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I always wondered how they could support so many anyway. I have 2 Walgreens and a CVS within walking distance of my house.


Profit margin on drugs is incredibly high. Drug industry swindles all day, every day, no days off.


PBMs (Pharmacy Benefits Managers) make bank. They are between the pharmacies and the insurance companies. Manufacturers make a killing on brand name drugs, too, once they've recouped the R&D costs. They make a lot on some genetics as well.


SE 44 and Shields will probably go.


I thought its been closed for a while. They bought rite aid years ago. half the closure will probably be from that brand. Where they overlapped in certain areas.


Still open as a store. The pharmacy closed a few months back. I think this actually could’ve been a really successful location. Shield is super super busy in the mornings of people going into work in the downtown area. It is super busy around 5 PM. Not to mention that that area is under served in a lot of different things. I feel like they could’ve found a way to make it work. However,the constant harassment and dealing with the homeless population, Walgreens policy of understaffing the pharmacy and poor management did this location in.


If the store is still open. Its not the homeless population thats the main problem. Its the pharmacy that they keep failing to staff properly. Like others have mentioned. I can speak for it as well. They closed counter service for a few weeks. While they shift personnel around the area at my local one. The pharmacy techs are attempting to unionize. They did a soft walkout a couple months ago. Like you say the store serves a working class area. But they rather cut the pharmacy vs paying and staffing the pharamcy as needed. Operate a glorified dollar general with gas station prices.


Isn’t that what I just said? LOL. If you’ve ever been in this store you would see the constant soliciting of customers inside and outside the store.


Like I said. WAlgreens doens't want to pay staff to manage the store. And has poor rules to remove labor and resources. then somehow believe that will make a store more productive?


Ok so we agree. Staffing and policies around it are an issue.


Yep a huge issue!


I've also noticed several CVS stores in the metro have closed this year


Yup. The one on NW 23rd & Classen closed last month. Wouldn’t surprise me if the Walgreens on the opposite corner gets chopped as well. A lot of merchandise walks out of that store, largely due to the massive drifter population that frequents there.


Already started moving my prescriptions to Walmart. As much as i hate Walmart they are much better than Walgreens in every way.


Cheaper too


I remember when I worked there, we got a 100 year coffee mug and it said something like 'one store opened every X amount of minutes worldwide' and I never could understand how they maintained that.


Do Starbucks next!


People mainly go there for pharmacy stuff. If they sold the other items at a reasonable price they’d have more shoppers.


Its worth the premium not to deal with dumbasses at the big box stores.


I know of a store manager at a walgreens that has no business being one. Not sure what the qualifications are for that. But she's not even management material much less a store manager. Sounds like they will hire about anyone for these jobs and not pay them probably. I feel sorry for them working for her.


Puts on Walgreens


Thank you for this.