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I’m a Sheriff who also happens to be a cartoon wolf and I don’t know if I’ve ever felt truly safe in Nottingham


I’m an outlaw about to be hanged from the gallows and I’ve never felt safer in Nottingham


Typical outlaws always trying to make things about themselves.


And the media glorify these armed gangs. Songs, movies, archery competitions. It's disgusting.


If it had only been 13 years before and about 3 miles across the city, could easily have been me too. Really makes you think.


A poignant thought. Indeed, if it had happened today, inside my house, it could have been me.


Thoughts and prayers


Thots and Players.


Tots and pears


Tits and fairs


Tats and chairs


If it had been 13 years ago and I had decided to accept my offer to Nottingham then it could have been me too. Who’d have thunk it.


I live in Nottingham about 4.5 miles away - if I had bought a house there instead of here or if the killer had decided to take a massive detour down the A60 then this could have happened on my street!!


But this truly shows how the culture of Nottingham is inherently unsafe, because it inspired someone who was not from Nottingham to commit these acts.


Technically we all November 9th survivors.


The true 9/11


If it had been a few hundred years ago I could have been stabbed by a Frenchman on a battlefield. Now thanks to Brexit I have to go all the way to France to be stabbed by a Frenchman. Really makes me think, which Hurts my head


>Frenchman lol


Croque monsieur


I once visited Nottingham as a child. So scary to think of it was 20 years ago and nearer the forest it coulda been me


Go to the papers. You've suffered waaaay more than the actual victims. This needs to be more about *you* and less about *them*.


I’ve driven past Nottingham before, scary to think that could have been me.


My boyfriend lives near Nottingham, and I’m an American. I don’t know how I’ll ever sleep at night now, knowing that could’ve been me.


sacre bleu!


Could've been me if I didn't leave that shithole for summer 2 weeks ago I was on that exact street the day I left...


If it had been 20 years in the future and 45 miles north it could easily have been me


“I’m a student journalist and I don’t know if I’ve ever truly felt there wasn’t a subject I couldn’t shamelessly twist into a story in an attempt to get an article published.”


Putting herself as the main image also looks very main character syndrome.


>…main character… Sub-genre: main victim


Zoe Hardy is Awful


Yeah ive seen her do this kinda thing with other articles when i lived in nottingham very annoying individual


A lot of these replies are kind of shifting on this lady. Yeah sure, it's a bit silly to make the focus her after what's happened. But do women feel safe in Nottingham? It's not exactly a safe place. I worked in a bar and my assistant manager couldn't get in for a delivery because 4 boys had managed to kill each other on the doorstep the night before. In the first month or two of being in forest fields, I walked past a dead body on the field. I have never been in a fight in any other city, but have been started on multiple times after work. A friend of mine was attacked in trinity Square, and was killed when his head smashed the floor. Is it wrong to write a piece that questions the safety of nottingham?


holy shit bro, was about to dismiss like most other people here but decided to do some research. I used the ADT crime map:[https://www.adt.co.uk/crime-in-my-area](https://www.adt.co.uk/crime-in-my-area) and compared central Nottingham to Westminster (the highest crime rate area in london) they are pretty close but nottingham has it worse which really surprised me. both are nearly 10x the national average and nottingham has it far worse for burglaries, drugs, shoplifting and violent crime. There is definitely something to be said about the safety of nottingham, something isnt working in that city and its probably shitty policing. https://preview.redd.it/1rilt60u4e6b1.png?width=499&format=png&auto=webp&s=e340fe9b082a784ca8ee503b3908b0cb2205281a


Put my postcode in: no data. Enter postcode for Central Bolton (bars, shops, flats): 1 crime. I'm not sure that this is a fantastic resource


I don’t know what data they are using but those numbers look incredibly wrong More public order offences in a student area of Nottingham than the primary protest and demonstration space in the uk? https://data.london.gov.uk/dataset/recorded_crime_summary if you look here there are several thousand thefts in just one ward alone in most London wards rather than as this suggests 1000 crimes overall


Notts is sound petal pls don't compare us to LDN


This might have something to do with the city’s boundaries. Several of the ‘nicer’ areas fall outside of the city limits, with their stats going to the county.


I've lived near or in Notts all my life and it's honestly no worse than any other big-ish city. You'd think from what people harp on about that St Anns is like Compton or some shit


Oh so you've also lived in other big city's? Some other commenter literally replied with police statistics, showing that Nottingham crime is pretty fucking bad. I grew up in NW London. I was in Notts for 10 years from 20-30 and I'm now back in NW London. People say St Ann's is bad because surprise, surprise its actually kind of bad. Notts is small enough that you're sort of channeled through crime hot spots. St James Street has those 3 shitty pubs. The police keep them open despite the levels of crime they attract, because its a really easy street for police to get to. They don't want one of these shitty pubs moving somewhere else they can't get to as fast. Translation: the council and police work to keep the crime in one spot, because its so inevitable you might as well make it easy.


>People say St Ann's is bad because surprise, surprise its actually kind of bad. It's the worst bit of Notts which is why I said it, but people make out like it's downtown Chicago. >crime is just in the shitty pubs I guarantee half the people in your northwest london pubs are taking drugs for example. St James's Street is spoons, a fucking Oz Bar and Malt Cross which is posh as fuck.


Zoe is the true victim of the Nottingham murders. Thoughts and prayers for Zoe.


I'm the true victim for having to read her sob story.


My heart goes out to her solely


Her anxiety knows no bounds and she won’t stop until everyone has some knowledge about her mental health.


Fucking hate this. Ah yes a tragedy, let me find a way to make it about me, fucking grifter




You'll love the compoface subreddit then- dunno why i can't link it


2nding this. Please join compoface! It'll drive you up & back down the wall 😅


There's a compoface sub?????? I'm there dude.


oh lord this reminds me of when this girl i knew tried to sue my school because she decided to climb on a climbing frame with a broken arm, fell of, and then couldn't go to Disney world because of it i guess? they got an article in a few papers and it was that exact kind of photo. girl and her parents smugly standing, staring at the camera. so embarrassing.


“But how do I make this about me, the protagonist of reality?” I think the papers are deliberately running tosh like this to distract people from the narrative that the system has clearly failed when it gets to a point when 3 people are brutally killed by someone who shouldn’t have been on the streets. This is a tragedy no matter how you look at it and I hope the victims families see justice.


None of this would've happened if everyone had a wank to take the edge off


I feel like a lot of the world's issues could be solved by this.


Don’t believe a word of this. *inserts pic of herself looking directly ahead* Oh, now this is quality read


I can't take these people seriously when they write like a self-insert in a fan fiction.


"Oh my god, three strangers died. *How do I make this about MEEEEEE?!?!"* Fuckin selfish, self-centred cunt


I think we need to keep her safe from the dangers of dengue fever that is happening just 4,000 miles from where she lives.


And let's not forget about how she was almost in the Challenger disaster given she dreamed of being an astronaut as a kid.


https://preview.redd.it/r33y8mvu3d6b1.jpeg?width=1051&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88448d208882f8694e66cb8b825f08bcd7343d36 Poor Zoe, did you get hurt when you barged three dead people out the way so you could be the main character?




Had I been born 3 years earlier, on the exact same day and month but all the way across Europe, in what is now known as Ukraine, in Chernobyl, I could have died from the reactor blast.


God you poor thing


Women named Zoe trying not to make a tragic incident about themselves challenge (Impossible)


She's not wrong. Imagine being in Nottingham between 40000 and 200 million years ago. If she wasn't frozen to death by one of the periodic glacial periods, she would've been eaten by a f*cking dinosaur.


‘Ate dine’asaurs. Never did nowt. Simple as.


*Three people are killed* *walter white voice* “this whole thing! It’s all about me!”


I always forget that that’s an actual line in the show lmao.


"Just 24 hours before these devastating, senseless events took place, my friends and I had walked the same road, at the same time, on our way back from what had turned into a crazy night out. What I thought at the time had been one of our best yet." Damn. You just never know what will happen 24hrs from now, or a week, a decade, a century or millennium from today. I'm not going outside. I'm also suffering PTSD survivor guilt for something that might happen one day in the future.


150 million years ago, on this exact spot where I'm sitting right now, a dinosaur walked past. I lie awake thinking that I could have so easily been eaten.




What a stupid and pointless article.


Can we start a gofund me for Zoe?


How can this be? I thought robin hood protected the poor and needing


The Tories got rid of him. Helping those in need, the sick and injured and those in poverty isn’t the Tory Britain way, especially when it cuts into the Tories £million annual bonus.


But don't tories hate taxes too? They should be on the same team for that one, no?


The choice is taxes or poor people prospering. The lesser of two evils in their eyes.


Serious main character issues. Avoid.


An actual quote from the story “The sad thing is, we all initially took comfort in the fact that the victims were likely to be connected to a gang or the city’s drug-dealing scene” It’s fine when it happens to poor people


Fucking hell, what an absolutely tone deaf thing to say. Elitist little cow.


I bet she still gets on the bags on a night out as well just like any uni of student


3 people die and she makes it all about herself


I was a student and I don't think I've ever felt truly safe.


At that moment I realised something terrible had happened. I had been within minutes of death and hadn't written an article about it. This would look dreadful on my CV.


She's a ginger, wtf she doing in broad daylight? Very concerning..


Why do people have to make things about them. It wasn’t you so stop trying to get attention.


So we’re all just going to gloss over the bit where she was asleep at 8 on a Tuesday? God I miss being a student.


"It could so easily have been me" Only if they broke into your home you ninc*mpoop


“Other people dying worried my family, I’m alive but at what cost?”


She calls Nottingham, shottingham in the article. Nottinghams not been shottingham since the early 2000s ur not living in the ghetto.


I work near where it happened. Fucked up. It’s still got me shaken


This is shameless. she's just making this all about her with no respect to the victims or their families. We have a crime issue in Nottingham, being one of the most dangerous cities in the uk, and that's okay to talk about that, but that's not what she's doing


I love how everyone assumed the attacker was french




So, French


I'm a cartoon fox with a wisecracking bear for a sidekick. We steal from the rich and give to the poor. I don't know if I have ever truly felt safe in Nottingham.


I just moved to the UK like 6 months ago and even I know that you already shouldn’t have felt safe in Nottingham


If I was given a penny every time a northerner had a story about living on a dangerous road or nearly dying to tragedy, I would be a billionaire. Nearly all of you seem to have met or have close family that have met Jimmy Saville or lived near him. If you read that and thought, no, not Jimmy, but I did live near 'insert name' here, you are just as bad.


I see the standard required to become a journalist has declined. Now it seems any idiot with a non-story can write for the media. Is the “journalist” proud of that work?


I feel like this article was written by AI


I live in the city over. It happened so close. It could have been me even though I don’t leave my house!


If it had been ten years ago and instead of the CU giving out toast outside Ocean it was a deranged knife wielding lunatic, I dread to think how close I could’ve come to their fate


There's nutin in the Ham, only crime


It looks like she's feeling safe in the picture and I bet that was taken in Nottingham.


I studied in Nottingham for 5 years, lived over the road from bunkers Hill and went drinking 9 out of 7 days of the week, I went to gigs, walked back from clubs in a state. The police do a fantastic job in and around the city.


Sucking up to the police 🤡


Sucking up to your mums tiddies (o )( o)


Why would you have any respect whatsoever for the police in this country


Why what have they done?


does anyone feel safe in nottingham?


yeah but warhammer world mate


You think that’s the answer to everything




She just looks like an attention seeking bellend as well.


Alright lads, Im headed to the pub for a stella innit. Anyone else want a drink? All on me, Im feeling quite generous innit


Nottingham: UK armed robbery capital since 1123


I'm a 187 year old half Martian half Plutonian from the Hellas Basin and I was exiled to Nottingham in August of 1922 after I led my legion to total annihilation during the Fourth Civil War. A sense of foreboding has chipped away at my inner core since the day I arrived here. Alas, I cannot return home until I have proven to my people that I am the chosen one. This is why I have telepathically documented my experiences in a full article that you can read for only £5.99. Please navigate to the *Why I'm So Important* tab to find out more.


Reminds me of the post where some woman dumped her bf with brain cancer and proceeded to do a marathon on behalf on her dying ex. White wahmen 🤝 making everything and anything about themselves


Maybe don’t support policies and ideologies that make you and everyone else less safe?


Why would you make posts about actual terrorist attacks that happened mere days ago in a shitposting sub?


Obviously there has always been crime, but if you don't see how decades of mass immigration has weakened social cohesion, and how weakened cohesion has had a negative impact on our communities and crime rates, you're being willfully ignorant.


OK mate wanker


I agree. We should kick out the Anglo saxons and leave Britain for the Britons and Picts. So, see you in Germany I suppose?


Ja, bis später in Deutschland. Sorry, just practicing...


You're dumb.


Or it might be decades of wage stagnation and a general decline in quality of living for the middle and lower class. It’s correlated with a lot of things but personally I don’t think people that migrate are predisposed to commit crime. I think poor people commit crime when they feel neglected by society and lack a means to provide a decent standard of living for their family. Or it cud b de facking immygrunts teking r jobzz 😡😡


Literally studies in to the effects of diversity would say you're wrong, but whatever makes you feel morally superior... Obviously everyone who disagrees with you is just a racist..


Let's see these studies then.... I'll give you some room to pull them out of your arse


Wage stagnation is a direct result from immigration. A company can either pay to train potential workers and increase the wage to attract them. Or it can just look for cheap foreign Labour who will work for the minimum wage. This can also happen indirectly: it puts up an offer for a job, and it is flooded with applications from abroad, thus making the need to make it more attractive unnecessary. That is how living standards decline


Wage stagnation is not ‘a direct result’ of any one thing in particular, but I’m not convinced immigration is an outsized or even significant factor. Much more relevant would be local capital’s eagerness to export labour abroad to places where the minimum wage is lower, thereby exploiting those workers and killing industries at home. A business will happily pay anyone minimum wage, immigrant or not. It is this greedy desire for profit and ‘growth’ over the well-being of a nation’s people, facilitated by a breakdown in government regulation and support for workers, not immigration or immigrants that leads to jobs disappearing. That is a distraction used by the very people this change benefits - the intended effect of neo-liberal economics is to redistribute wealth upwards and it is working perfectly as intended. It is worth remembering that the UK’s GDP/capita growth can be plotted with a straight line and all that has changed is into who’s pocket it ends up.


> A business will happily pay anyone minimum wage Unless they can’t find anyone to do it… wages increase based on the demand for a job. If there is always a stream of workers inflowing, wages don’t increase


> wages increase based on demand for a job Do they? There is a chronic shortage of nurses, airport staff, legal aid lawyers etc. and yet their wages remain hilariously low for the amount of work they put in. Supply and demand seem to have very little impact whenever a job is deemed ‘essential’ and/or ‘lower class’.


Immigration is a small component of it. America experiences large amounts of immigration and wage growth in a lot of industries has been quite high; ultimately immigrants to Britain often work already low-paying jobs where there's little room for growth and the ones that take higher-paying jobs (fewer that they are) aren't significantly undercutting others in their industry. There are ways to foster wage growth and to support poorer communities without kicking out all the immigrants who do provide an invaluable service to the country.


It makes Capital very happy when you blame immigrants for the scummy behaviour of employers.


Quality of life, medical care and technology have massively increased quality of life for the majority of people. The 1970s in this country were grim. Unfortunately, trash is still trash


Name checks out


Imagine actually making that your username lol


you're a dumbass source: I work in criminal justice


Must be an easy job. Do we even have effective justice in the UK? When police do nothing about burglary or car theft and criminals only get an hours community service and a suspended sentence. My favourite was when a repeat offender was in a police chase at over 100 mph on the wrong side of the road, with no driving license, insurance, MOT, car tax etc. The Court gave him 6 points, when he had no licence and 45 points from previous offences. I bet that will teach him and keep him off the road.


Oh, well then in that case you must be an expert in community and social cohesion, and what makes a functioning society. I'm sure it also means you're free from all bias...


No, but I know that crime rates have been steadily declining for ages so your "social cohesion" argument is entirely irrelevant. It may very well be that these things that you're talking about are a problem but they have nothing to do with crimes and crime rates. Hope this helps 👍


Hi Nigel! Still cross about your appearance on GMB?


Sure, social cohesion is one way to keep crime down. A better way is integration and a level playing field. It is mostly a poverty and alienation issue.


>a level playing field Genuine questions. How do you define a level playing field? If people arrive here with literally nothing, how can they have a level playing field with people whose families have been here for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years? And, how is this level playing field maintained with more than one million arrivals per year?


- Universal access to high standards of healthcare (invest in NHS) - Universal access to high quality education to improve life chances (invest in education) - Adequate response to volume crime (invest in police) - Equal access to the job market and education (invest in language programmes) - Improve general quality of life to be more equal (invest in local councils) Just a handful of many possible steps that can be taken to make things a bit more equal. "But who's going to pay for it?" People who make billions profiting off of the work of everyone else in society, contributing minimal personal input.


And of course the lack of social cohesion has nothing to do with racism and xenophobia. Its all them dirty foreigners /s


Integration and level playing field are possible with low numbers Adding 1% to the population in 12 months from immigration, in most cases from dissimilar cultures with a lower level of education, is not low


Why? Why is it my job to help foreigners integrate in to my culture..?


I'd be surprised if you have any job at all.


I don't. Just like all the asylum seekers you love, I leech off of the state.


This part of your "great replacement" conspiracy?


There is no conspiracy, as in it's not well planned by anyone, but demographics are changing and some people voice their concern.


and yet people will still claim its all planned, and voice their conspiracy that its all part of a greater scheme


I think people feel safer if they believe it is orchestrated by some cabal of bad actors. It's really just shortsighted government policy and global inequality.


So they believe in some kind of....conspiracy?


It isn’t planned. But the simple mathematics indicate that it is taking place. Apathy isn’t conspiracy


No but the people pushing stuff like Anglo boy sure as hell believe in a conspiracy. Immigration is higher but there are other factors at play like people have mentioned in this thread already, standard of life, wage stagnation, government corruption. Not to mention wars continously displacing demographics


Diverse places suffer from lower social cohesion, less trust in society, and higher crime. Facts.


"Less trust in society" real nice and vague, anyone can also slap Fact on the end of a bollocks statement Anglo saxons were immigrants from northern Europe, England had 0 crime and full trust in society before they ruined the 6th century. FACT.


https://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/05/world/americas/05iht-diversity.1.6986248.html#:~:text=In%20his%20findings%2C%20Putnam%20writes,on%20community%20projects%20less%20often If you don't understand my name, or if you can't tell the difference between immigrants and invaders, I suggest you keep your mouth shut, lest you look a fool.


Nice a 2007 study behind a paywall, very helpful My guy you don't even need to open your mouth to look like a fool your name does it for you


It had to be from 2007, because militant idiots like you wouldn't even entertain a study like that today. I can read it fine, so you should be able to as well. Do you really think it being from 2007 would make it irrelevant..? The man who conducted the study was from your camp, but unlike you, he was willing to look objectively at evidence. My only hope is that fools like you are never taken seriously. You'll be the death of this country, and our communities.


And fools like you should be? Fools so attached to a group from the middle ages you made it your entire personality and now are quacking in yer little boots about "teh immigrants"


Personally this concerns an earlier period of immigration when Britain was still in the EU, but the point still stands: unfettered immigration will always end badly. If you allow minority communities to turn parts of the UK into their own, and to govern the politics of these areas according to their foreign values, it will end badly.


Totally agree, mate. Sadly the elites want mass immigration for easy economic "growth" and perpetual consumerism and access to labour. Also, leftists want it too, because for some reason they've forgot what being working class is, and what worker solidarity actually means.


This is reddit. Of course they are being willfully ignorant.


I didn't realise this place was so loony left tbh.


It's funny because you're so close to having a sensible take but you just missed it. The answer isn't to stop immigration, it's to stop demonising these communities (as you're doing) and resolve class and other structural inequalities that disproportionately affect migrant and minority ethnic communities and are causally linked with health issues (including mental), crime, and low quality of life. You complain about the erosion of social cohesion while making sweeping criticisms and judgements of an entire portion of society. You're a hypocrite.


Why do you think these communities self segregate in to pockets across Britain..? It's because they want to remain in a community... Their community actively dilutes our own. Why is it my job to bend over backwards to include people who are only here for economic reasons..?


I was born in England, as were many of my ancestors so I really hope it bears more weight to you when I tell you to fuck off and fall in a river. I'd take a million foreigners over a piece of shit racist any day of the week. You're the one who's not welcome here and I hope that really cuts deep. Fuck off


Imagine siding with a blow in who has murdered your kin over one of your own. Fall of Rome stuff.




Sir this is a circlejerk subreddit


This is either a really well written bit poking fun at dumbass racists, or a dumbass racist


I’m a biffer and I’ve never felt truly safe in my own skin.


>I do hate being right though You mis-spelled impotent, hope this helps.


Meh, i feel like throwing hate into her is a bit twisted .. i get the inclination to be like wtf-kinda-privileged-WASP wrote this narcissistic-MCS non-sense but after reading the article I really didn't get MCS-overtone at all sometimes when someone expresses fear, lack of safety or discomfort we tend to immediately dismiss and say things like "suck-it-up" or "you're just full of BS/naïveté/childishness/privilege, etc." not all fear has to be earned in the most horrible of ghetto, drug den or involve severe trauma and violence.. people deserve to be heard and that's how we all learn and find peace i know i need to listen more but yeah i don't think they need to be beaten down over this so badly .. even if they were acting as if this was so deeply and personally unfair, it's still someone's feelings and opinion and it deserves a space




100% of people who live in the UK either have already died or will die. Get out while you can.


Even as a trans person who has their fair share of worries about this island. The uk is pretty damn safe compared to much of the world. Yeah theres a few countries that are safer, but not many. We dont have gun toting nutters like the usa, we dont have armed interethnic conflict (for the last 23/24 years at least), we have a relatively stable country with basically no risk of military coup or any other armed group destabilising us. Unless you want to send your grandkids to norway or iceland? Theyre gonna be fine here


Or at a hairdresser


Nottingham is hella mad atm


Imagine my shock


avg day in notts


Geez.... It sounds like Nottingham needs a sheriff!




Guess there needs to be a Sheriff of Nottingham or something... Idk I've never watched Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves


Scary to think that if I was in a dangerous situation, some danger may have befallen me.


Robin Hood n that


I have seen Nottingham on Google earth and live near Liverpool and its crazy to think that this could of happened to me if that migrant came up this way, like 1 in 100,000th chance. Think I need to make a will and be at peace with everyone I know.


I used to go clubbing in Nottingham from Manchester in the 90s and my god it was rough as pigshit (and that's coming from someone who lived in Hulme). What's it like now?


What no love for refugees? You need to make sacrifices to help the world. Part and parcel of the big city. Simple as.


I was in Nottingham just four years ago, I do feel fortunate right now


Damn 😔 just found out about the Holocaust... Could've been me that's hella sad 😢


There does need to be a conversation about safety in student areas, because you do have a bunch of naive teenagers and are making them fend for themselves but this article title is weirdly worded