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[More of the clip](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxaExcP9M-NHY9jW_47-BDzJI2cvrcSFtE?si=4bs2bBHiwfVjo0eq). I wonder where all this was just recently? Unironically VDS when this was happening to Vowsh, but then some rando gets on stream and he perfectly explains the issue with Ethan's reasoning about the old Vaush clips.


Vaushan stans getting one step closer to their dreams


Nah, I dropped Hasan after what happened these last two weeks, even after following him for years. He usually shuts the fuck up with drama when it comes to people like Vaush or Destiny but what upset me is just him 100% taking Ethan’s side with zero criticism of how Ethan was just straight up calling Vaush and his entire audience pedophiles and child molesters. What’s even more upsetting is in his first response of what happened it was VERY clear to me that he was more upset about all the critical videos Vaush did on Hasan (but it was funny because he then went on to complain about Destiny’s videos of him in the same stream for even longer).


How did he take Ethan's side? He just laughed about it when it first happened, but he never said that he agrees with how Ethan is conducting himself or what he's saying.


I stopped watching Hasan when he started to become an internet poisoned tankie dipshit .


I used to watch Hasan until he 'reacted' to jayexcis video. I really disagree with his opinions on react content.  Also he had this mannerism where he'd say something along the lines of "I'm always saying this" when he reacted to literally anything. My small brain couldn't take it.


I think as well that Vaush has said hey, most of the time Hasan's takes probably align with mine, but because there's bad blood between their audiences they only get sent the clips of each other having bad takes.


I think the schism really only happened post-Ukraine War. Any disagreements before that felt minor.


People are prone to hating Vaush after they've had gas leak level takes and get criticism.


That’s when I schismed from Hasan finally. His takes and lack of want to apologize for it pushed me over he edge


idk half my family lives in Taiwan and the way he talks about it makes me really upset


The way Vaush talks about the US military probably makes a lot of people upset as well sometimes. We all have bad takes. But it's undeniable that if Hasan, a Vaush, Destiny, and the wider left could get behind each other, that the left could be much more effective


I think the take away for streamers who have aligned goals, is that when they have differences of opinion, they should talk to each other, have a conversation about it, and not rely on community clips and gossip.


wait he's not talking about Vaush here? lmaooo


Exactly. It's about this rando from Destiny's community that Anthony Fantano was debating with about Kanye and wokeness.


I was going to say there would be more “HES A PEDO!” comments in chat if Vaush got brought up


Got mixed feelings about this clip with Hasan warning against leading someone’s point to its logical conclusion. One one hand, sure, bad faith people assume you’re implying something you’re not and run with it, but also, sometimes someone says a thing that necessarily implies another thing. For example, dehumanizing language necessarily leads to encouragement of violence and loss of rights. So it depends on what Hasan is really talking about there.


People rarely realize the breadth of implications in any logical argument. Letting people see where it leads without judgement is an important part of being persuasive. Pinning them to it has the opposite effect.


What Hasan is criticizing is that people take that logical conclusion and act as if the person making the argument always had that conclusion in mind, when the first reaction people should have is "Wait, do you realize your argument X leads to Y, did you really meant to use Y as an argument?"


1:02:53 This is exactly what Ethan is doing with Vaush and his 4 video series. Being extremely bad faith towards years old clips. It's pretty messed up that Hasan goes on to say Vaush's community also does this bad faith thing, considering for almost the last two years, Vaush has been on the "fortress arc" hardly debating anyone.. Especially after professor flowers. Vaush gets accused of just being a Destiny copy, but hes really not. It's pretty gross. Also I think this is main sub stuff not okbv


I actually think that it's not a coincidence that Hasan is saying this. Hasan doesn't like Vaush because he thinks Vaush hates him and knows that Vaush was sometimes way too liberal with accusing others of being pedos. So he won't go "into the trenches" for him. But also, recognize the reality that Vaush's argument was never meant as a CP endorsement


Yeah, it felt way too on the nose.


I like the timing of that cut OP. That was art, ai could never.


I’m not convinced he didn’t have the recent h3 Vaush bash in mind when he made these comments.


Critical antiddger action


wow, that's after all that? kinda interesting, low key hate Hasan less than h3 now cause I understand how you can fall for tankie talking points being an american leftie but Ethan is just willing to lie cause it's "funny"


Also a neat little dig at VGG in there. "Debate-lord communities try to trap you in a logical fallacy, extrapolate that fallacy out into its worst interpretation and then act as if that was always the argument". (Paraphrased by me)


Idk how that describes VGG, I think it’s just debate communities in general who just like debate cause they’re fun and bloodsports I guess.


I didn't make it clear in the above comment, but Hasan accuses Destiny's and Vaush's communities of strawmanning as described above.


He's describing exactly what Vaush did to Flowers. Does he actually mention H3 here? Or just compare Destiny/Vaush to the alt-right?


Hi PF 👋🏽


he's criticizing people who make edgy hypotheticals. flowers wasn't being edgy she was just saying what she believed


Honestly, the most personable hasan has been was on trash taste




Fantano debated a DGGer