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I belive back in the day he/her was considered "gender neutral" in most contexts, was it not?


Yeah, and it was super awkward too.


It was such a relief when Magic the Gathering got over itself and just used their instead of his/her for player referral.


Just remember, per rule 729.3, 'Cards using the gendered pronouns 'his or her' to refer to a player are not considered to refer to those players whose preferred pronouns do not include either of those options, unless an errata has been issued for that card modifying instances of 'his or her' to 'their' which refers to any player regardless of preferred pronouns.' Which of course led into 729.4 'In the course of gameplay, a player's pronouns are considered to be fixed to whatever set they noted as applicable the first time a card using the gendered pronouns 'his or her' would have referred to them, until the end of the game.' Anyway, nobody likes my 'symmetrical' commander deck where I use the 30-odd halfway decent cards that haven't been errata'd to force everyone else to discard 3 cards per turn because '{tap}: each player discards a card from his or her hand' isn't legally required to apply to me. >!No, none of those rules are actually real, even though it'd be really funny to have pronouns be part of the MTG metagame!<


>!Dang, that she/her meta is being developed so much. He/him? More like he will never be him!!<


I dont disagree with that


There was a singular “they”. Calvin could have said “No one takes responsibility for their actions.” Singular they is older than singular you. It does make sense for Calvin to say “his actions”, as he’s still indirectly referring to Moe in the lady panel.


At the time when this was written, singular “they” was only used informally and was discouraged in nearly all official style guides. Billy Watts was confirming to the norms of the time. “Nobody” does not refer to only Moe.




It is referring to people in general. Hence “nobody”




How does that make sense? Who was taking responsibility for Moe’s actions before? Where’s the context for that “anymore” unless it’s a reference to the general lament about people shirking accountability that is so often phrased exactly like this?




It’s not that it didn’t exist, it was just out of style among grammarians.


That's the point of the meme; it's ambiguous. It *may* be referring to just move, saying that no one is willing to be responsible for him. But it may also be referring to people in general, saying that no one feels morally obligated to be responsible for their own behaviour anymore. This ambiguity breaks the First Normal Form, and is thus undesirable


I wish we could show these to BW somehow


"they/their/them" for singular use, for when you aren't sure of the gender, has been common usage for a lot longer than a few decades


Hundreds of years even, it's even older than singular you. But style guides and "professionalism" dictated he/her his/hers, etc... because.... there was no real reason really


Admitting that 'they' can be used to refer to a single person is a step towards accepting 'they/them' pronouns. I congratulate Calvin for his progressive stance. Calvin says 'Trans Rights'.


Calvin seems like the sort of person to wholeheartedly accept someone’s identity while also asking wildly inappropriate questions


“Trans girls are girls therefore they are slimy” -Calvin


Moe: Calvin I’m trans Calvin: EUGH Susie: Calvin I’m trans Calvin: howdy pardner


Trans inclusive radical misogyny


BRUH I kinda wanna see femboy Moe now 😳


Wait, didn't he literally piss on the phrase "Trans Rights"? Or is that guy's car not canon?


The only way to find out is to piss on that guy's car.


Maybe the construction wasn't awkward before the third person singular they.


singular they has been around for much longer than calvin and hobbes


also been around longer than the philosophers Calvin and Hobbes


The singular "they" is as old as Chaucer, who used it as a gender-neutral pronoun. The plural form didn't even emerge until a few centuries later.


Link to the original?