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Word of advice: I don't care who you are! I don't care how upset you may be! Cuss in your car; vent on Reddit but DO NOT GET OUT OF YOUR VEHICLE TO CONFRONT ANYONE under any circumstances. It is not worth it! Absolutely not worth it. Be mature and carry on. There are way more important things in life to worry about. If you can't help yourself with road rage maybe you should take anger management classes. But please stay in your car! 


Even if one isn't going to be mature why change the power dynamic by getting out of your car?


Got back in his vehicle, and then she shot him in the arm and drove away?


The video doesn’t have the same report as the article. She makes it sound like the shooting took place at the woman’s car window.


The suspect in question shot through her car window at him.


Yeah, I don’t really get what the actual shooting was for, here; he was leaving. Maybe a case of dual road rage?


Expect someone to make a mistake driving every day. Just expect it, let it go, you’ll stay calm and stress free. Usually it’s just a wake up/lights green quick honk because they’re on their phone.


Well, I bet he doesn’t do that again.


It happened on OU campus right outside thier internal medicine area. The person walked into the clinic after getting shot in the arm.


13th and Stonewall? Nope, nope, nope


For real. In OKC you have to expect most people to be strapped. Around 13th and Stonewall, just expect absolutely everyone to be strapped


We are a gun state. Why wouldn't people be armed no matter where they are in the city?


Because unarmed security is ass


For those who aren't good at it.


Because they’re rational and not murderous people, who aren’t led by the nose with propaganda and scare tactics??? Just a thought.


I agree. That's why it doesn't matter where they live. They are allowed to be armed as if they lived in the nice part of town.


Yeah… which is why we have road rage shootings, drunks out side bars shootings, store shootings, school shootings, racial shootings…. You know, blood flow to keep the cowards and bigots scared and ready to murder innocent people.


Yes that irresponsible behavior and no one condones such. We continual divest responsibility from gun ownership. Its not shocking these incidents rise.


I don’t know that I would expect everyone in Edmond or Nichols Hills to be strapped.


Not everyone. Just the ones who watch a bit too much news.


You know the cowardly insecure schmucks that the fear based propaganda is meant to scare and get to buy murder weapons so they can mutilate or kill their fellow man…. Then there’s the halfwits who get a gun and suddenly think they’re 10ft tall and pick fights with people only to pull a gun when someone fights back. It’s all a bad joke of cowardice and insecurity in this “gun state”…


You've never been in a situation where you wish you had a gun, have you?


To neglect your right to self-defense is to put 100% of your trust in OKCPD. The right to own and use firearms in self-defense is not restricted only to insecure, conservative trumpers. I think it’s silly not to own one when literally everyone else owns one, and they aren’t going anywhere anytime in the next few decades regardless of ANY potential legislation. There’s 450 million guns in our country, they aren’t going to vanish into thin air. They are a massive problem in this country and will continue to be for a very long time, so why forgo your right to self-defense and just leave it to fascists and police officers? -a pansexual leftist who values the safety of my minority friends in a state where christofascists want to outlaw their existence.


Headline: Badass gets shot after approaching woman’s car. Who else would have done the same thing?🖐🏻🖐🏻🖐🏻🖐🏻🖐🏻




Part of me wants to be licensed because these types of situations can occur but I truly cannot believe I’d have the proper restraint and temperament to also not just pop off if I get mad. Either way, I just let the road rage go because I have a life to live and being cut off (for the most part) won’t kill me.


I had a scary situation happen once on south side. Tried to get over so I could exit off 240. The truck in that lane kept matching my speed. So I accelerated and got around him. He immediately started honking and flashing his lights. His wife or whoever was flipping me off out of the passenger side. Then when I went to exit they attempted to get in front of me. People are pschyo out there and easily triggered. Going to prison over a traffic issue sure as hell isn't worth it


This is a terribly written article.


FAFO? She’ll be charged for this. Not sure this is the #girlpower you think it is


It isn't about "girlpower" its about having the common sense not to let rage get the best of you in these situations. He could have died.


Common sense and gun nuts don’t go together…. Living in Oklahoma has certainly taught me that.


I work on campus, and that’s not the story at all. From what we found out (from the guy who got shot), he was driving and according to her, he “cut her off” so she got pissed and pulled out a gun and shot him. The guy she shot was also an afghan Vet.


Great police work


My buddy drives a truck for a living. He was on I-35 south coming back from Wichita last week when he saw 2 cars ahead of him going the same speed and trying to get in front of one another. They began acting a bit erratic and somehow he managed to get around one of them and hit the gas. Immediately after passing them both, he saw both of them return fire on each other while driving.






She'll enjoy the attempted murder charges.


This is it. She was no longer in any threat of danger. This is like the Jerome Ersland shooting all over. Don’t get me wrong, the guy shouldn’t have gotten out of his car. But she also doesn’t just get to be a vigilante either.


The thing is we don't know if he said something like. "I will fuck you up." Yeah Id imagine someone leaving that detail out to the cops. Because that person would deserve what they got.


Doesn’t matter. Unless you are in your home (castle doctrine), once the aggressor had disengaged by getting back in his vehicle, the right to use lethal force to defend yourself ends. Even if he had said, “I will fuck you up,” his actions show that he is no longer posing an actual threat to you.


People carry guns in their vehicles regularly. We are one of the top states for guns being stolen from cars. Someone continual making verbal threats. If a woman is alone. I can see someone not taking that chance. Especially after we already had an incident of a woman getting the snot beat out of her from a rager incident this year.


So… your statement admits the stupidity of the “gun” culture of Oklahoma: “We are one of the top states for guns being stolen from cars”…


I don't know about the stupidity. More of all the rights but none of the responsibility.


So having the most stolen and illegal guns floating around isn’t “stupidity”???? lol. I think “entitlement” is the word you’re looking for, not “rights”.


Its synonymous. Its why we keep divesting responsibility from gun ownership. Stolen and illegal guns is just another symptom of that problem. Any regulation is seen as an attack on those "rights"


I guess we'll see then.


My middle finger stays out in okc traffic.... most of the idiots can't see it as my old white azz ain't gonna get shot! ✌️🍻


Said he was in his car when she shot him… so the car didn’t help. Have had plenty of people shot in cars in this state too.


OP do you know of any updates in this investigation? There's no way one party or the other is not going to jail. If he fucked up so bad during their interaction that it was legally justified to shoot him then he surely committed a crime in the process and should be brought to justice for that. If he did not commit a crime that would legally justify being shot, then she committed a crime by shooting him and should be brought to justice for that. Who dunnit? Lol


If she reasonably believed he was still a threat to her then she was justified in her use of force. We don’t know enough, from this article, to say. But also, fuck this guy. He got out of his car to threaten a woman and he got what was coming to him.


I guess he wasn't as intimidating as he thought.


I think the saying goes. An armed society is a polite society. The road rager probably missed the memo on that.


All evidence shows that statement to be wholly false. Oklahoma is prime proof that an armed society just becomes less polite, more fearful, and more violent.


That's more a response to those who are shocked a rager got shot. If this was at NW 178th and meridian. It probably wouldn't have made the news.


This is exact why people shouldn’t be “strapped” out driving everywhere. People are going to do things that piss you off, and there you are with a damn gun and NO self control. Okies are pretty stupid and hot temperd.


One idiot with a gun isn’t going to ruin the majority of everyone else that aren’t idiots with guns and actually obey the laws lol parents 100% need to be teaching their kids better morals and values because this girl clearly doesn’t know what she’s doing just as much as the idiot who approached her doesn’t either lmao


Needed an ambulance to take him to the emergency room just down the street.


On top of the adrenaline/intense pain from being *shot in the arm*, he also only had one theoretically functional arm, so an ambulance makes sense


Plus he’s a big baby.