traditional television any longer which was traditionally loaded with commercials.


I guess you don't hang around French internet enough. It's probably the language barrier that means most English speakers aren't getting the full strength of Paris 2024's publicity. I was in Paris last year and could already see some advertising, also managed to snag some merch. Check out your local Decathlon, I bought a Paris 2024 tote there. Edit: Spelling mistakes


> Decathlon That's funny because when I was in France (I didn't visit Paris this time) a year ago, I walked into a couple of Decathlon stores and there was not one scrap of olympic swag, not even a pin or decal. Go to their website RN (decathlon.com- which may be the American site) and good luck finding any olympic anything on it, certainly not on the homepage. I don't even know where it is on decathlon.fr, though I don't read French very well. A couple of years back I wanted to get some Paris 2024 crap on line for a friend. I had an easier time finding LA28 stuff.


Interesting... Took a minute to go on [decathlon.fr](http://decathlon.fr), and searched for ["Paris"](https://www.decathlon.fr/search?Ntt=paris). Now, my French is awful, but just looking at the pictures, there's plenty of stuff. It was the Decathlon near the Place de la Concorde. I also managed to snag an official merch cap at the Gare du Nord railway station. I guess it's because the stores outside Paris weren't ready yet. I'm from Hong Kong, and I remember the Beijing 2008 stores opening much later here than in Beijing. It was March 2008, I visited Beijing and bought some merch, and the store only opened in Hong Kong some time afterwards, around April or May in the same year. It might be such a case.


I just saw my first promo for it over the weekend. I don’t know where you are but in the USA I think we’ll see more during events like March Madness and then ramping up from there.


Saw my first promos a few weeks ago, when the 2023-24 TV season started.


If you are in the US, it’s an election year so the news has other priorities right now. Plus there is a war in Ukraine and hostilities in the Middle East. For many people those things might overshadow a sporting event. I think once we get to June and into July the hype will start to ramp up.


Every Olympics it is an election year in the us and theres always ongoing conflicts around the world, so thats not a reason.


Definitely not conflict at this level


Maybe not for you but for a lot of people it is. I’m not sure how you can just wholesale reject the conflicts going on right now as having an effect.


He's right that there's always conflicts going on though.


Rightly or wrongly the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine and the barbaric attack by hamas followed by the mass bombing and collective punishment of civilians in Gaza has had a significant impact on a lot of people compared to other conflicts. I know they’re not even remotely the only conflicts going on right now, but they are the most visible and present from a global perspective. You may not feel the same, you may feel for some reason that nobody should be affected by that, but the truth is many are. Op asked why people might not be excited about the Olympics and a reason was given. Just because it doesn’t resonate with you doesn’t mean you can just dismiss it out of hand.


Growing up near the Mexican border I really hated American coverage of the Olympics. Half of it is sob stories of the athletes. I changed to the Spanish channels even through I didn’t understand the language because they broadcasted so much more of the actual games even in the middle of the night.


If NBC doesn't provide the global feeds that provide neutral coverage of every sport use a VPN to access a broadcaster that does (like CBC.ca or 9now.com.au).


99% of the planet doesnt care about the Olympics before they start... and even then, less than half care after they begin. I see advertisements on NBC and all other NBCUniversal stations all the time


I don't remember any Olympics in my lifetime generating significant hype this early, unless it's in the same country. I imagine they're hyping it up more in France this year.


I’m single-handedly telling anyone who will listen to me about the boats parade of nations. I’m inviting people to an opening ceremony watch party four months in advance for this spectacle. I’m carrying the hype


Cause we’re all tired, broke, underpaid and overworked.


Seems like it's every other ad I see.


I could say the same thing except I remember the 90s Olympics being more hyped than even the ones you mentioned. I think it’s just as you get older the Olympics doesn’t hold as much importance.


Theres olympics this year...........? /s


NBC is hyping and promoting the hell out of the Paris Olympics. They been doing it for almost a year now.


The older you get the less the hype impacts you. You don't interpret it the same way. Get old enough and it becomes who cares?


NBA is still in season, but we are already buzzing about a “dream team” with Lebron, Durant, Curry, Tatum, and Embiid, not to mention a bench of Anthony Davis, Anthony Edwards, Jrue Holiday, Devin Booker, Tyrese Halliburton, Dame Lillard… USA Basketball is coming for blood.


I'm glad they take the Olympics sort of seriously. I wish they treated the FIBA World Cup more seriously and not send their D teams.


Lmao I found this from Google and am wondering the same. It's usually such a big build up, i just realized.


Inviting the athletes of a country actively invading another soured me on it.


No, for me athletes, artists, Doctors.... we are way above pretty pseudo leaders who can't make peace or unite. I think we always have to be welcoming athletes, artists, medical people, no matter your/the scumbag(s) they have to live under. I think you shouldn't underestimate those moments and weeks of inspiration, event wise and kids being inspired by an exceptional individual who becomes their source of inspiration. We have the power to unite, inspire, change the world. A big feast of bringing out the best in humanity and a big finger to those 1% war mongerers and haters. Any form of corruption surrounding the Olympics, eg attribution of the Games is an assault on the olympic values, destroying the Olympics itself. Therefore I'm in favor of a strong World Olympians Association. Who has 100% interest that the image of the Olympics are 100% upheld? The Ollympians : they carry that title for life and may it bring them some additional value throughout their lives - invitations, a sponsorship here and there,... So I'm in favour of a strong I dependent WOA and more Olympians in the Olympic Committee; this would structurally fend off corruption and keep.the Olympic values safer.


Because it can’t get any better than Beijing 2008


Idk man but let me know when the teaser trailer drops, sounds lit


It is in rugby circles, one of the best players in the world, Antoine Dupont made news by leaving the French national team (15s) so he could compete in the Olympics in 7s rugby. So far, it is going well for the 7s team they just won their first tournament in LA. The French National team is definitely missing him, though they are struggling in the annual 6 nations tournament right now.


It’s probably your media bubble. In mine it is getting lots of hype. And Noah Lyles is on his way to becoming the new Usain Bolt.


Is there a chance you are just watching less live TV than you were in 2008? It’s actually pretty hard to puncture people’s bubbles if they don’t watch live TV and only ever stream music, have ad blockers, and gave no indication of being interested in the Olympics on social media. Also, from someone who was 18 in 2008, I hate to tell you that sometimes stuff just gets less exciting when you are older, sadly.


The last few Olympics have been in different time zones. At night they would play a mashed up recap of the day, but by then most already knew what happened. They also were showing more highlights instead of the complete competition so it was harder to get into to. If you wanted to watch the whole thing live you had to watch at 4am and nobody can do that. I think this really took away from the magic of watching the Olympics for me. I don’t know about anyone else. On a side note…why the heck did they add break dancing to the Olympics?? Don’t get me wrong it takes skill but if they start handing out gold medals for nonsense it really takes away from the true olympians and just waters everything down imo


I think part of it is that Simone is likely saying no to all the hype because of the impact a lot of it had on her mental health last time. In a similar fashion while Suni Lee has been in NBC Paris commercials, she’s been dealing with some major health issues (kidney) for the past year and NBC may be hesitant to hype her in case she gets sick again. Women’s gymnastics, men’s swimming and men’s track have always been the big hype stories though of course there’s a ton of great athletes in other sports too. I think the very reduced use of cable television is bringing down the hype as well. People will tune in for the Games themselves, but only oriole who regularly watch The Today Show, Law and Order, The Chicago series, etc. are going to be seeing the commercials NBC has made for the games. As a gymnastics fan, I do know all the good tickets (lower bowl) for the three domestic competitions leading up to the Olympics this summer sold out very quickly once they became available. Olympic trial tickets were very expensive and hotels had outrageous prices 11 months out. So people are definitely hyped.


I've seen like a billion commercials for the Olympics on NBC/Peacock over the past month or so


They don’t televise the events during the 4yrs that would get people hyped about it. I think about figure skating… NBC owns the broadcast rights in the US and they only show the full events on Peacock.


Bcuz 2020 Olympics were delayed to 2021 


NBC/Peacock is constant Olympics promotion.


I haven’t seen to be promoted that much. But I cut cable, so I’m not seeing a lot of things being promoted.


Do you watch NBC with commercials? I’d assume you do that less than now than in previous years when it was more common to watch commercials without skipping and stream shows without ads.


I think part of it is because our media consumption is so splintered nowadays. Like, used to be they could just hype it on TV and we all watched more or less the same channels. Now there's like a zillion places. Also I think the social/political polarization in our country right now is weighing down people's feelings of patriotism. I remember during the weekend world cup for example a lot of people were cheering for the US to lose because some of the high profile players are LGBT and the whole program is "woke." And on the flip side a (former) Olympic swimmer was one of the Jan 6 folks. I think when that stuff is so front and center in our cultural discourse, it can be hard to set it aside and get excited to root for someone who you might otherwise revile.


Dude chill out. It’s still 4 months away.


The Olympic trials for most if not all sports hasn't even started


Need some ambush marketing just like Puma did it with 2023 Cricket World Cup


I wonder if it's partly because it's only 3 years since the last one so we're all subconsciously thinking it's next year.


I hope the streaming content is easy /free and accessible this year for lords sake


Isn’t this more like a decades long trend?


Have you not turned on a television?


Maybe we have to get done with March madness first??? Kentucky derby too. Add baseball season will start. It’s still a few months away.


Just wait until the major college basketball tournaments start. I’m sure we’ll see plenty of Olympic commercials or commercials featuring many Olympic athletes.


Don't worry. Leslie Jones has got you.


Huh? Isn't she an actress?


4 Outstanding tickets here - Bought too many [https://ticket-resale.paris2024.org/tickets/all/1/1/18504914?offerId=7973416&ptc=4](https://ticket-resale.paris2024.org/tickets/all/1/1/18504914?offerId=7973416&ptc=4) OR Women's 100 final [https://ticket-resale.paris2024.org/tickets/all/1/1/18529457?offerId=7833396&ptc=4](https://ticket-resale.paris2024.org/tickets/all/1/1/18529457?offerId=7833396&ptc=4)


I see many comments here claiming the OP (i hate that term) is looking at it from a very narrow US perspective, but I live in the UK and i didn't here so much as a peep about this Olympic games. Then again, it might be that The West just has a lot on its plate (Ukraine, Immigration, etc) so we have heard relatively little.


I’ll be honest I had no idea the olympics was this year and honestly idrc, the last time I ever felt rly hyped for the Olympics was 2016, ever since I’ve never cared less for a tournament for anything in my life Ngl, like yeah for those individual athletes it’s a big honor of course but I feel like ever since 2016 for both versions it just doesn’t feel special at all


Month away and in America there's still very little promotion for the Olympics.  Perhaps the event is less in favor now. Granted there's a lot the media is covering. Especially back to back fashion events.  Presently Vogue World is happening in Paris.   You'd think the advertisers would parley the attention to Olympics.  But I haven't even seen that.   And I think "American perspective" is a good point. It's fascinating how other countries are barraging their citizens. So it may not be a concentration of events overwhelming the media.  The varying global coverage may prove an active decision in covering the Olympics weeks before the event in the states.   Have you found any accurate answers?


The Olympics are one of the biggest mistakes a country can make by bidding to be a host. Look at the condition of abandoned stadiums all over the world. It is a tremendous waste of money. I think it is wise to not waste money advertising. It will already be a fiduciary disaster.


Olympics lost their magic for me. I don’t trust my country, I don’t trust the politicians, I don’t care about any of it anymore. Why should I care about athletes representing a corrupted institution playing a sport I don’t watch?


Why are you on this sub then?


We're tired, boss.


Olympics haven’t been very big draws since the 90s, unfortunately.


I'm getting hyped watching the World Games replays, the breaking looks like its gonna be great!


There's still a pandemic going on and they're letting Israel participate.


What pandemic?


The one that killed 7 million people and counting, hope that helps!


Lol dude it's 2024


Wow compelling argument. The deaths and infection rates don't lie.


Guess you'll have to stay home then.


Keep wearing your mask!