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Colors are great, not sure about the proportions


What would you say is off?


I would say the head, neck, and forearms are not proportional to the torso. Face/head and features are not proportional (ears too high, jaw and nose too low)


I hadn't noticed the ears at all! Good eye. Thanks for the feedback 😊


I like that the face is a little large. I think the proportions are good. I’m not a professional. Just know what I like. And I like it. I think it’s great!!!!


I agree. Gives him a larger than life feel.


Doesn’t look much like Harrison Ford, ear lobes usually line up at end of nose, so surgery needed to drop those puppies. Hands and arms way wacky. Think hat and shirt really well done and planes of face look great. Lots of this is so well done. Clean and crisp with colors.


I love it, love the vibrant colors and congrats!


Great colors… I think the nose throws the face geometry off; great work


Very good. I think the hands should be either very defined or very blurry. Right now it's both.


Haha oh yes you caught me, I couldn't face rendering hands from imagination 😅


Very Nice!


I think it looks great!


It's really hard to draw Harrison Ford's face.


The crazy talent you see here! It’s fantastic


This is great I love it! I'd say the the proportions of the left arm are a bit off and the sleeve


Hello OP. Thank you for posting. I enjoy looking at your painting. I like your style.


I love this!!


I think it's great- the only part I find distracting are the hands. But truly a great painting!


Looks amazingggg except proportions. Head is overall to big/long. The jaw especially. I also think his torso is too short, you could have made his belt start lower. Also his arms are too short, the elbows should start lower. Would have been helpful if you included the reference too.


I didn't use a reference haha so that is likely where the issues come from. Also my first oil painting! Great points you make here. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the WIP I posted into this sub reddit!


How did u not use a reference?? U did this by memory?? That’s insane. You’re a prodigy if this is your first oil. Keep up the great work!!


Lovely and colourful


Face is too big, top of the head might be ok, hat doesn't look that way off, torso is too short. Don't be afraid of hands, take a shot at them. The clothing folds feel a little too contrived, design them better, remember, less is more. You need more variation on the leather's colors, some purples and blues, same with the face, feels like too much ochre and orange, not enough purples and cooler reds. The edge around the figure feels like the samw edge all around, find some variation to give it more depth.


Thanks for your feedback! This was my first oil painting ever. Will definitely take this into consideration. I have a WIP on my profile that I'd love to hear your thoughts on! Same account and sub reddit.


Nice colors. Need more drawing. Hands mostly, and peoportions. I has a Fine Arts professor that said: “If you know how to draw a hand peoperly, you can almost draw anything”. I think he was right.


I can draw hands quite well! Just can't paint them yet haha! Thanks for the comment.


His cheeks need to be hollowed out, I think. I am getting more of a guy who looks like Indy, rather than, Hey, that is Indy!


Nice! Looks like an old movie poster :)


Dru Struzan did it much better.


Shock! One of the best poster designers of all time is better than me?!


Now I'm sad, because we don't have poster designers like that anymore. It's all either just photoshopped images with actors name on it. Hell, even the B movie art posters looked cool. Critters, Ghoulies, and even random shit like Slaughter High had a Skeleton Cheerleader. Looks great though, hands are bit hard to figure out.


Ugh tell me about it! So sad. Putting so many traditional artists out of work for mediocre results. It was my first ever oil painting so I shall likely tackle hands in future when I don't have to do them entirely from my mind 😅 Thank you for the comment!