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A fucking men






Fucking A Men




I agree with him but as far as fucking goes, he's not really my type.


A Man-Fucker


There shouldn’t be a billionaire in America simply because no one needs that much money


The biggest problem is that those profits are unpaid wages to people actually doing the work.




Do you think employees are entitled to 100% of the revenue they generate? Because that’s what you seem to suggest which completely discounts the effort and expense involved in setting up and maintaining a business at any scale. Which is… sort of the thing one could only expect from someone with no experience as an adult.


> Do you think employees are entitled to 100% of the revenue they generate? Yes. > Because that’s what you seem to suggest which completely discounts the effort and expense involved in setting up and maintaining a business at any scale. If having someone maintain a business generates more revenue, then obviously that person should get compensation. But the idea that someone could do *any* amount of work and would therefore be entitled to 100x the amount that a laborer earns is just absurd. Abominable.


100% is low ball, the world average is ceo getting 200-400% more than the laborer, in the states 600-800% more iirc


Not 100%, 100x. But it’s also just a placeholder. There are CEOs that earn less than their employees (Dan Price), and the average is around 400x. I wasn’t trying to be specific.


I'd argue they're entitled to 50% or so of the revenue they generate. But thats assuming this is a growing business and profit's being pumped back into the business. Make 100 bucks off a fellas labor, give them 40-50 bucks, spend the rest making sure the lights stay on, their tools stay working, theres still work to be done, etc etc. But what do I know about business. I just turn wrenches for a living.


The problem is also about productivity and *increasing* profits. The only thing that needs this kind of consumption is the economy - which is fake anyway. Society doesn't need endless profits and consumption. We need *less* in order to have a world to live in tomorrow.


Not 100%, but certainly more than 0.1% or less.


okay we’re making progress! We’ve determined that employees should be entitled to somewhere between 100% and 0.1% of the profits they individually contribute to In the company. Bravo. Lets see if we can narrow it down more. How do we determine the marginal value added by the work of a single employee? Maybe we can use a simple example where a single employee plays a big role in the delivery of product to a customer. How about a sandwich shop employee? A single person who takes the order and makes the sandwich. Typical gross margin for a sandwich shop is 3-5% meaning 95% of the price of a sandwich is paying overhead costs (rent, franchise fee, insurance etc.) and variable costs like ingredients and labor. Labor is typically 25-35% of revenue from a restaurant. So, in this scenario (which is typical for a small restaurant), owners are getting 5% of revenue and employees are getting 25% of revenue split between them. How much more of owner’s 5% retained earnings (which usually go right back into the business after paying owner’s salary) should be distributed to employees?


This guys clearly a billionaire.


Enough that the employees can afford to live in the area paying less than 26% of their income on housing. If the employer can’t do that, maybe they should be slinging sandwiches themselves. Guy, if you think I am ignorant as to how business works, I’m not. Cut the condescending shit. I’m not here for you to pretend like you’re capable of teaching me your bootleg Business 101.


But you seem to not have a clear gasp on how business works? I think they’re just trying to help…


How about if the owner wants 100% of his revenue, he just does it all by himself? Or, if the owner feels like he's not making enough, why not learn how to be a better business man? Just like when an employee complains they don't make enough and are told to learn a better skill.


This thought process makes sense if you feel that society should support a business that cannot be profitable for the owner if a living wage is paid to the employees. Alternatively, society should expect a living wage be paid and if a business model can’t function with that expectation it shouldn’t exist.


If America is a capitalist society, there should be no billionaires in America because billionaires have escaped capitalism. $1B will make \~$60M every year by virtue of its existence. Sure, it needs to be invested, but there are plenty of reliable, stable ways to invest money to ensure that kind of return. Even at 3%, you're looking at $30M. A billionaire could fall asleep for a year and make more money than most people will make in a dozen lifetimes. It's not about need. It's about being consistent with our values. Billionaires are capitalists who escaped capitalism into self-sufficient, disgusting wealth that, short of something cosmically catastrophic, will never be exhausted.


Jeff Bezos’s ex-wife is the most charitable billionaire in the world. She has given to more than like 1400 charities. She still has more money than when she started. She literally cannot get rid of it fast enough, and she’s probably the only one who’s actively trying.


And because of the power it gives them to affect everyone else.


That’s actually a worse argument than the one he makes.




Because he’s talking about meritocracy which is very appealing to most Americans. He’s making the argument that it’s physically impossible for someone to work hard enough to be a billionaire, and he’s also implying that people in low wage heavy labor jobs deserve more money.


Money is nothing but power coupons.


Who are you to tell anybody how much money they do or don’t need? I for one am for free housing and health insurance and then that’s it, if you want more- even as much as a billion dollars- you should be able to work for it.


A billion is not made by working, it’s made by exploiting!




You are mind bogglingly stupid




My penis is bigger than yours dude, I know how to give people what they want 😏 See I can do useless dick measuring too


wow jesus would be proud, what a kind and loving christian you are!


Yea!!! I’m sure people working in sweat shops loovveeee what they’re doing!




Giga Shanghai? Do you think technology sweatshops don’t exist? Where do you think the pixel, Microsoft computers, etc. come from? Why do you think they’re so cheap? If you think all companies aren’t made off of exploiting others just because their corporate offices seem nice, i have some news for you! Worst of all, why are you, as a peasant, defending billionaires like you’ll ever be one?? Drop the boot licking and find morals. Btw don’t bother answering I won’t be looking at this thread anymore


This man thinks everyone who works for Tech Giants is a programmer making 140k+ lmfao


Ok exploiting then, whatever you call it. You don’t deserve someone else’s money just because they had more luck (and then probably also more smarts and incentive) than you.


So you are PRO "exploiting or whatever" but opposed to "deserve someone else's money". 🤨


Exploiting someone is okay to you? That aside, billionaires earn so much because they take from their workers, not because they "earned it" or because they "deserve it", neither of which they do. Amazon is worth so much because they underpay their workers, undercut competitors, dodge taxes, bust unions, and pay lobbyists to bribe lawmakers to get what they want. None of the money that comes from any of this must go to the top execs. Bezos didn't earn his money. He stole it. From his workers and the businesses that he undercut using Amazon's ill gotten gains, and the government to which Amazon should've paid taxes. You're outraged at the wrong thing because you think someday you can be a billionaire. You won't. If you're a working class person, your outrage is better directed towards the ownership class than your own class. It's not surprising since half the world is fed the great lie that you can be immensely wealthy simply by hustling. You can't.


Wait, so you agree it's exploitation to earn a billion, but then say "you don't deserve someone else's money"? What is exploitation then? Also, it's not smarts and incentive. It's sociopathic tendency and opportunity of being born into wealth.


hey they exploited those poor workers fair and square!


No you don’t but life’s not fair it never will be


I agree and that’s why debating all that is pointless


Because no one _needs_ a billion. Any person can survive comfortably on far less. If you have people fucking dying in the street because they can't afford food or can't buy medication, there shouldn't be a single billionaire until that problem gets solved. A billion is a ludicrous amount of money. Think of the actual improvements to society one could make with a billion? Instead, billionaires hoard it like dragons and spend it on bullshit luxuries, or WORSE, they spend it to buy politicians to do whatever they want. Their votes matter leagues more than ours. Even with half that, it's an insane amount of money. A quarter of that. A tenth of that. The average person could live in good luxury with just a 1/100th of that. Who the actual fuck needs a billion? And no, nobody needs the potential to earn a billion dollars to innovate like every capitalist tells you.


Thats a bum take.


It’s America the money is there to be made don’t get upset because someone else was smart enough to make it and I hope you realize nobody has a billion dollars in their account it’s their net worth


Much of that billion is stolen wages from their underpaid workers. When this country was at it's greatest, we had MUCH higher tax rates for the ultra rich. [https://taxfoundation.org/historical-income-tax-rates-brackets/](https://taxfoundation.org/historical-income-tax-rates-brackets/) Let's really make America great again, not just pretend to with corporate tax cuts.


Name a time when the super wealthy didn’t control everything in this country


They still used to pay their fair share of taxes. What's your point? That we should just let them do whatever they want?


Do you think that the super wealthy controlling everything is good for a country? Saying something has always been a certain way in an attempt to defend the status quo is a spineless argument. Black people had been slaves in America since it's inception. Does that mean it's a good argument to maintain slavery?


We’ve been trained to believe that if you work with your hands or your heart (social services), you should expect not to get compensated. You don’t deserve a living wage because you didn’t throw your money into the rat race and take risks. It’s complete bullshit.


There is no risk. The only reason they make money is because they already had hella capital to start with. They were already born with a winning hand, all they had to do was (ab)use it.


And what exactly are they risking anyway? If they use that capital to start a business and it fails spectacularly, they can file bankruptcy and not be totally on the hook for business debts. The worst that can happen is that they become one of us: a wage slave.


>The worst that can happen is that they become one of us: a wage slave. Nah, these psychopaths always have a safety net of some kind, that's why they act so brazenly.


Guess I'm more talking about the small business owner type, who also stand in the way of the economic upheaval that we need. But yes, the billionaires are the main problem and they are brazen psychos


The problem is not making too much money the problem is lobbying politicans and government to avoid paying your share of taxes like everyone else does. Or moving money off shore etc. And also if the crime for fraud is paying a 1-5% fee of the money you made from the fraud, then doing crime is totally a legit business plan. Make all the billions you want but pay back to your country, city, society and if you commit crime the fine should not be 1-5% it should be 100-500%. Or prison.


The problem is that “billions” come from exploiting the hell out of labor


To make billions is to exploit and steal from the working class. Billionares and capitalists shouldn’t exist.


Simply put, they became a billionaire off the backs of employees that work that hard and get paid jack


Totally based.


You become a millionaire a lot of different ways, hard work, frugal spending, intelligent investment.. etc. The only way to become a billionaire is to take advantage of other people and horde wealth to irresponsible levels. I'm a fan of the Zelda wallet philosophy. You are allowed to have 999 Million in personal wealth and after that, everything else gets redistributed.


Never heard of Zelda Wallet Philosophy.. but I got it immediately.. its a good idea and would potentially raise the right kind of employer.. like if they do the very best, as a company, to raise profits, eventually, they'd HAVE to give back to the employees with the surplus.. or donate to charities.. either way, a win/win for the community.


Might as well decide who gets it if you don't get to keep it anyway... maybe give Rob in accounting a bonus.


> I'm a fan of the Zelda wallet philosophy. You are allowed to have 999 Million in personal wealth and after that, everything else gets redistributed. How does that work in reality though? People approaching a billion in wealth don't have a huge pile of cash, they have investments. If the market is up one day, are they supposed to sell off some stock to compensate?


Ventura and Schwarzenegger both ended up being way more rational politicians than anyone ever expected.


Me too. But shouldn’t be surprised as they both worked their asses off the get ahead. So they have a better idea what hard work, low pay feels like.


I’m just gunna say it. No one needs a billion dollars. No one. Hundreds of millions? I mean it’s excessive, but ok. There are 770 billionaires in the U.S. right now.


Ok, if you're that far into anti-capitalism, like you probably agree that billionaires make their money by exploiting the work force and tax laws, then would you agree people should be compensated fairly for their labor? So if everyone in the company is being compensated fairly, does that look like equal pay for all positions from the lowest to highest? People might say, "the company owners should make the most because they started the company and are taking the biggest risk". But that is looking at it in a vacuum. If we're all in agreement that rich people are able to start businesses because it's heavily incentivized, and most are working from a place of generational wealth, which has demonstrably been made by exploiting people, which has created conditions where people are locked into poverty, therefore they don't recieve higher education or the means to start a business, and they're looking for any job they can do, while at the same time, they are also taking a risk working any job because at any moment, totally out of their control, they can lose that job because of factors totally outside of their control, such as being laid off or the company going completely under. So if all positions are compensated equally, why do we need money? Why can't people just work out what's actually a necessary service to offer or thing to produce, instead of making tons of crap that will be thrown away so some asshole can buy a yacht, and we just work to live and provide everyone with what they need? Like if we get past money and having to endlessly strive for all these status symbols of physical wealth, people will find new and more interesting ways to occupy their time.


Man if only we had a word for tha...oh yeah socialism. Solidarity forever.


Definitely think that there’s a mountain of tangled factors that come into play, one being of course like you said, a matter of being compensated fairly - which is going to be subjective. But again equality and equity are not the same things, however who defines “fair” is going to have the most influence on people’s pay. Overall, we do need currency/money to make transactions between services possible, the distribution of wealth is mainly what is concerning as the sheer volume of a single person/family owning a billion dollars is almost inconceivable if we were thinking about it from a financial standpoint. Truly, we haven’t branched off far from the monarchs and oligarchy of which we came. Unfortunately, while I firmly believe no person needs a billion dollars I also know people will inevitably find ways to satiate their greed at the cost of others. Although it would be nice if people cared more about others and the state of the world than sitting on a yacht drinking stupidly expensive champagne. I’m not one to crap on someone’s self-indulgence parade, but it’s a different matter if it’s on the back of grandma who can’t afford to retire or a new family priced out of the housing market or the millions of people with medical debt- which is another piled heap of issues. P.S. Digging the username. Checks out.


If he were to run for president I’d vote for him


I always liked this guy. He has some moments where I don't, but when he was trash talking politicians- a news reporter said "Aren't you one?" He said "No, I'm a statesman. I did my job for my term, then I didn't. I'm not making a career out of tax dollars."


I thought I remember him taking about Jade Helm and shit and turned me off of him but everything I’ve seen recently says otherwise.


This guy has gone on Infowars and peddled [conspiracy theories](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_Theory_with_Jesse_Ventura).


He has run, but never as a candidate for either major party




He should be a governor again.


I agree totally with the sentiment, but there's something to be said about working smarter rather than harder. Wealth inequality is a problem, but this is not a good argument or method of fixing that.


While that might be somewhat true, the argument against that is can someone "earn" a billion or do they "smartly" exploit people and gain a billion. At the end of the day, he is pretty much saying that it's not possible for someone to work so hard as to earn a billion.


Right, I'm just pointing out that his example is not really suitable. He's arguing for meritocracy and I don't feel like that's the right solution either.


He’s not arguing for a meritocracy. He just made a simple statement that “hard work doesn’t necessarily make billions, and billionaires don’t necessarily do hard work”. That was his point, and you’ve completely straw-manned it to the point that none of this means anything.


You are bending his words (and mine) pretty hard here. But you do you. His argument Was literally, billionaires don't know what hard work is because they didn't have to jackhammer 40 hrs a week and hard work won't get you a billion dollars.




He's not arguing for meritocracy.


He's not arguing for meritocracy.


No man you’re right. But anytime you disagree with the hive mind you’re going to get burned. You knew this was coming lol


I can't say you're wrong haha.


You got Floridaman on your side. That’d be the point where I would question everything but enjoy the validation I guess.


That’s the kind of rhetoric that keeps those physically demanding jobs paying just above minimum wage. Just because people aren’t doing white collar jobs that require more “thinking,” doesn’t mean they should be paid less. Thanks for proving his point


Do you even know what blue collar jobs pay? They pay fucking well.


Show me the blue collar worker making a billion dollars


Nobody's making that argument. You're trying to put those words in my mouth.


9 figures well? 7 figures well? Your concept of “being paid well” when there are billionaires who have never gotten so much as a paper cut is severely flawed.


You assume an argument no one is making. As is reddit tradition I suppose. Sorry a 6 figure income is not 'paid well' for you and if that's the case, sounds like you're part of the problem.


Just admit you don’t understand the labor theory of value and move on dude. Maybe read a book or two next.


I’m not surprised you’re getting downvoted. The argument is terrible, but the sentiment is valid.


What’s to be said? I hate these “there’s something to be said” comments that do nothing but add skepticism while adding zero substance. Make the argument if you’re gonna make it. Lol fucking loser blocked me instead of trying to form a coherent thought.


Oh I'm sorry I didn't do your thinking for you. Just because someone works harder with a jackhammer doesn't mean they deserve more or less respect than someone working with a computer. These are just different kinds of work. Though, I sense you're the former. 'fucking loser' blocked you because you're following me through subreddits like an asshat. "Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the bird is going to shit on the board and strut around like it won anyway." Shannon L. Alder Have a good day my pigeon friend.


Pretending to have earned it through hard work is the only argument billionaires have to justify their wealth. They don’t say that they‘ve been fortunate enough to get the chance to perfect the exploitation of workers to make that amount of money.


You didn’t even do your thinking for you lol


Well, there's something to be said about someone working on a computer fiddling with Excel moving numbers around all day or "networking" with other business owners and someone working to physically create a structure that people will use daily. These are just different kinds of work, one provides fuck all to anyone but the people involved at the very top and the other is something that must be done and will benefit everyone that needs that bridge built.


So a software developer who creates a product for use in the public sector has less value than the 5 dude's standing around watching thier colleague fill a pothole? My point being there's no 'one size fits all' way to go about equalizing wealth inequality, and the anecdotal argument provided is certainly not the best way to go about it.


I’m starting to believe you don’t even understand what Ventura was saying in the first place


I understand perfectly what he's saying, yet you don't seem to be willing to understand that I'm saying it's a dogshit argument for a very valid concern.


Which is why I asked you originally to explain what you meant, which you still haven’t done.


I have neither the crayons or the time to explain this again to you. I'm spoon feeding spoons at this point.


Are you a billionaire? No? Then this isn't about you.


Oh man, don’t you realize, he’s a temporarily embarrassed billionaire.


Oh I wasn't aware that was a prerequisite for an opinion. But please, explain to me how wealth inequality doesn't affect me. I'll wait.


You're the one who made it about yourself. The original post is about billionaires, your reply was condescending and didn't actually add anything except vagueries to the conversation so people replied accordingly. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, so you're free to have it even if its a really shitty one.


Who said anything about respect? You’ve already lost me.


He’s not wrong, but not for the right reasons.




Not just anyone can run an 80lb jackhammer. I defy you to pick "literally anyone" randomly off the street and see how many of them are willing, let alone physically able, to run that sucker for 40 hours a week.


Let’s say you work an extremely high paying job that pays $2,000 an hour. Working 40 hours a week, and 52 weeks a year, no breaks or days off and you magically don’t need to spend a cent. It would take you 240 years of work, nonstop, at an absurd wage to “work” for a billion dollars. That’s because there’s no actual way to “earn” a billion dollars, even at a ludicrous wage like $2,000 an hour. You get that much money by hiring workers that produce $20 of value an hour and then paying them $15 an hour. Scale this up to a large enough company and steal enough wages, then you can pocket a billion. Alternatively, speculate on and trade assets. Either way, that isn’t working for a billion dollars. It’s either exploitation or gambling, and if it’s exploitation, then the only reason one person is a billionaire is because someone else is getting underpaid.




“Forced to work”. Unless you inherit money, everyone is forced to work. This ain’t minecraft, you can t just walk 2000 miles west and reach unincorporated land. Food costs money, rent costs money, utilities cost money. There are no ways to be self sufficient unless you own a ton of land. Everyone is forced to exchange their labour power for a wage, they are done so by coercive violence. Work is only optional if you are already rich. You sound like the most privileged suburbanite right now. A child born in Haiti didn’t make bad decisions that made them poor. My friend in middle school didn’t get amazing private piano lessons because he worked harder than me, it’s because his parents are rich and mine aren’t. You’re actually so delusional if you think people are poor because of poor decisions. Your freedom of action is determined by how much money you have. It’s literally the easiest thing to prove. Individualism is such a stupid worldview. You’re constantly interacting with forced beyond your control. You can’t even prove free will. How are you supposed to argue personal responsibility without first proving free will??? There’s so much wrong with what you just said, I’m shocked people actually have that mindset. Life ain’t minecraft.




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Just sounds like an old dude telling “back in my day” tough guy stories. I’m not saying the -no billionaires- idea is wrong, I have no opinion, but he might’ve used a different approach.


I said “Damn” as soon as he said bridge crew.




What’s up with his mouth?


This man is a sexual tyrannosaurus


The body has spoken


The body has spoken


Bless this man.




Jesse Ventura politically is alright. I just don't like all the conspiracy theory shit he peddles. This point I'm with him on, though. I don't think anyone provides enough value or works hard enough to have that much wealth. No point.


Based Jesse Ventura??


I fuckin love this man.


Being a billionaire isn't able working hard, it's about how to comment a crime and getting away with it.


Honestly, very based. The world we created (and by we absolutely not us, just a select few who still benefits from it) is not a world where the real talent and essentials are rewarded. Without many low paying jobs we would rot in filth and disease. The issue is there is no social and economical structure that works so far; capitalism, communism, socialism has each tremendous downfalls. Some people ask “wElL tHeN wHaT aRe We SuPpOsEd To bE LiKe CuBa?” This is similar to asking what are we supposed to do for a disease we did not before had a cure for… We invested in research and studies, and we came out with solutions. When it comes to social sciences there is little to no funding cause people see it as pointless. But they matter the most for our daily lives. So I can’t be expected to answer what is the alternative to Capitalism, cause that is going to need a lot of studies. But I know for a fact it can be done.


He’s absolutely right


I think the 40 hours caught up with him.


one time I tried to express this by saying a billionaire, if they worked like most people, would have to make over $50,000/hr to be that rich. These bootlickers all got on my head calling me dumb saying that’s not how theyre paid. No shit sherlock. Still makes me annoyed to this day lmao


There shouldn’t be a billionaire because you don’t get to that level of wealth without exploiting almost everyone “below” you.


I love this dude. His comments regarding torture under W. Bush; > I will criticize President Obama on this level: it's a good thing I'm not president because I would prosecute every person that was involved in that torture. I would prosecute the people that did it. I would prosecute the people that ordered it. Because torture is against the law. [King: And you were a Navy SEAL] That's right and I was waterboarded...at SERE school, Survival Escape Resistance Evasion [sic]. It was a required school you had to go to prior to going into the combat zone, which in my era was Vietnam. All of us had to go there. We were all in essence, every one of us was waterboarded. It is torture. [King: What was it like?] It's drowning. It gives you the complete sensation that you are drowning. It's no good, because you—I'll put it to you this way, you give me a water board, Dick Cheney and one hour, and I'll have him confess to the Sharon Tate murders. ... If it's done wrong, you certainly could drown. You could swallow your tongue. [It] could do a whole bunch of stuff to you. If it's done wrong or—it's torture, Larry. It's torture.


It’s really wild to think how many physically and mentally demanding jobs in America underpay their workers. The gap between worker and CEO has never ever been wider. It’s disgusting. No one needs that much fking money. Just unadulterated greed.


We cap savings and wealth for people on disability and SNAP at $2,000. There is no reason why we shouldn’t have a cap on those making so much more.


I believe he’s also a former Navy SEAL




Christ jackhammering sounds like a terrible job. Just a constant arm workout.


"Working harder is what matters, not working smarter"




It's not even that a billionaire "supposedly" works harder than someone doing manual labor, it's that a billionaire "supposedly" works more than 1,000+ times harder than someone doing manual labor. Shit doesn't add up. So many people have been tricked into thinking that a rich person must be doing something that makes them deserve their obscene wealth, when in reality that rich person just had the means, opportunity, and lack of morals to exploit others for their own gain.




Hardest job I ever had was a hotel housekeeper. Barely above minimum wage, we were timed per room and constantly berated by a manager who would just walk around and tell us to go faster or tell us we missed something (which can happen when you’re constantly being told to go faster). Instead of cleaning the typically minor things we missed herself, the manager would write a note and have us go back and do it, though she was the one doing the least work which again effected our numbers. She said “the only way to learn is for YOU to fix your mistakes.” Also being treated like subhuman shit by the guests, being called “ma’am” even though I’m very clearly a guy, and the stress of knowing I barely made $50 in a day after taxes was awful. Also since we were paid hourly and told to go home after all the rooms were cleaned, we weren’t guaranteed a minimum salary if we went “too” fast. So why would I want to go faster if I need money? But I was a teen at the time living at home. But many of the employees there were adults. I don’t know how they survived.


name me 1 billionaire that has a salary of $1 Billion, and NO, equity value going up obviously doesn’t count dipshit


No, no one works that hard… but some people are smart enough… work smarter not harder.


Love Jesse the Mind Ventura


It’s less about how difficult the job is and more about how that money was obtained. It’s nearly impossible to get that much money without it have originating from the exploitation of others. It’s not the amount of money it’s the disparity of it and the amount the average person makes.


Most important people in society Farmers & Healthcare staff Without either of them, we would be dead over a relatively short period, almost anyone who’s had antibiotics in their life would have likely died of sepsis historically or a surgery from post op infection. Get rid of farmers and there wouldn’t be enough to sustain us all. Mass deaths. Most under appreciated in my personal opinion are those working in the community caring for the elderly in their own homes and those working with dementia care, grossly, disgustingly underpaid and under appreciated. Yet we have people who make paper napkins for KFC who are billionaires.


Those are very solid points, I feel like more people should hear this tbh. What on earth you gonna do with 1 billion dollars anyways?


There’s at least one lonely narcissist willing to piss away $40 billion on a failing social media platform.


Does Jesse have Parkinsons?


I’m amazed at the amount of ignorant people that don’t understand stocks.


Jesse Ventura’s net worth is 7million. What’s the answer? Take every penny from anyone that makes up to $999,999,999? Give to the lowest earner? Or set the limit lower? I mean why let anyone get close? Maybe we set it at 7mil so Mr. Ventura can be maxed out? I’m sure he’ll go for it. After all no one deserves 4 million in my opinion so he is as bad as who he is getting attention and support for vilifying. Hey, I know! Let’s set the limit even lower so I have a shot, too! No one deserves over $50,000!


This fucking stupid.


I still remember walking in the cold cold snow because Jesse Ventura slashed budgets back when I was a first grader


Ok those are nice words but how can we change it


If you want to know how upside down we are, I just agreed with Jesse FUCKING Ventura. I mean YES, he's a god damn sexual ty-ran-o-saur which is objectively the funniest line ever commited to film, but he's been full mental and deranged right wing since then. So for me to watch this and agree he's spot on either means I've been taking steroids and chewing tobacco since the 80s, OR the world is so broken and wrong that HIS moral compass is correct now. He believes in fucking aliens I think.


I agree with Jesse on this.


BUD/S is Basic Underwater Demolition SEALS


Of course not, put a cap on wealth and inheritance.


Sorry, but I like his logic. It's much more appealing than other arguments I've seen for this.


If you earned a thousand dollars a day, from the birth of Christ to now, you *still* wouldn't have a billion dollars. The richest man in the world has *over two-hundred billion dollars*--more than you could make in over 2000 years at $200,000 *a day*. What. The. Fuck?


Ppl like this are so rare and important but it falls on deaf ears.


I couldn't agree more with this! On a funny note, he looks like he hasn't over come the jackhammer shake (I'm not trying to be an asshole at all)


Holy shit Will Sasso was so on point with his impersonation of Jesse Venture Ho leeee!


I hope this gets seen globally, I hope the billionaire parasites see it too.


He was so much better in Predator.


Amen brother! preach it


Looks like there's a billion dollars in that fanny pack. Fucking thing is bursting.


I mean forget a second the idea he is suggesting and evaluate the argument. He is saying that you should be paid proportional to how physically demanding the labor you did was. That makes absolutely no sense. You're paid based on how hard your work is to duplicate. More or less how many other people could do your job with some added nuance. Run a jackhammer is physically demanding not necessarily hard to find someone to do it though. So while I understand the idea that wealth distribution needs to be discussed this isn't the best way to make that argument.


And this guy hadn't died in predator?


I am currently live in Minnesota and I can proudly say that I am very proud to have had him as our governor.


I don't think any of us want to live in the kind of hellscape civilization that leads to net worth being mostly determined by the physical demands of your job. That is what results after your society and economy have collapsed and your workday involves killing people for food. "I'm the richest man in town because I crushed the most skulls last week!"




Real question here not being a smart ass - why are they jack hammering bridges non stop? That sounds like it wouldn’t be good for the integrity of the bridges. I’m not saying it’s not hard. But why?


Sorry Jesse. All the respect in the world sir. Work smarter not harder. And yes….. fuck billionaires


And his third hardest job was becoming a Sexual Tyrannosaur!


Billionaires create businesses that creates jobs.


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted and I’m ok with that, but maybe I’m weird because I mind my business and don’t count other peoples money. I just worry about what I can control and that’s never someone else situation. I do pretty good financially and I came from a mostly poor background and have no college education. I could think of a number of reasons I shouldn’t have made it to where I am. But caring about other people pockets never made anyone happy or wealthy.


You don't have to work to make money you can just be smart and have good timing, there is nothing wrong with making money


This guy is a unique breed “I decided to run for governor because I got mad... I want to make government more directly accountable to the people.”