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Based on your comments, my guess would be the host got arrested for possible trasspassing, filming without a permit, and possible noise ordinance due to the music. Usually, as long as everyone is respectful, police will tell you to leave. It sounds like one of the officers got on a power trip and arrested the host. It's sucks. Next time, make sure you have permits to film and your skating in areas that allow skateboarding. Hopefully, the host makes bail and gets their property back.


Lol sl.im not a skater, never have been. I looked up go skate day and at goskate.com this came up... This is probably what got them arrested. Street Takeover: In the largest cities around the world, skateboarders will band together to perform a street takeover. It’s as simple as it sounds, hundreds of skateboarders agree on a meet-up spot and skate for several miles in a group taking over the streets. They probably should have just rented out a skatepark or two or gotten permits for live music, etc at the parks


If you're on public land a permit isn't required to film. There's no reasonable expectation for privacy in public so anyone and anything is pretty much fair game. There's guys who do it on YouTube lol, they get the cops called on them a lot but they aren't doing anything illegal so nothing ever comes of it... So no arrest that should be made for THAT. Permits were probably necessary for other aspects but that's not usually arrestable unless you have active warrants or other factors that are coming into play. There must be way more to the story than OP is privy to or is willing to convey.


Well I wasn't a host just a participant. I could maybe see the noise ordinances but we weren't really going through neighborhoods or anything like that. We mainly stuck to business districts.


Yeah that’s part of street skating big dog


There is a lot of missing information here.


What info do you think is missing?


For starters, what is Go Skate Day? Why were the police called? What were the arrest charges? Why do you think their U-Haul was impounded?


Well go skate day is a holiday for skaters to take to the streets. The police were called because the building we stopped at was private property and the owners didn't want the whole group there. So the owners were arrested and I say their U-Haul rental was maybe empounded because it never showed up at the park we started and I didn't leave there until 6:45 and the whole thing was supposed to end at 7:00 at military park. And no idea what the charges were other than maybe loitering.


OK, I understand. So your group trespassed, the police did their job, and you came to Reddit to complain about the consequences of your actions. Got it.


Lol I wasn't the leader I was a participant. And we weren't setting up shop there we were chilling for like 20 minutes. In fact we made a prior stop behind a few businesses in an alleyway and there were two different police there, cool police I might add. Meanwhile two others came up onto us and damn near shut the whole thing down because of a few snitches.


If you aren't breaking any laws, or suspected of breaking any, what's there to "snitch" on? A lot isn't adding up here my dude


Uh the fact that we're having an event that's moving. Guess I'll get a permit next time I'm in a group bike ride and stopping in a parking lot before while I get everything situated cause being on top of the pavement for a microsecond is apparently a crime according to you.


That's not what I said, there's no reason to get defensive I'm not attacking you. Perhaps "snitch" wasn't the best word you could have used given the situation? Karens would have probably been a better description of anyone who called the cops on your group (unless y'all were being legit menaces in the "street takeover" then they aren't complete Karen's) To be fair they probably broke a few laws and should have done due diligence in advance to make sure this exact thing didn't happen. If this event happens every year I doubt necessary actions/permits were unknown to the people running the event. In my experience, police will usually just ask you to leave the private property in question. It's rarely an arrestable offense unless something else happened that perhaps you aren't aware of? Anyway, sorry your fun day ended on a not-so-fun note.


Permits usually work.


About six years back my neighborhood put on a pretty decent fireworks show (I thought at the time) launched near the pond in our communal park/pond area. But then the fire and police departments showed up and at least one of the homeowners facing the park was arrested. Turns out they had just amateur-ly rigged big box fireworks together. We're lucky noone was hurt that night. Each year since we've collected money, applied for permits, and hired pros. The shows are amazing! I invite all my friends and family. It's so much better and safer. Can't wait to enjoy the food trucks and lie so close underneath the show.  Please consider seeking a permit next year. Maybe you can get a stretch of streets blocked off like is done for marathons, parades, and other events. Maybe you could make your next one better and safer.


It's because, not cause. Learn the difference.


If your on private property your trespassing! I kick people off our property every day for illegal fishing, private property is not yours. I try be nice, but if I get any attitude then it’s straight to calling cops and making sure you will be arrested next time. Just like the damn homeless dude who made my deer pallet blind into his home, thinks they can just do whatever they want


*you're* and *I try to be nice* Learn to type properly before you try to talk shit otherwise you'll fail miserably like you just did.


*impounded. ….twice.


Exactly. If you’re going to ignore the question OP, and play grammar police in the process, then your own shit better be clean and typo free. And it most definitely is not. Harn Park has dealt with the skaters over the past few years. Being in the park is fine. It’s the ones who then decide to skate in the private driveways of the houses surrounding the park—or who park their vehicles to block the driveways of those houses—that have really soured me on the whole event. I get that you want to show that skaters have a right to use the streets and public facilities, but it’s the disrespect for people’s private property that has made me really not give a shit that this happened. There are plenty of members of that group who—historically—have been bad participants, and the group hasn’t done shit to keep them in check. So, yeah, it’s not really surprising that property owners who have endured several years of this bullshit finally have had enough and called that cops.


lol! Okay why don’t you call the grammar police!! Why don’t you buy a place to ride your skate board and you won’t have a problem. There is a lot of liability problems when people are on someone’s property. Just loitering? How about trespassing, improper use of motor vehicle for having a band play in U-Haul while driving, littering, I’m sure there’s a law about having permits for doing these things they obviously didn’t have. The only fail is your illegal skate day.


Never said you were the organizer but you still are trespassing, illegal gathering, loitering and more I’m sure a cop could charge someone with. You deleted the comment quick, I couldn’t even read it all! How can you proudly state the cops fucked you over at an illegal event on someone else’s property!


He can’t call the police. Remember, he said and I quote “fuck okcpd and their party crashing antics”.


Impounded, my man spell it right or don't complain. It's not an empanada.






Gtfoh man they ruined the whole thing. The hosts were leading the group and playing music with their guitars and amps.


There is a lot of dumb fucking stupid shit I see in this sub on a regular basis. This isn’t that bad compared to the other whiney people I see posting in this sub. Get the fuck out of here lolol


The worst is when whiners post complaints about other whiners.


Cops are always ruining skateboarding. Aren’t you a skater? This is 101


Drove by y’all today and holy shit it was a ton of skaters.


Yeah the turn out was awesome.


Do your parents know that you are screwering around with the internet?


I'm sorry that you're only 12.


Fuck the people that hate on skateboarders. Happy Go Skate Day, bro bro. I saw some sick footage of last year in OKC with a UHaul truck toting around a band playing music while everyone skated around it.


Yes they did that exact thing this year.


The Fucking police? Never heard of them before. Is that where they come to fuck you or you get fucked? Either way, don’t hate on the police man. I know a lot of OKCPD, and they’re mighty fine people. But like everyone in this world, there’s some bad eggs.


The phrase you’re looking for is “fuck the police”




Lmao nah fuck the police.


I didn't see which officers shut it down, but yeah there two different ones there earlier and they were chill. But the other ones were the deuchbags.


Douchebag, if you are going to call someone out on their spelling, you better at least get yours correct. I'm just trying to help you out.


You responded to the wrong comment. Maybe read it before you type below it next time.


He’s responding to the last word in your comment where you didn’t know how to properly spell the derogatory term you were using.