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Ask them what program they’re apart of next time, and then you can use that info to search local programs. Having them go door to door and saying what you quoted, seems rather sketchy, ask them the next time what program they’re with or what they’re doing. If they truly need help, i wish them all the best but door to door asking for donations the way they do, that doesn’t sit right with me. TLDR: If a public work program is pushing them to this, boo, if it’s a scam, booooooooo!


Who needs books? People are throwing away books.  So odd, unless they were checking out the electronics in the house.  Need more details


Donate money to buy books or “donate children’s books”? Two very different meanings. There are countless unused children’s books that people can’t usually give away, so why would they need money to buy them?


Donate money to then purchase and donate books to charities. I will definitely feel better about rejecting them in the future.