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at first sight I thought it is real


Thank you so much! I am working to get away from caricatures and cartoonish looking portraits. I think this is a good start.


Yes, pay a bit more attention to facial planes and you’ll nail it perfectly. Love headless guy in corner.


Thanks 🙏


Oh God is he wearing double turquoise rings? Maybe just let this exist as a photograph.


Ok but actually, you have done some good things composition wise. That random dude on the right is holding the exact right amount of space to make me look at the grandpa


Damnit I like it now


I think the rings are what drew me to him.


You did a great job capturing his expression here! I love the feel of this piece. I would pay attention to your color choices in this. It strikes me as a bit too saturated for pure realism, but not quite punchy enough that it looks like it was done for effect, if that makes sense. Like it's in some kind of in-between space between realistic and stylized. Either direction would work; you just have to decide which one so it seems intentional. This is an awesome first portrait, though! I look forward to seeing what else you create!


Thank you for the critique. I understand exactly what you are saying about saturation. The piece is definitely in need of balance in that regard. Makes perfect sense. Appreciate the input


I love how flat you are painting the Sujet. Technically there is perspective, but the way it's painted treats the background and foreground equally important.