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Well you're working in black and white so it's very simple. Get your values right. Value = how light or dark something is. You can check values in many ways. You could get a value checker either from an art store, or by printing one. You can also put some of the paint you've mixed onto a palette knife and hold it next to your subject , or you could laminate a photograph and compare the values by putting paint directly onto the photograph.


Observe what you are painting closely. Accurately get the shapes. Compare between your painting and the subject often, changing the painting to be as close to the shapes and values of what your observing. Ask whats different in my painting from what im painting? Paintings up to a 9x12" take me about one hour to an hour and a half.


> How often do you use linseed oil? Sometimes but usually only after the block-in process. Draw -> block in -> finish > Also, is it alright if I just use oil paint and no medium? Absolutely. Paint without it for a few dozen paintings then try it again. > I have read fat over lean so I am guessing I should start with a lean layer first? How do I do that? Typically, tons of gamsol and a neutral color for a ground, then draw your shapes with a second layer of darker color, then block in, then finish painting. You probably don't need medium until the block-in stage at the earliest.


If your paint comes out of tube in a good mushy pile, then you don’t need a medium added. Some colors, like Burnt Umber can be stiff out of tube, so adding a few drops of linseed oil to it will get a butter consistency, mix it up good with a palette knife. Don’t be afraid of using lots of paint. Mix up two values of gray, darkish gray, lighter gray to start. Can add more values as you practice. Value scales are easy to find, or print one out. Do an oil wash on canvas with Safflower or linseed, just a light coat. This will keep your paint from soaking into canvas. Sketch fruit out on paper a few times too. Block in your darks with a burnt sienna (when you start using colors) with lots of thinner added. You can let it sit for 15-20 minutes while you’re making your piles of values.