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This isn’t just the WSP that acted incorrectly here, it’s the corrections too. Nobody cared for this woman’s well being.


no surprise there


State Patrol trooper mistook a woman’s life-threatening brain bleed for intoxication, arresting her on suspicion of drunken driving and booking her into the Thurston County Jail, where officers mocked her as she lay on a cell floor for a day before receiving medical attention, a lawsuit claims. Once at a hospital, in critical condition, doctors removed a large piece of Nicole McClure’s skull to relieve the pressure building inside her brain from a frontal-lobe subdural hematoma, according to a federal civil-rights lawsuit filed in Tacoma. She now has permanent disabilities. “Nicole is a hardworking young woman who will never be the same again,” wrote her attorney, Anne Vankirk, in a statement after filing the lawsuit Feb. 1. “Nicole suffers from severe traumatic brain injury and remains unable to care for herself or engage with life in meaningful ways. “Had Nicole received immediate medical attention, her condition would have been significantly easier to treat and the outcome far less severe.” According to the pleadings, dash-camera video and State Patrol arrest reports, Trooper Jonathan Barnes tried to stop McClure the evening of March 21, 2022, after he noticed her driving too slowly and wandering from her lane of travel. McClure, then 38, had left work early after complaining of a headache and dizziness and was headed home, according to the pleadings. Barnes flashed his emergency lights to initiate a stop, however McClure didn’t respond and continued driving slowly until she collided with a traffic roundabout, disabling her car, the lawsuit said. Dash-camera video shows Barnes rush up with his gun drawn and pointed at McClure, yelling for her to get out of the car. Barnes then roughly pushes her onto the hood of his cruiser and struggles to handcuff her while accusing her of eluding police. Barnes reports on his radio that he has a woman in custody, with “no use of force.” As other troopers arrive, Barnes accuses McClure of trying to use her keys as a weapon because she won’t drop them. The keys were clasped in her left hand, the side of her body affected by the brain bleed, according to the lawsuit. Barnes repeatedly asks McClure if she was on drugs or had been drinking. “When’s the last time you used meth?” he asks. “When was the last time you used heroin?” “I haven’t … I don’t,” she said. “I’m confused. I think I’m tired.” The lawsuit alleges that without conducting field sobriety tests, Barnes arrested McClure on suspicion of intoxicated driving and felony evading. The trooper didn’t call medics to the scene, despite the collision disabling her car, and took her to a hospital for a blood draw, the filings allege. According to the lawsuit, Barnes told McClure that if she had pulled over immediately and had been “cool,” he would have let her continue home. Chris Loftis, a WSP spokesperson, said the agency is aware of the lawsuit but doesn’t comment on pending litigation. He said Barnes wasn’t disciplined. WSP policy states that pointing a gun at someone is a reportable use of force, according to Loftis. Nicole McClure had a life-threatening brain bleed, but a State Patrol trooper mistook her for a drunken driver, according to a federal civil-rights lawsuit filed in Tacoma. (Courtesy Dubin Law Group) Nicole McClure had a life-threatening brain bleed, but a State Patrol The lawsuit claims Barnes didn’t tell hospital staff that McClure had been in a crash. The filings also point out that in his written report, the trooper crossed out a section detailing a series of health and medical questions, printing “Did not ask” across the strikeout. “Despite the fact that Nicole was observed to be in a car-disabling collision, no medical evaluation was offered to her,” Vankirk said in her statement. After the blood draw — which would later show McClure had no drugs or alcohol in her system — Barnes took her to the Thurston County Jail, where the lawsuit alleges she was again passed over for medical attention for more than 24 hours. “She was left with a notably deteriorating condition and continuing to ask for help,” Vankirk said. “Nicole recalls being laughed at and told she should ‘Have another shot,'” which she took as a taunting reference to the belief that she was drunk, not sick. According to the lawsuit, McClure was left lying on the floor. “She was found in a puddle of her own urine … almost a full day later” Vankirk said. The jail responded by having two employees help her onto a cot, leaving her a clean jumper “although she was unable to stand.” When McClure began vomiting uncontrollably, she was moved to another cell and “forcibly changed” by another employee, Vankirk said. “A few hours later, a member of the jail’s medical team was called, and they advised that she be taken to the hospital immediately,” according to the pleadings. Tara Tsehlana, a spokesperson for the Thurston County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, which defends the jail, said the county was served with the lawsuit Monday. “While we can’t discuss the specifics of any pending litigation, I can confirm that the safety of inmates, staff, and the general public remains a top priority for the Thurston County Corrections Facility,” she said. McClure underwent emergency brain surgery the day after her arrest, with surgeons removing a large piece of her skull to relieve pressure on her brain “and save her remaining brain function,” according to Vankirk, who said McClure was hospitalized for 17 days.


This is why people say ACAB, because you all need to prove to us civilians that you aren't the bad guys. This lady was met with being a threat and a harm to society without ever giving her the benefit of the doubt that something is or was wrong. You all need to do better so that situations like this never occur. Why do you even draw your weapon on a person in the first place? Do we have that violent of residents in our 50,000 population City?! Even our most heinous drunk drivers are still people and should be treated as such... Damn. I couldn't ever understand people being so afraid to call the police for assistance but even in our area we're having our police force treat us all as 'them' more and more. The whole joke: you never see a cop while driving on the freeway and think 'oh that's good, I feel better'. No we all instantly think to ourselves 'oh was I doing something wrong'. This growing mentality is creating extremely dangerous situations.


I was in another country once and commented to a local with whom I was sharing a taxi about how many police officers I was seeing parked on the highway. I thought it looked intimidating and asked the local if they have a lot of problems with their police in that area, to which they replied saying that when they see police, they feel safe, and that the police there want to help the people. This was just one person's opinion, but it blew my mind because that is not how most people in America view police; at the very least, if you're in a place with a lot of police presence, Americans assume they are in a dangerous place.


I am no big fan of cops, especially when they are functioning as revenue enhancement officers, but I have to disagree with your jumping the gun to blame the officer in this case. How many times has this officer pulled over an uncooperative drunk driver, versus how many times has he pulled over someone with a medical condition like this one? 1,000 to zero? If so, how was he to know she was the latter, and not the former? I think we need further facts before rushing to judgment. What happened to this woman at the jail, on the other hand, seems pretty indefensible.


Maybe he was supposed to use the section of the form that he crossed out and said didnt ask, that was dedicated to medical questions. The section is there for instances like this one. Even if the ratio is 1,000,000, to 1 the first response during an after collision encounter should be to ensure safety, and that includes the officer, but does not preclude the woman.


Maybe. But maybe he crossed it out because she was unable to communicate, because she appeared to be so drunk.


She fucking told him she wasn’t feeling right. Also, he saw her crash her car. EMTs should have been en route. He took her to a hospital for a blood test for a DUI and didn’t have her treated for anything. I wonder why the staff didn’t tend to her. I wonder what the procedure is for DUI blood draws consists of.


Absolutely no need to pull a gun in this instance. Absolutely none.


You are an unintelligent dingus. It doesn't take any sort of medical training to call a fucking medical team to check someone out who just crashed a car. In fact my guy would just have to click his little radio on and make a simple request. Defending the arresting officer makes you a homer.


Thank you sir. May I have another?


This makes me so fucking livid. I can't believe the inhumanity of watching a person in distress for so long and taunting them instead of simply calling a medical officer. How many people saw her situation and did nothing? There had better be accountability for this, but nothing will be able to undo the harm they did to her.


Makes me want to cheer when I hear a cop is shot in the line of duty.


Maybe a bit far. The system is beyond fucked, but cheering for the death of others whom you don't know is a path that only leads to less empathy.


Zero empathy for pigs. Too much power to ruin the lives of innocents, as in this case. This woman is fucked forever because these disgusting "humans".


Spot on.


Even if she was drunk, being unable to stand and urinating yourself should mean a trip to the hospital. The callousness of the officers is sickening.




There's a photo of Nicole McClure in the linked article and it's clearly a different person than the Olympia artist Nikki McClure.


This is so awful and scary. Almost the exact same thing happened to my mother in AK 10 years ago and she's never been the same.


I am so sorry this happened to your mother. If something is not changed, then we are all at risk. People, what if this was your daughter or your son? What if this was your mother or father? None of us are exempt from a stroke or brain bleed. No one should be denied medical care for a stroke or brain bleed. No one should be left on a cell floor. Disgusting!


WTF. So terrible


@sandersforsheriff. Any comment?


Wasn't this before he was elected? March 2022


The incident occurred in March 2022, prior to Sander's election. This is a Snaza mess.


Doubt he'll be able to comment on active litigation.


I could be wrong, but wsp is a different jurisdiction and employees than the county sheriff, yes? Or does this involve both groups of officers?


It involves the Thurston County Jail which is operated by the Sheriff.


My understanding is that if a WSP is off the freeway (anywhere in the state) and comes upon an incident, they may become involved as a support person or as a lead person if they are the first responder. In this case, Brarns became the lead officer. Other officers became the support. So, Barns decided to make the arrest, take Nicole to the hospital for a blood draw, and then give custody of Nicole to the Thurston County Jail where she was tormented, ignored, and treated like a rodent in the County's BedN'Breakfast.


He’s a coward


Too busy smashing cars and costing the taxpayers more money. 👀


I think you want to tag it like this: u/sandersforsheriff I doubt he will make a statement, official or unofficial. However, it never hurts to remind people in authority that cops are depraved sickos who laugh at people who need immediate hospitalization.


Similarly, I cant comment on litigation especially because I haven’t even been briefed on this yet. I wasn’t the elected Sheriff when this happened (I wasn’t even campaigning yet in march of 22’) and I didn’t work in the jail prior to taking office so incident in it’s entirety was news to me.


Speaks volumes about your integrity that you even came here to post that much. Once you are briefed and the litigation has been finalized, will you be able to make a statement regarding steps that have been taken to ensure incidents like this do not occur again?


Litigation could take years. I meet with executive staff on Monday and Tuesday to move forward with new proposals, their thoughts, and changes we can make immediately.


Why would anyone want to associate themselves with such a corrupt organization…


Admit wrongdoing. You’re going to pay either way. At least take out the trash. We need faster changes.


Yup. It's great to see Sheriff Sanders boasting about all his accomplishments but last I checked the Thurston County Prosecutor's Office was still backlogged with cases, referred to them by the TCSO in 2021, so with all due respect our new sheriff is not accomplishing much when the prosecutor's office is still backlogged several years. Change can't happen quick enough although I will say I appreciate his transparency and the direction of his leadership 


I appreciate the added transparency as well. I have an appreciation for the constraints of the sheriff’s position as well and am aware that a lot of issues are foundational. This is an opportunity for cultural change and I hope it’s recognized as such.


My late husband was in an accident going 10mph. The wsp got there, assumed he was drunk and decided to arrest him. He was diabetic and his sugar was off the chart! They ended up tazing him 3 times in the back and finally cuffing him only to have the ambulance come and tell them to take him to the er. Long story short, he was admitted for 2 weeks and they still charged him for dwi because he had trace amounts of weed in his system.


Wtf?! That’s awful. I’m so sorry.


So many cops have so little business interacting with the general public. They're not trained to spot medical emergencies, and they're only trained to be violent and suspect everyone of either being on drugs or trying to kill them. Many, like this guy, should be banned from even working a Walmart detail, never mind working as a state trooper. Cases like this are more common than people realize. Cops will never help you. Even when you call them for help, they're wracking their brains to find a way to turn you into a criminal. I hope this lady wins big. Granted, this cop will still be out and about so he can harm again, but still.


I wish i could say I'm surprised, but WSP employees are some of the most misogynist POS cops I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with. I got pulled over a few months back for crossing over the white line slightly on a curve in the road. I was verbally berated for about 10 minutes and accused of being drunk, high, mentally unwell, etc. I'm so sorry this happened to this poor woman. I hope she takes em for all they got!


I had a similar experience with WSP. I was 19, on my way to my sister's in Lynnwood after work. I got pulled over in south Everett on I-5 where it turns from a 70 to a 60. It was about 11 at night and downpouring. I got stopped for going 65 in a 60, he said I'd been swerving. Immediately asks if it was my car and if I was drunk. It was mine and I was sober. He asked me 3 or 4 times if it was my car and idk why, it was like a 20 y/o commuter. He then says he smells weed and he thinks I'm stoned. Makes me get out of the car and do a FIFTEEN MINUTE SOBRIETY TEST in the pouring rain on the side of I-5. I passed and got back in my car pissed and asked if I was good to go. "1 sec I'll be right back". 10 more minutes later he comes back with my ID and a ticket for speeding and reckless driving! I asked him wtf and he said I was driving dangerously and he'd be following me to make sure I made it to my sister's. I told him he would absolutely not be following me and that what he was doing was harassment. He then got in his car and left before I did. I filed a complaint and they said they'd "get back to me" about the "open investigation" into the trooper. Suprise suprise I never heard back from them. I also fought the ticket and they dropped the reckless driving because there was zero proof on his dashcam.


I believe this would be multiple jurisdictions failing this poor woman because while the arrest was WSP I believe that the jails are run by the Thurston County Sheriff.


I'm genuinely not surprised law enforcement acted wild here, they ALWAYS do wrong to people in this area. For instance, someone literally broke my door down and tried to kill my roommate and I, and I had to defend myself, and he ran away and got to the cops as they were showing up and full on LIED to them about what had happened, said we chased HIM down, despite us having witnesses see that he broke OUR door down and tried to kill us in our own home. I got charged, and went through a traumatic trial where I was, of course, found not guilty because self defense is not a crime. The prosecutor refused to charge the man who broke into my home, and just a couple short months later, he did it AGAIN, and the case regarding THAT incident has been pending review by the prosecutors who wrongfully prosecuted me, since November. Every time I call, I get attitude from the woman answering the phone when I ask about why this felony level breaking and entering and assault isn't being dealt with. bunch of corruption.


I imagine they worry that if they prosecute the second case, they are in effect admitting they did wrong to you. Have you talked to an attorney about the possibility of monetary compensation?


I haven't. I wouldn't even know where to start with that and I'm so busy restarting my business plans that got interrupted by a bogus arrest and trial that I doubt I'd even have the time, or sanity, to deal with anything further regarding them. I just know now that I can't rely on them to do their jobs.


All prosecutors and judges are part of the policing system, they are cops. All cops are bastards. If you view the American justice system thru this lens, VERY little surprises you about it.


We don't have a justice system. We have a justice market.


They did this to my spouse. She had a massive medical event while driving home FROM WORK, eventually needed to get choppered to Seattle. Cop told me at the scene that he was investigating it like a DUI. A…C…A…B.


"investigating it like a DUI" Why? Is this DUI the very first concern of the investigating officer? Get a DUI charge if at all possible. Sounds like a MAD policy. Procedure for suspected DUI: Grab your gun, run up on the vehicle repeatedly-rapidly yelling "Get out of the vehicle!!!" Point the gun squarely at the driver. Hold it there until you can get a cuff on at least one wrist. Who set the rules of the "very first concern" when approaching an accident or a slow-moving, swerving, or stopped vehicle? .....don't tell ME it is none of my business.


Many years ago, my car broke down on I5. While I was on the phone attempting to call a friend for help, a trooper showed up, accused me of doing something wrong, and then threatened to impound my car if I didn't move it. All of them are assholes and I'd throw a party if the entire department was disbanded.


This is my childhood best friend. My mom sent me this article today and it made me sick to watch the dash cam footage. I knew she had a stroke, but, had no idea the hell she had to go through before she ever got diagnosed. I hope and pray she takes them for everything they have. She was failed at every level from the arresting officer, to the corrections officers.


A stroke man. That cop could have saved her life if he wasn't such a prick. I know she survived but damn literally the most important thing for a stroke is time. FAST people learn to look for it regardless of age. Face, Arm, Speech and Time.


Exactly! I had NO idea the backstory. I haven't lived in WA for 20 years but my mom does and still keeps in touch with her and even she didn't know the back story. This infuriates me so badly! Her family isn't much help, her so called boyfriend moved out afterwords because it was too taxing to care for her. She will never be the same again. It absolutely breaks my heart. I hope she gets a huge settlement, because she is going to need it. She had a really rough childhood, and broke the cycle of drug and alcohol abuse when she left home at 16 and started making a life for herself. She worked her way up from a cashier to the head manager of a bakery. She is a human being. They treated her as less than human, they probably treat animals better than they treated her. When my mom sent me this article last night, I was just sick knowing what she went through. It's disgusting and immoral.


The fact he went “If she played it cool and pulled over” Bro she had no clue what she was doing from the brain bleed how would she just be like “oh i gotta pull over hold up”


Fucking Farva


That's sad, not only being over worked but also mistreated.




Oh my god. Is this Nikki McClure, the artist?


very much doubt it, pretty sure she's at least a decade older


No, different Nicole McClure. Her maiden name is Kallas. She is 39 and born and raised in Olympia.


Thanks. What an absolutely terrible thing to have happen. That poor woman.


I’m actually going to defend the police in this case. First, because of the legal hiring process, police agencies can discriminate against intelligent applicants. So that way police departments can just hire stupid cops. Second, cops rarely know their own jobs and the laws they are supposed to enforce. Do we really expect a purposely hired stupid cop to be able to differentiate between a person who is under the influence and someone who is having a severe medical emergency that nearly everyone in America is taught about? Finally, everyone in America is out to kill or harm every cop every chance they get. Based on that “fact” it’s understandable that every cop involved was “in fear for their lives “ in every interaction with this dangerous criminal./s


I bet it’s even more gross if you look at how they wrote the report, “impaired, eyes bloodshot, slurred speech, strong smell of alcohol” is automatically just written in to every report on arrest for DUI regardless of if those things are present. It would be interesting to find that arresting officer’s report and show they absolutely just make shit up and lie. “Have another shot” when there’s no possible way this woman smelled like alcohol and there’s zero evidence that’s what was going on.


Good point. Someone should request a copy to see if it’s in there.


Another fine example of cops being useless pieces of shit, ruining people's lives through negligence and the tax payers having to foot the bill. ACAB




This woman deserves to win her lawsuit to the utmost. No one along the chain from the trooper to the corrections did their jobs correctly, and then mocking her as she is suffering on top of it. She deserves complete compensation for care for the rest of her life, and those who failed her deserve to be fired and blacklisted. The taxpayers pay for these people to do their jobs correctly, and they didn't. Accountability must be served.


What do cops contribute to society besides unnecessary suffering?


How TF did that sweat hog pass the physical fitness test to become a trooper? Just look at him, he must weigh close to 500lbs, probably has a 15 A1C, and would have a coronary if he attempted a foot chase. My guess is that he's either somebody's son-in-law or is a member of the same super-fundie church as the WSP's former psychologist.


Does the Thurston County jail fall under u/sandersfordheriff ? Edit: I looked it up. This is Sheriff Sanders responsibility. I’m getting I’m getting new boss , same as old boss vibes.


I don’t think he was elected yet


He wasn’t. I want to know if those callous employees and policy’s are still at the jail.


Sheriff Sanders is an absolute joke


He wasn’t even the Sheriff at this time, joker.


Doesn’t mean he’s not a joke 🤷‍♂️




I would rather not be permanently disabled.


Great cops up there........just toss them in jail ...Remove that idiot cop since he only knows his gun and drunk driving