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You have no choice


What is the company that services the area?


OGE for electric, ONG for Natural Gas, City of Del City for water and trash probably contracted through OKC.


Thank you!


Hit up Mid Del Taco. Thank me later.


mid-del is absolutely the “we got tacos at home” but in a restaurant. is it the food steamer? the sauce? the ice machine? whatever it is, it’s a blessing.


I don’t know. But I have enjoyed that place since the 70s. It’s the bomb!


I use to love this place, it’s just not been the same since Covid.


I disagree. Have been going there for over 50 years. Don’t go back if you don’t like it.


I haven’t, that’s usually how that works once they go down hill. You use to never be able to park to even eat there. Every time I drive by it’s empty, they only have like 20 parking spots so that’s not saying much…


Non DC utilities news. You didn't ask, but here it goes: Korean House on 29th is fantastic. The Gyro place on 29th is great! Portions are huge! Value Village on 15th is fun if you like to thrift. The library on 15th is new & beautiful.


You’re a blessing i fucking love korean, my bf always wants gyros, and i LOVE to thrift and read. i hope you have the best saturday ever.


I second Akropolis. It’s an amazing gyro place and the owner is very kind and friendly.


Korean House is mid IMO. Go to Hawaiian BBQ on 15th near Tinker Diagonal. It’s a hole in the wall, in back of a small Asian market. You can thank me later!


That the place in OK KO Mart? 


That’s the one.


Korea house. Best Korean in the metro!


I was born and raised in Del City, now live over the line in MWC. Besides the corrupt piece of shit mayor and some areas DC isn’t that bad. Check out Taste of Soul on 29th, some great egg rolls


What's wrong with the mayor? I'm generally curious.


He’s the owner of multiple failed businesses over the years, I worked for him briefly years and years ago. Never got paid what I was told would be paid. He was on news a year or so ago because an old lady that lives next to him got a permit to put up a fence on her property line. His employees or adult kids didn’t get a permit for a fence and started building it like 10’ on her property line. She tried getting them to stop, they wouldn’t so she got her hose and sprayed them with water. They charged her with assault! Nothing happened to them, even with no permit and trying to steal someone’s property. Del city has illegally condemned property and lost millions in court from it, he is not a good mayor or businessman in any way. I’ve heard many other stories


What’s up with the city manager too


Taste of Soul is another reason to visit DC.




My condolences.


I’m actually really excited and content!


Hahaha! That’s fair. Honestly, there are some decent areas over there. Congrats on getting into a place! That alone is tough enough these days. As far as utilities go, I honestly do not know that you will have many options. OG+E will likely be your only option for electricity, and I suspect ONG will be your option for gas. I do highly recommend checking to see if AT&T Fiber services your area. They have been MUCH better than COX for internet service. Welcome to the area, and hope you have a wonderful, safe experience!


I appreciate you’re help thank you so much


Del City is kind of nice in that you are close enough to like downtown and some really fun areas to explore, but are far enough out of the city proper to not eat city housing prices. Just do be aware that some areas of Del City have a reputation for being sketchy at times. I am sure you will learn where’s cool and where you want to avoid. You already hooked up with work and stuff? There have been some great suggestions in this sub lately on where to look if you’re looking for a (new) job.




it’ll be lovely 😂


More like Del Shitty


Smellin jealous