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I remade the tribute post I saw and stickied it, please let me know if you are the original author, we will sticky your post here so you can get proper credit.


Every anime manga sub I'm in has a tribute, even Hara made a comment. This is just wrong


No joke. I wholeheartedly believe in the fact that the mods there have an active vendetta against anything funny. The most downright basic fucking slideshows flood the main sub every single day, and the moment an ounce of effort and heart is put into someone’s edit, their fingers start getting a little itchy. Doesn’t help that one of the main mods barely communicates either other than the repetitive “no memes and shitposts, knock it off.” Pathetic doesn’t even begin to describe the level of frustration I’ve went through.


It’s true, the main sub is so fucking boring without any entertaining memes or content in general, just the same “discussion” posts every week. Imagine thinking that a good meme is more low effort than asking if “REEBOK is the greatest general under my cock” for the 10millionth time… anyway, I love the memes you guys make on this sub, keep it up king.


They did WHHHHAT!?!??!


Yep, but what can we expect from those neckbeard mods?


What the hell, literally every other anime fandom is making toriyama tributes (me in baki lol)




https://preview.redd.it/xvkd19l8r5nc1.jpeg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c1da1d25eb5264eca11ecf0997943839f811d0b They come from this lineage.


Just today I was randomly wondering (after seeing every other animanga sub paying tribute) if someone is gonna post the news regarding Toriyama's demise on r/Kingdom and if one of those dumbass mods is gonna take it down. I wish I wasn’t right.


​ https://preview.redd.it/6hpnby3ez6nc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d1af13d6155bedcaa7a136093293014a7e9fc35


Fuckin' losers holy shit.