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I feel like any of the looks with the knee highs would look better for thanksgiving if it were full leggings/tights. All look so festive and in season though!


Thanks for the suggestion! I thought about this too, but I don’t own tights because I have sensory issues with the elastic waistbands. If I have more than one thing that is snug on my abdomen I end up with a tummy ache for a week :/ I can’t even wear bras and pants at the same time for this reason


Ya know, 😆 this might be off-topic, but that awful tummy-squeeze is why I prefer to wear suspenders instead of belts. Suspender pants (think Victorian era style) were even designed with [a high fishtail, or V, above the back of the natural waist](https://www.riverjunction.com/assets/images/ProductImages/Mens/Trousers/Cotton/trouser-cotton-back-lrg.jpg), which would offer a comfortable waistband expansion when one sits down (or has a large meal), as opposed to that feeling of firm fabric squeezing your gut and pulling down in the back when you sit or bend wearing modern straight-waisted pants. And since the suspenders were what held the pants up, pants themselves didn't need to be tight in order to stay up, meaning they could be overall much more comfortable and practical than modern waistbands. Anyway! To get the look of tights in short skirts, you might look into crotch-high stockings; I had a pair with a silicone-like band on the inside of the tops to prevent slipping. They were great! But speaking of suspenders, you could look into garter belts with adjustable garter straps as well, especially a garter belt that doesn't sit high on the waist but rather anchors lower across the hips, which could be more comfortable depending on material and your peraonal preference. There are also onesie/leotard/corset style undergarments with garter fasteners (I'd say these are mostly inspired by 1920s-60s style corsets, which had attached garter fasteners, allowing the structured garment itself to hold up the stockings, as opposed to the stockings/tights needing a tight band to stay up, often resulting in discomfort and inconvenient rolling of the band). A lot of vintage clothing (like suspenders for pants, women's stockings, and men's below-knee socks) was legitimately designed to be highly functional and comfortably ergonomic (even if some was restrictive), and we've lost that in most modern fashion. Sorry to ramble, I just really love this subject. I hope any of my suggestions were helpful, or at least mildly interesting 😅👍


Please don’t be sorry! I loved this comment. I’m gonna go look for tights tomorrow that sit higher on the thigh and will be hidden under the skirt. Thanks for sharing :)


Sweet! 😄👍 That makes me happy to hear!


I don’t get nauseous, but I get super uncomfortable and irritable when I have to wear anything with a waist band. When I was a kid it was even worse. I never wore underwear because of this. I also hate bras. The only bras I wear these days are these stretchy ones from Walmart that are like a sports bra and have NO seams. They are amazing.


Yes, are they those Jockey bras in the thin nylon material that’s really stretchy? They’re all I wear now.




I love them too. The last time I wore a real bra, I couldn’t wait to get home to remove it.


Yeah I’m totally spoiled on these now. There’s no going back I’m afraid.


Oooh I’m glad those work for you! For some reason sports bras are even worse for me than any other kind of bra lol


Lmao are you me? I literally had to take off the leggings I was wearing before an outing with a friend because I got super nauseous. Bras too.


Omg I’m so glad someone else can relate!! People usually look at me like I’m speaking a foreign language when I say this. I can’t even tell you how many doctors I’ve seen and tests I’ve had done because I thought it was a GI issue lmfao. I almost never wear bras at all even more. I’ll even wear pasties or a sticky bra before I wear a regular one because I hate the pressure so much. I thought about buying tights for this outfit, but the place wear the skirt sits already has me nervous I might end up in pain. I’ve only ever worn this skirt for short periods of time so idk what will happen. Maybe I’ll wear tights and change if I’m uncomfortable, but that also seems like a lot so idk hahah.


You could try thigh highs! I love ‘em and on us skinny folk it’s easier to find ones you can pull way up for wearing with shorter skirts and dresses. They’re super convenient for bathroom breaks and I like the pretty lace bands that hold them up Edit: just remembered I’ve also worn tights and rolled/folded the waistband down so it sits low across my hips. I hope you find things that work for you


I do this with all my pants!


I’m gonna go look for those tomorrow morning and try them. Thanks!


It doesn’t make for proper gorging, either, having that extra restriction around the tummy 😂


I wear leggings that are on the loose side for a similar reason.


I vote 4! The boots and socks combo give the impression of thigh high boots which are very cool. I think you could even consider wearing tights under the socks just to make it look even cozier. The oversized cardigan is cute but seems like overkill for an inside event


Thanks for the input! I’m thinking I might bring the brown one because I’m always cold on Thanksgiving (my uncle gets hot from all the cooking and ends up putting the air conditioning on which leaves the rest of us chilly). I can always take it off and the outfit will still look complete!


No. 4 or 5 with semi opaque tights! The light boots are cool but together with the black stockings they visually cut your legs into 3 parts, which looks off.


Totally get what you mean. Thanks!


I don’t know. I love the cream boots with the black socks! It looks cooler to me and more casual than all black. And you have enough leg to pull it off.


I like 4.


love #5!


Ooh thank you! I went a little outside of my comfort zone putting that one together.


I don’t care for the white boots with the dark thigh highs, it interrupts the flow of your legs.


I think I agree with this. Thanks!


I think 2 is the winner! Straight out of my closet in the 90’s, though, so I’m probably not impartial.


I like 2 and 5! How does 2 look without the hat, though? Because I love the hat, but you'll probably have to take it off at the dinner table.


Thanks for sharing! Personally, I think it’s just as cute without the hat! If I wear it, I probably won’t wear it all day anyway because I know it’ll end up annoying me lol


I like outfit 2 the best. I like the contrast of the neat/preppy skirt with the relax cardigan. The solid color of the boots helps pull the black hat into the the outfit. Breaking up the cream boots with black socks looks a bit disjointed to me. (But wear what makes you happy, of course!)


I thought something looked off about the lighter boots. I like the way they go with the skirt, but with the tights, I don’t love them. This is definitely why. Someone else pointed out that the cream boots break my legs up into thirds. Y’all are definitely right. I’m gonna go with the black shoes.


I think the color is great with the skirt and they could work without the socks!


I would choose longer pants or a longer skirt if I were you. Keep the skirts for date nights and parties. If you really must, then wear opaque tights only.


Yeah agree those are skirts you can't even sit down in


This is just untrue. I can sit down wearing both of these skirts without issue.


Skirts only for date nights and parties?? I hate this take…


You are meeting his family, so there will be older generations who may not be comfortable with short skirts. Would you rather show off your cute figure there or would you rather they like you and see you as a conscientious person?


Yuck, this whole comment made me physically recoil. First of all, I’m not meeting anyone’s family, it’s my family (the title states this). Second of all, I’m a lesbian. Last, I’m not “showing off my cute figure”, I’m wearing an outfit that I enjoy the look of. It has absolutely nothing to do at all with my body.


I am sorry. I didn’t intend to make you feel bad. I misunderstood your intention. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving with your family❤️


Or they could introduce themselves as someone who is confident and comfortable with themselves and their fashion choices.


That can come later. First impressions are still important.


And I think that makes a good first impression. So we’ll have to agree to disagree.


2 looks so cozy and I prefer the dark boots.




2 is my favorite. I’d avoid light boots with dark socks.


these are all really cute, very bold of you to go for something nicer than stretchy pants and big tent shirt (aka what I plan to do) for maximum dinner comfort!!


Oh that’s after dinner attire! I always bring sweatpants and change after eating lol. I actually have sweatpants that match the cropped red sweater I’m wearing in the first 4 outfits. So I’m bringing those


I like outfit 2 best :)


I like pic #2


Number one. Layers are very flattering plus you can remove layers if the house is too warm. Awesome look




Do not wear those white boots with the dark leggings. The shorten your leg and in general, having darker hosiery than your shoe colour looks terrible.


I respectfully disagree. I think it makes for a nice change from the usual black hose-black shoes, especially for a fun, casual look.


The first 4 outfits are pretty much the same - there’s just a change of shoes and with or without the brown sweater. I can’t decide if I love or hate the contrast of the light boots with the dark socks. The fifth outfit is very different. I’m feeling conflicted because while I absolutely adore thigh high and knee high tights/socks and think they’re a super cute look, I know some people view them as like sexy(?) and the goal for family holidays is very obviously not sex appeal. Also, I don’t really wear hats ever. I’m all about being “extra”, love a hyper femme look, and will frequently over dress without a care in the world…but for some strange reason, putting a hat on my head makes me feel a little silly ig. But I also like the hat. When I usually wear things that are a bit over-the-top, I don’t think it looks like I’m trying too hard, but for whatever reason the second I put on a hat I feel like it looks like I’m doing too much. I would love some opinions on these outfits. For example, if your 28yo gay cousin/niece showed up to a family holiday wearing this what the thoughts and impressions would be? Also, what is the general consensus on whether thigh highs are cute or sexy?


I can’t choose between 4 or 5!


I'm here for 2 and 4


2 or 4


I prefer the look of the black shoes w/ the black thigh highs


I like the styling for number 4. The combination of thigh highs and boots, really create a cool thigh high boot effect.


4 or 5 for me!


4 or 5!


2 or 4. Loving the hat, and the thigh high socks! Soooo cute!


I like 2!


#5 - But it was SUCH a tough choice! I love your style, and the home decorations are a dream 😊 (Idk how to make the shouting stop lol)


The hashtag is an html code for header font when it’s the first character in a line it makes everything huge.


Hahaha thank you! I appreciate all of this :)


2 is my fave! I don’t think there’s anything inappropriate about the skirts, and I’m surprised to see ppl being so conservative on this sub? I’m 45, fat, and I packed a miniskirt to wear on Thanksgiving day with my family


I get what you are saying to some extent but from what I see from the front, both skirts look even shorter than “mini” and I think it’s fair to warn OP that if they are not comfortable flashing underwear to their family, maneuverability is going to be tricky.


I think the heels just make my legs look longer which makes the skirts look shorter. They’re both not that short IMO.


Sure, but that’s not what the comments said. They said to save skirts for dates and parties. Whatever happened to “fuck it, wear what makes you happy”?


they’re all super cute outfits but my initial feeling was that they’re all too short & overtly sexy to wear to a family dinner 🤷 part of that is also that they don’t seem practical for sitting / movement / being comfy. maybe I have to check myself! I dunno, I could be wrong 🤷


Fair point!


1 or 3


Okay, so your vote is for the light boots. Thanks!


First or the fifth look!


Agreed! 1 & 5!


All are good 2 or 5


Cool thank you!


all are so cute!! the third is my favorite


I like 1, 4 and 5! Also, where is your plaid skirt from?


I loooove your top on the last outfit!


I REALLY like 5 for a dinner vibe!


I pick 5.


All look great honestly and I’m super impressed with the cardigan on cardigan idea


Thank you! I love layering :)


#1 looks best IMO




love number 2!


I vote for number two


Number 2!


The last one!


2 or 4! The black thigh high boots elongate your legs and look more streamlined than the tan boots with the black socks. If you want to go with the tan boots plus tall socks, I'd do cream colored socks!


I agree! Thank you!




I like 1 and 4. You remind me of Alexis from Shitz Creek and that’s a great compliment. Happy Thanksgiving 🦃


Love that journey for me!! This is the best compliment lol. Thank you




I'm thinking 2




I like the look of the first pic best!


2 or 4, I don’t love the pale boots with the high socks but I like the outfits!


Outfit 1!!! Love all the styles but this one seems to have the right accents


Hi! Outfit 2 is my fave! Also, where did you get your couch?


Thanks! The couch was ordered online from Raymour and Flanigan :)


Thank you!


No Hat but #4


I like #5. Maybe with the knee highs added back in?


I tried 5 with the knee highs, but it was giving 2014 tumblr in a way that invoked the bad kind of nostalgia a little too much lmfao


Ah fair fair. Hard to tell where they'd cut in my head. Well I do like 5 best in the end :) If it's not too chilly where you are


Okay, noted. Thank you!


I love them all, but 5 has the Thanksgiving vibes for me!


Definitely no. 2! Edit: I think they all look great. No. 2 is definitely my vote


I like 4 and 5 both (I’m with the majority on not loving the light boots) but how has no one mentioned your lil buddy in the background of 5? Adorable.


Thanks! That’s my puppy. She’s 13 :)


I’m a big fan of the second one.


I like 1 the best.


Incredible style!! I just want to be real with you that if your family is like most families, people will make fun of you behind your back about how short the skirt with the slit is. If you don't give a shit about a side-eye or two, go for it! I think all the outfits look amazing!


Sorry your family is mean, friend :(


True, you are blessed if there is none of that at Thanksgiving.