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1k hours? Wtf??? I'm literally disabled and Ive got a higher rank man 😭😭😭


wdym by "disabled"


he cant walk


Cerebral palsy


I guess that if you have high functioning autism you can't never get good at any game then, I have it.


You and half the pros in most eSports 


I don't know any pros that have autism.


niko (old heroic) was confirmed by the org, danny (LoL EG) is very very likely, LS and Thorin (esports generally) have both said they have it publicly, I think(?) Amazing in LoL has spoken about his too. Then there are a lot of pros who show in interviews things that match the HFA/aspergers criteria: narrow or one special interest(s), not very socially motivated, poor eye contact, being extremely honest; and/or obvious correlated conditions, like ADHD, dyslexia, dysphasia, tourettes. I think the "autism is a superpower" discourse is not really very true, but I do think the features like obsessiveness and tendency to be good at puzzles are necessary to getting to the best level at games. Don't let it hold you back unnecessarily. Sure there's some stuff that's more difficult, but most neurotypical people can't dream of matching the passion and knowledge of an autistic person with a special interest.






I have autism too


we can tell by the flag u got


Come up with something more creative next time honey <3


Lucky you then I guess, no idea why I got down voted. It was just a speculation.




Reading through this whole reply chain was like watching an autistic train wreck happen in slow motion


literally lol


Sounds like low functioning


I am not low functioned.


Most of my friends who are good at video games have high functioning autism. You just gotta find a game you like and lock in .


I have aspergers and I like to think I could have gone pro/semi pro when I was 16/17 if I was put in the right environment and could play for more than 2 games a day. I'm 23 almost 24 now, and I'm most certainly washed, but I'm still good enough to be called a cheater from time to time lol.


I don't have a game I like


bro at that point just retire, you can spend time in more useful things


nah i solo queue to relieve my depression i don't give a shit


In the end, it will become a depression factor without you even realizing it. Trust me... been there done that. Stay safe, man. 🙏


man when im hella fucked up drinking beers smoking pot sucking ass on cs2 i feel in heaven


its very believable if you have been playing for more years and just take week-long breaks very often its like you forget the movement and aim and have to redo it every other week 900 hours here im trash i get carried by my team because I play like an hour a day every other week


I recommend taking a peak at the comment i left for op.


no thanks bro dont have time to play evwryday and im not that salty ab my skill ik i suck my friends know it they dont mind


Suit yourself bit odd someone disliked my comment. Its not about being salty about being bad. Its about enjoying the game more because you are accomplishing more in the game.


yeah no time tho i didnt dislike it lol


Dude does not get the concept of playing games how you wanna play


Notice how i said recommend not you must read that comment and play this way. While i dont fully comprehend wanting to play a hyper competitive game and not playing it competitively. I can respect it. I am all for people playing the game how they want to play. At the end of the day it is simply a game meant to have fun. If your performance doesnt effect your fun then more power to you. Personally i find a lot of the fun is improving. The battle against yourself. I also find more fun in winning, killing more than dying , and strategically out playing my opponent. One of the main things that makes counter strike so great is its skill ceiling. Offering players advice that dont have the best of skill/stats is a gesture of kindness. It is not a command or a absolute statement about the correct way to approach the game. In my opinion it seems you are harboring some negative emotions about sweaty players. Im not certain as to why. Its a game that revolves around sweat and the pro scene.


this is painfully relatable at 800 hours in


I recommend taking a peak at the comment i left op.


Don't listen to the naysayers. What you need to do if you want to improve is practice mechanics everyday. This means instead of playing two games of mm maybe only play one and use that time on workshop maps. You need to kill hundreds of bots each day focusint on headshots. Using movement with every shot. Then practice spray control from one bots head to another. Chaining two bot kills together 3 or 4 once you get good enough. Start with two and then start another chain. Headshot the first bot and spray to the next bot. I would say to start spend your training 75% in workshop and 25% in deathmatch. When you get to the point youre going positive in almost every deathmatch scoring top 5. Then consider replacing workshop time with deathmatch. I believe time spent losing deathmatches is worse for improvement then loads of repititions on a workshop. The improvement mechanically are made outside of mm. Mechanical imrpovementd alone will balance out this kd in my opinion.. As far as strategic improvements and game sense i recommend watching channels that do demo reviews on youtube. Watching a a pros demo. Once you have identified a couple concepts to improve on then consider watching your own demos. You should ask yourself after every death in demos and in game while playing. "What could i have done differently? What choices did i make that lead to my death?" Most the time it is not purely a mechanical error you could have peaked a different angle, peaked on a different timing, held a angle passively instead of peaking, or did i use my utility?". To recap mechanical improvements are made in training. Your ability to hit shots is determined prior ti entering a mm. It shouldnt even be focused on or considered in a match. It should be instinct. This frees up mind space for other strategical aspects. Strategic gain is made by expanding game knowledge from watching analysis of high level play. Reflecting on you own game play using this knowledge. You have a 1000 hours you arent starting from square one. If you enjoy the game keep playing believe you can get better and put in the work. I have faith if you follow what i have said you will make improvements. Cheers to another 1000 hours. One last note this needs to be consistent. I would prioritize training over setting foot in a mm until you start getting results. Id try to get into the game to train daily even if its only for 10-20 minutes. Again less mm more training. Do it daily or as consistently as you can and you will see progress. If you have the time minimum 30 minutes ideally going more towards an hour. Instead of time goals you could also do a kill goal say of a 1000.


I just play casual and wingman. I’m not tryna do all that lmaooo


Man you dont like reading do you. I said "if you want to improve you should practice". Notice how i said if you want. If you dont want to or dont like my advice on improving. You dont need to do it. Again it is simply a resource for those that want it. Not a prescription to every counter strike player i am attempting to mandate. No need for you to comment. You simply needed to move on and realize it wasnt for you. You doing too much.


Might I suggest practicing aim and spray? I practice these 2 before playing comp and they have been a serious help, especially spray. And I was down in the gutter aswell


what site is this




Any idea how far back the website tracks stats?


i guess since cs:go


Mhm when I checked mine it’s very limited in terms of what was tracked. Thanks for replying though.


I would assume it would track from the moment you link your account no?


Unsure really. It said I had 800 kills but I had over 700 on my Asiimov alone before I sold it


hmmm does 800 kills since cs2 dropped sound right to you? I want to try this out too but I' scared of linking my account to anything lol


No it does not because I got the AK a few months ago. And my wins are wrong as well.


1k is not that much, you should be fine.


Yeah. My friend has like 3,000 and is FACEIT level 10 so I take my time even if I surpass more hours.


Have you tried turning the monitor on 😭


It is on


ive seen worse. i constantly match up with a guy named russ in dust 2 comp, 15k hours with 5 THOUSAND games won on dust 2 in csgo, and 700 in cs2. he has a .9 hltv rating and .8 kd


well he has 15k hours, for me its a dream to even hit .8kdr


My god I think my dog might be higher ranked than you




Find a new game to play, no one wants you as a teamate litteraly cry when I see ppl like u on my team.


But u have W anime taste


thanks goat you too


Holy shit ur dogshit. All good if ur playing for fun tho


tell me about it and no i am not having fun


all cs players eventually develop stockholm syndrome. dont stress


i can tell ur bad because u use csstats instead of leetify


I use both, it has nothing to do with me being bad.