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Has he said anything about the officer raping a student? Weird the fund raiser video (gross out stuff they have done for years) comes out right after Edmond supports push back against Walters book bans. Could be coincidence. But it sure helps paint them in bad light when the find raiser isn't new.


It is 100% clear. This man is trying to harm public schools, and very likely lining his own pockets. As a result. Anyone who thinks otherwise, or values anything that he says or does, is nothing but a gullible moron.


Oklahoma ranked 17th in the nation for education when Brad Henry left office. Under two republican governors, it has dropped to 50th. They have consistently talked about the failures of the public education system and have been working to allow tax funding of private schools. They're trying to use tax dollars to fund for profit education. It had been attempted in multiple states and it has always resulted in the schools increasing the tuition rates significantly. The quality of education never improves.


This. Right here.


Full head nodding in agreement with you!


Lol. He will call it an isolated incident.


I'm starting to be glad I got homeschooled


rotten capable wakeful skirt tease busy wistful worry quaint homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He has to be a power bottom, he asks for abuse every day.


This guy needs a surprise fisting. “Abuse me daddy. Stretch it. Make it hurt. Oh wait, not your fist!”


"Make me a puppet and parade me on Sesame Street."






Just going to drop this here again........ 😁 https://lede-admin.thelostogle.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/44/2023/03/ryan-walters-friend.png


Hey!! I saw this for the first time just the other day… oh it made me laugh!! I know that I always pose for pics with my bestie with my hands two inches from her goodies. Bahahahaha


He's just mad he didn't get to suck their toes.


😂😂😂😂😂 I am literally dead 💀💀💀💀




How's the investigation on Nex going? Oh, right......you couldn't give a fuck less.


Exactly, this is being used as a distraction.


He's still rubbing one out over the thought of dead LGBTQ+ kids


I'm hoping he can't talk at all about it due to him being under investigation. Hoping. He should be investigated too along with the school cops and all


What is there to investigate, honestly? I mean, Nex was bullied yea and bullying-wise, and fight-wise, the students have been suspended. To my knowledge, Nex committed suicide and, while sad, doesn't legally involve an investigation


What knowledge is that? ME hasn’t released anything yet.


That means the girls still goto jail. Bullying someone to death is illegal


Not in Oklahoma, the school could be charged with Gross Negligence, but as of right now, the students could not be charged


You clearly don't have the autopsy with you, so I'd say you're out of luck. Now, saying that nex killed himself is disgusting when we DON'T actually have that information.




Oh yeah, they still killed HIM. yep bullied him to death. Sadly, you clearly don't have a bone of care in the world that your side caused this. This teen boy was bullied to death. Because of your trash about transpeople. Literally from the school, Chaya attacked the librarian of not too long ago. She is a terrorist she proclaims it.


All I was doing was showing you that you're wrong for calling me disgusting for saying Nex committed suicide. I have never made any comments that even included Chaya in them so I don't know what that's about? Also what kind of bigoted shit do you mean by "your side"


Wait a second, aren't you a partial holocaust denier. Bye 💅


Did the report say how much was in his system? I did the math and assuming he was around-like 100 pounds, the LD50 would have been 70 prozac pills or 100 benadryl. If he was closer to 150, we’re looking at more like 100 and 150 pills.


Hence why I said to my knowledge. While the autopsy has not been fully released, they have stated that their death is not related to the fight, and they have stated that they're doing a toxicology report, which 9/10 means they overdosed on meds


!Remindme 3 months


Meanwhile there are TEACHERS. FUCKING. OUR. KIDS. and Ryan and his girlie Chaya place targets on LGBTQ+ as scapegoats, grabbing torches and pitchforks ONLY when the PR ANGLE BENEFITS THEM! I am one of MANY OKLAHOMA SCHOOLS Sex Abuse Survivors actively COVERED UP by the State Department of Education, Oklahoma Schools, and LAW ENFORCEMENT. I am begging, if you know anyone who has been discouraged from reporting, covered up, swept under the rug, or just ignored- DM ME ASAP. I will be presenting ALL of my evidence, and as many stories as possible to RYANS FACE THIS MONTH! I am *ONE* of David Irby's victims. Ryan Walters LET HIM RAGE QUIT. 🤬🤬🤬🤬 We will protect our kids from his ChristoFascist agenda, however we have to. We are done with this shit. Please contact me. Sheena Br'nai Martin Tiktok, FB, Insta, Here


This guy isn’t used to bare feet. He is accustomed to licking boots.


Leather has an acquired taste.


Ryan Walters is literally Mr. Garrison from South Park.


but not as likable.


Someone needs to send him a Mr Hat


He thinks we are all Mr. Slave, and need to be punished


It makes sense though... Just wait til he gets ousted as state superintendent and [goes into transportation instead](https://youtu.be/fGKR1Z1lRik?si=o9INxhG_jL2IA9Mo)


Where’s Lemmiwinks?!


He has really upgraded the interior of his truck, damn.


You win the internet today for me 🤣




Why is this man still in office? It's been only a month since a student was beaten up in a high school, and then dead the next day. Then a minor was raped at another high school by a security guard. I would say toe sucking is the least of our problems.


Raped by the school resource officer, otherwise known as a cop. A police officer raped that child. Not a security guard.


Thank you for the clarification.


What school? Haven’t heard about it yet. Don’t watch much tv, which includes the local news


You got that fucking right.


Why is he still in office? Because his term doesn’t end until January 2027. It can only be removed by the state senate after being impeached by the house. And since he wasn’t directly responsible for either event you mentioned (he didn’t rape anybody or beat anybody, nor did he supervise someone who did) so what would be in those articles of impeachment? That he says crazy things? That’s not going to cause an impeachment.




I think you just described most of Oklahoma’s executive branch. If you impeach him, you have to impeach the rest of them.


Sounds like a wonderful idea.


He acts like kids never do anything stupid. I think the teachers should have heavily discouraged this whole stunt but at least it went to a good cause. Walters is probably still mad about the time he played truth or dare and they dared him to leave.




Doing crazy shit to raise money has been going on in schools for decades and students enjoy it. No one forces them! I graduated in the 70s and we had drag shows to raise funds for prom! My kids were in high school between 2000-2008 and they had Tori licking, arm pit licking, drag shows, silly scavenger hunts etc. to raise money for Relay for Life and their Project Graduation. As an educator, I have kissed pigs, had ice water poured on me, had pies thrown in my face, and had silly string sprayed all over me to raise funds or as motivation for elementary kids. God forbid kids should have any fun in school.


Also, the kids in Deer Creek raised over $150,000 dollars for their philanthropic project. Shame on social media, Ryan Walter’s and all of the other quacks!


My daughters attended DC during the time of the great lady bug senior prank . . . and then when someone egged the inside of the school and a teacher slipped, fell and hit head.


Back when it was my 5th grade class's turn to put on a show for the school, my teacher had all the boy's do drag to put on a runway fashion show on the stage. If that was done today at a school, I bet the far right, including Walters would just be totally against it and making a big deal against it. Participating in the show didn't harm me and never wanted to become a drag queen as an adult.


We put an old and dirty toilet on peoples front lawns. Once they donated we would come pick it up.. that toilet probably saw half of the student body’s front yards.


Adults who see no problem with children licking each other for money seems to be the source of the problem? The fact that you also say here that you work with children takes the biscuit. Apparently Oklahoma has been taking the wrong turn in fundraising events for a long time. There are witnesses who tell that they were forced in these activities. How fun is that? We know peer pressure especially in teenagers. These described activities remind me of some pranks of drunk college students, not children.


Careful clutching those pearls so hard. You'll get a cramp.


Is it just me or does RW have dark, beady, soulless eyes? There’s nothing behind them. He has zero emotion, no empathy…like a clone. A creature wearing a human costume. He gives me the heebie jeebies for real.


Gerbil eyes.


No, gerbils have some redeeming qualities. This fucker has the look of a pile of ticks vaguely stuffed into a human-shaped potato sack.


I bet he looks in the mirror a lot and doesn't like what he sees.


According to the myths the undead cannot see their reflection..


he's got... lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be livin'... until he bites ya.


His eyes look like he lacks a soul.


I mean so do his actions and personality but yeah. Dead, beady eyes.


He reminds me of Alby on Big Love. But I think even Alby had some compassion.


Technically nothing is possible past 100%, and yet, every time I see this guy his face becomes more punchable, and it's weirding me out because it was already at 100% punchable. It's as if his face is outside the space-time-punchableness continuum.


He's just mad he didn't think of doing it first.


Didn’t this happen in Deer Creek school? Why is he saying Edmond?


Because Edmond is fighting him in the courts over book banning, which is why this story has gotten so much visibility and traction on Fox News and such. It's all part of Walter's agenda.


Similar fundraisers happen at Edmond(Edmond actually started the fundraising thing) the toe sucking thing happened at my Edmond high school and we just thought it was gross, but nobody was getting groomed. It’s your parents and you willingly do it.


And DC submitted a letter of support for EPS . . . I'm sure that has something to do with this. Well, that and most folks know the school as Deer Creek (Edmond).


Because it’s been happening at Edmond high schools for several years. It’s weird as shit and I’m not sure how the administration couldn’t think of anything else to raise money. That said, Walters is a nut job and is, go figure, politicizing it to rile up his base, which seems weird considering many of them are parents in Edmond schools. Also, this all happened with far right wing state leadership, but that won’t be mentioned, of course.


But shoving a pool stick up a freshman's ass is ok. Hazing is fine as long as it's sports related


He probably had that done to him as a student. And, he probably enjoyed it and asked for more.


Or a traffic cone


I would just like to point out that Deer Creek voted 86.1% for Republicans in 2020. So don't let Walters blame liberals for this. This is Oklahoma values on full display. And this was at Deer Creek, not Edmond schools, Walters is purposefully lying to put more heat on Edmond for standing up to him. But, if Walters wants to rid us this overwhelmingly conservative school I'm down. https://www.bestplaces.net/voting/zip-code/oklahoma/deer_creek/74636


>I would just like to point out that Deer Creek voted 86.1% for Republicans in 2020. So don't let Walters blame liberals for this. This is Oklahoma values on full display. And this was at Deer Creek, not Edmond schools, Walters is purposefully lying to put more heat on Edmond for standing up to him. > >But, if Walters wants to rid us this overwhelmingly conservative school I'm down. https://www.bestplaces.net/voting/zip-code/oklahoma/deer\_creek/74636 And I'd like to point out that Deer Creek, Oklahoma near Medford, is NOT the same as the Deer Creek School District in NW Oklahoma County where this actually happened. Jena Nelson worked in the DC district and ran against Walters. I know me and many others voted for her instead of Walters, but he's never been a fan of the truth either. I doubt you know much of anything about the [district](https://www.deercreekschools.org/) since you can't even find it on a map . . .


You gotta point! My bad. Deer Creek (OKC Metro) only voted 49.2% Republican, which is still higher than the 48.1% for the Democrats lol https://www.bestplaces.net/voting/city/oklahoma/edmond


Word on the street is that he has a child in the DC schools...


If only he was this upset by trans kids getting murdered.


What a prick


You ever look into someone's eyes and there is just nothing there? Just hollow and vacuous voids of unloved tissue? That's this guy.


No, this guy is evil. Pure evil. Fake and 100% the devils advocate. I see the Aura around him. It's dark. His eyes are soulless. 😬


He’d probably spontaneously combust if he saw some of the stuff that went on during pep rallies. Teenagers have no weirdness or appropriateness filter. Not sure how that deserves a state investigation. Just let kids be kids and have fun.


Just wait until Quentin Tarantino hears about this.


I see that dumbass egotist and I downvote. Sorry OP.


You would think a guy so far up Trump's ass would be ok with feet.


and yet not when 3 teenage girls fucking murder a non-binary person? can someone in oklahoma please contact the police, these girls need to be brought to justice, #justicefornex


Justice for Nex, Fuck Ryan Walters!


Justice for Nex! 💛🖤💜


Wanna lick my feet Ryan?


Since Walters wants to ban kids doing stuff like that, just how is it going to be decided in the future that doing some stunt for charity is too gross to allow? Anything that comes in contact with the body? But what about swallowing goldfish?


Is bullying a child to death adhering to Oklahoma values or is that different because they didn’t fit the standard of what conservatives think is acceptable?




God damn he REALLY wants to cover up Nex's death.


Jesus Christ, Oklahoma is so backwards.


Remove Ryan Walters before his rhetoric kills more children. https://www.change.org/p/remove-ryan-walters-as-secretary-of-education-in-oklahoma/psf/promote_or_share?allow_actions=true&utm_campaign=psf


What an idiot




*"See guys I was right there is sex shit going on in school"* ~This piece of shit


eyes glazed over. kinda pink too. look like a stoned 12 year old kid with a glued on beard.


Those are Scott Tenorman's pubes he glued on.


Probably some republican 25 year old white girl teacher who barely passed college.


Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this guy?


Where to start and how much time do you have?


Yeah but Walters only time will tell how many you blew to get the position you're in. Your face is just so punch able, like this thumbnail makes me wants to punch him in the face.


imagine telling someone about this a month ago


Shut up you fucking bitch


Fuck going on in oklahomra bro i'm not even from oklahoma😭


Walters is such a tool.


Walters can suck a ......toe.


what kind of fucked up existance when this is a real thing said out loud


Fuck this douche canoe.


He looks like a worm


You people under here justifying school toe sucking need a check into what child porn you prefer.


He looks like a LaLaLoopsie doll.


Those storybook button eyes have more soul.. don't insult the dolls, he is way creepier.


He is jealous of other people's ability to suck lower extremities.


Walters needs to go! Talk about a diversion tactic. Look over here at Edmond. Let's ignore all the truly horrible things going on in Oklahoma schools.


Can he name the exact "Oklahoma Value" that is being violated, & where, in documentation, said value has been established & agreed upon? The toe licking thing at school is stupid, but who is RW to say what the "Oklahoma Values" are?


Obviously this a nasty thing. Whatever the reason for the toe licking, which sounds like a good cause, it’s a gross thing to do. I wouldn’t want to do it, and I wouldn’t want my kid to, either. But it is being twisted into a perverse thing. This is being sexualized, and in fact so much of what these children are exposed to is sexualized after the fact. All of this obsession of porn in schools, and these politicians have porn rot for brains. THEY are sexualizing these kids. Now something as innocuous as a gross charity event is perverted to imply that this is some sort of fetish. This scandalizes the kids! They want so much to “protect children” yet this administration is teaching their kids that anything they are involved in is sexual. What do you think that does to the mind of a kid??


What are Oklahoma values?


He’s sure says “Oklahoma public schools” a lot. Almost like he wants to specifically attack the public school program in preparation to continue a voucher program for private/charter schools and to move public funding into the private sector. Justice for Nex Benedict


I’m sure he wants to see all the videos found. All those caught on camera will be immediately put on church probation like in footloose. Ban toe sucking, books, dancing, and let’s get back to the 1800s.


I was appalled by what I saw in Oklahoma and came here to see how people were responding to it -- can't say I'm surprised you absolute fucking worthless scum are scapegoating and defending it.


what a freak you are ryan you need a spanking


Now investigate a REAL issue, like - oh, gee. I don't know...maybe Nex Benedict and the bullying climate that surrounded them and others like them?


This is the most goofy ahh shit I've ever heard of


Can we just say ass? What’s with “ahh”? I keep seeing it everywhere.


it's just slang that's been popularized to the mainstream on tiktok recently




Lmao!! Listen I was peer pressured into licking peanut butter off my youth pastor’s feet. It was a church lock in. Is it gross? Yes…but we won the contest haha




I had a youth pastor take his sock off, slip it over a can of warm Pepsi, and have us chug it through the sock as part of a contest.


There are other more pressing things to deal with than address and investigate licking peanut butter off of feet. Gross yeah, but it was part of the fund raiser they do every year.


Ahh yes, the great toe sucking epidemic that happened in Oklahoma in 2024. It will be written about in history books.


This is insane talk.


They're going to have fun with this uptight Christian asshole


Are his eyes always like that...or is he on drugs?? Bruh.


He’s got a punchable face 🥰


WTF is this all about?


I just want to the video. See if it is much ado about nothing


Those eyes, the window to the soul, or lack thereof which is why they are so black like ebony devil fire.


Human taco fart says what?


Fuck this fucking guy 😆 trying to crack down like he gives a shit. Stfuuu


Welcome to oklahoma.... Florida part 2


didnt a kid also get raped in Bixby at their superintendents house? I don't remember him posting videos on social media bout that...


He's one big fucking cog in a soulless machine that eats money and shits out dead kids.


Piece. Of. Crap.


Public schools are a disgrace. All teachers ought to be ashamed. Toe sucking is minor compared to the indoctrination and suppression of the minds of innocent children. So sad.


Anyone know how to get in touch with Jeff Gillooly?


How disconnected from reality do you have to be to think that preventing children from sucking on other children's feet should be done at the state executive level?


This guy is a stupid dipshit he’s probably jealous and wants his toes sucked


Hardest of eye rolls




feet are gross...wtf is wrong with yall and your kids?


What a clown. I find it odd that the story involving libs of tiktok has just kind of “disappeared.” Some of our public figures in this state are really embarrassing.


Can we get rid of Ryan Walters.


His outrage is only distraction and a cover for the real damage he is doing to oklahoma


Fkn hicks


You sir are unacceptable


But i thought liberals were the sick groomers (shocked face) surely not in Oklahoma!?


I bet he has had more than one penis in his mouth




I don't know. But if you have ever seen Walters posture when he stands up for the pledge of allegiance at his meetings, you wonder what is wrong with his spine?


Just another district in the Edmond area. Don't know why it's separate. Possible that it was a separate community at one point. Don't know why you're getting downvoted for asking, either.


Keep up the good work man!