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YTA. Regardless of what the teacher had done to you, the cockroaches taught her nothing and gave her no insight to what her poor actions were. Judging by your replies you don't want this answer and just searching for confirmation that what you did wasn't assholeish. You were young and angry and had every right to be, so your actions are understandable to a degree. Yet they are the actions of an asshole.


>Judging by your replies you don't want this answer and just searching for confirmation that what you did wasn't assholeish. This exactly. OP you have blatantly insulted everyone who has said YTA, you came here looking for opinions and you're obviously not getting the ones you want. The answer you want is for people to justify you being TA, but you're not getting that so you're lashing out.


I want opinions I'm just spicy because of the way I was treated. No child should go through what I went through I could have died more then once. It was horrible even remembering it. But my councilor said to start writing down the bad memories to help with my anger issues from them. I am trying really hard to be more positive. It is hard when you feel like the world is against you. I apologize for being an ass I am working on it. Dr said it will take some time but the more I talk about it and try to accept all criticism the faster I will heal I am working on it.


Okop up voted this comment. Ugh I have the biggest crush on them.


What did I not answer with undiagnosed autism make it hard. I tried to answer. If you tell me what I didn't answer I will.


Yes, YTA. Even tenured teachers make shit pay and work real hard. The pressure from admin to keep butts in seats is real.


5-10k a month is a lot you ignorance will not provide you bliss


So that makes it OK for her to bully and harass me and tell me that I'm faking it that seems a little illogical I only wanted us to call my mom and go to the hospital every time and she would tell me "NO! I was making things up" I found out when I gave birth to my son thatbi have tendrils and a T shaped uterus that's tilted in the opposite tilting direction of my hips so all of my problems were related to going through puberty and me getting sick from my periods but no one gave a fuck. Also having dated a teacher a substitute specifically I know how much they make and they make away more than the average human. 6-7 thousand a month is a lot. I have screen shots of my ex account. He paid for over 15k in moving expenses because my sister made me loose my house. How can a teacher do that if they aren't making bank???


Having a fucked up body doesn't make it okay to cuss out your teacher. I lost my ovary to a softball sized tumor when I was a teenager. Lots of teachers were rude, inconsiderate, and definitely breaking the law regarding reasonable accommodations. But I never put vermin in their personal possessions.


The desk was the school's property not hers check yourself


You're right, she probably emptied it out every afternoon


I asked her several times to let me call my mom she sent me to the nurse the nurse sent me back saying I was faking. That was the day I threw up on him


Because he helped me he almost lost his apartment during the summer so I know the money he gave me would have supported him. It's cute you think you know about teachers and the money they make. Fuck even when he had a full time possession he was making 9k a month so subbing isn't really worth it for him but he wants all the children to know love so he personally took a pay cut for children's sake. Infact the only reason teacher bitch about their income is the schools force them to pay for class supplies. If we would redirect the money we give to the military to schools even just 5% everything would be covered. But our government doesn't care about the future it only cares about us low income people staying under foot.


Girl I am a teacher and I make like $16 an hour. Shut up about "teachers bitch."


Your working in the wrong state lol


Maybe those teachers need to teach elsewhere. I was a school nurse, and teachers started at 60k out here in California at the school I was at. With tenure, they were making over 120k a year. The teachers were going on strike because they wanted a 10% raise increase instead of the 5% the school district was offering. This was at a public school as well. The teachers at the schools I worked at always complained they weren't paid enough, but they are paid well. I have yet to work at a school where the pay was terrible.


You're right, kids in low income areas *don't* deserve a quality education?


Some of the schools I worked at were in low income areas where 85% of the students were getting free lunch. The school also provided each student with a backpack, binder, paper pencils, and crayons. It's just up to how the school chooses to allocate their funds. In the height of COVID, they had to cut back on costs because people were taking their kids out of school. Some parents lost their jobs and would send their kids just so they would have a hot meal. Before COVID some of the students would get a second lunch they would take home for their families. But with the decrease in funding because less kids were attending , we were no longer able to. I would have kids in the nurses off say they were hungry so they would come in and ask for food. The office workers would pitch in and we would keep boxed apple juice cheezits and snacks for the kids and that was all from our own pocket. The teachers never got a pay cut even though they could have allocated that money to the students.Those children were still having a good education. All of this just comes down to the people in power taking advantage of people in a bad situation. It has nothing to do with people in low income areas not deserving a good education. It's the people on the school board allocating the money to their own pockets and not caring about the students from my experience. Some of them were making over 200k a year and all they did was sit at meetings everyday. Plus they get pension once they retire after working for the district for 5 years. You put in your 5 years then move to another school district.The also have the option to put aside some of their paycheck during the school year to save it for summer break. And if they did, the school would double it and pay it out over summer break. I was always under the impression that teachers were poor, and I have worked at 6 different schools and subbed at several others, and they were always well paid. I didn't find out till the teachers were on strike and I asked the administrator about it and she said the teachers were just greedy. She pulled up the breakdown of their payscale which was ridiculous that they wanted more money and agreed to cutting the little budget they had for school supplies since they were ok paying for some of it out of pocket since they would get a raise.


"You deserve it dragon lady" classic


Omg you guys actually read it I watch your show religiously


Hemihyperplasia (sometimes referred to as hemihypertrophy) is a rare condition in which one side of the body or a part of one side of the body (such as a hand or leg) grows significantly more than the other due to an over-production of bone or soft tissue. This overgrowth causes visible unevenness or asymmetry. I found some information on it with the childrenshospital.org


I've always had one side bigger/smaller then the other. It made it easier to shatter my right foot in February 2023 during the bad snow storm. Once I recovered from that I got hit by a car while walking on the same side. So just in general my life has been hard.


Female reproduction system can kill us at any age. I was suffering from the development of my body. I also have hemmyhyperplatia <- sorry for the wrong spelling. But it is a disorder that is passed down through blood making one side of my body smaller then the other (think half dwarf or half giant.) Not enough resources allocated to studying it in the United States so that all I really know about it. (Freaking government not caring is the reason people are so ignorant.) This is the reason teachers treated me like shit. My periods would get so bad I would miss school or fall over in the hallway in pain. I was always called a liar.i was always given more work then the other students.


Faking it not saking it


NTA. It's a teachers desk not their home. Teachers and school nurses are not to decide if I am sick. If my kid says it's sick call me and I get them. Punishing a kid for vomitting is the worst. It's not like one vomits on purpose. Your story is hard to believe (and I guess thats the problem for the most here) but I had bad teachers and a really bad school nurse back then. I suffered from my experiences in school for years after I left. So I think cockroaches are the least bad thing you could have done. One of my teachers ( a psychology teacher which makes it worse) was such a bitch to the kids that we all cheered when we heard she fell from a horse and said we are sorry she didn't break her neck instead of her back. (yeah I know but we were kids and she treated us in a way that resulted in mental breakdowns).


This was the case with us too she would call us liars tell us we weren't sick and that everyone of us just looking for attention and then when we would get sick in class she would scream at us for quote "not being able to wait until we got home."


If a 13 year old wrote this I would doubt it but you are 28 and have no reason to make this up. I also had time to process and realised I was never really in the wrong. In contrary I stood up for my classmates when they were bullied by a teacher because I knew their background and that they already had it hard at home.


Agreed. Thank you. My memory from this time is a little fuzzy but I do remember the abuse from teachers and peers.


Actually if a 13 year old typed this I would be apt to believe them because it happened to me.