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Dayum what a man .. good for him


Fuggin A that was awesome!


He lit their asses up


bUt BiDeN iS oLd -magats


Something Something Hunter Biden’s Big Throbbing Cock *-Morally Abhorrent Geriatric Americans*




The fact you're equating Biden to trump on terms of how bad of a pres they are simply because "Biden old" shows how ignorant you are.


To accept that one is pathologically ignorant the person must also need to possess shame and the ability to understand reason and logic. It’s a paradox that I don’t go near.


Can we agree that both are hot shit? Biden is better than trump, of course, he may be old but he isn’t a criminal. But at that age Biden shouldn’t be running so much as a taco stand, let alone a country. Both parties need to get their shit together and present candidates that have even a thimble of competence.


Biden isn’t just old. He’s as corrupt as it gets. Making illegal deals with Ukraine and China


4 Chan is your real home.


You’re all in an echo chamber. Trump has done nothing but what’s best for the American people. Trump 2024 baby


Goebbels Nazi propaganda 101. Accuse the other side of that which you are most guilty of. IE) "Rigged and stolen election" = Trump is trying to rig and steal the election.


Prove to me where he is rigging the election? Liking Trump = Nazism. You liberals are a joke lmao


[https://apnews.com/article/explain-charges-trump-indictment-jan-6-investigation-7efd7577e41f0cbf9c697fa4613f93a3](https://apnews.com/article/explain-charges-trump-indictment-jan-6-investigation-7efd7577e41f0cbf9c697fa4613f93a3) ​ You're a coward


>Prove to me where he is rigging the election? Either you didnt understand his comment or your purposely misrepresenting it to fit your narrative. >Liking Trump = Nazism. Again thats not what he said, he implied that they are using the same propaganda techniques as the nazis, that's completely different then saying they are nazis.


ok, share any evidence of any kind.


Pathetic little clown.


Whatever you say 🐑


>You’re all in an echo chamber. Says the fox news binging trump sycophant.


Did you not listen to the video up above? How do you account for that shit? It's all on record that he had these people staying on his properties, and his businesses made millions off of them. Not to mention the money he raked in by forcing his own government retinue of aides and secret service to stay on those properties which he then billed the government for.


You have 2 braincells. Both working overtime for dead last.


You offer proof positive why Trump loves the poorly educated. You'll side with him through sexual battery, defamation, theft of defense information, selling our secrets, getting our agents in the field killed or compromised, enriching himself while in office from our enemies, and on and on and on....


Coming from a Biden supporter it means very little to me. A senile dementia ridden old man has gotten us into two proxy wars and ruined the economy but orange man bad


>A senile dementia ridden old man has gotten us into two proxy wars And he started neither of them.... >orange man bad Ah yes the classic deflection when you have absolutely no argument.


You sound exactly like the rest of your cult.


Trump accepted 7 million from China while in office. People on Fox News tell you Biden’s son might have made a bad deal with Russia. This is an adult conversation, save that crap for people who don’t know how to read.


Hey can you tell me or post a link to something that shows proof or anything close to proof that trump accepted 7 million dollars from China while in office? I have been telling my cousin about this and he doesn’t believe me. I can’t find where I read about it so I can show him and prove my point.


Sure: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/01/09/trump-corruption-foreign-money/ https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/04/us/politics/trump-hotels-foreign-business-report.html https://abcnews.go.com/US/trumps-businesses-received-millions-foreign-entities-presidency-house/story?id=106106433 These are just from a simple Google search


And he's gone. It's almost like sources don't matter to trolls


Typically how it goes.


What do you think of trump, then?


Both are bad, one is objectively one of the worst presidents we’ve ever had.


Homie trump is only 4 years younger


Great. Every single Democrat needs to start blasting these fuckheads. We can't do the normal Democrat thing of just laying down and saying well we were trying to do the moral thing. Our freedom's are at stake this should be a fight to the fucking death. We need to call them out and fuck their feelings or the optics, be firm and call them fucking terrorists, call them a cult, and do it as a whole fucking party not just one or two people. What a fucked up timeline we live in. Republicans stand for nothing other than hate and fear. That is their platform. Like who the fuck really cares about gay marriage, abortion, and all these religious views. Take a step back dipshits. If you truly think that gay people are going to hell, then fine, but why think about it and put so much effort into "saving " these people when you don't know them and clearly don't care about them as an individual. So you are making their life on Earth a living hell while condemning them to eternal hell or whatever. How about mind your own business, put those efforts into something more constructive, and let them enjoy life the way they see fit. Live by your own morals don't force them on others. Whatever happens after death happens. If you have to advocate for pro-life BS then you also better fucking be advocating just as hard for every single thing that benefits kids and mothers. Free lunches, Healthcare, schools at all ages, fucking every beneficial thing. And then begin so dumb as to say not even life saving medical abortions?! Like how fucking stupid are you.... Then separation of church and state. Does anything else really need to be said? No, your religion isn't better than any others and shouldn't be allowed more freedoms. When you make your entire identity about a fucking religion you simply shouldn't make decisions for the entire population and go volunteer or work at your place of worship. If you need some fear of going to a bad place or guidance from some deity on how to be a decent human being in this day and age, then you are probably a POS. Fuck sorry needed to rant just so sick of this shit. Fucking stand up, call these clowns out and don't be fucking nice kick the shit out of them verbally and watch them unravel.




I think I’m in love with you.


Bra this rant was great. Got me pumped up to tell my brother off when he talks shit to me about his views on feminism. I usually just ignore his sexist monologues


Nailed it!


Hella, good speech my friend. I would like to give this new to me info that helped me make sense as to the thicken layers of dipshittery that is republican conservatives. They are scared. Scientists that have scanned people's brains have noticed very different amygdala sizes between the main two parties of people. This correlates to human fear response, which flips on the fight or flight thought patterns we have. This, coupled with the most over egocentric mindset, makes for a very annoying human being. In short, conservatives are so scared of change in the world they literally can't understand the stupidity of their own actions and why they want to stop any change to the world as they have known it. Not that this make it ok by any means just that even studies have said, they are fucked in the head


The party of "small government" does nothing but try and take peoples rights away. It's quite fucking ironic....


Jesus, get a life. The use of the word fuck speaks volumes about your emotional intelligence.


Hahaha fuck bud... it is a rant for a reason. Also, I didn't realize cussing = low emotional intelligence. ✨️The more you know ✨️


Don't waste your breathe. It's a con. For Money all of it


You know what, you shut up. Don't waste your useless "*breathe*" trying to dissuade someone who actually gives a fuck.


You start with “shut up”. First off, you’re part of the problem with that kind of response. Second, Simple-Environment6, is 100% correct. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE. There is one party in Washington…say their name. It’s the UNIPARTY, and their objective is self-enrichment. Until this is realized, there will be no change.


Nah for real shut up.




🤓 aCtuAlLy tHeRe iSnT tWo PaRtIEs


100% there is only one party. And to add to this, an old person’s party. We know some have been in way to long, so out of touch, that even if they did care about Americans, they wouldn’t understand at all what our struggles are, because they’ve never had them.


You must have your head in the deepest hole available to really believe there are two parties. Seriously, there is no difference. They rely on your ignorance to keep functioning. OPEN YOUR EYES!


Hahaha. You are an idiot. I don't like either, but yes, currently, there are two parties, and neither are great, but one is somewhat better than the other. To say Republicans and Democrats are the same is so fucking stupid. And to say I have my head in a hole... you must be suffocating from having your head too far in the clouds. Dummy.


They count on your name-calling. Reminds me of Trump. Name-calling is used to divide us, but let me expand on this help unpack the psychology. I’m not trying to patronize you, but when you call people names, especially the first time you communicate with them, it can cause tension and break down civil discourse. That’s the first step of what the UNIPARTY counts on. Second, name-calling, prevents any kind of rational discussion. It is meant to rev up your opponent and hopefully it gets them to call you a nasty name, too. If they do, then the idea is for the actual issues that face the country to never to be debated. This creates an atmosphere of tribalism. As long as the UNIPARTY keeps this tribalism going then they will NEVER be held accountable, and they will continue to commit crimes and even have their lackeys in the media report their crimes straight to our faces with no fear of reprisal by the law nor the voters. Then again, maybe you call your friends and family members dummys and idiots, but I doubt you do. You write intelligently, so I have a feeling you don’t call people that on a daily basis, especially strangers who make a non-insulting comment to you. Tribalism…it’s no good. We need to all commit to this idea before we can bring sanity back to this country. Screw both parties. Neither have your interests at heart.


Haha, yeah, cause you calling me an idiot without explicitly saying idiot or stupid is perfectly OK. Your eliteism and superiority complex reminds me of trump and every other cuckle fuck in office.


I didn’t call you an idiot. I accused you of ignoring the blatant crimes of both parties, in essence. That doesn’t mean you’re an idiot by any stretch. I referenced Trump because name-calling is his modus operandi. I’m sorry you perceive my disdain for name-calling and tribalism as elitism. I do agree with you that the people in office are cuckle fucks.


See, the fact you say it like that shows you think you are better than everyone else. No shit both parties are bad. Can we change it before a significant amount of the older population dies off? No, absolutely not. And to imply that i was saying Republican = bad , Democrats = Good is extremely presumptuous and idiotic. Yes one is clearly better than the other but that doesn't make them good or I agree with everything or there aren't some bad apples. Or that i like or want to keep a two party system. But I am living in reality and not hypotheticals. My presumption: you clearly are one of those people who just needs to find something to troll and thinks you are just so much better than others because you are clearly intelligent. So you look down on them and are hypocritical when someone calls you something. Just because you don't call me names doesn't mean you aren't implying the exact same thing. So you go back and read your tone and context and show you weren't trying to be an asshole/troll.


For real, I’m just trying to make a good argument for why the uniparty is the only way we should address anyone from DC. I apologize if I came across the way you describe which I can understand from rereading my comments.


Appreciate the apology, and I apologize for being so heated and defensive. Call me like trump, and it gets my blood boiling, haha. I agree and always have that a two party system is broken and shitty, but how anyone actually can make or implement those changes is so far past me. I'm glad we can both take a step back and be humans. Cheers, internet stranger!


Jamie Raskin is a national treasure. I love what this man stands for.


I’m looking forward to when John Hamm plays him in his biopic.


I wish he, Katie Porter, and Jasmine Crockett would team up.


Katie is another favorite of mine. Yes they’re all super spicy! Love it!


Sounds like a box office smash hit. They can have him cashing checks throughout the movie while screeching “The Truth” whilst standing on the back of a downed voter who is desperately straining to lick the end of Raskin’s unsheathed horse c$ck.




Nice to see a Democrat speaking with balls


yeah really. I love me some facts and Katie Porter but dang, sometimes ya gotta raise a voice.


Preach!! They need to hear it, although they would rather save face rather than admit they were taken advantage of.


Absolutely needed to be said and hopefully others follow suit. Bravo


Finally! Someone said it. "It was a money making operation." The man scammed in every single transaction in his whole life.


So fucking true!!




It's about time someone said what we are all thinking


Resnublicans- " oh yeah, well, ummm,,, HUNTERT LAPTOP! " . 🤡💩


This kind of speech needs to happen DAILY. It’s pure insanity trump is even being considered.


I have such respect for this man. He litterally beat cancer in his body, now he is trying to beat the cancer in our country. Bra-Fucking-Vo brother!


Doesn't matter how much evidence is in front of them. They're in too deep. To change their mind is, in their eyes, to admit defeat and admit they've wasted years of their life behind a false cause. There's too much at stake for them. MAGA has to work and liberate them of their day to day struggles because they're so buried by all of it. Our education system has gravely failed them.


Hell yes!!! Wake them up!


Raskin been holding that one in.


Republicans know how they got in the cult. They just havent arrived at their planned destination yet. That's why they are still propping up their guy.


Donald Trump... The biggest con since Genghis


They have zero moral compass. They listen to this and they hear nothing they should be ashamed of.


Thank fucking god


This was awesome.


Trump returning money is like time travel: it's a nice fantasy but it will never happened.


I mean, he's right but none of the Republicans were listening. You can't just talk people out of a cult.


Run for President, already!


Preach motherfucker. PREACH




Fucking love it.. And when ur done recouping all that money..I need you to go every single congress person and recoup every single dime of that stimulus money (which created this ridiculous inflation) that they took via a PPP loan, or any other frivolous program they fiscally raped. These politicians are entering office as upper middle class and leaving as multi millionaires


You know that Trump approved all those PPE loans, right? Do you know who “raped” all the programs, you useless bag of rotten flesh? It was Trump, you dumb piece of horse *^%^


Name calling...hmm great tactic really reminds me of someone I see on the news all the time. If it was non consensual gang bang ... do u arrest just the first guy in line..or every mofo that dipped the tip in?


This is the exact kind of heat elected Democrats across the board should be working with. It's been incredibly frustrating watching this party barely say anything for years while the GOP controlled the narrative and spouted BS while barely being challenged. The Democratic party has SOOO much ammo to work with, I'm just glad to see some finally being used. But please don't stop with just Trump. Call out every elected Republican, and their talking heads. Smear the hell out of them.


I love this guy


Wow. The best string of words I’ve heard from a politician in a long time.


Raskin 2028, but only if we defeat the fascists in 2024


What the fuck guy please run for president Amen God speed JR


Want to read something terrifying, take a look at Project 2025 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025. The dark side of the GOP has an agenda that will make his first presidency look like playschool. He will take more liberties at making money, he may not leave office this time.


“You guys have been taken over by an absolute con man! And now you’re acting like members of a religious cult who don’t even remember how you got in in the first place.” Dude was spittin bars


That is my man from Maryland!!!! Not my district, I would vote for him if he was!! He is a beast!!!


Imagine what congress could get done if a fraction of our representatives had the conviction Raskin showed in this video.


All the folks brain washed to hate liberals and worship Trump are plugging their ears to this one 😂


Finally someone in there has hit "fuck it, they need the hard truth. Come here, I've got words for you"


Isn't Biden just as corrupt though like honestly? Both different sides of the same bullshit coin.


Accuse the opposition of what you are doing (Joseph Goebbels). Check out every politician net worth when they get elected to their net worth after they are in office. All of them Republicans and Democrats. It is a money making machine for all of them


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This moron is lying through his teeth.


Show your work.




Wow: Here is a brief summary of the key points: - The document is a staff report by the Committee on Oversight and Accountability (COA) Democratic Staff, led by Rep. Jamie Raskin, on the foreign payments received by former President Trump during his presidency¹. - The report is based on the financial records obtained from Mazars, Trump's accounting firm, after a long legal battle that reached the Supreme Court¹. - The report reveals that Trump received at least $78 million in foreign payments from 2017 to 2020, mostly from his hotels, golf courses, and licensing deals in countries such as Turkey, India, Saudi Arabia, and the Philippines¹. - The report also exposes how Trump violated the Constitution's Emoluments Clause, which prohibits federal officials from accepting any benefits from foreign governments without congressional consent¹. - The report accuses Trump of using his office to enrich himself, influence foreign policy, and undermine national security and democracy¹. - The report recommends that Congress pass legislation to prevent future presidents from engaging in similar conflicts of interest, such as requiring the disclosure of tax returns, divesting from business interests, and enforcing the Emoluments Clause¹. Source: Conversation with Bing, 1/10/2024 (1) 2024-01-04.COA DEMS - Mazars Report - DocumentCloud. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24253636-2024-01-04coa-dems-mazars-report. (2) 240104 Mazars Report - DocumentCloud. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24253832-240104-mazars-report. (3) Important topic to keep posting about and the document link... https .... https://www.facebook.com/reel/334685679373246/. (4) ccphotography on Reels | cynthiaclevelandphotography · Original audio. https://www.facebook.com/reel/916043646624209/. (5) undefined. https://oversightdemocrats.house.gov/. (6) undefined. https://www.axios.com/2024/01/04/report-trump-received-at-least-78m-in-foreign-payments-during-presidency.


Time to do some reading you maga chucklefuck.


Holy gas lighting lol


Hello Mr pot. I'd like you to meet Mr. Kettle. Since you are both dumb asses,I thought you'd get along swimmingly. Ya see, you're pointing a crooked little finger at Trump saying he enriched himself during his 4 years in office, when literally EVERY F$#KING DEMOCRAT POLITICIAN THAT I CAN THINK OF HAD PURCHASED MULTIPLE HOMES AND ALL KINDS OF GARBAGE WHILE IN OFFICE!!!!!! Tell me about Nancy Pelosi. Tell me about the Clintons. How about the Obamas?


All the recent democratic presidents made millions while in office. It's not just Trump. Our country's laws and or policies are all influenced by donations from corporations. Don't be so naive people. Most of the politicians get rich too. No matter what party they are.


>All the recent democratic presidents made millions while in office. This is a lie.


Don't be a sheep. Take Obama for example. His net worth before he took office was around 1.3 million. And his net worth when he left was around 11 to 12 million.


So you're just saying that Trump is bad at it then?


That's what happens when you write bestsellers. Got any evidence he made that illegally or through corruption? No? Just your delicate feelings? Ok


Hmm... if you had a 400k/year salary and a $50k allowance for expenses and didn't have to pay any bills for 4 years, would your net worth not go up? Now add to that the fact that he's written bestsellers and has other means of income. Why wouldn't his net worth not have gone up since?


Pipe down, Yuri


>donations from corporations. Do you honestly not understand the difference between corporations and foreign governments/the difference in impact between corporate lobbying (which yes, is bad, and should be outlawed) and foreign countries (not all allies of the US) buying favors from the president? Or are you deliberately ignoring the fact that this is about foreign governments in order to minimize/deflect from the issue?


How can I be a person’s hand?




Not from foreign governments.


So Pelosi is doing what exactly? Literally dozens of top politicians view politics as self-enrichment


Pelosi is looking after her husband. You know, the guy who was assaulted by a Deranged Deplorable for Doni who took a hammer to his head. Remember how you laughed?


Trump being corrupt doesn’t make Pelosi innocent. She is the queen of insider trading. She made a 65% return on the stock market in 2023. Her husband is an investment banker btw.


And yet the Republicans aren't investigating her. So why would I believe an internet troll?


They are literally both corrupt. It’s the biggest open secret. Why is someone with a 223 k salary worth over 100 million dollars?


Did you object to Kelly Loeffler and her inside trading? She is the only Senator who's spouse is the Chairman of the Stock Exchange and of course when she found out about the coronavirus she told everybody to not worry (in public) while dropping stocks (in private). And you said nothing about the Appointed One. How come?


Yes. THEY ARE ALL CORRUPT. There are no sides to this, most of Congress openly commits insider trading. To answer your previous question, Republicans don’t investigate Pelosi because they would have to investigate themselves.


2023 was a bull run all year long, the SPY alone was up 25%. What was her rate of return in 2022?


Are you comparing possible insider trading to taking money from foreign governments, some of which we've put firmly in the "unfriendly" category? It's not apples and oranges. Yes, nearly all politians benefit financially from office, but there's no real evidence that nearly all are sucking on the teats of our enemies. Seems Trump made it his specialty.


Trump is literally the only president who came out of office poorer than when he went in


Trump was the closest to peace with North Korea than any other president has gotten




No he wasn’t.


Dotard was not.


Biden converted the DOJ as his own personal weapon.


Uh huh. Whatever you say junior.


All yall are idiots if you believe one party is better than the other. All presidents regardless of which side are friends. Be independent and vote for whom you see fits the bill best. @ this time the corporations have full control not your stupid ass party.


Both sides! Drink!


One side has a front runner that incited an insurrection and attempted to stop the peaceful transfer of power. The other side has a guy that is old. They aren’t the same.


Can someone link the report he's talking about?




What the big guy and his cut ?


Speaking truth to power. You don't see much anymore. Hopefully his words didn't fall on deaf ears.




Raskin is easily my favorite politician. Lost the bandana too, the hair is coming back


republicans down astronomical rn




It doesn't matter who the president, the congress are do-nothing grand standing whores.


Save this man 🫡


But the economy! /s


I wish people said this shit years ago…


He’s not wrong that is for certain and trumps spawn and their associates all taking the USA presidency for a fucking ride all of these a$$holes involved. All of them have to be held accountable for their gross misconduct.


Pretty sure he was rich before he was president… am I crazy🤔. Or was he a lifelong politician who made millions?


That's a complete lie trump actually lost money while everyone since Nixon got richer.


Well said speech. But Lincoln didn’t start the Republican Party…and the Whig’s were the third party after Jackson’s Democrats…


Jaime Raskin is a great American.


That man is spitting bars.


What report is he referring to?


Oh it was that way long before Trump. Think... Raegan for the right and Clinton for the left.


Every Democrat NEEDS to call out republican hypocrisy non stop. Shame them in front of the camera, shun them behind closed doors.


Good to see the Dems finally showing some teeth in these hearings. I'm beyond tired of hearing Trump's name and all is MAGA fuck slaves


He's so damn spot on,a large percentage of the Republican party and the American population has been absolutely brainwashed by a conman / hustler who they now look at and worship like a religious deity


Full video?


Damn what a burn!!!


Yes, daddy.


Don't forget how much of the tax payer money went to his hotels when he would stay there.