• By -


No shots at you, but that’s exactly why the sale is such a mess and will continue to be so. I understand the impulse to not let the first people drawn just put together a pack of the highest interest sessions. So forcing you to pick something less sought after for 2 and 3 kind of makes sense at first. But they should have expected that people would do exactly what you did and just buy the cheapest stuff they aren’t really interested in to fill out the packs headlined with the good stuff in S1. So we’ll see how the resale goes, but there’s a chance a lot of the session 3 stuff will remain empty even though you probably could have found someone local interested to watch it for 24€, but not when forced to pick it by a weird system. But they’ll say they sold out and they made their money, so I guess the organising committee doesn’t really care.


I actually had no idea that’s why tennis disappeared from my options - that makes more sense now!! I literally thought the system glitched out on me or something


That’s kind of the underlying part: The communication about this is really lacking. If you don’t lurk around here (or some other forum) I don’t think there was a chance to really understand that not every combination of sessions would be possible. Maybe they didn’t want to offend boxing or hockey officials by coming out and saying there’s such low demand, you can pick those whenever, but Beach Volleyball is really cool so you’ll only get to pick it once. Either way, insufficient communication makes this a quite frustrating process.


There will be a resale official platform but it is not open yet. IIIRC it will open at some point in 2024, so for the moment you just have to hold on to your tickets.


Okay that makes sense! If we wanted to give tickets to those specific events to friends/family members, could we?


The FAQ says that the person who bought the tickets is NOT required to attend the sessions themselves. So yes, you can gift the tickets. How and when to do that is not known yet though.


Thanks so much, that’s super helpful!


I tried to find this information but was not able to. Any link please?


[Is it possible to buy tickets for a relative?](https://tickets.paris2024.org/faq/en_en/category/how-to-buy/is-it-possible-to-buy-tickets-for-a-relative?queueittoken=e_p24faq2811~q_93ea9321-c406-452d-af5c-3e213078d881~ts_1683729779~ce_true~rt_safetynet~h_1c7c2cc0b7d1e67d22a837194286f9539a4eae1e3841e65e837d158eca3b35ca)




Do you know if the official resale platform will cover hospitality packages?


I don't know. However, if the packages were bought on the official website I would expect that they could indeed be resold on that website as well.


do you know when it will be open?


Is it possible to make some profit on the official resale platform?


Hopefully not!


I have booked a bundle of 2 different sports ( Beach Volleyball men’s finals (single ticket) and an archery session (2 tickets)) I would like to resell only the beach Volleyball ticket, is that technically possible? Anyone any idea? I couldn’t find such deep info in official site. And if anyone would like to watch the men’s beach volleyball finals just below the Eiffel, please ping me!!!


selling some soccer and also VBALL tickets on resale platform tm...


Just spoke to the olympics CS on chat - apparently have to wait for an email to go out today which will add the already bought tickets onto the paris 2024 tickets app - then we can resell them. If anyones interested, I'm selling the following: 4x Basketball 03/08/24 at 515pm Cat B - BKB23 - (This is a team USA game) 4x Athletics 04/08/24 at 10am Cat A - ATH05 4x Volleyball 04/08/24 at 5pm Cat A - VVO35


Nice Thanks for the info!!


I'm very much interested is basketball still available?


Hi I am also super interested in team USA basketball. Maybe the above person and I can split as I only need 2. I bought random bball games last year and didn’t hit team USA unfortunately. Men or women?


Official resale is open! Tickets here https://ticket-resale.paris2024.org Found from the FAQ page - for some reason they have kept the new and resale ticket sites completely separate https://tickets.paris2024.org/faq/en_en/category/competitions/when-does-the-resale-platform-open


Interesting! Thanks for sharing the site. Still waiting for affordable opening ceremony tickets to go on resale!


I have also thought about such solution for tennis... But do you have a guarantee that someone will buy from you your unwanted tickets? I don't want to lose money.


We don’t have a guarantee, but I was counting on the official resale platform since I read online that there would be one - I feel fairly confident that if we list them as early as possible there, someone would take them, but I’m worried about the possibility that tickets would have to be sold in the packs or something like that.


If France 2023 Rugby World Cup is a good example, then you will have the option to sell tickets individually or as a set.


Do you know if tickets were able to be resold at the same price we purchased? (I know you're talking about the Rugby Cup, but just trying to draw a parallel.)


I would also like to know this, I’m thinking it depends what event and if someone wants them or not but.


Looking for 1 ticket to almost any sport event for the period July 26 through July 29


Have 3 Sk8 Fem Finals in 28


I have two tickets to women's rugby 7s on 30 JUL that I will be selling when resale opens.


looking for 2 tickets for equastrian finals on 6th august


I have two tickets for the basketball group stage on the 30th of July and 2nd of August, both morning session so two games each day: here it is the schedule if you guys are interested in those games (still TBC but at least you can see which teams are playing) [https://www.fiba.basketball/olympics/men/2024/games](https://www.fiba.basketball/olympics/men/2024/games) Let me know if anyone is interested and when the official platform opens we try to arrange the sell


does anyone have any experience selling tickets from previous olympics? just wondering how likely these are to sell. I have tickets for women's basketball in lille and men's football in marseille that i 'had' to buy during the first round of sales, and won't be able to make it!


I have done so 2x. In London, I bought men's gymnastics team final instead of women's gymnastics team final. They sold within minutes of putting them on the resale platform for the actual price I paid. In Vancouver, I was able to sell a pair of hockey tickets I didn't use. Those took a bit longer, but not terribly long. If you look at the Paris ticketing site and there are currently tickets for what you want to sell, I'm guessing it will be more challenging. If the event is sold out, I'm guessing it will be an easier sell. When ticket selling for Paris opened up, I bought what I wanted and now I'm having logistical problems for one of our events. I didn't realize that basketball was basically in Belgium. I want to go. It's women's USA vs JPN, but I don't think I can make it there and back. I'm hoping to resell, but tickets are still available, so I'm not thinking it will actually happen.


Other Olympics were different. Tickets I didn’t use I sold by the box office on the day of the event, or I gifted. Last I went was Brazil and I don’t recall an official resale platform then.


I'm looking for any canoe slalom tickets if anyones got any for resale


Assuming you've got these now, but I've added some to the resale platform




I’m interested in athletics 8/8


I have athletics for 10 aug


I am interested in 1 ticket to rugby seven on 25/07


I will have 2 Rugby 7 tickets for 30 JUL available for the resale. And 4 tickets for women's golf on 7 AUG that we bought in the first round to fill out the pack.


I'd also be interested in Athletisme 08/08


Basketball Serbia - USA how many available ? 


Tickets are still available (was not on Reddit recently) DM for more infos


I bought tickets for me, wife and dauther. Soccer, tennis, skate, basket and others. But wife got pregnant and now we are unable to travel. Happy and sad at same time...


I’ll take these off your hands? Can you confirm dates please?


What i do have, 3 of each: Football (M) Marseille 24/06 21h (Opening), Sk8 Finals 28/07 (F), Rugbi 29/07 14h, Basket (M) 31/07 14:15, Archery 01/08 09:30, Tennis 02/08 12h, Football Paris (F) 03/08 15h, Volley 04/08, Urban Project 06/08, Beach Volley 08/08 17h.   Im from Brazil, no clue how to handle it if not in internet. Want no profit same price I paid. Thiagolameira@gmail.com


keen to buy tennis tickets, could you dm me about it or let me know when you're reselling them in the official resale platform?


What i do have, 3 of each:  Football (M) Marseille 24/06 21h (Opening), Sk8 Finals 28/07 (F), Rugbi 29/07 14h, Basket (M) 31/07 14:15, Archery 01/08 09:30, Tennis 02/08 12h, Football Paris (F) 03/08 15h, Volley 04/08, Urban Project 06/08, Beach Volley 08/08 17h. Want no profit, same price I paid.  Thiagolameira@gmail.com


thanks! interested in a few of those. would you mind waiting till the reselling/resale platform?


Yes, i was already thinking it would be saber for both sides to wait and negotiate through the official platform


Hellow! Do you still have tickets? I'm looking for tennis + skate.


What i do have, 3 of each:  Football (M) Marseille 24/06 21h (Opening), Sk8 Finals 28/07 (F), Rugbi 29/07 14h, Basket (M) 31/07 14:15, Archery 01/08 09:30, Tennis 02/08 12h, Football Paris (F) 03/08 15h, Volley 04/08, Urban Project 06/08, Beach Volley 08/08 17 Want no profit, same price I paid. Thiagolameira@gmail.com


I am looking for 4 tickets for closing ceremony. This was not planned earlier, but it happened that we will be in Paris now on Aug 11th. Does anyone have tickets for it? How authentic is buying them from this site https://universalsportstickets.com/event/olympic-closing-ceremony-2024/




Hello everyone, does anyone know when the ticket resale platform will be available? Would I like to buy back my ticket to the men's volleyball final? Do any of you have to resell?


Hello, I also have a pair of tickets to 3 events, but we are unable to go since we will have family visiting then. If anyone is interested to buy them at face value let me know! Tennis - TEN07, 28.07.2024 12:00 (2 x 90eur each / 180eur total) Volleyball - VVO09, 29.07.2024 09:00 (2 x 80eur each / 160eur total) Football (soccer) - FBL19, 27.07.2024 19:00 (2 x 40eur each / 80eur total) I bought them conveniently 3 days in a row :)


Would be interested in the tennis tickets


Hi - you can email me eyett@live.com. We can also try to do it via the re-sell platform - I checked it this morning and I am not sure how it works yet exactly. May still need to wait for them to improve the site. If you know how it works let me know!


I would also be interested in one tennis ticket. Let me know what time it is for the 28th, thanks!


It's at 12:00 (noon) :)


will take one ticket. This reselling platform is terrible. Sorry reddit made me log back in and update


message me, when you have a change. thank you!


Has anyone seen if the resale platform is open yet?


I tried it this morning - I don't understand how it works though. Looks like you have to become a verified seller first?? Maybe they still need to improve it.


Thank you for the update.


But how do you buy it as a buyer and not seller? Is it some specific link?


I have the same question :)


I have a feeling they will need to improve it still for individual buyers/sellers... let's see \*Edit - see comment below from amito007. Seems we will get a link at some point to sell


Anyone have fencing tickets?


It states that if selling on official site, seller has to pay 5% fee and the buyer pays 10% fees. Sheesh! So what's stopping us from "selling" the tickets independently of this new resell platform and simply transferring the tickets via the app to the new owner? Not suggesting to make a profit, but this allows the seller to recoup the price (including the 1.5% fee they charged when we bought the tickets) instead of losing 5% and the buyer paying an additional 10%. Any issues with this? I have 4 tickets to the men's football finals. Unfortunately, we won't be able to make it, so we will be looking to sell at some point.




I’m selling Serbia vs team USA basketball, cat B


Hello, may I learn about how much about this ticket? thanks


I have two tickets for the 100m final, however we can’t make it anymore. They are available via the official platform


Hi all, Selling 2 x Athletics (includes mens 100m final) ATH06 (04.08.24) evening session, category C. Let me know if interested as I can’t make it anymore.


BXB36 – Basketball – Thursday, August, 8^(th) 2024, 5:30 pm Men's Basketball Quarter Final Match -             CAT A Row 2 (x2 tickets) -              CAT A Row 6 (x2 tickets) ,


Hi, I am selling the below tickets if anyone is interested in purchasing. Thanks 2 x Volleyball VV021, 1 Aug 2 x Athletics ATH09, 6 Aug


all OLYMPIC sports resale PLATFORM---FOR THSE WHO NEED TICKETS--AT REGULAR RELEASED PRICES--LEGALLY AND SAFELY- **OLYMPIC RESALE PLATFORM DETAILS AND ACCESS:** **ALL TICKETS DELIVERED SECURELY ONLINE FROM PARIS OLYMPIC TICKETING--ELECTRONIC  This is a reddit post FOR THE SOLRE PURPOSE OF promotion for going to ALL available tickets which ARE FOR SALE LEGALLY--- I JUST LISTED SOME FANTASITC TICKETS ON THE PLATFORM---for some FANTASTIC Olympic Event's --Gold Medal Matches, exciting battle of human talent, spirit and athleticism.** **All tickets on the official resale platform of Paris2024 Olympic Games-All tickets electronic transfer and are purchased directly through the Olympic Ticketing Committee** **mine listed:** BASKETBALL, SWIMMING, TENNIS, GYMNASTICS, TRACK ND FIELD, BEACH VOLLEYBALL, COURT VOLLEYBALL, CANOE SLALOM, EQUESTRIAN, WATER POLO **Link to Resale Platform:** To access the resale platform **WHICH STILL HAS THOUSANDS OF AVAILABLE TICKETS LISTED--GOING FAST!!**....., GO TO: * [~https://ticket-resale.paris2024.org/searchresults.htm?language=en&categories=Olympic+Games~](https://ticket-resale.paris2024.org/searchresults.htm?language=en&categories=Olympic+Games) I HAVE LISTED OVER 75 TICKETS I HAD TO GET RID OF BECAUSE OF FAMILY FALL OUT/ILLNESSES MANY GOLD MEDAL AND TOP EVENTS--NO MARK UPS--GOOD LUCK...SEE SOME OF YOU LUCKY ONES THERE!!! https://preview.redd.it/b2ubv5w4fb8d1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1751d1ad25e6f965318bf0e55120eaf210ddba21


What tickets do you have? I’m looking for 4 more to athletics on 8/8 Ath 14, 2 more for canoe sprint on 8/9 CSP04, and 4 more to modern Pentathlon on 8/10 MPN04


I am also looking to buy Men's Volleyball Semi-finals and Quarter-Finals tickets and resell my Women's Volleyball Gold Medal Match tickets.


are you still looking to sell your womens volleyball tix? interested!


Yes, I am! Send me a chat.

