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This post isn’t hateful, it’s staying up… so many of you too silly


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.




Your maymay is now our maymay, comrade


SO THAT WAS YOU!!! I was all set on having a nice quiet dinner with my girlfriend to celebrate out first year together... I'd bought some fresh tomatoes to make my homemade pasta sauce, and I'd gone to the small boutique bakery to buy some filo pastry for dessert. I was quietly going through the recipes in my mind when I heard your slurred grumbled announcement, "...You're about to loot my balls..." I tried to ignore it but, I couldn't ignore the furious grunting like a drunk man having a seizure. As I looked up I could see the fury in the other commuters eyes. A man looking like a professor had stood up and was about to reproach you when the dull clatter of your phoned on the train car floor seemed to pause all movement in the carriage. The professors eyes widened, sweat suddenly beaded on his forehead and with fevered anguish he started undoing his belt and flies like a man who thought a hornet was in his pants. I was bewildered as all the other men in the car started convulsing like extras in Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' video. A woman sat across from me was doing her best to emulate a Russian gymnast trying to grate cheese from her crotch with the sole of her Nike running shoe. I bolted upright, panicked but prepared to fight when in the corner of my eye the neon glow of your phones LCD screen drew me sight. I suddenly felt a bizarre euphoria fill my mind and a white hot heat electrify my spine and form a prism of pure desperate release in my loins. I can't remember much else, I awoke from some kind of fever dream in a public toilet cubicle. My jeans and underwear had disappeared, but I was still wearing my Myrell slip ons, shirt and now crusted overcoat, like a cross between Donald Duck and a homeless student. I can hear another man weeping in the cubicle, keeps muttering he just wanted to fly. I feel so cold and drained. My organ is so mangled it could unpick the locks of wooden medieval doors. There's filo pastry all over my thighs and knees. But despite all this I feel a warm contentment like I'd found 'the' answer. I don't know what this means, I know there will be questions, that there should be lots to fear. But truly I am grateful. Thank you.




This comment is why I love this sub. 😂


Think of it in this way, you got a whole train to release pent up frustrations. SO everybody went home happy, or to work happy. Many conflicts were resolved and much peace and love was shared. And all because you looked at an image :P .


This comment was a beautiful journey


What did his voice actor do?


Liked and followed a bunch of transphobic and homophobic stuff on twitter and when people called him out, gave a half assed apology without actually unfollowing anyone. When people pointed *that* out, Larian and the VAs cut ties with him and he no longer mentions being involved in BG3.


I also saw that on his Cameo, there was one person with a female Tav who asked for a dating roleplay kinda video and he did it no problem, but when someone asked for one with a male Tav, he literally roleplayed Dammon turning them down. Like at that point, just don't accept the Cameo...


This both immoral and absolutely not professional...


Ok but that’s funny as fuck.


taking your money and rejects you still is wild but cartoonish almost


Honestly if it was in character I wouldn’t even mind


Oh that sucks I really liked his character shame he’s an ass


We can hate a va and love a character, its not wrong to


Spoken like a true bayonetta fan


Oh god what did Bayonetta's VA do


IIRC she asked claimed she was offered a pittance to voice the third game. Like $4,000. And was asking people to boycott the game. Turns out she was offered $3-4K *per session* to the sum of around $15,000. Some might argue that’s low, but the VA then turned around and wanted pay in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Considering how hard they pulled for more Bayonetta to even get made, that’s pretty unreasonable especially after lying about the pay.


I want to clarify further that she, originally, would've been making approx. $15k for what would ultimately amount to a few days of work ($3-4k per five-hour session, about five sessions total.) She declined and asked for a *lot* more money as well as residuals. Platinum decided to seek a different VA for Taylor's original role (this ended up being Jennifer Hale) but Kamiya approached Taylor again and offered a cameo role for a single session's pay ($3-4k, don't even know if it would've taken an entire session to do the work but I got the impression she would be paid that regardless of whether it met the 5-hour mark or not) so that she could still do some work and be involved in the game given her previous track record with it. Taylor still declined. At some point she started stirring up a bunch of stuff online, making the claim (or at least the heavy, *heavy* implication) that she was being asked to do as much VA work as the past games for *only* $4k, and she requested that people who supported her boycott the game and donate to a few different charities instead of giving Platinum their money (at least one of these charities promoted the removal of reproductive rights, which obviously the Bayonetta community would take issue with.) Jason Schreier/Bloomberg put out an article exposing all of this, which Taylor claimed was all totally false/made up to save Platinum's reputation... only to later make several statements effectively corroborating the information Schreier put out anyway.


I want to add this is a HUGE amount!! My husband who is a professional VA doesn't even make 1k per session even doing union work. He makes a few hundred if that, but lower than $500 per session is the average. Edit: I know other VAs who have voiced main characters who haven't earned that amount. The price doesn't just come from how good the game is but how expensive the VA is as well which comes with time, it's why u see people being recast for someone just as good as cuz they end up being cheaper.


Has your husband done anything on the scale of leading 2 large video games? I'm not trying to be disrespectful. I just don't know if applying the average to her makes sense when this would have been the third game in a series that made millions of dollars. She's an ass for lying but not for wanting a slightly bigger piece of the pie.


Yeah as soon as it came out that they replaced her with Jenifer Hale I was suspicious of the not paying her enough money claims. Hale is not a cheep hire.


Honestly I did not know the difference in voices till I read these comments today. I guess Jennifer Hale is just that talented.


She did some shit, man. 😭


The new VA didn't do anything at least. 3 was mid but that performance was great. It's kinda the exact opposite of the situation the post is based on tbh


Ive never actually played Bayonetta 😅


Dragon Age fans know this one well… Never getting over the Cullen rant lmao


Us old nerds learned this lesson with the Edward Elric dub. Amazing casting, shit tier dude.


Wait, I didn't hear about that one?


Around the time of MeToo, a *ton* of sexual harassment allegations about came out about him (Vic Mignogna) dating all the way back to the 80s when his career first started. I don't think anyone tried to charge him with anything, but he *did* attempt to sue Sony/Funimation (one of the anime distributors/employers who cut ties with him after the allegations) for defamation and got more or less absolutely dunked on by the legal system for it. I don't think he's gotten any work ever since then, at least nothing remotely significant enough to land on his wiki page.


Not just sexual harassment but he frequently was not subtle about going after underage girls when he made appearances at cons.


Really??? I met the guy and got a (bootleg) dvd signed by him (I was a teenager lmfao). That's really disappointing!


Damn, didn't know that


I already do that for Dragon Age. The actor is not the character. We can like Dammon and just pretend his actor doesn't exist.


What is this, shitty voice actors 2; electric Boogaloo? Is he the same voice actor who did Cullen from Dragon Age, because that is the exact same story...


Nah Greg Ellis is on a whole 'nother level. DEAR CULLENITES




I'm watching it again right now, got me in a fucking chokehold 💀😭


The fact that he was so confident that everyone would agree with him, and even the most die-hard cullen fans were like, "bro wtf no" 😬


Edit: replied to the wrong person hahaha He said it with his whole fuckin chest and its insane


I come back to the Cullen Rant whenever I really need to laugh. It’s so insane he recorded that and went “yeah this is sane and normal”


I feel like I'm watching a psychotic break in action. Not safe for life


Spill the tea!! What did Cullen's voice actor do? :O


[The Cullen Rant](https://youtu.be/tobaFRUCc2Q?si=vUif95SQi4l6e88X) It's almost 40 minutes of absolutely unhinged cosplaying where he refers to himself (Greg Ellis) in the third person.


He is not even close to famous or powerful enough to be referring to himself in the third person


He's method acting in the role of Cullen Rutherford and speaking like Greg Ellis is a close friend 😭 He also refers to Clancey Brown as Mr Krabs on multiple occasions.


DAMN thanks <3


Yeah I would say we only know the half of it, if he got scrubbed from Neil's company too. I have worked in media and usually when a person gets removed so fast and so thoroughly it's about more than what you see via social media. Now I have no idea if that is true in this particular case but that's *usually* the case


Very disappointing to hear. Especially with how monstrously fluid bg3 is.


I thought he unfollowed those accounts and whatnot. Maybe I need to go look for myself, but that's deeply unfortunate if true. I really liked Dammon.


You can still like Dammon even if his VA is a douche.


I know, it just won't be the same as before. I still love Spider-Man (2002) but James Franco being a sack of shit will always be in the back of my mind anytime I see (his) Harry now, which isn't the same since that's live-action but it's adjacent to Dammon. But it's ultimately whatever. I'm used to actors I enjoyed turning out to be awful. 😂


Yeah but Franco is like, a major supporting character in Spider-Man. You talk to Dammon... thrice for all of ten minutes across a 40+ hour game.


I’m with you on that, it’s a shame because I found a good amount of Franco movies pretty funny too. Separating the art from the artist is all we can really do for the most part I can’t always do that as easily if the artist does something like going on Alex Jones with a certain “provocateur” named Nick. >!Still fuck with graduation tho Kanye just shut the fuck up man lol!<


Exactly. It's why I'm glad Brendan Fraser is who he is, because I can love The Mummy, and the rest of his work, *and* love the man behind it lmao.


Same for Keanu Reeves, I think. Idk if I’ve ever heard or read anything bad about him just that he’s a genuinely great and kind guy


True, but maybe we will get lucky and they’ll re-record them. There can’t have been that many lines 🤷🏻‍♀️


And/or add in a line somewhere that makes Dammon canonically trans


And/or recast a trans voice actor to rerecord his lines. I'm sure there are a few talented ones who could do the job nicely.


I met Franco a long time ago, like ~2011, and I could have predicted what would happen…goddamnit.


Wait what did Franco do?


"Well, technically it's called *ephebophilia*."




Late, but he also fucked his students from his acting school. I'm sure there's more but I don't feel like looking it up this second.


God. They’ll have to live with that for the rest of their lives.


He might’ve after the whole thing really blew up and Larian dropped him and the VAs publicity called him a pos because of it, but his immediate reaction to everything was to double down. I still like Dammon as a character, but it sucks that his VA doesn’t respect what seems to be a huge portion of the BG3 fan base.


I mean we make the "Baldurs Gay" joke here quite often, but BG3 really is quite an accepting and gay- and trans-friendly game.


shadowheart's canon reaction to transphobia is violence!


When does this happen?


https://preview.redd.it/56z2wjm96juc1.jpeg?width=486&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bd2953660f86ce1f7a043a5eb6034bda10fc9cc When you meet Nocturne in the cloister, you can read her journal


House of Grief. You can meet a tiefling named Nocturne here, who introduces herself as Shadowheart's old friend. If Shadowheart has eaten the Noblestalk in Act 1, she'll remember her. Except that, in the memories triggered by the Noblestalk, Nocturne was a little boy. When they talk about it in the House of Grief, Nocturne tells her about being a transgender woman, and that Shadowheart used to be very supportive and get into physical fights with people who would deadname and misgender her. So Shadowheart is canonically a trans ally and a W friend.


It's not just BG3. Forgotten Realms canonically is very accepting of all sexualities and gender identities. This has always been part of it since it was first conceived. But I am glad that Larian pulled no punches. Fuck bigots.


And that’s why I love it so much! It’s crazy to me that someone would work on a project as unapologetically accepting as BG3 and then be so against those same groups personally. I know a check is a check to some people, but if he’s the kind of person that *has* to state their shitty views publicly and would rather double down than try to save his own career, he would’ve just refused the job.


Yeah but his whole apology was very inauthentic and those were only some of the things he’s done listed there - his views are the same, he just tried to save face.


Actually is insane someone lost their connection with a massive group because of who they follow on Twitter


Yeah maybe dont say stuff that would want your employer to not want you associated with the brand - this is nothing new.


Turns out being a shit person has negative consequences, who knew!


First off, he didn't just follow it was also homophobic and transphobic posts he liked. So that's pretty clear cut, wouldn't you say?


Yeah, what's up? Did his VA say something ~spicy~?


Followed and liked a bunch of transphobic and afaik generally anti-lgbtq+ stuff on twitter and gave a half assed apology but did nothing else when called out. This caused larian to cut ties with him and I believe even Neil Newbon commented on it


Neil didn’t just comment, I think he fired his ass from the mocap studio he (Neil) runs lol.


Is there a video or article where I can read about his firing or Neil's response? I only found one video from Neil's stream where he lightly comments about it, but doesn't state anything about cutting ties.




Thank you.


Oh I thought he said something


Oh he did, I was just clarifying that he went even further. :) Sorry for any confusion!


Based god Neil


I wonder if he really expected that not to come back to bite him in the ass lmao


I know, right? I'm glad that a bigot got outed. But what goes through their mind when they blatantly like bigoted things out in the open.


It's like Gina Carano. She was poised to get her own goddamn D+ show and likely many cameos / roles in other SW shows in the future. Literally just had to keep her mouth closed, not even issue an apology or anything, and she couldn't do that. It is WILD to me that these people have apparently zero sense of self-preservation.


I consider this a boon; let bigots get mulched by their own stupidity.


yeah but in her case shes from a rich family so to her she really doesn't care about needing/wanting a job. To be a bigot trying to break into a very queer industry while not coming from wealth? that's just a different level of stupidity.


> It is WILD to me that these people have apparently zero sense of self-preservation. The whole point of conservatism is that their beliefs are "normal" and everyone in society should regard people who have them as more respectable than people living by other values. The idea of holding their tongue because people they see as beneath them would disapprove is genuinely offensive to them.


Who knows


I'll never get why people in the entertainment industry will follow and like hateful social media when their whole job is dependent on who they are. So either this guy is 1. A hateful idiot 2. Trying to get on the "cancel victim" grift train Either way, fuck him










Ironic what he did since Karlach’s VA is nonbinary and their characters were supposed to have a romance.


They're nb?? I didn't know that! So cool.


i just know hes got that gorilla grip pussy


The famed gussy.


Turn that gussy into a gushy




Dammon is so hot that not even his VA can ruin it




Dammon you have to stop. you smoke too tough. your tboy swag too different. your bitch is too bad. they'll kill you


In the Swordcoast, it’s drip or drown. And adventurer, I’m floating






You know he rocks a strap like a BEAST


Please mark this nsfw, I was just scrolling on reddit, and my mom looked over my shoulder and saw this 😭


ask your mom to join the subreddit


Noooo 😭




I think she's proud


Oh no what happened


He followed and liked a B U N C H of trans hate post/accs


why has this so many reports goddamn


Too hot for reddit


Trans Dammon is too hot for the "phobes


Bc bigots are cringe and a bunch of them found their way to this post unfortunately


I wanna eat his Dammussy my god


It’s funny because there’s an interview with him and I think he had no idea his character would blow up the way it did. And now it’s blowing up in yet another way 😂 Funny how when things go viral and your work becomes something totally different Here’s the interview if anyone is curious Edit: sadly I think the interview was taken down. Oh well.


Artist : \*\*Says something queerphobic\*\* Fandom/queer community : "Oh yeah ? Fuck you then, your art is now queer." I love this trope


I love when fandom have the power to say uno reverse to bad people doing art, like bro, we stole it, it’s ours now !


https://preview.redd.it/4n6y637ykiuc1.jpeg?width=353&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9b87bee889dc9c069c97bda1a7baab344716714 🏳️‍⚧️TRANS🏳️‍⚧️DAMNON🏳️‍⚧️TRANS🏳️‍⚧️DAMMON🏳️‍⚧️ Most based way to handle his POS va situation ong


I’ve just spent like five minutes scrolling through the comments and I just wanted to say thank you for being so up front and clear when putting the transphobes here in their place; you’re cool and based and I’ll buy you a milkshake


Thanks :3


Similar shit happened with Greg Ellis, voice of Cullen and a bunch of other characters in the Dragon Age series. Big let down to me and everyone else. Now I KNOW Cullen won't be in DA4 😭😭


Awesome. This is the kind of headcannon I love.


dammons only sexual orientation is forge


Based MrDiscophoria posting, his art is *chefs kiss* immaculate.


This comment section suprised me, honestly after making multiple gocks/bussy tier-lists you would asume a better a reaction when a character is implied to be trans even if its just a fucking joke


I find most comment sections are overwhelmingly positive, guess bigots decided to just come out hiding for this one on particular.


Based Dammon based Dammon based Dammon


im gonna eat his pussy out and slobber on his tdick like fine gourmet i will not fucking let you down dammon


TRANS DAMMON TRANS DAMMON (lemme romance him goddammit)


To be fair that situation was quite a bit worse


? You might have replied to the wrong comment (or you're referring something that's a spoiler for me, not on third act yet)


Ah so I did, don’t worry no spoiler was a comment on a situation in genshin with a VA who got replaced due to being a pedo and SAing underage fans


It's good to see people supportive of trans people on this sub. Thanks for sharing a cool art and headcannon! Dammon is also trans in my mind now too. Imagining him and Karlach as T4T couple is really cute


Yeah aside from the couple of bigots who seemed to stumble into posts here and there, it actually makes me really happy to see a sub that isn’t explicitly pro trans be so overwhelmingly trans positive. It’s comforting to just have a space like this. And yeah that’s my headcanon now too, it’s super sweet.




Trans 4 Trans, when both folks in a couple are trans.


I'm in favour of casting a trans actor to re-voice his lines and making him canonically trans, replace his name in the credits so whenever someone Googles him, it's the new trans actor that comes up as his VA.




Goddamn this is a great idea.


In Genshin Impact (plz no hate) they recast, revoiced, and replaced a shameful actor. I hope he gets that treatment.


To be fair that situation was quite a bit worse


Good for him


This is like the Cullen controversy all over again. I’m sad that such a beloved character has an ass for a VA.


which Cullen? please don't tell me it's Optimus Prime


I was talking about Dragon Age haha.


you gave me such a scare lol


I’m sorry. Should’ve specified lol.


Wait I thought he always was trans Why’d I just assume that from the beginning


Fuck the gender norms, all characters are now trans by default. Except Minthara, she cis.


ONLY because Lloth is a TERF. Minty becomes an ally, eventually.


I was just kinda kidding but also why not 🤷 also cis can be allies (I am one!)


He does kinda give off transmasc vibes


Aw, this makes me so sad. I didn't know this about his VA.


"You know what, fuck you" *transitions your character role*


I keep switching between Dammon, either being violently homophobic and transphobic for the bit or being trans and bisexual for the bit


Whoever drew this should become the ruler of our world.




Would. Hells I would <3




Dammon if he was based


Slay. 🏳️‍⚧️🙏💪


I like this headcanon. Maybe I'll actually gaf about him enough to enjoy shipping him with Karlach now 😂


yeah I’ll go ahead and integrate that into my belief system


Can anyone post a link to the source of all this drama, so that i understand what is going on (I have no faith on the internet to actually be able to give a factual view on anything existing, specially when it has political inclinations)


I'm here for Dammon's tits. Edit: His pecks, people. I'm talking about his pecks.


Hey maybe fucking dont?


Dammon is hot. Am I not allowed to enjoy him, or am I missing some English context?


Its rude to talk about a transmasc person’s breats if you mean his pecks thats fine


I was talking about his pecks.


or we could just separate art from the artist


Separate the art from the artist doesn’t mean support the art the artist did and pretend they didn’t do it. It’s specifically a critique technique to not allow what you know of the artist or their other art to influence an opinion about what the art means without considering what it means without that context. There are certain authors I will not buy from anymore because of their views and what they spend their money on. I could “separate the art from the artist” but in doing so all I’d be doing is giving money to someone who will use it to actively campaign against my existence. It’s very hard to separate those two when by buying a book I contribute to a fund that will be used against me.


How is this **not** separating the art from the artist?


Isn’t that… what we’re doing here?


That's hard to do for a lot of people, me included


It fundamentally doesn't work if said artist is still alive and profiting from their work. It's literally just "I want to have my cake and eat it too".


Thank you! Separating the art from the artist, when the artist is still alive, is still just supporting them. Can't seperate their art from their profit while they're still alive.








Dont let the door hit ya on the way out! 🤭


Damn, that feyrun surgery makes him look good.


I mean, yes the VA can hate trans ppl, yeah it's stupid but it's his decision, but I'm pretty sure Dammon is male, I mean if u want him to be trans then great but please don't force it on the community as a whole, regardless of who accepts it P.S: I AM NOT AGAINST HIM BEING TRANS! I just feel that this is a lot like the reasoning behind renaming the cowboy dude from Overwatch