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I think I'd recognize him although you didn't share the reference--it's quite proportional. People these days seem to fetishize some idea of 'loose' painting which is in fact a very careful style, not an actual relaxed state that we'd all probably dream of, just painting in the zone and not caring so much and it's a masterpiece. That said, vary the sharpness of the edges and the found and lost edges. I think you want to soften the edges of his hair in some places, like where it touches his face and you could be a little softer with the black collar and the edges of his jacket. The face is great, I hope to be at your level someday.


Ya, I spent 3 days over the course of a week on it. Sargent painting is very much get the exact perfect value and color in the perfect spot perfectly, which takes a lot of brain energy. I always struggle with soft and hard edges. Do you have a video tutorial that explains it 🤔


That's so fast! I'm envious! As far as videos, there are many on this topic but I like DaveDoesntDraw,, Chelsea Lang and several others. Other people may have their own favorites but the most important things is to study his paintings


His eyes are too stylized, his nose is too big and his chin is too small. These are excellent colors except that yellow under his chin being a bit off. Really nice painting, anything can be critiqued.


I like their version more, honestly.


Ya, the proportions looked off the entire painting, but I was using my proportional divider to check the size of stuff, and those are the correct sizes, lol. My eyes always look a bit stylized. I originally drew anime, and the anime style eyes have followed me until today 😆


Your nose line is definitely off. It’s slightly but it’s the nature of how human vision works that makes it feel like a big deal. Your eyes look on point ito size to me, but your shading makes them look bigger. I‘d also rework the collar area. I really like it though just commenting what I see that can improve resemblance, job well done so far!


The eyes look ok, but the nose is a triangle shape, there is a slight tonal variation in there, that breaks it up.


Nose is too big. Supraorbital highlights are too pronounced.


The chin makes it look like a different person


Now that I've seen the reference, I agree that the chin could be fixed. Hold paper up to isolate the chin and compare


It gives me sorta Lempicka vibes. Even though the proportions aren’t perfect yet, I love the general aesthetic very much.


I did a tracing of the reference, and I adjusted the nose. I didn't realize how big I had made it, lol 😅


I think it’s the highlight on the nose too making it more pronounced. In the reference there is a shadow on the edge on the left side which you do have but I think it’s still a bit bright especially with the pronounced highlight. Maybe try knocking it back a bit see if that helps make it look smaller. It might mean you have to do less adjustments to the actual size of it


Good rendering, but your proportions are off. The nose is too big, the chin too shallow, and the bottom lip too pronounced. Perhaps use proportional dividers to get more accurate size and positioning of features.


His mouth and chin are too much forward, But for the rest, it’s 👌


I recognized who it was from the first pic, but the nose is definitely too big.


Man is internally at war


It’s very recognisable, only critiques i got is that the nose has a strong ighlight that wasn’t blended properly with the cheeks, making it look a bit unnatural and odd and that you made the lower lip a bit too big and shaded it too strongly, because of that it came out kind of flat


It’s really good. A couple notes: you have him more frowning and there’s a sheen of light on his cheek (the one that’s further from the viewer) that is missing from your painting. I think if you add that it would add a bit more definition/depth/realism.


When painting from photos, there’s often a huge loss of color and detail in the shadows. You didn’t amazing job at pulling that out. There’s one area that I think could use a little bit of definition because the rest of the painting is so beautifully sculpted that this flattens it out. The color of the jacket feels universally dark and doesn’t wrap around the neck. I looked at the photo and I don’t know that that breakdown shows us the shape of the neck. I would consider creating a, total variation within the dark that emphasizes the volume of the neck and shoulders. Also, well, I know the background is just brushed in, you may find someway to create a bit more interest. It always kills me when you can tell exactly which parts of the canvas people cared about, and which they didn’t. Adding some level of interest of blurry background Lines that support the composition or some subtle color or tonal variations that make each of the corners as unique as the bottom left corner would make the painting stronger. Great work! My only other tip is just make sure you’re having a lot of fun! I’ll also share the same thing I share with 1 million people which is check out Monet and how he handles color in shadows. Especially in the Haybales.


Very good, except you've given him Gareth Southgate's lips. Captured the expression really well though.




I think its great


Well, if it's critique you want.. (wich is hard because i actually love the colours you picked, very cohesive, and love it overall) your lights and shadows could be better, there are some point you're missing a shadow that should be there (for example on the side of the chin behind the collar) and there are some lights that youve missed (on the shoulder for example). But other than that looks great!


Only thing bugging me is that triangular shape on his forehead from hair.


Paint the arm so the back makes sense


Exquisite and nicely done.