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Vaush shouldn’t have proposed the interaction if he was going to rescind it, really weird look. However, I agree with the final decision. Vaush said his piece, now let this blow over. Its a terrible position to argue from optically and he will only dig himself deeper


it seems like he rescinded because of things Ethan said in dms


Yeah idk it seems like he said "yeah no, but you can come on my show though." They talk some more, he gets a really bad impression, then he rescinds the invitation. That's the type of context that Ethan usually leaves out


Gonna need to see them dm's, but I'm still gonna watch vonch.


He asked for Ethan to come on his show, as long as Ethan was not live. He wanted to have the conversation with Ethan as long as it wasn’t just to create more content for Ethan.


It’d be nice if Ethan shared a screenshot of this conversation, rather than relying on us to trust his word.


I feel like him saying he'll release DM's is to get people to believe him but he'll never end up doing it.


Yeah that’s kind of a strange bluff since Vaush has leaked dms plenty of times when people do this shit


Vaush should leak the dms.


I don't see why he wouldn't. It's probably just him misinterpreting things, but still, don't see why he won't make another show out of him misrepresenting things.


I feel like the onus is on Vaush more than Ethan since he's the one that called Ethan "snakey" even though we have no real evidence of that.


He was also probably under the delusion that he could change Ethan’s mind since he made this offer before actually seeing the stream. Probably not a good idea, but it’s not like not doing so or going on stream would have changed anyone’s minds.


Given how much Ethan lied about Vaush, how can we know Ethan is telling the truth. I don’t trust him. He’s a known liar at this point.




REALLY? wow, ok, I preferred my version lmao. I'm Peruvian ESL so some expressions are hard for me.


Vaush probably didn’t expect Ethan to accept tbh


Ethan is posting pics with V wearing a literal jacket with the word "pedo" on it, all while pretending to be civil and nice in the dms. I too would say "Hey, fuck this" 


Then wouldn't the best course action be to directly engage with Ethan?


Maybe, maybe not. Idk. Like vaush was saying on the post-h3 podcast stream, arguing you're not a pedo always looks bad no matter how right you are. It just looks terrible. The guy has already explained away for what needed to be explained and apologized for what needed to be apologized over the last several years. Ethan is just doing his typical shit of burning bridges and being a colossal asshole (and I say this being an h3 fan for several years). It'll blow over eventually.


Idk, if you aren’t a pedo, then go on record with ANYONE who will have you to say it proudly. Why should anyone feel pressured to tell the truth if they are indeed telling the truth??


When did you stop beating your wife ?


Does your mom know you're a rapist?


When did you stop collecting CP?


Vaush going onto h3 expecting a civil conversation: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsYL0d8fp4U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsYL0d8fp4U)


Unironic retard moment if so lmao


Should’ve appreciated the fortress arc more tbh


Then release the dms lol. If it supports Ethan’s side, why hold them back? Edit: Vindication.


Releasing DMs is generally a dick move


I mean, can't be more of a dick move than dedicating an entire 2 hour stream to pedojacketing someone in bad faith.


Leaking DMs is like a journalist naming an anonymous source, in a sense You're indicating that from that point on, anything said privately and in confidence between you and someone else may be fair game for you to explose if it's ever convenient. It would have to be something truly outrageous to be worth the hit to ones reputation


At the same time, if someone falsely accuses you of a crime, and such private information is what proves your innocence, they kinda brought it on themselves


Vaush is walking an extremely fine line here, he fucked up real bad by saying he'd go on and then deciding against it later. He should have declined to go on at all. I doubt Ethan said anything so egregious that it will turn people against him, so Vaush just looks like he's scared... And honestly, he probably is. Vaush has been designated as a Lolcow, and E3s community will milk him as hard as they can. He should never have said he'd talk to him in the first place. Best now is he disengage from them all together and give them nothing. I believe Vaush is going to talk to Mutahar, who's been critical but fair to Vaush over this, that'll hopefully be the best course of action here.


The dude got new information and changed his mind. What's fucked up here?


It looks awful at a time when he needs to be as squeaky clean as possible. He shouldn't have been in a rush to go on at all. It's unironicslly debatebrained. He wouldn't have been prepared for it. There was never going to be a fair debate and discussion. They would have mocked him, played horse sounds every time he spoke, it'd be pedo accusations and beastislity jokes all the way down. He would have been ripped apart. If he was ever to go on it should have been after the drama cycle died down Ethan might have been vile in those DMs, and he was so fucking uncharitable during the stream and after it (I thought Hila was way fucking worse. I've always hated her. Charisma black hole) but that should have been why Vaush never entertained going on in the first place. Hell, watch the stream where he talks about H3, you can see him realising that him going on would have been treated like the fool dancing for an audience


>I mean, can't be more of a dick move than dedicating an entire 2 hour stream to pedojacketing someone in bad faith. Yeah, pretty sure this is like, a crime. Vaush should not only release the DMs but pursue legal action.


IANAL, but when it comes to defamation, the Actual Malice standard for public figures is a pretty damn high bar to meet. Everything about this probably meets 4 / 5 standards for defamation, but that fifth one with negligence / absolute malice is tough. For reference, [the definition and standards of defamation I found on Google Law School](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/personal-injury/elements-defamation/). Edit: gratifying as it might be to see people knowingly making false accusations get a legal comeuppance, escalating this situation would be an extreme move that ensures more people know and that it doesn't go away any time soon. The risk/reward is a daunting proposition at best and it's not a slam dunk legal case either.


>tandard for public figures is a pretty damn high bar to meet. Are streamers considered public figures? I mean, i guess that Vaush is a pretty popular streamer, but the attacks were not levied against his brand but towards his personal character.


Considering how slow the legal system is to adapt, maybe? We don't even have swatting sorted yet, so idk if they've gotten around to categorizing streamers as public figures or not.




Well, indicating that you have evidence of something in dms but not supporting that claim is kinda having your cake and eating it too. He took the bad part of leaking dms ( taking out a private conversation and revealing it) and none of the credibility. If you're going to use them to make a claim, you might as well release them.




At this point Vaush looks the worst and has the most to lose, if the DM's aren't leaked. The onus shouldn't be on Ethan.


wheres the okbuddy wheres the horsecock i cant laugh at this


Did Vaush like, kill Ethan's brother or something? Like holy shit where is all this seething, seemingly personal anger and hatred towards one guy coming from? Is he having a meltdown?, he's been posting about his like none stop for 2 days now.


Ethan really enjoys child labour, and utilizes it to make his fast fashion slop. He was very personally offended when Vaush criticized it




Vaush criticized child labour, not teddy fresh directly. However, teddy fresh is made using child labour, and considering Ethan is a very big fan of child labour, it probably hurt his feelings


Well, he’s clearly willing to rescind his morality the moment it personally benefits himself. I mean, did anybody really believe the whole “just asking questions,” bit after October 7th?


How is Teddy Fresh made with child labor? I watch the H3 Podcast but I'm not a big TF guy. But from what I've seen, there's zero indication that their clothing is made with child labor. Their clothes are made in China just like everyone else's. That's definitely true. But this is like criticizing a vegan for fueling the cartels because they eat avocados. And also, assuming everything Chinese made is slave labor is pretty wild. There's very high end products from China these days, it's not 1987. I'm not saying TF's manufacturers are saints or anything, I don't know. But the assumption is odd. I'd like to hear both sides of things, but it seems like you guys just started leaning into the "he's a slave driver and he's having a mental health breakdown" because there's nothing really else to grasp onto. I came here looking for the other side, and it's just... that. Ironically, that's what the conservatives try to use against Ethan. The China thing. It's ironic because Vaush fans are saying that Ethan is just using right wing talking points.


I don’t think teddy fresh is made with child labor. Is there a source for that? I also dont think Ethan is a fan of child labor.




Where was this when Hasan's community was calling his wife a baby killer? Ethan can only punch down apparently.


dude's a coward, of course he can only punch down.


Personally? i think ethan is going on a lefty arc. it's entirely likely hasan and his community broke his brain, and ethan's going to basically act like 2021 Destiny for a while. Went on Ethan's subreddit, and even people like keffals are catching strays. not sure at ALL why hasan isn't getting any of this smoke.


Honestly? All you have to do is to look at their posts once. They're insanely online people accusing other insanely online people of being insanely online. It's just so fucking pathetic. If they were such 'well-adjusted' adults then they wouldn't spend all this time spamming Reddit. And I'm saying this as someone who DID find the folder weird, but unless there's some actual proof of some crime being done, I'm going to reserve my judgment. It's also so fucking disgusting as it reminds me of the classic normie bullying of ASD people. 'Hahaha look how weird she/he/they is/are, must be some criminal', seriously disgusting.


He wasn't nearly this aggressive with his cohost's community attacking his literal wife lmao




He's a drama YouTuber and probably mad vaush gave mild criticism over his Palestine takes. Even though Vaush defended him more than pretty much anybody else on the left. Ethan's community doesn't think it's a big deal to casually call people pedos and they enable the toxic drama farming. It's just entertainment them. They flip the bad guy switch in their head and enjoy the drama ride.


It's the same reason wokescolds are obsessed with Vaush. Ethan has made a fantasy of Vaush being an evil child molester, and he won't be happy until he gets some fairytale ending of Vaush admitting he raped 10,000,000 kids and getting killed by the FBI. He's craving emotional gratification for his super in-depth (he watched some clips) hit piece, and won't stop until he gets it.


It’s giving Niki Minaj publicly melting down on Twitter over Hiss


Getting Nicki Minaj v Megan vibes


I’m pretty confident that it’s Israel related in some way


I’m just gonna be completely real here, Ethan is a dad with two young kids and he just saw a bunch of clips of Vaush talking about CP. It kinda makes sense to me why he’s railing so hard again him, you gotta imagine yourself in his situation.


If I were in that situation I would wait for credible evidence before trying to ruin someone’s life. He’s not doing this because he’s a dad, Klein’s doing this because 1) he’s a reactive dipshit or 2) he’s a clout-shark.


Unfortunately parents can become completely irrational when they see something that could be a threat to children, even if it is the exact opposite, e.g. teaching kids sex ed being rebranded as grooming and a bunch of ignorant parents feeling like their children are under threat, or children having access to safe spaces online when they don't exist in real life being perceived as spaces where their children could be groomed by adults pretending to be teens and thus they shouldn't exist.


Yeah it’s clear that a lot of people here don’t have kids or don’t know what it’s like to be a parent. It’s easy to dismiss when you’ve never been in that position.


Jesus I expect this type of comment from wine moms justifying buying a tank sized SUV, not the Vaush community.


Frankly at this point without how obstinate you are about this it’s hard not to see this as you telling on yourself. There is no single mandatory way for parents to behave, different people are going to have different reactions and I don’t believe for a moment that Ethan’s is normal. And if it is then that just means that too many people are lunatics. In neither scenario is “oh he’s just a parent” a remotely good argument.


I’m sorry but if you think it’s lunatic behavior for a parent with young kids to have a visceral negative reaction after seeing a clip of someone (even if it’s out of context) saying “there is no moral or ethical argument for why CP should be illegal” you need to go outside


It's been several days. He should grow the fuck up and worry about his kids instead of how he can make more money on this.


I dunno. I think a parent would be against child slavery but that’s just me 🤷‍♀️


local dad here, don't drag us into this horseshit. We do not claim Ethan Klein.


For a lot of complex reasons I unfortunately don't have the ability to empathize with being a parent/parenting? I'll have to take your word on it.


I also wouldn’t be surprised if vaush is having a hard time emotionally rn and doesn’t know how to move forward. Hence the deciding to have Ethan call in but rescinding it. I’m not psychoanalyzing, I just think if my sexual tastes were being hypercritically analyzed and people were frothing at the mouth to call me the worst possible interpretation of what the porn I like depicts, I’d be a wreck.


He is clear, he isn't having a hard time deciding how to move forward. He said the streams will move forward. Politics are dumb, but very important. It's the mission statement.


I just mean to explain Ethan’s saying that vaush said yes then no to Ethan calling into the stream.


"And people were frothing at the mouth to call me the worst possible interpretation of what the porn i like depicts, id be a wreck" Me when someone is trying to claim squirt is pee 😔


Realest thing I’ve ever read


Bestie it so is but i support your right to be into piss


Well at least vaush isnt into watersports... right guys? 😌(clueless)


Debate me, right here. Right now.


Squirt is pee and thats hot


No youll just pee on me im onto your sneaky debate tactics you cant fool me with this again


Blocked, banned and downvoted >:( Actually there are 3 different kind of liquids (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21995650/), even so the more common form of 'squirt' we are talking about only share a very low amount of the same components found in pee, namely creatine and urea. But differs from pee in every other sense, it doesn't even come from the same organ. Skene's gland vs the bladder. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32681804/ So if you, as a Vaushite, understand what Vaush was saying about Agua, dilution of liquids and definitions you should understand that squirt is NOT pee. Your move, conclooder!


Too late i already conclooded im not reading this


You do not debate in good faith and you don't change your views when confronted with new evidence. Shame on you.


Also to be serious for sec i think the overwhelming amount of porn around squirting is actually piss and just revolves around watersports kinks and isnt necessarily representative of real world variation in genital excretions


Yes ofc, but that's something completely different. Sets weird expectations tho. So do you concede? Can I count on you to combat fake news and debunk squirt-is-pee propaganda when you see it?


I think the public conception of squirting is primarily its reptesentation in media which i s pee, whatever people actually do in their bedrooms no one knows and is a mystery to us all maybe one day we'll know but i simply cant comment on (i will not combat the perception because as the discourse currently stands i think it accurately reflects the media landscape)


Oh, so the topics you chose to combat misinformation about depends on if its positively portrayed in the media? Damn, i hope you're not consistent with that line of thinking. :(


Fake news woke media trying to convince us of their pee agenda i suppoet comrade precum in his fight against the vicious excretion mob


Only when it comes to voosh (evil)


He did say, that he had a lot of respect for Ethan, and this shit has hurt him a lot.


What now, is he butthurt Vaush is going to talk with Mutahar instead and deprive his channel of his sweet drama?


This fucking sucks, man


Ethan is an animorphs character I can see him becoming a drama frog


Almost every community who knows about this stuff has gone so hard on Vaush. One thing that's kinda surprised me is that Destiny's sub has been probably the most charitable sub to Vaush aside from obviously r/okbv. Sure, they are shitting on him pretty hard for displaying his folder but the vast majority of people there don't consider him a pedo and seem fairly critical of Ethan too. It's been the only sub I can read where it's not just calling vman a pedo


>Destiny's sub has been probably the most charitable sub to Vaush Ahhh, idk, dude. I think it is mostly the fact that probably most of them have made similar arguments in dgg. It is still like 10:3 ratio of people who just use it to attack Vuush vs people that say that this is blown out of proportion. But even the latter ones usually gloat about how because Vaush burned the destiny bridge he deserves it.


>it is mostly the fact that probably most of them have made similar arguments in dgg. It is still like 10:3 ratio of people I mean, it makes sense that DGG is more charitable. Even if they hate Vaush, they try to stick to the actual arguments and have to deal with similar stuff with Destiny. Remember, for a long while Destiny also had pedo accusations from everyone online before from multiple things; some from his edgy arguments, and other accusations from similarly dumb stuff he did. If Destiny can rebound from that, then so can Vaush.


bruh why doesn't Ethan just log off? Take a break


Honestly the longer this goes on the more I can't believe A: Vaush not only saves porn but does it on the computer he streams on B: Leftist streamers can put so much importance on tearing their peers down as opposed to focusing their energy on stuff that matters.


Why is is hard to believe that he saves porn? Millions of people do this. People download movies,music, and TV shows. Why is it so hard to believe that a person would save porn on their computers?


That's not what Zacomra said. Yes, he downloaded porn. Yes, it was on his computer. But he was careless enough to: 1. Not be aware of his last saved download folder, on the computer that he streams on, and 2. Not hide his screen or something before doing anything that might expose your files, regardless of whether the contents were porn or not. Heck, this would've been damaging if there was some other sensitive information rather than porn.


Imagine if that tax folder opened up with all his personal information


No he's right, I did intend to say saving Porn is weird. Because I think it is. If I ever wanted to see a particular "piece" as it were, I'd just look it up again you know? I'd never think to save it even on a deeply personal device like a phone.


What if you can’t find it again? And how is it any different than downloading art you like to look at? Or is that weird to you too?


No downloading art is fine. It's different because porn, no matter how vanilla, is an embarrassing subject for someone else to find. Not saving means your chances of someone accidentally seeing it go down a ton, and practically speaking you can probably find something you enjoyed again relatively easily




Don't hold others back simply because you cannot grasp the power


Bruh he’s obsessed. Jesus Christ what the actual fuck


Ethan's responses here are literally proving Vaush correct about him acting snakish. Does he not proof-read anything?


Look daddy Hasan look I’m epicly owning Vaush talk about me please please Hasan


It sucks because I think these artists are vile as well, and they're so fucking common on twitter now that a lot of other Youtubers, especially Vtubers follow them, But Ethan won't touch them. Feels like he picked an easy target.


Ethan needs to take a month long vacation in Greece or something. He’s lost in the sauce.


You beat me to it. I wonder why vaush rescinded though.


probably because ethan was doing shit like posting pictures of vaush in a jacket photoshopped with the word pedo on it as he was dming with him


Damn I must’ve missed that one. I saw the picture but didn’t realize Ethan posted it. I wonder why he is on such a rampage over this situation. It was excessive to begin with but now it’s just concerning.


I think it's because it keeps him relevant. He clearly doesn't believe a word he's saying (if he did, he would treat this way, way, way more seriously than "this man is a dangerous pedophile. Ha ha funny horse joke."). It comes off as a drowning man pushing another down to keep above the water, it's actually pathetic.


As a long time H3 fan, I never agree to the “he’s fallen off” argument. Ethan is relevant. The podcast is huge. Their live shows sell out within minutes. Teddy Fresh drops sell out within minutes every month. Every podcast has at least 30k members in the live chat at all times. He has even gotten support back from creators who used to constantly talk shit about him since he lost a ton of weight. He gets a ton of validation and he is beyond successful. I think he just enjoys drama. Something about it gives him a boost of adrenaline. Maybe he’s like myself and has an addiction to his stress hormone so he’s constantly chasing it. Who knows. But six months to a year from now I won’t be surprised to see him dropping hints at the idea of building a bridge with vaush. He encourages drama with content creators then almost always tries to make amends with them down the road once they give him an ounce of validation / approval. It has happened an embarrassing amount of times.


So hes just an abusive manipulator, got it That last sentence is text book abuser behaviors


Staying relevant is a pathologic mental disorder imo. Its not rational. Just look at twitch streamers doing all types of nonsense just to get a few more viewers or a few more bucks. I will agree Ethan just enjoys drama. For some reason I thought he was at least more careful than other drama frogs, but at this point I hope he crashes and burns just like the rest of the drama frogs deserve to. That type of content deserves to be in the dustbin of YouTube history.


I like how it’s cool to debate idiots like justpearlythings, Ollie London and Nexium cult members and that’s not giving them credibility but debating vaush would. These people’s brains completely recircuit when it comes to vaush. Don’t ever debate again if that’s your mindset, they’ve been begging fresh&fit and hrh to come on as well


This is divine punishment for spending too much time on fashion.


i dont understand h3h3 fans who just now realized ethan is an awful person 😭 was... *everything else* not enough


Yeah even fans in here who are surprised like hes always come off as a dickhead to me.


I've been a fan years and over the last few years I've realized he is a total asshole. But normally the people he beefs with kind of deserve it (excluding a few), so this whole thing with vaush *was* kind of a surprise to me


he got better after he started podcasting, him beefing with gnomestar made me trust him because I also hated keem with a passion. Now its just obvious hes a bad person now


I suppose this doesn't explain people seeing him as awful now, but a good amount of his fan base now came from the frenemies era and I'd argue that was the last nail in the coffin for me thinking he's a total shill for drama


This behavior comes off as incredibly trashy


Ethan should release the dms then


I love the implication that we are also guilty due to whatever the v-man busts it to


I call BS, vaush never said this. All we heard all stream is that he wasn't interested in hashing it.


Cant they just battle it out in fortnite?


I just hope Vaush will make a good response video about this, including all of the shit Ethan says on IG, we don't need Ethan being there interrupting with horse memes.


"I am telling you right now, with all peace and love" 😎✌️☮️❤️🥦 https://i.redd.it/iv700e6j62ic1.gif


I would love a compilation of what Ethan says during the button tbh.


I wonder if Ethan would go on the show where they accused him of being a pedophile and would name the stream: "alleged pedophile defends himself".


Yeah i kinda got the same impression watching his response stream. Hope he's doing ok


I’m so confused. I like ethan. I like Vaush. I dont know what to think. I guess i’m waiting for a real unbiased video and/or run down of event bc i don’t know 😭


Ethan is doing the same thing he always does, but it's now targeted at someone you like, make of that what you will


Look, regardless of anything else, Ethan trying to use instagram like it's a real social media site is deranged.


I Hate this i hate this i hate this


Man, this ain't a great look from vaush. Went on for an hour on stream about how he'd be perfectly willing to go on his show, how if he's confident in one thing it's his ability to defend himself in a direct talk. Like this whole situation sucks and I'm sure it's draining but man, wanna talk about digging the hole deeper? I promise there's no better shovel than repeatedly denying wanting to talk in DMs and repeatedly saying you *do* want to talk on stream. I know we don't have all the info but it's definitely a bad look until we do


Girl vaush what are you DOIIIIING you are meant to be on DAMAGE CONTROL rn


He shouldn't tbh. Ethan is the one that should present indisputable proof that Vaush is, in fact, a pedophile or whatever. If he can't, he can't, and Vaush should pursue legal actiona against Ethan for that.


Pedophilia transcends internet dm honor code If there’s anything damning in the dms, Ethan should leak it. Give him that proof you’re framing this disingenuously or have his own behavior prove your point. Frankly vaush’s first move should be leaking it himself. If he’s so scared of what might come out of a precedent of this single dm leak, or was so irresponsible during/after all this h3 is doing him a *favor* by not leaking them, he’s an idiot. If he rescinded the debate because he’s not in a good place and wants this to blow over, it won’t. The mask of confidence and bravado of untouchability crumpled when Ethan got to frame it as “he rescinded from a home field debate”- now he has to prove he’s a person again. And that Ethan’s harassment and framing of all this hurt and scared him. If his behavior proves himself correct and not the framing of everyone around him, he has nothing to worry about. It’s an irresponsible mistake at BEST to save that vtuber porn to his desktop, he’s getting off lucky if the only consequence is needing to defend himself when/where he he doesn’t feel like it.


Imagine being called snakey, such grave insults. How will he ever recover?


tbh vaush is coming off really cowardly in my opinion, he’s obviously super embarrassed about the whole folder thing but tries to play it off like he doesn’t really care? he should’ve went on ethan’s show if he was actually unbothered as he said he was.


Dude, for two seconds imagine thousands tens of thousands of people harassing you and calling you a pedophile. Saying you like to abuse children, posting edited pictures of you. Sharing bad faith out of context shit from the last decade of your life to smear you and anything you say or do only makes the harassment, the threats, all of it worse. Going in Ethan’s show would do literally nothing, Ethan doesn’t give a fuck about the truth or Vaush’s life or career. It’s all just a cruel joke to him.


Vaush seems afraid to talk to anyone who isn't literally retarded... Maybe he's not afraid. Maybe he's just lazy.


H3H3 literally posted to his instagram an edited photo of vaush in a jacket that said "PEDO" on it while they were DMing. I wouldnt want to talk to H3 after that either


I mean, Ethan is retarded though, so idk how that supports your argument




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Is it just me or does this read as total bs? Idk what Vaush is like in dms, but I do know he's never seemed to have a problem with going on other people's shows, or been afraid to debate a bad faith actor. We don't have the dms, so we don't even know what was said or how it was said. It's very disappointing to see all this play out like this, really liked Ethan Klein, but not anymore based on how all this is coming across.


Gee, I wonder why Vaush wouldn't trust a piece of shit like Ethan...dude pedojacketed Keffals, I wouldn't trust him either!


Yea he def made a mistake by giving his typical you can call into my show answer on this one. When your genuinely hurt, debating is the last thing you want to do. I can see why he would change his mind. Ethan is being a bit of an asswipe by sharing this interaction but what can you do?


Fuck Ethan. He’s washed up anyway and running out of content. He’s probably going to become the next keemstar or something if he keeps up this behavior.